The right mix of a Pisces could mean god like powers?

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Thought Energy Device
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The right mix of a Pisces could mean god like powers?

Post by Thought Energy Device » Wed May 14, 2008 4:41 am


In my early twenties a psychic told me that I was very tuned into the ways of the world and that I knew more as a whole than the majority of people do.  About 10 yrs. later a numerologist did my chart.  He said that my numbers were off the charts, meaning that I not only have more higher numbers than the average person, but that my chart was rare because of this.  

Hearing those kind of things from these kinds of professionals only helped to confirm what I already knew.  It has also helped me to advance my skills even further.  So much so that I can not seem to find others whom have accomplished the same kind of experiences, but at least these few have had related experiences.  I only say this because I have been searching for those who are like me.

It's one thing to say that you understand something.  It's another when you say that something is like beyond knowing for you, which means that it is a lot more than just understanding it.  When ever I put my mind to something, like an event in any time I not only understand everyones involvement with that event, I understand the greater good and betterment for all involved.  

This is like calculating a vast amount of information and receiving it all as one or more pictures and feeling(s), which is also more information that any language could ever directly completely and immediately comprehend for anyone at one time.

Now... imagine being able to "consciously" do this all of the time.  Now imagine that it happens to you involuntarily, meaning that it's like an organ in your body that is designed to operate,  wether you like it or not.  

This kind of ability is like having the most complete and correct answers in the most complete way and it will do one or two things to you.  You either clam up with what ever information that comes to you or you will speak your mind.  If you clam up, meaning you don't inform anyone of the new information, you'll most likely hate yourself later on.

For example, "Would you like to know exactly when your going to die?"  Oh come on!  It's not that bad! (kidding)  I have already done this for many different people.  That's right, I know when certain folks are gonna croak.  There are some stipulations involved with this ability. I have to be connected to the walking dead (as I call them) in some kinda way, yet most of the time I consciously do not know what this connection is.  Well, at least I don't know until it is too late.  

So this "wonderful ability" (being sarcastic) happens when I least expect it.  BUT! If I had some people to practice on I bet I could make this ability an "at will" ability for me.  Would anyone care to help me do this? Kidding, please do not ask me to do such a thing.  For me humor and sarcasium is good though.  

I also get feelings/information concerning whole events and those who are involved in what ever ways.  I call this kind of information, "Know it all".  Now, if you speak your mind concerning any kind of "Know it all information" that you may have others will hate, fear (and so on) you as well.  Unless you present the information that are in with the ways of the mainstream society.  Mainstream meaning that ego, lust, greed, fear are more acceptable than love, peace, harmony and so on.

Having this ability I sometimes feel like this world is a complete sinking ship and the majority are all rats trying to get what they can before the ship sinks completely.  I don't mean to call everyone here "rats", just a term I use.  

Worse yet, I also sometimes feel that our world needs...  "deserves" to be cleansed, meaning that if we all don't change our ways now we all deserve what is now coming to us, myself included.  Mother earth is not here for us to  take and not give.

If we did not have man made time, less ego and fear so much of this world would be totally different in more positive ways.

The above concerned two different abilities that I have experienced.  If you feel that I am not an egotistical person, I'll keep posting my other skills and experiences, some of which maybe you could have and use to advance your own abilities, if you like.  All information is energy.  More on energy transfer and reformation later.    


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K-U got me out of my shell

Post by Crow » Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:03 am

What do you means by God like abilities?  Thought more of it as a curse, freak of nature thing.  I too was told some stuff about my mix when I was 16.  Prophetic dreams or dreams of the past looking through anothers eyes.  Touching things getting residue.  Being next to another powerhouse without touch feeling the burning white heat travel up the bones to all chakras sort of thing.  Dowsing with preasure points instead of a pentelum, having pictures shown to me.  Being somewhere seeing things of the past.  Scrying in mirrors, windows etc.  Getting shocked when I touch something containing electricity without any way for me to be shocked.  Once it was an aquarium glass.  When I get frustrated having the computers at work or cash registers freeze up when I touch them.  As to death of a person I don't want to know but I can smell it.  I know when there is death around.  Another thing I pick up on, the smells.  Hypersensitive medium with no clue to what I am doing. ;)

As to the dreams I do not feel the need to share.  There are some that I can, and with others I know that I am not suppose to at this time.  I likes to keep to myself in that matter.  

No doubt the world is heading for a cleansing.  I see it as a good thing.  Like the seeds needing fire to release them.  Maybe we will finally see more spirits awaken.

I am on the path of release.  So it matters not how or when I die.  When it is time it shall be my time to cross.  

Awhile back I came on the board looking for help with my gifts.  I needed to learn how to focus more.  Since I naturally draw and amplify energy.  I needed to learn to channel it.  I hope that you have better luck with assistance than I did.  Wish that I could help you in those areas you seek.  I myself have had to learn as I go without aid.  Just please no remote viewing, I do not feel up to entertaining tonight.  I am just too sleepy. ;)  safe journey

Thought Energy Device
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Post by Thought Energy Device » Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:48 pm

Hello Crow,

It seems to be more of an at will kinda deal, concerning unlimited abilities (psychic and such) for some or all people.  Everyone either has the choice of seeking almost any ability from within their being, or they don't.  Having a mix or variety of beings on this planet seems some what challenging.  For the ones who discard and shun unlimited abilities are the ones that can be most dangerous, or most harmless.  At least they don't burn people at the stake for claiming to be un-averaged skills (like psychics) from the majority.

To reach out and attempt to talk about your own natural abilities is always good to do and their are those that will then deduct their opinions on such.  So yes, it's all about learning and experiencing reality.  I hope that you will continue to advance your abilities as well.


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Post by louise24 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:02 pm

I have had similar experiances, however i hardly see them as god like abilitites. I think most pisces do have a little more psychic abilities naturally than other signs,  but i also believe that we all have the same level of psychic abilities its just that some are a little more advanced in discovering it than others. I also believe that when people tend to associate these abilities with one tye of person or group it can cause friction and bad feelings between others who arent perhaps as advanced in their ways of thinking or reasoning. Ie seeing the bigger picture.
Personally i think that most pisces are more spiritually aware than most of the other signs, unfortunately though, we have quite a few undersirable traits that come along with this for example.....trying to change peoples opinions or ideals through force or manipulation ( manipulation is one of the things that we pisces are very good at due to our great ability to relate to and read other people). Even if we really do believe its for the greater good. :)
I have found that the most successfull pisces in all areas of life are the HUMBLE ones. :)

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Post by 2hot4u2chicaqt » Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:21 pm

I know what you mean. I have all these strange dreams that some little part stands out in the dream, and then it happens through someone elses eyes. So many out of body experiences..... I can't really explain them right, but I believe in psychics, because no one can honest to God prove it's not right.

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