THE CHINESE METAPHYSICS-Every thing u need to know on chinese astrolgy!

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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:22 am

Thank you,  I am going to reread it several times to take it all in, still a little confusing, but am doing better :)  Thank you for the time you took to do all of this!!

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The 10 types of relationship for the 12 animals...

Post by KarenChantel » Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:16 am

Such relationships are usually with parents, siblings,relatives and spouses. They may or may not be voluntary since we cannot choose our family members, yet contacts are usually obligatory with, no doubt a certain amount of love and hate as we weight the many responsilities that come with each of them and the intensity we feel.

*A person belonging to the triangle of the THINKERS and CATALYSTS are usually less resistant to the permanent relationship and may even need long term associations to which they can anchor their emotion.

*A person identifed as Doers and Protectors do not take permanet relationship so seriously and may need to break away once in a while to enjoy their freedom.

These are mutual contacts that may work for a long time, or equally important but  short-term relationships of our choice, with whom we feel with have rapport and who are essential part of our life. When you telephone an essential relation, that person may not ask what you want or why you are calling, it is usually understood. These relationships are generally voluntary as you can cut the bonds if you no longer require them, but they may also be combined with some other types of relationship and are not so clearly defined.

*DOERS and PROTECTORS are quick and competent in this type of relationship and do not have any problems in using or terminating essential relationship.

* THINKERS and CATALYSTS tend to be slow in warming up to essential relationships and just as reluctant to terminate them as they do not like changes in life. At times, they may even becomes possessive and too demanding, which is detrimental to the effectiveness of this type of contact.

We need these to built up our confidence and encourage us to perform certain task or help us to achieve our goals. They are helpful relationships with teachers, pastors, advisers, mentors, sponsors and other superiors who may gain little from the association for themselves. These are helpful relationships which helps us grow and prosper.

*DOERS relish such conducive contacts and will usually quickly establish ellecent rapport.

*THINKERS tend to be more independent and strongh-willed and may not readily concede that they need conducvie relationnships. They could be inhibited or aloof in the begining but once their resistance evaporates will usually realise that they need help too.

*PROTECTORS not only work well in such relationships but are excellent when they are the mentors, advisers,teachers and sponsors. They will unselfishly give all in this relationships.

*CATALYSTS love being helped, advised and catered for. Since they excel in the art of communications, they have no problems in making their needs known to everyone who can help them achieve their goals.

These relationship are one we usually chooses to participate in, fully aware of we are vying for a prize or superiority, but some times may be force upon like business opportunites. We try to learn as much as possible aboutour rivals so we can win.

* DOERS and PROTECTORS usually ask no quarter and will give none in  return. Yet they maintain fair play and have a lively sense of humour that helps them keep their perspective.  

*THINKERS and CATALYSTS do not enjoys too much competition so they will do what they can to have the odds to their favour before joining in. THINKERS are analytical and will ask for guarantees where nune are possible. CATALYSTS would pray for a win-win situation instead of a ruthlessly pursuing the objective.

This type of relationship covers situations where you are the superior or in a supervisory position to direct others. Whether one is the controller or the controlled, the facts remains that the narrower the scope of this functional relationship, the more workable it would be.

*DOERS and PROTECTORS tends to approach such relationships with their eyes wide open and will not suffer abuse without quick retaliation or rebellion. They are difficult to handle and do not like to back down once they feel oppressed. If treat with respect, they will give full cooperation.

*THINKERS AND CATALYSTS are not as democratic as doers and protectors and tend to be less outspoken and more set in their ways. As controllers these 2 group may tend to oversteps the bounds and found guilty of the very faults of which accuse others. THINKERS are authoritarians and CATALTSTS are over possessive.

These associations result in antagonistic clashes that are negative from the onset. They are not the same as the copetitive relationships. When someone is out to destory you,you are usually the first to know because u can sense the feeling of hatred. this is the type of relationship, one will feeling of hate and anger.  THE CHINESE HORSCOPES COULD  PROVE HELPFUL TO FIND THE RIGHT PERSON TO ACT AS THE MEDIATORS.

*DOERS are not shy about what or whom they love or hate. You will know a doer is out to get you as he will not hide his feelings or intent.

*THINKERS are more sercertive and reflective. You may never know they dislike you or want to destory you. Thinkers will bide their time and could be subversive in their efforts to undermine their so-called enemies. They also find it hard to trust mediators so one has to find a way to crack their defence shields in order to get some kind of communications early.

*PROTECTORS, like doers are outspoken and bold. Unafraid to fololw their convictions or show feelings. Protectors makea a bad and visible opponents. They usually do not like to use underhand methods and may be persuaded to work things out with the help of medicators.

*CATALYSTS are unpredectable adersaries because they tend to be suspious by nature and do not like to show their feelings when they are angry or hurt. such feelings tend to build up inside and explode without signals. They also very welcome medicators with both arms.

to be contiued...


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The 10 types of relationship for the 12 animals... (part 2)

Post by KarenChantel » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:09 pm


These are relationship based on commitments which we feel we must honour due to some form of responsibility. Usually this type is involuntary and occurs out of sense of duty.

* DOERS and PROTECTORS perform such obligation cheerfully but may not always be depened upon to show upor to be on time.

* THINKERS and CATALYSTS will perform their obligations faithfully but will demand concessions and negotiate terms to the their satisfaction. They tend to trade favour for favour such as: if i come to your party, you must come to my fund-raising event, and so forth. However they are dependable and consistant.


Theseare types in which we make a conscious choice and may or not assign a time limit. When one is involved in a voluntary relationship, it is advisable to decide right fro the start how much involvements is needed and how far we should go.

*DOERS and PROTECTORS will usually call the shots in such arrangments and will be decisive and proactive in their approach. These personalities tend to volunteer they tine and energy readily and does not feel hemmed in by such relationship.

*THINKERS and CATALYSTS are more consious of their obligations and more reserved in speaking out, even when they should. Consequently, they usually feel taken advantage of and may harbour resentment and find it hard to terminate such relationship when they no longer works.


These are contacts we make as necessity of life. the postman, the sales assistant, the delivery man, air-con service man, receptionists and many other people who we come into contact with daily. All we need is we state what we need or want, then we get it and the relationship terminates.

*DOERS are outgoing and thrive on casual, short-term relationships. They have natural styles and make good impressions on people they come in contact with because they are open, easy to please and uncomplicated.

*THINKERS are perfectionists, hard to please, and find difficulty in dealing with strangers who do not know what they like or how to please them. However they can be polite yet distant. They will also be the one who insist on calling one's attention to mistakes they find and will not allow exceptions to the rules.

*PROTECTORS are generous and flexible. They tend not to be demanding but can be impatient and in too much of a hurry. Otherwise, they are affable and easy to work with. They know how to charm their way around and will make accommodations.

*CATALYSTS personalities are kind and sociable but they tend to be picky and may complain or sulk if things are not done to their satisfaction. They do not like being rushed or forced into making quick decisions and may procrastinate or change their minds several times before the final products are done. On the positive side, they can be understanding and patient in dealing with others, especially children and animals.


These are combinations of the other nine relationships as well as overlapping ones that have changed from one initial type into another as relation progress or deteriorated.

* sorry to say that for this type of relationship is very confuse and i relly don't know how to pen it down becase i am only know part and trying to learn more on it... mabe in future i will post on it... Bye!

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Post by KarenChantel » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:21 pm


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Post by KarenChantel » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:38 pm

I am the self-contained initiator.
I serve as a link yet i function as a complete unit.
I aim at encompassing heights,
and strike my target straight and ture.
Life is one joyous journey for me.
Each search must end with a new quest.
I am progess, exploration and insight.
I am the womb of activity-
The 'seed' from which life must spring.


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Post by KarenChantel » Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:08 am

the ascendants is the reason behind why some dragon/tiger/horse year born people who suppose to be brave, feiry, active, open ended up being passive, shy, gentle...

it is also the reason why some people people who appear to have split characters...

it is also the reason behind why those people who would do something willingly and later regretted it very muvh within a short period time frame...

to know more about the ascendants pls refer to my previos post at
chinese zodiac
topic: the meaning of ascendants.

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Post by xaxaa » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:33 pm

Hey Karen,
You've done lots of work here.... :)
Very interesting in fact...I tried to read the whole post but I must confess I got lost... I don't really understand much!
What is bazi actually? Is the analysis called bazi? (Sorry I need explanation for very simple things...just like you would explain to a little child
because I've got no idea at all about this subject :)   )

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what is bazi?

Post by KarenChantel » Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:15 am

Bazi or Phat Chee is the name of a method use to calculate a person destiny. It is sometimes call the 4 pillars...

It uses the date of birth snd time of birth to generate a chart of 4 pillars in the order of this (see below)

                              TIME     DAY     MONTH     YEAR
    HEAVEN STEM       X          X           X            X
    EARTH BRANCH     X         X            X            X

The heaven stem will appear in the forms of elements with yin(-) and
yang(+) properties added to it.

The earth branch will usually appears in the form of the animals, from the animals we can convert it into the element with yin or yang property attach to it.

Note, the yin and yang would be the same in both the heaven stem and earth branch under each pillar, so when the heaven stem of the time pillar is yin, the earth branch of the time pillar will also be yin. This way, even if we don't know the yin or yang property of the heaven stem, from the animal of the earth branch we can find of what is the property of the heaven. Because each animal is only attach to either yin or yang.

This can be easily find out from a thousand year calender. There are also a lot of bazi software in the market which makes converting the date/time of birth to the chart easiler and faster.


A complete chart looks something like this:

                     HOUR              DAY              MONTH              YEAR  

H.stem            Geng               Bing              Geng                   Ji
                   METAL(+)         FIRE(+)         METAL(+)           EARTH(-)  

E.branch           Yin                  Zi                  Wu                  Chou
                     Tiger               Rat                Horse                 Ox  
                  WOOD(+)        WATER(+)        FIRE(+)             EARTH(-)  

Hidden.S      wu/jia/bing          gui              ding/ji                 xin/ji/gui
               earth/wood/fire     water         fire/wood      metal/wood/water

From the above chart, a master can tells quite a lot of information about a person in terms of his wealth luck, relationships with others(family, children,spouse, boss, friends,foe,etc), his character , his career(which career line suits him, how his is his career luck), status of his health, which element he need to improve on) and etc...

NEXT, from his gender, we will generate his luck pillar to see what kind of luck is he going through from birth to death...


with the 4 pillar chart and luck pillar chart, in the hand of a good master, we can know about 50% of ur whole life... like what is expect to happen in which year and what are the things to beware for and when to grab the chances given in life...

NEXT, with the 10 gods and etc... (pls refer to my previous post)

a master can tell almost everything about a person fate...


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Any Questions?

Post by KarenChantel » Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:27 am

if any of u have any questions to ask, please feel free to post it up, i will be more than willing to explain it to you till you know how it works... i would also post new topics on chinese astrology regularly... there is really so many things so i can't finish it in a couple of days, but i will keep posting till every thing i know was inside this forum...


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The RAT Personality... (part 1)

Post by KarenChantel » Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:48 am


The Rat is call Zi in chinese and it symoblise a seed or a begining.

The rat personality veiws his environment as a domain to be investgated,mapped out and control. He is the leader, the invoator and the instigator, who pokes his nose everywhere – especially in places where it often does not belong. The more you seek to hide something from him, the more curious and suspious he will be. He will not rest until he solves the mystery or uncover the secret. The rats delight in solving riddles; they are irresistible challenges to nature. This type of person is a plotter, schemer, investor, speculator and movtivator. Being the first also makes him a pioneer who love to open new roads and discover new ways of doing things. The rats sees himself as a vital link and one can be sure he knows the value of networking and connecting all the links of a chain.

This personality type is extremly sociable and active. He loves to be in the thick of things; to be part of a vast and influential network. Able to understand at an early age how to compromise, negotiate and gerenally 'make a deal', the rat person is usually charming, articulate and able to express and put his ideas across expertly. Communication is his forte and he is always in touch with his environment. Information flows freely to and from the rat, and he is able to shift through all the bits and pieces and come up with a data he wants.

In relationship, the rat can be very giving and affectionate.He is gifted with a keen understanding of how to handles others and can be very intuitive. Consequently, the solicitous rat person can get himself into influential circles and positions of importance. He will know how to flatter the object of his admiration and cannot do enough for the person he loves or admires. No amount of adoration  is suffient to shower upon someone he likes when he is infatuted or in desperate need of something. He is easily enamoured and will like to make a strong impression on the object of his interest, publicly if possible to show his high esteem. The rat type reveres his parents, dotes his spouse, spoils his children and will make all kinds of excuses for his favourite relatives os friends when they do something wrong.

While he can be most destructive critic of his enemies, he will be fierecely protective of his own interests and loved ones. An industrious soul, this type of person has a huge capacity for work and involvement. A tireless, progress orientated innovator, he is busy with some projects. Easily agitated and given to voicing his displeasure, he is known for his impatience. He tends to nag or become petty and manipulative when not given his way or left out of something. He can become indiscreet when he is upset and will be spiteful and power hungry when he is negative.

to be contiue... :smt024

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The RAT Personality... (part 2)

Post by KarenChantel » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:27 am

Demonstrative, adrent and attentive, the efficent rat type may come on too strong for some people. He is usually not aware of his aggressive and controlling ways. His enemies may call it manipulation and even blackmail but he is just feels he need to take control of the situation before things get out of hand. It is not unwise to follow the rats lead as he is well informed and given to checking out his options before taking a stand.  Often his suspiousions are justified and worth taking a second look at. If one cannot stand too much togetherness, then it would not be a good idea to have the rat as a goodfriend. Being clannish and sentimental in his ability to establish close ties, this person over values relationship and has trouble letting go of friendship or affair.

He tends to relash and examine things under a microscope and needle others into exasperation. Perhaps this is an uncontrollable
reaction for him when he feels he is losing or has lost control.  
He can be quite a force to reckon with when he feels the reins of power slipping from his grasp, as he is a bad loser and relentless foe.  

This type of person likes to approach his problemsnby first knowing all about them. Details and the fine print intrigue him. A self-starter, he can be shrewd, calculating and greedy at times- it is the accumulative and hoarding instinct in his nature. At times he is self-centred like an only child but does not mean to offend or intentionally harm anyone. Naturally he will be looking out to be number 1 – he dosen't know how to otherwise. Constantly on the look out for new opportunities, ways to better himself and make more money, this person is gravitate towards success or people who have the same interests and goal as he does. He takes his time to nuture both long and short term relationships.  

He has a myopic perspective when it comes to his emotions or his finances. He would often throws his money away trying to save hopeless situation because he simply cannot accept defeat. However, onces he can bring himself to faces defeat or came to realise that something is definitely over, he is able to reconcile and recover quickily after he has vented his anger and frustration. Then he will be quickily moving on to be a better wiser person.

He sees the importance of joining the right clubs and organisations and affiliating himself with people who matter. No matter what he says, he is impressed by money, fame and power. By getting close to his source, he hopes to better is own situation, to acquire what he wants in life. He tends to select friends, associates or even spouse with the same criteria and often judge people and things by how he can use them. This does not mean that his personalitiy is an evil opportunist or sycophant, rather it shows his superior instincts for finding and identifying what he wants for success.  

The rat personality bases his worth on performances and progress. He rates himself as knowledgeable and reliable and is usually pleased when others come to him for help or advices. He pride himself as a storehouse of information and connections. He is always comparing and bargaining to get the best possible deals. Whenever he does some favours for others, he will want to be compensated – maybe not immediately, but consciously or unconsciously, he will keep tabs. This goes for both business or personal relationships, but more so in business transactions.

This type of person tends to carry his frugality to extremes and insists all the time on saving time, money, effort, manpower, material, etc...  

to be contiue... :smt043  :smt043  :smt043

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:00 am

I have edit the description line.

If subject line and description line together become wider then on page, then it widen the page. This will lead to "more scrolling" for each line you shall read.

This is said as a general info, and are no complains towards the Author :)

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to Rhutobello...

Post by KarenChantel » Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:15 am

i would like to know what front size should i use, so i would only put up the correct size in so i don't have to always trouble u to edit it for me... i apologise for that trouble and thanks for the help convert it...

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:23 am

It has nothing to do with font size, just try to make "Topic line and "description line" as compact as possible.
This will ensure that they together don't exceed 1 pages width :)
and as said...nothing to apologize for....just done for all to know...for future references.

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to Rhutobello...

Post by KarenChantel » Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:36 am

ok, will take note of it... hope u have a great day...


i was wondering any birthday presents for the member on their if they make the effort to post?


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