THE CHINESE METAPHYSICS-Every thing u need to know on chinese astrolgy!

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The RAT Personality... (part 3)

Post by KarenChantel » Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:41 am

He is likely to be highly strung and outspoken. When he is edgy or unhappy,it will be hard for him to hide his emotions.  He will wants those close to him to questions him about what is bothering him.
He just need a sounding board to work out his frusrations. This personality dose not belive in sulking. One can be sure that he will let you know if he is irritating or has offended him. Refusing to be coy about anything, he would rather make a long list of all your faults and shortcoming and discuss each of them with you to the last petty detail. But don't try this technique on him because it would not work out. Not that he would deny his faults, but he would take this opportunity to talk about himself that in the end you would regret bring up the subject.

An experienced negotiator, he can huggle and chisel the competition to the bone. Bargaining in the form of entertainment to him and he could get caught up in it. He may end up with trolley full of obsolete merchandise just because he finds it cheap (on sales).

His most important lessons in life is not knowing when to stop and in not underestimating others. Fortunately, he knows the value of compromise and working with others when he have no choice. He is also never too stubborn or inflexible to listen sensible advice, he can compete with the best minds in the world. And when the odds are stacked against him,  he will try to find an ingenious way out of his predicament. Gifted with a shrewd, razor-sharp mind, he never forgets what he is after and will know when to ask for the maximum that an opportunity can allow. He rarely takes NO for an answer and will try again and again from different angles until he succeeds. This type is a formidable business person and will make his presence felt in whatever field he is playing.

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Post by xaxaa » Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:13 pm

Hey Karen,
Thanks for your answer...Now I understand what a bazi is :)
And my comment on the rat profile is: Have you been watching me???  LOL
Just joking...well...I'm pretty much as you described... I agree with almost 99% of it...
(I'm still a good person though :)   )
Thanks for making such an effort to share with us so many things...
Keep on with your report and I'll get back to read the rest of it!
Thanks again!

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to xaxaa

Post by KarenChantel » Fri May 02, 2008 9:21 am

i decide to put the rat personility first because i was chatting with u this period and i know u r a rat, so i began with it first... now i am going into the monkey... this is also your triangle of affinity...
being a rat, u r very intelligent!
feel free to let me know if u have any questions....  :smt002

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The Monkey Personality (part 1)

Post by KarenChantel » Fri May 02, 2008 11:15 am

The monkey is called SHEN in chinese and symbolise irrepressible curiosity and creative energy. This is the sign of the innovator as the monkey is extremely progress-minded and his powers is often displayed by his ingenuity and wit. Viewing himself at the centre of his universe, which is his playground. This person puts himself where he is able to make all the rules. Occasionally, he escapes into a ladyrinth which could be a most intriguing and exciting place inside his intricate mind. Like a computer genius,he knows all the right commands and he can push all the right keys to open new world or create new options. He is never satisfied and he would probably devise harder games to play and invent new and previously inconceivable options to challenge himself. Scoffing at the faint-hearted and slow-witted, the shrewd and optimistic monkey type tries his hand at anything and will never abandon his efforts to outsmart the competition.

This personalitiy is very intelligent, hyperactive and strong-minded. He repersents the unfrettered mind freed from inhibitions and guilt. Relieving himself from heavy burdens of a touchy conscience, the monkey type will not hesitate to test his theories, experiment and think the unthinkable. In his domain, everything is possible.

What is diffiicult, he would do right away; what is impossible he do not believe. Inquisitive and at times irritatingly smug, he will have his nose and fingers stuck into everything. Like the rats and dragons, who are his co member in the DOERS triangle, the confident monkey likes to call the shots and oversee the entire game plan which, by the way he designed. Carefully prodding, redesigining and fine-tuning situations into his satifaction, he is not beyond scrapping the entire project and starting from scratch if he suddenly has a better idea. He will amaze and confound people with his agile mind and infinite resourcefulness.

Inventive and versatile, he has a phenomenal memory and is a master of improvisation. Striving constantly to improve himself, he is not discouraged by his own failures as he knows setback are only temporary and serve to propel him forward. Objective, factual and ruthlessly logical, he needs but a single approval – his own. He learns quickly and his proficiency increases by leaps and bonds once he master a task. He is also the only person who will intetentionally renders his own inventions obsolete by coming with something even more imaginative and useful. His capacity to solve problems and wriggle out of dilemmas is legendary and he tends to have many rational explanations to justify his actions. He would much rather rely on his own intelligent and swiftness to get out of tricky situations, and of cos pay for his own mistake.  

Spontaneous and unconventional, he is always alert for opportunities to get ahead in life. He sees no problem in comouflaging his intention until the last minute because there is no need to warn the opportunist of his strategy. He can behaves like an instigator and convicer when he feels something he wants is deliberately will-held or hidden with him.

Always open to ideas, no matter how far-fetched an invention is he will find some useful application for it  - the unsinkables person of the monkey branch is constantly tinkering with devices for better, more efficient mousetrap. But he does not work for free –  denitely not for loving or compliments. He wants to be recognised for his contributions and the best way to acheieve that is to put monetary value on his talents. He is quick to calculating his gains and equally pratical in cutting his losses. A realist, he is not going to extend credit or waste time on unfesiable ventures or futile causes. Lovr, friendship and  even family relationship do not have a large influence on him if the person lacks merit to begin with. You must fully convinces him of your ability to handle a job before he will grant you the opportunity to work for him or with him.

to be contiued... :smt024

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The Monkey Personality (part 2)

Post by KarenChantel » Fri May 02, 2008 1:48 pm

Resolute, bright and crafty, he tends to be self-assured and independent. He delights in checking out facts and sources just to satisfy his own curiousity and spends endless hour contrasting and comparing statistics and details that he collects. Smart and well-informed, he does his homework before making major purchases and will insist upon getting the best deal in town.

He is a veritable storehouse for knowledgeable and triva and his appealing sense of humour and quick wit are indispensable to anyone. On the negative side, he cannot resist the urge to tip the scales in his own favour now and then. He may also be quick to snap up a good offer or take advantage of any brief moment of weakness that he notices in others. Don't expect him to feel remorse for his actions. It is his nature.

When this person is thwarted or restricted, he can be rebellious and opinionated. When he is out to prove that he is right about something, he will leave no stone unturned, and he does not care how long it takes to make his opponent eat his words. Clever and brimming over with nervous and excitable energy, he likes to grab holds of things and will not let go until he is satisfied. This person is most likely to patent his inventions and copyright his work before exhibiting it to the public. He has got good foresight and can view the whole picture with its long-term overall impact.

Instead of following consensus and doing things traditionally, he tends to question and debate, He likes to experiment and test things from all angles. Never want to accept things at face value, this would be his greatest defeat. Often, he is over anxious, suspicious and may jump the gun when he is impatient. Thereby making imprudent choices. Complicated and mischievous, he could be spiteful and destructive when his ego is hurt.

The monkey personalitiy is gifted with good, clear judgement and a charming disposition,especially when he is after somrthing. He instinctively knows the value developing good relationships and will try to get on the good side of people who can help him. Using honey istead of vinegar, he will smile sweetly and be most amicable when he wants to sell his ideas and pet projects.

There is also that streak of vengefulness in the nature that gives him sadistic glee in turning the tables on his enemies. He is not likely to let a big injury go without putting up a good fight, and if he loses, one can be sure he will have the audacity to demand a rematch at his own convenience. Concede Defeat? “UNTHINKABLE” says the monkey.  

In spite of his outgoing, fascinating and sophisticated personalitiy, he is secretive and keeps his own motives to himself. His suspiousions usually hold water, but he will always be careful not to accuse anyone openly until he has the whole proof. He will only let his guard down and relax with people he can trust implicitly. His best partners are the rat and the dragon. He will see the rat as the initiator and competent performer that he is and and these two can become an unbeatable team. The rat will gravitate towards the intelligent and success-orientated  monkey person. The monkey would also be very happy with the exciting and daring dragon people.

The ox, snake and rooster are able to work well with the monkey to a fair degree, provided they are not turned off by his occsional high-handedness and argumentative ways.

The rabbit, sheep and the boar may often need the superior wits of the monkey, but these peaceful and sensitive types may not welcome his controversial ideas and unconventional solutions.

The tiger, horse and the dog may be where the monkey will encounter considerable resistance. These outspoken protector will not be intimidated easily and will openly question the monkey motives and intentions or check his credit rating. Naturely the monkey will be outraged and offended that they do not appreciate his wonderful and helpful suggestions.

to be contiued...  :smt024

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Post by xaxaa » Fri May 02, 2008 7:54 pm

Thank you Karen,
that's very kind of you!!! :)   I just discovered that I'm a wood rat actually...what's the difference between
being a wood rat or a metal,water etc? Just wondering...

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The RAT Personality... (part 3)

Post by KarenChantel » Sat May 03, 2008 1:47 am

This type of person tends to carry his frugality to extremes and insists all the time on saving time, money, effort, manpower, material, etc...  

He is likely to be highly strung and outspoken. When he is edgy or unhappy,it will be hard for him to hide his emotions.  He will wants those close to him to questions him about what is bothering him.
He just need a sounding board to work out his frusrations. This personality dose not belive in sulking. One can be sure that he will let you know if he is irritating or has offended him. Refusing to be coy about anything, he would rather make a long list of all your faults and shortcoming and discuss each of them with you to the last petty detail. But don't try this technique on him because it would not work out. Not that he would deny his faults, but he would take this opportunity to talk about himself that in the end you would regret bring up the subject.

An experienced negotiator, he can huggle and chisel the competition to the bone. Bargaining in the form of entertainment to him and he could get caught up in it. He may end up with trolley full of obsolete merchandise just because he finds it cheap (on sales).

His most important lessons in life is not knowing when to stop and in not underestimating others. Fortunately, he knows the value of compromise and working with others when he have no choice. He is also never too stubborn or inflexible to listen sensible advice, he can compete with the best minds in the world. And when the odds are stacked against him,  he will try to find an ingenious way out of his predicament. Gifted with a shrewd, razor-sharp mind, he never forgets what he is after and will know when to ask for the maximum that an opportunity can allow. He rarely takes NO for an answer and will try again and again from different angles until he succeeds. This type is a formidable business person and will make his presence felt in whatever field he is playing.

The rat will encounter the strongest opposition and personality clashes from people born in the year of the horse.  Anyone with his ascendant in the hours of the horse will also come into conflicts with the rat. They tend to have opposing points of view. The flamboyant horse type can be mercurial and inconsistent. He tend to lost interest quickily and can be immensely irresponsible and stubborn to boot. The rat type is not able to work well with someone who will change or abandon him if find things not to his liking. The horse type is too independent and hot-tempered to please the security-conscious personality of the rat type.

Within the Family
The rat type as a child or parent is affectionate, thoughtful and very family orientated. This personality thrives in the nucleus of the family and will care greatly for his parents and forgive them all their shortcoming. He is most likely to have his parents, siblings and even grandparents living with him in their age and will not willingly turn anyone from his family away. In spite of grumbling and petty arguments regarding expenses and inconveniences, the rat personality clings to the warmth of his family ties. Some may pick up nursing skills just to provide the best care to the old, sick parents or convert their house into a mini hospital to provide the best care for their parents.
Involved in and concerned about the welfare of his family memebers he can also be found doing things for his loved ones such as organising reunions, birthday parties, anniversaries and all sorts of festivals. The sentimental and sociable rat person enjoys human contact, remembers all special events and is usually pround of his family.
As a parent, this person will dote on his children and be protective and manipulative at the same time. He willl bond early with his children and plan all details for their progress and success in life. A rat mother will also remember everyone favourite dish and use food as a bribe or reward for good behaviour and as her expression of love. A rat parent places great emphasis on good education and will advise offsprings on the importance of meeting the right people, having influential contacts and even marrying well. You can be sure this type will check the credentials of all his children's friends. They are always ready to make great sacrifices for his children be is equally demanding in expecting children to spend time with him and give him respect, or care for him when old. He can be mean and critical when he feels neglected or unappreciated, but within his own family, he does not keep tabs and on the whole will be generous and forgiving. Often blinded by his unconditional love for his family, he does not want to see or hear about their faults.  

As a Teacher
They enjoys teaching and helping others. This gives him a chance to show how very clever and well informed he is. Inquisitive students are never rebuked by the talkative rat who likes to debate, discuss or disgress on different subjects. But the rat will demand complete attention and initiative. Not only will he encourage his favourite students but he will alsoknow how to motivate all his students in innovative and challenging ways. If someone does not apply himself after all the rat teacher's effort, he can and will be mercilessly dropped, but not before a severe scolding from the rat about his lazy and ungrateful ways. The rat teacher will also skillfully use peers to embarass other students into working harder. With his innate sarcasm and sharp tongue, an angry rat teacher can be harsh and salty. There is also a possibility that he maybe sparing in giving high grades or prasie and will never be qauite satisfied with the progress or performance of the class. He sets very high standards and expects alot from his students. His favoured ones will usually get him to believe that he, as a teacher, is wise and in control. They will negotiate by asking more than they want and then surrendering ground to show that their teacher is winning. The rat teacher just need to know that he has the upper hand, once he is assured he is in control, he will be relax and more amicable.

to be contiued...  :smt002

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to xaxaa

Post by KarenChantel » Sat May 03, 2008 2:01 am

sorry, i just notice that i have not complete the analysis of the rat so i am finshing it now...
as for your question, pls read on cos i would explain in detail of all that i konw....
so sorry cos i did not read the last msg i post the day before and would start posting new messeng every time i enter here... i will make a point to correct this mistake...
i will discuss how the rat relate to others in terms of relationship like friends, boss and etc then go into how the different elements afffects with them followed by how the rat get along with the different zodical signs then into the rat with different ascendants followed by combining the horoscope (months of birth) and finally ending with the rats of different seasons.
Pls a alittle patience...  :smt015

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The RAT Personality... (part 4)

Post by KarenChantel » Sat May 03, 2008 3:41 am

As a Lover or Spouse
He is affectionate, considerate and sentimental in love, however he expects the feelings to be mutual and reciprocated – no lukewarm relationship for him. At times he is like a self-centred child who needs constant feedback about his worth. Never able to get enough confirmation, this type must be reassured by hundred little gestures that he is loved and respected. On his part, he is never grudging to people he holds in high regard and will be the most thoughtful and loving partner one can find. Birthdays, anniversaries and all memorable events will be carefully observed. He collect souvenirs of the heart as well as memorabilia that mark all special events in life. With his excellent memory, he will remeber your favourite ice-cream, flower, colour, film, song and have reservations at your favourite restaurant ready for your surprise party. He will go all out to show you how much he cares for you in his original ways.
Thisperson will love to share his secrets in his life with his loved ones. This way you could both put your heads together and united against the opposition, a sort of 'you and me against the world' theme. Talkative and outgoing, he will love to share all his ideas and dreams with the objects of his devotion. He simply love togetherness.
You are turely loved if this type brings you home to meet his parents or his family garthering. He will require his family's stamp of approval before he makes lasting commitments. Romantic and sociable by nature, he can have a deep and intense emotions and makes an excellent lover or spouse for the dragon and monkey sign. Together they will pursue the pleasures of lfe passionately and wholeheartedly. This personality is uninhibited and demonstrative lover or spouse. Not likely to be shy or reserved, he will always make the effort to keep the love fire burning and can relied upon to take the initiative in tender affairs of the heart.

As a Business Partner
He is alert for opportunites, hardworking and frugal. Although calculating and conniving at times, he will work diligently to promote or increase business. He is a go-getter so will not need to be pushed to do his part. When it coes to sharing the pie, he may be selfish and demand a larger share. So this should be addressed before venturing into business with the rat so he would know his limit and not seek to take advantage of the other partner when time for dividends. This personality can be possessive of his authority and will tend to interfere (with good intentios of course) in the affairs of other departments.  Often he feel he can improve efficiency or production with his suggestions or recommendations. His good will and natural entrepreneuerial abilities must be given a lot of consideration when weighed against his negative traits. When he is compatible with his partners, the company will prosper under his guidance, but when he is not, there will be alot of petty bickering and criticism that is counterproductive to the interest of all.

As a Boss
'Keep busy, look busy' may be the best advice to give someone who works for a boss of this earth branch. The rat boss will care alot for his employees welfare and be solictous of their health and working conditions, but he does tend to meddle in personal affairs and can be indiscreet at times. He also plays favourites and may unconsciously be more helpful to those who flatter him. Inquisitive and at times controlling, he does not like anyone to usurp his powers and wants to be involved in all decision-making. If you consult him and ask him for advice, he will be very attentive and sympathetic to your ideas, but if you assume you have his approval because you are doing something positive for the company as a whole, he could feel you are trying to undermine his authority. He may also have trouble delegating tasks and tends to have things piled up because, due to his insecurities, he does not assign works to others. Often he complains he has to do everything himself. If you can understands his fears and his way of handling problems, you will be able to work well with him instead of against him.

As a Friend or Colleague
He makes a warm and caring friend as he genuinely wants to know people well. He has no trouble communicating and may be too talkative as a result, but he does try to please and he will remember all the little things that you like and celebrate special events in a meaningful way. Charming with a lively sense of humour, he is popular, captivating and sociable. On the negative side, he may also be clannish and tend to discriminate against others who may not have the same views as he does. He expect you to band together with him in criticisng or ostracising dissenters. When he does not get his way, he can also be manipulative and scheming. However if you know how to appeal to the soft side of his nature and help him to be rational and fair in his dealings, he will be able to overcome his negative instincts and value the relationship even more.
Don't worry about his argumentive nature, he just loves controversy now and then and thinks it add spice to the relationship. He also won't mind you nag him as much as he nags you. The one thing he cannot tolerate is apathy and indifference.

As an Opponent
This type can be a formidable opponent. He is shrewd, devious and unrelenting in his criticism of his foes. Spreading rumours, bits of gossipp and other disquieting news may be his speciality. Skillful at arguing and nit-picking, he could exasperate even the most seasoned fighters. Armed with cartloads of information to back up his case, he  can be persistent and vindictive when he goes into battle. He will also make affiliations to further his cause – some big names or heavyweight supporters to tip the balance in his favour. The best way to deal with the rat opponent is to play your card close to your chest and not give him more ammunition than he already has. Never cut off communications as he will always have an ear open for possible settlement or way out. The native of this branch is too clever to close alll his routes go into self-destruct mode. Let him think he is winning before you show you aces because there would be a high chances that he may relax alittle onces he feel the battles is about to end with him being the winner. Remeber to offer him a way out and allow him to save some face when the odds are in your favour cos, trust me you would not want to have another face-off with him after he pick himself up.

As the Mediator
The rat is an excellent mediator who will work untiringly with both sides until he gets some resolution. He is progress-orientated and performance-minded and will do a good job in arbitrator if he does not let the details get his way. His biggest difficulty may be remaining completely impartial and not letting his feeling or personal opinions cloud his judgement.
He can be very convincing emissary and wil be more than able to go back and forth, bringing messages, offers and counteroffers until he finds a mutually acceptable solution. Note here, never send a rat as mediator for people of the horse, tiger or dog type as the message may not be presented or received in the proper spirit.

to be contiued... :smt006

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Post by xaxaa » Sat May 03, 2008 9:51 am

Thanks Karen...
Don't worry!!! I've got lots of patience :)
Take your time... :)

(My first boyfriend was an earth was the worst relationship
I've ever had....)

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the wood rat

Post by KarenChantel » Sun May 04, 2008 12:38 am

WOOD RAT  (1924, 1984)
Progressive, success-orientated and amicable, this rat will try to explore everything and find good use for almost anything he come across. Expansive and very comprehensive in outlook, the wood rat is a corporate soul who knows how to make the system works for him. He is far-sighted and always concerned in finding the whys and therefores. Although he is egotistic, he makes himself agreeable and is quite thoughtful of others because he seeks universal admiration and approval.
Yet he has his principles and knows what he wants. He has strict priorities, but can be flexible in order to achieve his aims. One reason the wood rat work so hard is he loves security and worries about his future.
Outwardly, this person exudes confident and know-how and is probably professional in manner. He is a good talker and can promote ideas objectively and manage projects capably. Here is someone who have little difficulty in drumming up suppport for his ventures.

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Post by KarenChantel » Sun May 04, 2008 8:11 am

FIRE RAT  (1936, 1996)
This chivalrous and dynamic rat loves getting involved in all sorts of activities and never tires of embarking on new campaigns. He loves travel and fashionable clothes and is open and agressive by nature. He can also be the most generous of all rats.
Although he is energetic and idealistic, he tends to not to be very diplomatic, and sometimes may be too blunt to win the support he requires. Because he is not very disciplined, he will follow the dictates of his heart more often than those of his head. As much as he is devoted to his home and family, he may still take off whenever he feels needs to. He needs lots of room and attentions to soothe his over sized ego. An independent and very, very competitive rat, he will not be content to maintain an average position. If he is too impatient for success, his fortunes may change often quite drastically.

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Post by LYK » Tue May 06, 2008 3:48 pm

Got some questions here for the experts...

I'm reading some books about how the different matching of ba zi combinations bring about different stars (good & bad).

Like for example, born in "zi" month matches with "si" (di zhi) brings about "Tian De" with is a lucky star that can counteract various unwholesome stars provided the used "si" Di Zhi is not being chong ke xing chuan by other tian gan or Di zhi.

Si is fire, water ke fire, so the month di zhi "zi" counteract with the "si" di zhi that brings about the "tian de", if there is one more in the bazi, "zi", and there is "chou" that can form Metal element with "si" at the right month, does it mean that the extra "zi" di zhi will not be in conflict with "si" since "si" has already merge with "chou" to form metal?

Or if there are 2 "Ji" (-earth tian gan) and 1 "Wu" (+earth tian gan) would the extra "zi" (water di zhi) be countered and not disturb the tian de star's effect?

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Post by KarenChantel » Wed May 07, 2008 5:04 am

LYK wrote:Got some questions here for the experts...

I'm reading some books about how the different matching of ba zi combinations bring about different stars (good & bad).

Like for example, born in "zi" month matches with "si" (di zhi) brings about "Tian De" with is a lucky star that can counteract various unwholesome stars provided the used "si" Di Zhi is not being chong ke xing chuan by other tian gan or Di zhi.

Si is fire, water ke fire, so the month di zhi "zi" counteract with the "si" di zhi that brings about the "tian de", if there is one more in the bazi, "zi", and there is "chou" that can form Metal element with "si" at the right month, does it mean that the extra "zi" di zhi will not be in conflict with "si" since "si" has already merge with "chou" to form metal?

Or if there are 2 "Ji" (-earth tian gan) and 1 "Wu" (+earth tian gan) would the extra "zi" (water di zhi) be countered and not disturb the tian de star's effect?
what you have saw in the book is the more advance method in bazi which is call 10 gods (shi shen), na yin , month gods and killing (yue shen) etc...

Like for example, born in "zi" month matches with "si" (di zhi) brings about "Tian De" with is a lucky star that can counteract various unwholesome stars provided the used "si" Di Zhi is not being chong ke xing chuan by other tian gan or Di zhi.

this is falls under the months gods and killing... but it is not tian de (heavenly virtue) but long de (dragon virtue)... besides zi (rat) and si (snake), zi (rat) and wei (sheep); si (snake) and xu (dog), also forms long de (dragon virtue)... under this method, not only the gods like long de (dragon virtue), the killings like xue dao (blood knife) also can counteract with other stars in the chart to bring out good or bad results...

Si is fire, water ke fire, so the month di zhi "zi" counteract with the "si" di zhi that brings about the "tian de", if there is one more in the bazi, "zi", and there is "chou" that can form Metal element with "si" at the right month, does it mean that the extra "zi" di zhi will not be in conflict with "si" since "si" has already merge with "chou" to form metal?

this is the di zhi san he (earth branch 3 combination)

si (snake) + chou (ox) + you (rooster) = metal struture

so having only si (snake) and chou (ox) only gives a half metal structure, to me it is not consider as a metal structure (but certain master would say so, it is better to ask him under which classical text did he get the info from).

pls also note that the zi (rat) and the chou (ox can also combines because it falls under the liu he (6 harmony) and this is a sure combining situation...
(which all master will agree upon) so we use a little common sense here, what will the result occured?

there is this master by the name of joey yap, he always mention that in chinese metaphysics we must always use common sense which i totally agree...

i would like to know the name of the book and the auther of the book... can you pls post it up here, pls?

p/s: my spelling not good, hope you understand what i mean...

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