Advice on moving forward please - Rare markings in abundance, apparently.

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Advice on moving forward please - Rare markings in abundance, apparently.

Post by Notgeoffrey » Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:42 pm

Hi everyone, this is my first post on this site, so if this is in the wrong place or context please let me know.  I will also see if there is a healing forum to pop it onto.

I have been doing a little (extremely basic) research on palmistry lately.  I can't offer any particular reason why, but something has been drawing me towards finding out about myself.  I have never had a full reading but my curiosity is such that I will almost certainly have one done soon.
I remember a time when I went to a fair and a guy in a stall proclaiming he was a healer called me over and told me 'you have it'.  I asked what, and he told me that I had the power to heal, and he said it was so strong that people could be healed simply by sitting down and having a cup of tea with me.  He took a look at my palm, raised his eyebrows and that was that.
All my life I have desperately craved the power to heal people.  Whenever people play the game where they ask what superpower you would have if you could choose, healing is always my instant answer.  I have dreams about healing.  I have healed before, consciously.  I once caused someone pain by trying too hard, and that scared the hell out of me.  I am a teacher, and have the reputation around school of being able to calm even the most recalcitrant children.

As far as the palm reading goes, I have the croix mystique on both palms, between the heart and head lines.  I also have the 'gifted healer' lines below my little finger on both hands.  10 on the left, and 8 on the right as near as I can tell.  

My question is this, are there any other signs or indicators that I could look for?  Would you recommend a full reading to determine if I have further potential?

Thanks in advance for your input.


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Post by Aegeus » Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:50 am

I have all those markings you mentioned. Astrology can give insight too. Like I have more planets in the 8th house then any other house, and I was reading that can give sensitivity and in other ways translate into healing abilities.

The girdle of venus can denote sensitivity which can translate into either healing powers or picking up on other negativity if one is not grounded enough. Palm readers used to think it was a bad sign as everyone they saw with it was depressed, but I reckon the ones seen with it and depressed weren't grounded enough, so they could sense lots of bad energy but weren't properly cleansing them selves of it after it subsequently brought down their mood.

In general lines going straight across the palm and up the fingers indicate good flow of energy which is part of healing. Sounds like you already know you have healing potential, just need to develop this and remain grounded so as not to pick up on the negative thought patterns of others.

If you post pictures of your palms then they could be interpreted, there's a forum for palm reading and posting requests. Or you could research markings that indicate healing abilities. Another thing to note is the more you channel the energy the more it will show up on the palm. Like if your not channeling the energy it could be faint or not show up at all, and the more you channel th energy the more it will show up, and the clearer and stronger the energy, the clearer and stronger will be the marking.

Obsidian can help for getting to know ones self.

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Post by mayarose » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:23 pm

Dear friends,

I deleted the original post, because I no longer support my insight and advise that I have given you earlier.

With all humbleness I declare it was irresponsible, proud and foolish of me to speak about your future. I prayed to God that He will break the bonds of the words that I have spoken to you. I though I was helping, but now I see that my information was given by false spirits. I realized that revealing someone's future is wrong if you are not talking from the Holy Spirit and cannot be sure it is from the ONE true and absolute God.

Why seeking confirmation in the lines of our palms if you can lay your burdens and questions by God? We do not need to know our future. We do not need to heal ourselves. We can trust in the love and care that God has for us.

My brothers and sisters, I found such profound and deep love, mercy, strength and healing in Jesus, I cannot help but share it here with you.
All of my days I want to praise the wonders of His mighty love. Jesus is Savior. He's my comfort, my shelter, my rock of refuge and strength. I sing at the work of His hands.

No palmistry, zen, astrology numerology, colour-healing, medium-ship, tarot cards, I tjing, visualisation techniques sound-healing, hypnosis or any other paranormal gift (I did it all and even more!) can top the peace, understanding and promise that Jesus has given me.

The minute I found home in God and I got filled with His breath my life changed for the better. The old me died, I am born again in spirit. I live in His freedom and care. And by embracing His word, I received beautiful gifts to bring more light into the world. Don't we all want that?

Please FORGET the advise I have given you before.
I rather like you to take the advise, to invite Jesus into your life:-D. All you have to do ask. He always answers.

If you have any questions or comments, feel absolutely free to ask. I will surely find time to answer you.

All blessing and love,

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