A Star at the beginning of life line

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:49 am

Aegeus wrote: It just means we lack the clarity and understanding to interpret them.
Yes...I have got the same message in Vedic too....

It is a statement that is very easy to hide behind, in order to keep ones faith.

But it raise a important question
If we lack the clarity, why do we then interpret it?

Why don't we investigate, study, makes try and fail, until we get it right?

In the end......maybe the most important answer to my own question is;


As readers we makes seeds.....we gives hopes....we show paths....but it will ALWAYS be the NATIVES task to fulfill any Reading....and if this sound LOGICAL, then our Readings have to be of such an art, that it can have a positive outcome for the seeker.

If the Seeker have no say in our Readings......then we are God....or we are all just some Robots with predetermined paths :)

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Post by spectator » Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:04 pm

actually ı didnt meant  the logic in palmistry......ı meant ı want to have it in my own life....for a stable life...

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:17 pm

Hehehe...yes...I understood that....that was why I said you should look elsewhere....not that I deny that Readings can have value....but its important to have an open mind...and then logic is a good thing to bring along :)

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Post by spectator » Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:55 pm

yes........to have an open mind......important......

but exactly what does mean a star at the beginning of the life?

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:07 pm

I have searched the net without any hit on your question
I have no education in Palmistry.
We have in this thread discussed that we can never be sure to hit the right meaning.
We have seen you mostly want to be logical.

My advice is;

A star on the beginning of my line show that I can achieve a lot here in life, IF I only put my mind to it, and don't give up, which is denoted by the star! :)

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Post by spectator » Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:29 pm

ı searched too but nothing exist about this ı suppose........and thank you, sir, ı am trying to do your advice....

logic, common-sense, peace,harmony,wisdom,intelligence,understanding,mentality........what else?........ı dont know.....


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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:54 am

Of course responsibility should be given to the querrant at every turn so they do not settle into a deterministic mind frame resulting from complacency or dread about some marking or meaning, but understand life as interactive and that we our selves have the greatest impact on our experience of reality. And also giving them responsibility for their choices and approach, so they can not avoid taking this responsibility by giving it to the ones giving them advice.

If we can't read perfectly and if we have any interest in ever reaching such a level then the only way is to practice and immerse ones self in the language. Ie. the best way to learn palm reading is to look at as many palms as possible.

If you never did anything simply because you could not do it perfectly, then you would accomplish nothing. What is important is to know ones limits and be clear when giving a reading about what you know and what you speculate. This I something I try to do.

You could call it an excuse to maintain ones faith. But I however have enough experience specifically with palm reading of accuracy on some things, that I have verified these meanings to be fact, and this also means that there is significant information encoded in the palm. When I first did lots of palm readings in short period at a festival, I felt like I was speculating a lot of the time, but then I would get people often agreeing with me, and then becoming very interested in what else I could tell since I knew that much.

Since we all love logic so much, then consider all the immense amounts of information that are around us all the time. Consider all the information that the basic functions of the body need to function on the level they do now. Then consider all the information moving through the kingdoms of nature. Where do you think this information is stored, how do you think it is transmitted, and what language do you think it is communicated in?

There is no question that we are surrounded by information that we lack the understanding to register on a conscious level. It then follows that it is possible to bring this information to light by learning the languages which it is communicated in.

It's well documented that the hands and the mind have a strong connection, both scientifically and also by what the human hands are capable of. Just look at a painting. I consider unreasonable to infer that the lines, shape, or color of that hands could not have significant meaning.

Next time you have a cold or flu check if you have any white dots on your fingers. Then watch the white dots move across your nails as you go through the cold, and off the ends of your nails as you get better.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:17 am

Aegeus wrote: It's well documented that the hands and the mind have a strong connection, both scientifically and also by what the human hands are capable of. .
Yes, yes...I agree with you!

BUT if so, then by putting POSITIVE thoughts into the Seekers mind, you will change his hands to mirror this.

It can't be the other way around, because a hand is not able to think,if it shall have any impact on the hand, then the thoughts need to be created in the Brain first, and now they only show you what already is.
This is exciting in itself, but even so, we can't "read" it right all the time.

Our task must be to show positive paths ahead, to give fuels, then "We" (as Readers) NEVER can go wrong, because it will always be the Seekers task to fulfill these Positive approaches to life, which again will be mirrored in the hand.

If this is wrong, well then your statement need to be wrong too.

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Post by spectator » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:44 am

yes, responsibility.............''the best way to learn palm reading is to look at as many palms as possible.''

yes Aegeus, you bet ı am doing this...... ı am always looking hands of persons who ı know......and my hand too.......  ı am looking my hand soo frequently (every day), and my siblings saying; enough, dont look so often your hand, are you crazy?........(haha...yes ı am, no ı am not:))....

ı am reading books, infos at ınternet about palmistry, always ......

''this also means that there is significant information encoded in the palm. '' yes ı am sure about this, because ı belived this ı am trying to know the signs means....

''It's well documented that the hands and the mind have a strong connection''..........ı am believing this too... in our hands maybe there wont any lines or signs, hands may be blank..... but we have them.... so.....to me everything has a meaning......

but they may change.... ''if you change everything will be change for you''......Jim Rohn said to Anthony Robbins...... he is right...

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Post by spectator » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:49 am

''because it will always be the Seekers task to fulfill these Positive approaches to life, which again will be mirrored in the hand. '' yes Rhutobello, ı am agree with you...you are right....

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:04 am

Have you herd the saying the highway to hell is paved on good intentions. There is a significant truth which this saying touches on.

If they wanted to hear good encouragement they could go to a motivational speaker. What people go to palm reading for is insight into their inner nature, and subtle indications that the palm gives us about our reality.

Also things can show up on the palm long before they become physical reality. So as I don't claim proficiency I do believe it is possible to see possible future hazards as well as positive potentials.

If you tell someone only the positive then when they come up to an obstacle they will be unprepared. How ever if you tell them what to prepare for as there are obstacles to come, then they may have a much easier time with those obstacles by being informed and prepared.

Now when I was first getting into palmistry I read a story of a monk who read on a child's palm that they would die soon. The monk did not tell the child this. Instead he told the child to go a do a good deed. The child came into a situation where they could do one man a lot of good, the child did so and earned 100 years good life. The story carries a simple truth.

Telling someone the possible negative future that there palm indicates could be what they need to hear in order to prevent it from happening. But by passing their conscious self and getting through to them how to improve their situation can accomplish more then this, as the ego can create problems if it gets certain information.

Telling them only positive could cause them to have an unpractical optimism and they may over look some things which could have a negative outcome.

I try not to say negative things I see on a palm unless I have something helpful say about it. I also look as much as I can for positive meanings for things, or positive potentials that the energy has even if it is in a negative state now or in the past. But I avoid dressing an unrealistic positivity on markings, because I seek to give people the truth, not what they want to hear.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:21 am

Aegeus wrote: because I seek to give people the truth, not what they want to hear.
Sorry....I was not aware that I had a conversation with God :)

Okay...let us stop there....I have pointed out what I believe in....you have pointed out yours.
We both have ours followers.

Just a last question..........
When do you know that you give a right prediction.....and if You know....why do you give a wrong Prediction?

IF you on the other hand don't know when you are right, and when you are wrong, what is then wrong with the positive approach?

Life is always a "roller coaster", we have up and downs....some of us is strong....and they seems never to ask for Readings....Some are weaker...searching for answers....mostly they are in a "bad situation" where they look for solutions.........

What is the best way you can bring these people forward in life?

To tell that...yes you have a line that gives you bad prospects...

Or to tell....yes I can see you now have a line that have lead you into a situation with some hardness....but if you .................then your situation, and your line might change into the better, it is all up to you how you create your future.

Be aware that I am NOT out to downgrade any tools....I am only trying to put it into a perspective....so that we as Readers keep the Ground level.
And my discussion has its out spring from the following line;

....so a star at the beginning of life line is a bad sign? :smt010

For those interested...this is a nice read.
http://www.handresearch.com/hand/Evolut ... Engels.htm
Last edited by Rhutobello on Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:15 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by spectator » Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:25 am

''Have you herd the saying the highway to hell is paved on good intentions'' no, ı didnt heard of that at all .......how is that so?

ok then, never mind the positive ones, if there is something you know about this (a star at the beginning of life line) please tell.....ı want to know......
you are right about this;  ''If you tell someone only the positive then when they come up to an obstacle they will be unprepared''

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:32 am

spectator wrote:''Have you herd the saying the highway to hell is paved on good intentions'' no, ı didnt heard of that at all .......how is that so?

Because good intention have a tendency to be broken from us .

you are right about this;  ''If you tell someone only the positive then when they come up to an obstacle they will be unprepared''

And if you tell them about future obstacles, they have good time to go around being scared of them...to look for them...to not live...because if I stay calm...it might not happen.....said to the extreme....but you move toward it :)
A life will NEVER be problem free, but by keeping a positive attitude you create a mindset that is better to deal with setbacks, one that look for opportunities, and solutions....a Negative mind will never manage that.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:49 am

I am unfamiliar with the meaning of a star on that part of the palm. I have one on my hand too.

I do not try to make predictions. Palm reading was originally for personality assessment, and this is what I have studied. There are some indications about peoples personalities and natures which I have seen often enough to be confident in their general meaning.

I don't feel like I am about to start making predictions either. If you understand someones personality well enough and if their personality is predictable then I can imagine how prediction is possible to a degree, or within a probable arch.

The highway to hell being paved on good intentions can be demonstrated by say someone who always tries to help others but compromises their own well being in the process and thus cripples their ability to help others. Or not telling your friend that you broke that tool you borrowed whilst you try and replace it and evade them knowing, but this upsets them because they feel you do not trust how they would react and are hurt by you not being honest with them. There are endless examples.

What it comes down to is living in the head. The head can have a good intent and then go about trying to make it happen, or you could say the ego, and this can have out comes that are not in line with the intent. But if someone is aligned with their heart center, then they can tune into what is truly the best thing to do for the highest good or to realize their intent through emotional intelligence.

For example you could tune into your feelings and your friends feelings that the friendship is more important then the material objects and that means being honest and straight ford. Maybe not the best example but the rationale reasoning of a situation can lack awareness and thus although well meaning have a negative effect, where as the emotional intuitive centers handle much more information, and deeper awareness and thus can cut through layers that logic can not and understand better how to deal with it.

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