The never ending lines...

For Palmistry discussions and general questions.

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The never ending lines...

Post by swetha » Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:25 pm

Palmistry or Chiromancy is the study of the lines of your hands.Your hands not only tell you about the past, but also about your present and future. The lines along with the shape of your hands, nails, texture, depth, etc tell us a lot about our lives.

A Brief History:
Human hands have held interest since stone age. Thumb prints have been used by Chinese monarches as seals.Information on the laws and practise of hand reading have been found in vedic scripts, the bible and early semitic writings.Julius Caesar (102-44bc) judged his men by palmistry.

The first book on Palmistry was Michael Scotts De Philsiognomia done in 1477.

The practise of palmistry was unfortunately forced underground by the catholic church who branded it devil worshiping.

Notable people such as Paracelsus (1493-1541) and Fludd (1574-1637) brought respectibility to palmistry through their writings.

Later Dr Carl Carus, physician to the king of saxony in the 19th century matched palms to personality.

In 1901 scotland yard adopted the technique of fingerprinting in criminal investigation and identification. Research has confirmed a link between specific fingerprint patterns and heart disease.

No wonder palmistry has become such a demanding profession. Free palmistry readings, online
palmistry, palmistry books etc have developed over the years leading to better exposure.

Tomorrow we talk about: Palmistry Basics

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