fact research

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fact research

Post by michael9246 » Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:58 pm

I am writing a short story about two people that are metaphysically bound to each other. the premise is that they share a single soul and that they are mystical in origin.

one of the two has an accidental palm reading that reveals this secret to him through.

i was hoping to see if anyone would be willing to assist me by writing an example of what this reading would sound like using traditional palmistry terms and phrasing.

I want to convey that the two men are bound to each other through eternity, though not twins. and that this bond imparts them with a unique supernatural power as well. (cant get into that too much here) that their souls are shared, and that their lives and fated are intertwined.

any takers?

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Post by mayarose » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:57 pm

Thats a hard question. I only can give some signs that are relating to a marriage that is 'divine'.
Unless you are preferring to a gay couple with the two men?
I can give you some signs that tell about the perfect marriage,
with the idea that marriage somehow can be the same as a very special friendship (soulmates).

(source is the bible)
If a cross on mount of Jupiter appears it means that some-one has found his soulmate/ Right Man.
This can be very good, but it also has its painfull attachments:They are inseparably bound as a unit.
As long as the other half keeps from sinning, the delicate balance is maintained.
The two are halves of the same whole inseparably bound.  What one does affects the other.  
When the woman/man sinned, the effect on the first parnter is like having his soul ripped apart.
He getting his punishment from God as well. He has to live in darkness also.

The Right Man and Right Woman are bound in the heart's most tender part.  
When intimacy unites them in love, they bring to each other fantastic happiness and love from their sensitivity.  
However, when one of them decides to step on that sensitivity, the other suffers terribly.  

Another sign:
A deep relationship is often represented by two Marriage Lines that send out shoots that grow together.  
The ideal Marriage (soulmate) relationship is indicated by two lines that taper and merge to become one.

When marriages -lines on both palms look the same and are like a mirror.
Than the female (left hand) and male (right hand) aspects are united.

I hope I have helped you...(and your story):-)

Peace, Maya Solyh

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