Destiny follows you

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Destiny follows you

Post by dhruva7 » Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:52 pm

In my practical view of seeing life , i have seen more than thousands ppl's palm their life , everyone asked can we change our destiny . . . .
Actually changing destiny is like to quit smoking .
Now as my topic says destiny follows you or i meant you do whatever your destiny says you to do. Everything you do , every color you like , your hairs , eyes , the way you talk , the way you feel everything is linked to your destiny

If you can change anything with whom you are addicted you can change your destiny

For example ,
Recently i started to experiment how to change ppl,s destiny so i did an experiment.
Actually experiment was i met a guy who asked me to see his palm and after seeing his palm i found his relation with his mother is not good but with father he is emotionally connected.
Also his palm was showing he drinks and smokes.
Now he told he is having mental tension and his fathers leg is not working good .
Than i told him to quit smoking and drinking than your destiny will not follow you and your father will live good life and his mental tension will be removed.
So he promised to follow my words. And he left smoking and drinking for 6 days in his six days he felt relaxed and his fathers health was quite good

But as i said destiny follows you , after 6days he started to smoke again and everything started to become bad for him

Now this is my real life successful experiment.
What you guys have to say

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:48 am

How do you tell about relationships to mother and father?

I find palm reading usually just ends up telling people stuff they already know on some level. While it can help grounding that knowing in another way, if they continue to ignore the messages then any reading from anyone can not change much.

I think palm reading as with any divination to be a big responsibility. I heard a story of someone learning about about palm reading, then looking at their grandmas life line and saying she has no life line, and she died a week later.

I always like to look for the potential in a palm, as well as give responsibility back to the querant. Like starting by explaing the relationship betweeen the left feminine receiving hand and the right masculine giving hand as we are effected by the past we receive it so thats the left and what we give comes back to us and effects the future so thats the right.

As for looking for ways to influence people in a positive way and direction it's good to point out possibilities which empower the querrent to make change. The lines can and do change but people have a tendency yo recreate their lives much the same. This can be from comfort habit or just not knowing or exploring much else.

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