A very very small island in headline!

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A very very small island in headline!

Post by Keran » Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:43 pm


I guess i have recently developed a very very small island in my headline that is not exactly but falls under mount of mercury....my headline is deep until its under mount of Saturn then after that its gets thinner and slopes to the mount of moon and this island is not at the end of the line but near about the end and is very small ......hardly can be seen.....

so does this mean any problem regarding my head?? for further help i have island in my heart line too and is rite under mount of mercury and is distinctly seen so Wat does this mean??? Please help!!

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Not to Worry Dear!!

Post by harikrishnan04 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:00 pm

Om Namah Shivai!!

Your headline is thick upto the Mount of Sun & then becomes lighter as it runs down to the Mount of Luna (moon). This shows that you have a creative personality. Of course, any fruitful benefit of this in this life can only be predicted when this is read concurrent to your heart line too, of which you have made no mention...
Anyways, coming back to the island on the headline under the  Mount of Mercury, i beleive that it is still in a developing stage, as you have written. Normally an island on the headline under the Mount of Mercury is interpreted in 2 ways -

a) There will be mental tensions if you run a business or trade at the period when the island starts but will get thru once the island ends
b) If you are not a businessman but just studying (a student) not yet started to earn in life, it means that there will be some frivulous tensions in study as Mercury also stands for education in vedic astrology. This should ofcourse, be concluded only after taking into account the education line too. If education line is good, then the island is just representing frivulous tensions. However, if there is a break in education line too, then it meansd that the education phase may stop for timebeing and and you will have to earn some money yourself to keep it going....


Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:06 pm


I have read your two replies on their questions and palm prints and wish to ask which method you follow to read palms? I mean do you follow Indian Palmistry? In Western Palmistry the island on head line even slight will mean weakening of the mind at that particular age which would be at the fag end of the life and it could also mean so many other things like hysteria, frightening dream etc. etc. depending upon how disturbed is the Mount of Moon and if the Line of health is disturbed. Off course below the Mount of Mercury could mean problems in business/education. Which line do you call as Line of Education? For us we take the strength of the Mount of Jupitor and the Head Line in conjunction to know how good a person could be in studies/education.

Pravin Kumar

Pravin Kumar
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Palm Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:06 pm


I have read your two replies on their questions and palm prints and wish to ask which method you follow to read palms? I mean do you follow Indian Palmistry? In Western Palmistry the island on head line even slight will mean weakening of the mind at that particular age which would be at the fag end of the life and it could also mean so many other things like hysteria, frightening dream etc. etc. depending upon how disturbed is the Mount of Moon and if the Line of health is disturbed. Off course below the Mount of Mercury could mean problems in business/education. Which line do you call as Line of Education? For us we take the strength of the Mount of Jupitor and the Head Line in conjunction to know how good a person could be in studies/education.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by harikrishnan04 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:28 pm

Shri Pravinji,

I have followed the South Indian system of palmistry based on Sariraka shastra on which information is very rarely available on public domain. Your observations about studying the Mount of Guru and the headline concurrently is perfect as far as Chiromancy initially found in India as 'Samudra Shastra' and populariesd by Chiero. (I admire Chiero and will never contradict him.)

However in this particular case, i have applied the South Indian principle of Mercury representing a feminine planet and that since mercury is closely associated with success in trade or profession or the power of application of gathered knowledge; i have suggested to read in tandem with education line. Education line is the line that emerges from the lower triangle / lower part of life line and traces upwards to the mount of mercury. I perfectly understand that you would tell that this is the line of Health as per Chiromancy, and i too beleive the same. Education line and health line are two separate lines. However, the distinction is that while health line is easily visible on the palm, the education line SHOULD NOT be easily visible. The logic is like Lakshmi (Money) is visible from outside but knowledge (Saraswathi) is only revealed once you interact and understand a person.... Its like you see a person and understand that he is rich by looking at the house, the car he drives, the clothes he wears, and other outwardly dimensions; but Saraswathi will only reveal herself when the you sit with the person and engage in discussions (whatever the topic be).
This is an esetoric knowledge, and should be revealed to only those who understand to discriminate between maya and reality....

Hari Om Tat Sat.

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