What's your experience with a palmistry reading?

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What's your experience with a palmistry reading?

Post by Olga1983 » Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:20 pm

I wondered what people here could tell about the palmistry reading they got in the past. Did come out what was told to you? Or was something said about your past where you could find much recognition in? If there's already a topic for this, then maybe someone can give the link.

Here's a bit of my experience:

For more than a year i lived in India, at the present in Holland. When i was in India i got to know someone and he was looking at my hand (i think my left hand, i am right handed). He said that the circumstances will force me to go back to Holland (i wanted to stay in India). And he was right. As he left India short or not very long after this, he has not known that what he said would come out earlier then he would think, as he knew that i was just about to move to a new apartment that time and he expected that i would be there for months. But like he said, the circumstances forced me to go back to Holland and i had to give up my rental apartment there.
Another thing he said about my hand was that i would travel to 3 countries during my life (i think he did not mean this like short vacations). Cannot find an immediate recognition in that, as i think more of 1 country to stay in as my permanent residence, instead of 3.
Further he also said that according to what he saw in my hand, i would have 2 marriages. The second marriage would happen after a long time (20-30 years). He said the first man would be more like a businessman and from what i remember he told that there would be no true understanding between that man and me. The second man on the opposite. In this i cannot find myself at all, as there can only be 1 man for me, otherwise no man. I also know who that man would be (although he is not with me) and i also know that i would not go with a man with whom i would have no true understanding. I'm not at all someone who would go with a businessman.

Well, that was my experience with a reading. Maybe i post a picture of my hands on some other day, to see what people say about it here.

ps: the board where i am writing this message was acting strange, when i was typing (later i typed elsewhere to copy-paste it here).

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:27 am

My only experience with palm reading has been here. I find what readers have told me to be accurate though I didn't have specific predictions about marriages etc. made so I can't really speak beyond that. BUt people here seem pretty accurate.

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Post by Mary_Quite_Contrary » Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:05 pm

Odd hand ...

I've had mixed experiences with it, largely because I seem to have some odd formations on my hand, I think.  I can never figure out which line is which, because I have so many.  (I have a big M in my hand, and what may be a broken life line, I'm actually not sure.)  I can find my head and heart lines, but the rest just confuse me.

My mother, however, once had a palm reader read hers on a train to California back in 1943, and it turned out to be scarily accurate, so she always believed it.

For my part, I've had my palm read three times, twice in New Orleans, once elsewhere.  I got somewhat different readings each time.

For instance:
One woman told me, for instance, that my then-husband was the love of my life, and that I'd have a daughter in addition to my son.  I wound up divorced from him 2 years later (after 19 years of marriage) and at 45 with no other marriage in sight, I doubt I'll be having any more.

The other said I hadn't met the person I'd marry yet (because my marriage line was so high up near the pinky), but would later in life and it would be a true, lasting love (because the line is deep and doesn't fork), and that we'd have a son.  He didn't seem to see that I WAS married and had a son (and I married young, at barely 21).

These readings were a day apart, so go figure!

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Post by Olga1983 » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:37 pm

Zetascair20086, Mary_Quite_Contrary, thanks for sharing.

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Post by happi » Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:10 pm

i think we are controlled by destiny and palm reading shows us what to expect in life, there is nothing you could change. you will have some palm reader telling you that its all in the mind and our action make the destiny etc blah blah blah. but everything is already written, don't waste time thinking that you could change the events just by changing the thinking or attitude. in my experience i have not seen single line change in my palm, no matter what i try to change. the things went according to the palm, destiny is written and cannot be changed.

my palm shows i should never get marry, even if i do most likely it will fail and cause me mental and heartaches. even currently am going through it and this shall end at age of 28-30, i will be here to post the results, i hope that will clear that destiny is written. i will avoid future marriage and rather stay alone instead of getting marry again and live in pain and burden.

i hate god, because he did not give everyone equal life. you cannot blame on karma either, because past karma is something you don't remember or aware of, its like if you do good now and die you will have better life when you are born again due to good karma in the past. it wont matter because you don't remember anything from the past. don't blame on your self for whatever is happening in your life, because god is responsible for that cause, as he is the one who made us and wrote our destiny.

if anyone come here and saying no the line changes and things could change with actions blah blah blah, please bring in the evidence with you before making comment on this one.

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Post by zennia » Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:21 am

I had two palms readings in my early 20s both of them are from India and migrated to Canada. I'm amazed, as both of them are accurate.  One predicted that I will stop my schooling, and I did for some reason. One mentioned that I will not be with the person that I was with then, and it did came true.  Now I see it as a guidance to my future, what i can prevent, what i can do. at the end, you are entitled to whatever path you choices.

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hi zennia

Post by happi » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:27 am

if you could not stop what ever they have told you, when you were aware of it. then how could you prevent anything in the future. everything that is written will take take place, there is nothing you could change or prevent.

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Post by Powerade » Sun May 02, 2010 4:57 am

I very much dissagree with you happi.
There is nothing spiritual in the hand; it is all connected somehow with the brain and the way that we feel in our brain ( our thoughts) show on our hand.

You could say that it is very hard to change, which I agree! it's close to impossible to change, but it's still very possible.

Ever heard the saying "When g-d gives you lemons make lemonade"?

To say that you forsure are never going to get married because you are destined for bad marriage is absurd. it's like saying I never want to eat because then I'll have to go to the bathroom...

now, I could say I'm never gonna eat food that's gonna give me a diahreah so I don't have to spend so much time in the bathroom..

instead I'll eat healthy food with lots of fiber and spend less time in the bathroom.

same with your future relationship.

make a list of important things you need in a partner and keep an eye out . or, find a matchmaker, this way you wont have to feel like you are following your fate..... or controlled by your fate.

G-d makes a map of our life but it's up to us to follow it or not.

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hello powerade

Post by happi » Tue May 04, 2010 2:26 am

when you say everything which is reflected in our palm is, due to the thinking of our brain. i don't think anyone out there is thinking of things like divorce, loosing their husband, wife etc in their mind, which will still reflect in their palm. could you explain that then? i have been on this site when i was 21 and i will be here long as this site is here. because whatever i have been told i would like to share that here. am trying to change things but again destiny will just come in and take its course. the biggest proof would be when i turn 28-30 and lets see if i could really control anything at that time. it has been 4 years and my palm lines are still the same, without any change to them.

believe me i try changing the person's mind but they end up doing whatever their palm said, again destiny have control over everything and nothing could be changed. i have asked many palmist to show me the evidence that things could change after reading. but none of them even reply, because they know there is no evidence. the example you have given only sound good but in real world they don't work. if things suppose to work out with matchmaker then their would not be 55% divorce rate in USA. in USA people get to know each other and many things but still their marriages fail 55% of the time.

i do believe that culture and tradition influence us when we grow up and this also make us a good or bad person as well.

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