Tarot Reading Help

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Tarot Reading Help

Post by Erinys » Sat Sep 29, 2007 6:40 pm

Im a very novice tarot reader and I've been stressing on a particular question lately so I've done a lot of readings on my question, but with my little experience on readings, I've really just been amazed at how the same cards come up and or meanings come up for the same questions over and over.  So  I've been in a kind of long distance relationship with someone for about 8-9 months now and we are thinking of taking the next step and having him move in with me.  So Ive done a lot of readings on this matter, but the 2 I really am having trouble figuring out are the 2 I'll list here in a min.  I decided to instead of asking if this was the right time to make the move, I decided to do a celtic cross reading.  After the 1st reading I thought I could read all the cards except the 9 and 10 cards, Advice and Outcome which seem to me to be very odd in comparison to the other cards.  I have a few books on readings and I've noticed that some readings cards laid are a little different so in my reading the cards are as follows 1-self/situation; 2-what crosses; 3-foundation; 4-recent past; 5-near future; 6-higher forces; 7-fears; 8-allies; 9-advice; 10-outcome.

So after my first reading, I was a little confused so I asked the same question and did the 2nd reading.  The question, well not really was a question as a topic, of how I should proceed with this relationship.

1st reading:
1-Page of Cups
2-The Fool
3-The Empress
5-King of Swords
7-2 of Pentacles
8-The Hermit
9-7 of Swords
10-Queen of Pentacles

with all those major arcana I felt there was a lot left up in the air.  also the way i was interpreting the other cards as basically being somewhat good in terms of going forth with the relationship, then to get the 7 of swords in the advice spot I was very confused. So...did the next reading, same question.

1-Wheel of Fortune
2-7 Swords (again with the 7 of swords!! lol but more understandable in                 this position)
3-4 of Wands
4-Queen of Cups
5-King of Pentacles
6-Queen of Swords
8-6 of Wands
9-9 of Swords
10- Hanged Man

So then again in the advice position...a warning to keep a look out so to speak.  

I would really love to hear some other non-biased interpretations of these readings.

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:25 am

Hi, Erinys

The fact that you get the same cards in all the readings mean that, which is described will remain. Or let's say the influence.

Being a novice, you would get a lot of explanations and tips on our learn Tarot forum.

I mainly use the celtic cross, it's just more undestandable and well, i don't really like to use other spreads.

You are making a mistake i have first hand knowledge of, using to many differing opinions, it's best for you to actually take every card and study it, derive your own meanings, you might be surprised at how sometimes your interpritations are the same or very close or use only one deck with it's interpritations. You would find it helpful to go to learn Tarot forum where you would get the meanings of the cards.
I use this spread and description of what each card corresponds to. One’s being the spark etc.

I use a significator, my feeling is, that it grounds the querant in the spread.


The significator is either a choice of the Major Arcanum cards, describing a specific matter or from the Minor Court cards. Allow the Querent to shuffle the deck at least twice with the significator included. If a Major Arcanum now remove it from the deck and place at centre. The cards should now be shuffled three times and cut three times by both Querent and reader. If chosen from the Minor Arcanum, remove the four cards, one from each suit depicting the level of the Querent in their social, business or personal environment,
Keeping in mind the following:
Ages: 16-22; Pages
Ages: 23-35; Knights
Ages; 36-50; King for men, Queen for woman
Ages; 50 and above; Emperor for men, Empress for woman. Using divinatory meaning only.

The four cards should now be shuffled placed in a row, the Querent is now allowed to, with their intuition, gliding their hands over these cards, choose a specific card. This card must now be turned face up and the Querent should be represented or characteristics are revealed.

First Card: This card covers you: Basis of situation, present influences, general atmosphere, and state of mind, people & other influences now at work. This card is the person or thing’s general environment at this time, the influence with which he, she or it is actuated all through.

One’s can be related to the Magician, it signifies the root force, origin, first spark. In essence, that which started and maintains this reading and how the cards are influenced

Card 2: This card crosses you,
This card strengthens or weakens the first card or the effects of the first one. It shows obstacles or ameliorating circumstances; events and situations which currently exist or are coming up in the immediate future; this will have a direct influence on the situation in question. If the card is favorable it will strengthen good influences if it is reversed or unfavorable it will negate or weaken positive attributes and strengthen negative influences. In representing obstacles, if the card is favorable, it will be something good in itself, but not productive of good in the particular connection.

The twos are related to the High Priestess. As such they indicate duality but, more importantly, they indicate instinctual knowledge. Aces are undirected energy; the twos are, in a sense, the knowledge of what the direction for that energy should take.

Card 3: This crowns you.
It describes your goals in this matter, and if it will be achieved at this time. This card explains your ideal aim, what you hope to accomplish in this situation and or the best that you can make happen under the circumstances—whether or not it is what you want. It also represents the immediate future, in that which the card describes is still to come.

Ruling over the threes is the Empress, of course, whose card is all about creation. The child in the womb, the seedin the ground. So, with the twos, a choice has been made about what use to put this passion, emotion, brainpower,craft. Now we get the first results of that decision, the initial offspring.

Card 4: This is beneath you.
It describes the foundation under discussion; a specific event or different things happening in the immediate past which, because of their influence on you, are the reason, or direct cause of the situation you find yourself in. This card signifies, that which has happened to you and how it changed you. This card also signifies what you can do, to help you reach your final aim or goal.

Fours are ruled by the Emperor. Like both the Emperor and his throne they signify a kind of stability, a holding pattern if you will. For a moment, everything is still, solid, rooted, established. This can be positive, a solid foundation, or negative, something that refuses to budge or change.

Card 5: This is behind you.
This gives the influence or set of circumstances that is busy happening now and will soon end; the situation which has just passed or is now in passing. In effect, events or circumstances in your past, as shown in the first few cards, created a general personal environment in which you were operating. This environment is now busy changing, either because you took steps to change it, or because some influence is forcing a change. This card is the current from which the Querent is passing away, and it may be the past of the matter.

When trying to read the Fives, think of the Hierophant. The Hierophant represents a teacher, counselor, or priest, someone who advises people when they're in trouble. Likewise, the Fives are unique cards in that each one seems to pose both a problem and an answer. After four fairly smooth cards of growth and development, the fives represent the fly in the ointment. Instability; the changes that make one humble and allow for growth.
Of the question asked of the Hierophant by a troubled supplicant, the problem is real world. The answer, however, appropriate to the Hierophant, is usually spiritual or at least pragmatic. Understand that all Fives temper the Querent - you go through the fire, the low points, the hard times, in order to come out stronger

Card 6: This is before you.
This card describes the future influence or set of circumstances you can expect; the change in personal environment that either should (if you are advised what to do) or will (if you go with the flow) take place. The past described by card 5 is giving way to the new situation as a result to the actions you have taken. If the situation in card 5 has been described exactly and a specific timeframe can be added to it, card 5 and 6 can act as timing factor, as that which is described in card 5 timed until now, card 6 can then be applied adding the same time period but into the future. In general readings the timeframe is also general and can be from a few days to 12 months. When asking a specific question, you can include a time period of say within the next two months etc. It is the current coming into action and will operate in the specific matter.

Sixes are balance and harmony, especially after the upsets of the fives. These cards predict a solution, and not just any solution; there will be an exchange, a give and take that results in a new equilibrium. It may not last, but for that moment, everything is stable. With this card, there is an almost "Ah-HA!" of recognition, of understanding in the solution, and more than a little awe at the symmetry achieved by it

Card 7: This is you. This card represents you. In general it puts you in perspective in terms of the circumstances of the reading. It shows your stance or attitude towards yourself or towards your situation. It also reveals how you are likely to behave or react in this situation. Therefore this card signifies the Querent’s self, his attitude to the matter.
Sevens relate to the Chariot, a card about finding and maintaining complete control and mastery over wild or opposing forces
Card 8: This is your house.
This card represents your environment, or surroundings, in this situation; that which is going on around you at this time. It shows your effect on people especially those close to you, or closely involved with you, it also shows your general effect on events. More importantly, it shows what kind of effect, other people or events, has on you, what they are doing and how they are reacting and what their intentions are regarding a situation or in these circumstances. Therefore it signifies your house, your environment in the affair—the influence, people and events around you.

We relate the Eights to Strength. Eights are about moving, taking action, as Strength is a card of courage and transformation. It's very easy to let things stay as they are inside yourself or without (though, as the Eights warn, it's easy but damaging). It is much harder to gather up the willpower and mental strength to make a real change. A scary change. Like the Strength card, it is scary to approach that lion, but you can alter the relationship you have with it.

Card 9: This is your hopes and fears.
This card reveals your inner thoughts about a situation; it shows how you feel about people, events and circumstances surrounding you at this time including your feelings about yourself and your chances of success or failure.
You need to understand 2 things clearly.  
First. The card describes how you feel, not what has happened, is happening or will happen. Not everyone’s emotional perspective is always right. Your reaction may be reasonable given the current set of circumstances, but it could also be entirely wrong!!(Not being able to see the forest from the trees).
Second. This card still affects the final outcome, whether your emotional perspective is correct or wrong. As an example, if you have to take action, but is afraid to, how positive or successful the card predicts, a big possibility you will still fail, because you can’t make the change or move.

Nine is a card of completion (so is Ten, but we'll get to that). Like the Hermit, who connects to the nines, it is a card where something is finished and the person in turn steps back to look on what he's done, earned, or gained. Nines are among the most powerful cards, usually granting the Querent what it is they, like the Hermit, are seeking.
Card 10: Final outcome. This is the result. It reveals what will happen or is going to happen; the culmination which will result from the influences shown by all the other cards in the reading. If this card is a Minor Arcana Court Card, it represents a person, who holds the key to the realization of all things predicted.
This is then what will come. You need to remember one thing, all the previous cards put together creates this outcome, should you not follow the pointers, and your final outcome will change.
Consider that life exist around choices you make, sometimes it’s easier to make the correct choice if you know the secrets of the Tarot, so is it also important to remember the choice you make should fit what you want!!!
It is this card the reader concentrates his or her intuitive wisdom and remembers the divinatory meanings of the other cards including the significator. This card should be a Major Arcanum (Secret) card. An eleventh card may be drawn to bring matters into perspective, if the tenth card is unclear.

As the aces were the pure, elemental spark of the suit, the tens are the element of the suit complete. Not as in the nines, which are physical completion, but in a transcendent fashion. It is the ultimate good or bad of that element.

Card 11: This card should be a Major Arcanum and only supports the tenth card. If the reading is still unclear it is best to start again. Readings should not be repeated in the same sitting more than three times, if it happens, your Querent may be very confused or the question asked will not be answered, other important issues are being dealt with
Remember this is a spiritual journey you lead your Querent on, the outcome may sometimes be vicious but the truth needs to be told, you may not hide anything from the Querent, even if intuitive knowledge are arrived at during a later stage of meditation, this must be circulated to the Querent as soon as possible.
Therefore a record of every sitting or reading must be kept and not revealed to anyone but the Querent.
The spiritual development of the Querent is described by the Major Arcanum, in context with the Significator these cards must be read in spirit and dealt with as points of meditation. The spiritual influence may have an altering effect on the final outcome as this will bring the Querent at a stage of self-examination and possibly enlightenment. Astrological charts and numerology may be suggested to the Querent in order to expand their knowledge of how to deal with certain events.

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Here is my take

Post by BLouise » Sun Sep 30, 2007 6:03 pm

Hi Erinys,
I haven't been on here for a while, but I used to study the tarot with the class from last fall.  I am just starting to lurk around again and thought I might give my two cents on your post if you don't mind.

I sometimes find it difficult to interpret readings for myself and find that getting input from other perspectives helps greatly so here is my take on your first reading using your position definitions and the cards you drew.  (Also, I don't like to throw more than one spread for the same questions because I just get more confused, but everyone has their own preferences).

The way I interpret the Page of cups is that he brings good news of an emotional nature.  This could be the suggestion of combining residences w/ your boyfriend.  The Fool suggests that this is a major decision that needs to be made and warns not to jump into it blindly.  The Empress suggests that your relationship has a solid foundation and that it is a happy one.  In the recent past it has taken strength and patience to get through this relationship, being that it is a long distance one.  (This position to me also suggests that this aspect is a receding one.  Indicating that it may be getting better).  In the near future you may be influenced by, or seek the advice of an intelligent and analytical man (possibly someone who wears a uniform for work) or this could indicate that you must portray these qualities yourself.  Analysing the possible situation very carefully.  Your Higher forces card indicates to me the Karmic aspect of the Judgement card.  Suggesting that what you put into this situation you will get out of it and that a new start is possible if you take stock before moving forward.  Your fears as indicated by the 2 of pentacles is that this situation may take more work than you can handle and that you have some concerns about the financial aspect of it.  With the Hermit as your ally, I would say that the answers are inside of you, you only need to use careful thought and contemplation to find them.  Now for the 7 of Swords, I would say that this suggests that the situation may not work out as you expect it to.  There will be a need for diplomacy to resolve situations that may arise as is necessary in most relationships or live-in situations.  The Queen of Pentacles in the outcome place tells me that you will need portray her qualities with in yourself such as being pleasant and generous, which is necessary in situations such as the one you are considering, as well as being smart with your finances.  Also to be aware of her negative aspects such as stubbornness and being set in her own ways as well as jealousy so you can avoid portraying these qualities.

In summary, this is a very big decision to make.  It will take lots of hard work and good planning.  It will not work out the way you expect, but that is not to say it cannot work.  You will get out of it, what you put into it.  

I hope this helps you.  I would love to hear your feedback.
Good luck with your decision!

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