How do you handle tarot reversals?

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Post by whyte.witch » Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:44 am

Reading reversed:

HOW? The pack can be left all upright when mixing if you dont read reversed but I do and when I mix my cards I dont pay attention to how, I just moved them around in my hand and they always end up with reversed cards in the pack.

WHY?  Many cards these days are so descriptive, especially in their imageary, that there is more than enough to be taken from reading a card upright. I read them reversed because, i personally believe that it allows for less fluffing around (if you know what the reversed is suggesting) when giving an interperatation.

WHAT?  Some people interperate reversed cards as simply giving a weaker meaning. Others read reversed as the opposing message: This is how i read and it can get confusing when you realise that there are many opposing answers. I often find that someone with several reversed cards in a reading is suffering from a large amount of confusion about everything in their life because they are not willing to make the necessary changes.

WHEN?  At the end of the day, everyone should read however they feel most comfortable. The truth always comes out in the end anyway!


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Post by Payewacker » Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:20 am

Hi Whyte Witch,

When i did my interpritations in my "manual", the reversed cards does'nt only have negative meanings but also positive. Some cards upright has as bad influences as some revesed. My take on this is, if there is a negative influence, it's as the situation is and not a mere allegory.

I pack the cards, fan them, shuffle, make a deck, cut twice, doing this routine at my discretion, choose a significator and lastly have the querant shuffly, bring to a deck, cut, make a pack. and hand it to me straight not sideways. i put out the significator and start the reading with first card etc.

But what i think is that every readers prefered reading method, it is so inclined and will in any case adjust to the reader.

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Post by whyte.witch » Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:02 am

Hey Payewacker!

Yeah i see what you mean about it not being a mere allegory. That's sort of where i was going with the many possible opposing answers. There are just so many messages within each card!

Also with the routine you have for shuffling. I have heard that sticking to a specific sort of ritual is highly recommended. I tend to briefly shuffle, ask the querant to shuffle and cut into 3 piles. Under the first pile they place down is a card that represents what is furthest from them at this time. then i ask them to select a pile, and i draw my spread from there. Every now i then i change it up just to try something new but i basically stick to this style... But its funny, i have never been inclined to use a significator. Do you find it helps much???

Anyway i love trying new things so if anyone has any unique or different rituals they use, please share!


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Post by Payewacker » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:59 pm

Hi WW,

I started using a sign. from the word go, i had a book from P.Scott Hollander and she seems to have always used a sign. So we can see how tarot students are actually influenced by the material they are  taught. My take on a sign. is that with commonalities, it gives you an idea who you are dealing with. For me it is as if this card is a pivot, not necesarily around which everything is structured, but the centre of all the influences combined.

I base a lot of my theories on the tetractus, or put it like this, the dot, which is the first dimension and so on. In this view, the actual application of numerology can also be seen as the reduction of every influence being based on number values in the seperate dimensions. Of which there is a route from the dot, to two dots to three so on into the fourth dimension. this is then where i beleive that psychic influences manifest as realities and therefore actuall events. So if we look at the nine of swords, this person is really displaying a mournfull situation, what was the reason for this? How does it change this persons perpective?

Grieving for no reason? Highly unlikely.

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Post by whyte.witch » Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:18 am

Hey Payewacker!

Yes, the dot... the center of focus perhaps... the tree of life.
This is why numerology shook me so much when i first experienced and understood it as a cycle.
People are always intrigued when i start to explain that i believe the tarot does not show you the future or tell you your destiny.
That it tells you more about how where you are now, and how that will inevitably tell you what is to come.

"...the actual application of numerology can also be seen as the reduction of every influence being based on number values in the seperate dimensions."
- you have summed that up amazingly. had to read it a few times for it to sink in completely... hahaha

I cant seem to find much on the net about the tetractus. See what you've done! Got me thinking! I like that.

Thankyou so much for your resoning as to why you use a significator. It makes complete sense.

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Reversed Cards

Post by cdo » Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:27 am

I am new to tarot and still exploring but i have noticed that when i use a computer softwear program almost ALL of my cards are reversed . Does anyone know the signifiance of this , if any ?

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:10 pm

Hi cdo,

There is a significant differance regarding cards reversed in my interpritation. Seeing as you are new to Tarot, it's a choice you need to make, whitchever way you want to read. only upright or combined. I read with reversed and their subsequent meanings. For you to get going nicely, join the Tarot learn forum.

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Post by cedars » Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:04 pm

Hello cdo

I do not personally believe in computerised tarot reading, albeit I have gone that route myself in my time.
There is a wondeful course on this site and I invite you to join it along with all of us - because we are all learning here... it is such a deep topic that the journey itself is a pleasurable and insightful one.

Have fun.

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Post by pirbid » Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:38 pm


I find reversed amplify greatly the meanings, although it is true that you can get the same meaning through several cards, both upright and reversed. In fact, I sometimes find myself confronted with a Celtic Cross in which most cards seem to be shouting the same message, as if that message had been ignored for a long time.

Also, when first looking at a spread, a great amount of cards upside down usually give a strong impression of blocks, of not being able to tune into the real potentials. But in a normal reading -say, half upright and half reversed-, some of the reversed can mean getting out of sticky or long standing not very positive situations, so they are very welcome sometimes. And even when they stand for a block, they usually point to ways in which they can be unblocked, or to potentials usually ignored by the querent.

As for a sign., I sometimes use it as a minimeditation for the seeker and me to try and define where they are at the moment, but I always wonder if that card would have turned up in the spread and we're preventing it from giving us its more spontaneous message. Has anyone ever felt this?

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