Hi, I need your opinion on the interpretation of these cards for a reading I did

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Hi, I need your opinion on the interpretation of these cards for a reading I did

Post by kristabella » Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:56 am

Hi everyone,

 First  off, I am new to this forum and I feel as if I understand the rules but if asking for others' interpretation of a reading is wrong, PLEASE someone tell me and I promise to never do it again. Anyway, I have been debating on whether or not to try to locate my  long lost friend. so, i did a reading for myself and I have provided my take on the cards but I would  really like to get someone else's opinion on the cards, too. just in case I may have misread something due to my being subconsciously biased.

Th question I asked was, "What should I know in regards to finding Mike?"

Universal Waite

Card 1- person you are trying to find ( Tower)
Card 2- influences surrounding me (2 of pentacles)
Card 3- how we met (High Priestess)
Card 4- present of the person you are trying to locate ( 3 of wands)
Card 5- future of this relationship ( Ace of Cups)
Card 6- advice on what I can do to get in touch ( 4 of pentacles/ 6 of wands)

* I don't read reversals*

Card 1: For the first card ( which represents Mike), I pulled the Tower. I interpret to mean that he is someone who represents a shocking revelation in my life. He represents the secret truth that once brought to light, turns out to be scandalous and stunning. Once brought out into the open, he also has the capability to turn my life upside down. ( this is true, because no one knows about Mike. Not even my close friends. as far as everyone knows, I am very devoted to my boyfriend and our friends expect us to get married someday. The truth is, I secretly wish for Mike).

Card 2: For the second card ( which represents the influences surrounding me), I pulled the 2 of Pentacles. I interpret this card to mean that balance is the energy surrounding and influencing me. It doesnt mean that my life is in balance, rather, it means that I am trying to weigh the whole situation. Since, the card belongs to the Pentacles suite, I feel as if the cards are saying that I am trying to weigh or balance the practicality of finding my friend. I also feel that the cards are saying that the act of trying to balance my friend from the past into my present life is also an influence.

Card 3 For the third card ( which represents how we met), I pulled the High Priestess. I interpret this card card to mean that our meeting just happened. No planning was involved, and no one had an active role in our meeting. Things just unfolded the way they were supposed to.

Card 4: For the fourth card ( which represent my friend's present), I pulled the 3 of wands. I interpret this card to mean that at the present, my friend is thinking about the future. He is at a place in his life where he where he is looking forward to taking the next step to where ever life is going to lead him.  I feel that nothing is holding him back because he is looking ahead and is ready to make things happen.

Card 5: For the fifth card ( which represents the future of this relationship), I pulled the Ace of Cups. I interpret this to mean that this relationship has the potential to becoming emotionally deep. Aces represent the beginning of the qualities of a suit and cups represent emotion. So, I feel that the card is telling me that there is a potential for us to form a really strong bond.  we havethe potential of becoming very important in each other's life. It doesnt necessarily mean a relationship ( though, it could mean that) but it is definietly deeper than some run of the mill friendship.

Card 6: For the sixth card ( which represents what I should do to get in touch), I pulled the 4 of pentacles. I also pulled the 6 of wands as a clarifying card. I interpret the 4 of pentacles to represent a card that  is selfish and is all about looking out for one's self. It is not like the 5 of swords, though, a card which will plot to ensure that they come out on top. Raher, I see the 4 of pentacles as a card grounded in practicality. It is a card that who looking out for itself  and thinking of his own agenda because that is what he feels is best for him. He isnt plotting behind the scenes. He simply wants to hold on to what he has and maybe get more out of it. I see the 6 of pentacles as a card that is ego based and result oriented. It is a card that values accomplishment and the feeling of a job well done. Combined together, I interpret this to mean that I should remember to hold on to what I have. I feel as if the cards are telling me not to do anything that could potentially cause me to lose what I have but at the same time, get out there and achieve what I really want to do, which is find my friend.

These are my interpretations of the cards but I was wondering what others may see.  I tried to be as unbiased as possible but when I read for myself, I know that I have the potential to see what I want to see rather than what the cards are actually trying to show me.

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Post by singerofpeace » Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:15 am

:) I wouldn't say I am any kind of expert so you don't have to take any of my interpretation seriously, but I just joined and though I would try to contribute:

Card 1- person you are trying to find ( Tower)

The Tower, for me, means a drastic change as a result of breaking down structure, which simultaneously releases you from the limitations of the structure and makes you feel vulnerable or insecure.  I don't know too much about the situation you are in-  I'm not sure what "finding" Mike exactly means, or what things are like in your current relationship, but it seems to me that while the relationship you are in is safe, but prevents you from feeling free and able to act and feel as you please.  This person represents the potential to destroy the stability of your current situation, which may be good because you feel stifled up in the tower, but would also be difficult and frightening for a while, because you would lose the safety of the status quo.  

Card 2- influences surrounding me (2 of pentacles)

Everything is up in the air, it seems... you have a significant decision to make and you just don't know which choice is worth the consequences.  Unfortunately, the very fact that you realize this choice exists removes the possibility of the status quo remaining one of your choices.  Now that you realize there are other possibilities, things will be different even if you choose not to change things.  I'm not sure this makes sense :) but let me know if it does or doesn't please!

Card 3- how we met (High Priestess)

With the High Priestess in this position, I would say that when you met this person, you yourself are trying to find your place of balance and harmony, the situation where you will feel perfectly content and at ease with yourself.  Maybe not "find" so much as "arrange," configuring your life to make just the right niche for you, to accomodate your spiritual, emotional, physical and mental desires and hopes.  It might not have seemed that this was the specific outcome clearly in your mind, but this was the path you were on when you met him.  I'm not sure whether he will be a help or a hindrance in this path.

Card 4- present of the person you are trying to locate ( 3 of wands)

It's important to look at the big picture for this, to take a step back and just take stock of how things are unfolding.  I am strangely thinking of looking up, whether that means physically looking north or just that things will be looking up (for you or him or both).  I don't usually say things like that, but I was told by the woman who I am studying with that if I get an idea, no matter how random, I should just say it.  Worse comes to worse, it doesn't make sense to you.  But regardless of the "up" thing, I would say that you, in trying to figure out more about him, are trying to see things from an objective standpoint, but you are not quite accepting some of the things visible in the bigger picture... you need a little more inner and outer support before you will feel comfortable doing that.

Card 5- future of this relationship ( Ace of Cups)

If you want to make room in your life for him, you need to get rid of the emotional .... I don't want to say baggage, but just the personal and emotional "stuff."  You don't have room for him at this point, and there will be no place for him until you have the chance to pour out a lot of the things that are filling up your life.  If you try to fit him in at this point, things will spill over, and create somewhat of a mess.  If you were able to include him in your life without adding to your "cup," or emotional dealings, that would be one thing.... but seeing as he is the Tower, he would certainly rock the boat and spill your cup regardless of whether you are ready to pour it out yet or not.  I'm speaking in metaphors, and since I'm not there in person I can't tell if you know what I mean, but I just hope you'll tell me if it makes no sense :)

Card 6- advice on what I can do to get in touch ( 4 of pentacles/ 6 of wands)

I think, honestly, that you need to be very careful in trying to get in touch.  Make sure that you are able to keep what you really need and care about close, because resuming contact would be a major change and could really shake things up.  This could just mean that you need to make sure that you are emotionally, PERSONALLY secure so that no matter what happens, you will be okay YOURSELF.  Because essentially, the only thing you have control over is your own conduct.  I feel like you are someone who has very strong emotions, and if you are not a little safe with them, you can get very hurt with this.  On the other hand, if you are able to keep some sense of inner security in this, being a little more discriminating in how vulnerable you let yourself be, eventually things will turn out right.  It would be a struggle, though, until it reaches the point of success.  You have to be prepared for this before you reach out to find this person, or I worry about you becoming a 3 of Swords.  But I think you have definitely good intentions in all of this, and you just have to watch out for yourself if things get messy.  Don't lose sight of the path of the High Priestess :) and don't let the people around you decide what YOU want.

I hope some of that helped... let me know if it meant something to you!  I wish you the best of luck :)

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Post by kristabella » Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:02 am

singerofpeace wrote::) I wouldn't say I am any kind of expert so you don't have to take any of my interpretation seriously, but I just joined and though I would try to contribute:

Card 1- person you are trying to find ( Tower)

The Tower, for me, means a drastic change as a result of breaking down structure, which simultaneously releases you from the limitations of the structure and makes you feel vulnerable or insecure.  I don't know too much about the situation you are in-  I'm not sure what "finding" Mike exactly means, or what things are like in your current relationship, but it seems to me that while the relationship you are in is safe, but prevents you from feeling free and able to act and feel as you please.  This person represents the potential to destroy the stability of your current situation, which may be good because you feel stifled up in the tower, but would also be difficult and frightening for a while, because you would lose the safety of the status quo.  

Card 2- influences surrounding me (2 of pentacles)

Everything is up in the air, it seems... you have a significant decision to make and you just don't know which choice is worth the consequences.  Unfortunately, the very fact that you realize this choice exists removes the possibility of the status quo remaining one of your choices.  Now that you realize there are other possibilities, things will be different even if you choose not to change things.  I'm not sure this makes sense :) but let me know if it does or doesn't please!

Card 3- how we met (High Priestess)

With the High Priestess in this position, I would say that when you met this person, you yourself are trying to find your place of balance and harmony, the situation where you will feel perfectly content and at ease with yourself.  Maybe not "find" so much as "arrange," configuring your life to make just the right niche for you, to accomodate your spiritual, emotional, physical and mental desires and hopes.  It might not have seemed that this was the specific outcome clearly in your mind, but this was the path you were on when you met him.  I'm not sure whether he will be a help or a hindrance in this path.

Card 4- present of the person you are trying to locate ( 3 of wands)

It's important to look at the big picture for this, to take a step back and just take stock of how things are unfolding.  I am strangely thinking of looking up, whether that means physically looking north or just that things will be looking up (for you or him or both).  I don't usually say things like that, but I was told by the woman who I am studying with that if I get an idea, no matter how random, I should just say it.  Worse comes to worse, it doesn't make sense to you.  But regardless of the "up" thing, I would say that you, in trying to figure out more about him, are trying to see things from an objective standpoint, but you are not quite accepting some of the things visible in the bigger picture... you need a little more inner and outer support before you will feel comfortable doing that.

Card 5- future of this relationship ( Ace of Cups)

If you want to make room in your life for him, you need to get rid of the emotional .... I don't want to say baggage, but just the personal and emotional "stuff."  You don't have room for him at this point, and there will be no place for him until you have the chance to pour out a lot of the things that are filling up your life.  If you try to fit him in at this point, things will spill over, and create somewhat of a mess.  If you were able to include him in your life without adding to your "cup," or emotional dealings, that would be one thing.... but seeing as he is the Tower, he would certainly rock the boat and spill your cup regardless of whether you are ready to pour it out yet or not.  I'm speaking in metaphors, and since I'm not there in person I can't tell if you know what I mean, but I just hope you'll tell me if it makes no sense :)

Card 6- advice on what I can do to get in touch ( 4 of pentacles/ 6 of wands)

I think, honestly, that you need to be very careful in trying to get in touch.  Make sure that you are able to keep what you really need and care about close, because resuming contact would be a major change and could really shake things up.  This could just mean that you need to make sure that you are emotionally, PERSONALLY secure so that no matter what happens, you will be okay YOURSELF.  Because essentially, the only thing you have control over is your own conduct.  I feel like you are someone who has very strong emotions, and if you are not a little safe with them, you can get very hurt with this.  On the other hand, if you are able to keep some sense of inner security in this, being a little more discriminating in how vulnerable you let yourself be, eventually things will turn out right.  It would be a struggle, though, until it reaches the point of success.  You have to be prepared for this before you reach out to find this person, or I worry about you becoming a 3 of Swords.  But I think you have definitely good intentions in all of this, and you just have to watch out for yourself if things get messy.  Don't lose sight of the path of the High Priestess :) and don't let the people around you decide what YOU want.

I hope some of that helped... let me know if it meant something to you!  I wish you the best of luck :)
Hi SingerofPeace,

Thanking you so much in going out of your way to help me out. You have really put effort into this and I hope that someday, I will be able to return the favor, too :)

I copy and pasted your interpretations and gave feed back. I thought what you had to say was really interesting... you are really talent and what you say definitely made me see things in a whole new light.

Your interpretation for Card 1: wow, i never looked at it this way, but that does make sense. I do feel stifled in my current relationship. It is a "safe" relationship but it is keeping me from doing what i want to do-- like find my long lost friend, Mike.

Your interpretation for Card 2: I think your interpretation that this is a choice makes sense. I could make the choice to find my friend and have Mike F ( my boyfriend) be jealous that I want to find Mike K ( the lost friend). Especially, since Mike Y is attractive and we seemed to have a lot in common.

Your interpretation for Card 3 : I am not sure if this makes sense, though. When I met Mike K it was a late night. I had just arrived at college and was walking with some friends and he was drunk and lost. He was stumbling around and didnt know where to find his friends. My friends wanted to leave him, but I  took pity on him and promised to take care of him. He called me "an angel from heaven" and when we found his friend, he tried to tell me where he lived and wanted me to come over but I told him that I couldnt because he was drunk and didnt know what he was talking about. I told him, we'd meet again, under better circumstances. I wasnt  consciously trying to find myself. At that time, I was just trying to have a good time and make new friends... But maybe i was subconsciously trying to find myself, though....

Your interpretation for Card 4: When you say look up, do you mean like "look up to God or to Heaven?" Because that would make sense. I am quiet religous and belive that the only way i am able to get things accomplished is if God helps me :) Or maybe, things will look up for both of us :) i hope so. I hope good luck finds us both. But I am confused about what you mean about seeing the bigger picture? Do you mean to say that I am ( or have the potential to be) more emotionally attached than I realized? Or are you saying that I dont know him at all and am missing the bigger picture and do not realize the ramifications of finding him?

Your interpretation for Card 5: I think that your interpretation fits, too. I guess, if i were to include him in my life, I would have to decide between him and my relationship... Is that what you are suggesting?

Your interpretation for Card 6: You mentioned that I should also keep a sense of "emotional security" and to be careful with how vulnerable i get. Especially since he is the Tower, do you feel as if he will try to ruin my relationship with Mike F? I really will be the 3 of swords if I lose Mike F...

Your interpretations has shed a new light to my reading and I will definitely keep them in mind. I found what you had to say very useful and I am very, very greatful to you for taking the time to help me :)

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Post by singerofpeace » Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:16 am

I'm so glad it helped!  I would say that your actions when you met Mike depict you still as the High Priestess, you were the one in your group to take the higher road and exhibit a stronger sense of compassion and maturity than the rest.  This way of being shows that though you can still have been having fun and just trying to have a good time, spiritually you are on the High Priestess path, and you are especially seen as that by him.  His calling you an "angel from heaven" is so strangely literal when it comes to you embodying the High Priestess card.  For the looking up part for Card 4, I did think about looking up to whatever power you believe in, but I didn't want to make an assumption about your religious views, so I just tried to keep it vague (I didn't want to offend you).  But seeing as looking up and looking at the big picture both seem to be important, and you ARE religious, it seems that a great way to do this is to reach into your own spirituality and maybe try to see "God's plan."  I would suggest praying or meditating or something along those lines, perhaps... if this is your religious path, it seems imperative that you see God's idea of the big picture.  Seeing as I still think you are the High Priestess, your spirituality should definitely play a large role in your life, as it seems to.  But I think it is important to see the long run consequences of whatever you decide to do- not that finding him is bad, not at all, but that there will be major changes and you need to be aware of how that will probably play out in your life.  For Card 5, while it may include having to decide between the two relationships, I think the more general idea I am getting is that there is too much emotional "stuff" going on inside, and that you won't have room for the added emotional ties and other things that require emotional attention.  You would have to let something go in order to have room for anything else, and if you try to fit the emotional "space" of an added person into your heart, something else will spill over regardless.  Does that make sense?  I don't think he will TRY to ruin your relationship, but I really feel that the inclusion of him in your life will create some problems, as I said for the Ace of Cups, since in order to make space for him, other things will have to go.  There would be a significant split of attention, I feel, and he brings with him the potential of a major upheaval in your current situation.  The big question is, do you like the structure of your current situation?  Are you ready for that kind of upheaval?  Because if you would like him back in your life, you need some major internal shields to either 1) protect you from the emotional situations that Mike (K?) would bring with him (unintentionally perhaps) if you were to let him in your life, and 2) if you hope to maintain your current relationship, you would need the inner shields to prevent those situations from affecting your interactions with Mike... F?  Does this make more sense than the last post?

:) I'm so glad any of this has been useful, and I wish you so much luck.

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Post by kristabella » Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:27 am

singerofpeace wrote:I'm so glad it helped!  I would say that your actions when you met Mike depict you still as the High Priestess, you were the one in your group to take the higher road and exhibit a stronger sense of compassion and maturity than the rest.  This way of being shows that though you can still have been having fun and just trying to have a good time, spiritually you are on the High Priestess path, and you are especially seen as that by him.  His calling you an "angel from heaven" is so strangely literal when it comes to you embodying the High Priestess card.  For the looking up part for Card 4, I did think about looking up to whatever power you believe in, but I didn't want to make an assumption about your religious views, so I just tried to keep it vague (I didn't want to offend you).  But seeing as looking up and looking at the big picture both seem to be important, and you ARE religious, it seems that a great way to do this is to reach into your own spirituality and maybe try to see "God's plan."  I would suggest praying or meditating or something along those lines, perhaps... if this is your religious path, it seems imperative that you see God's idea of the big picture.  Seeing as I still think you are the High Priestess, your spirituality should definitely play a large role in your life, as it seems to.  But I think it is important to see the long run consequences of whatever you decide to do- not that finding him is bad, not at all, but that there will be major changes and you need to be aware of how that will probably play out in your life.  For Card 5, while it may include having to decide between the two relationships, I think the more general idea I am getting is that there is too much emotional "stuff" going on inside, and that you won't have room for the added emotional ties and other things that require emotional attention.  You would have to let something go in order to have room for anything else, and if you try to fit the emotional "space" of an added person into your heart, something else will spill over regardless.  Does that make sense?  I don't think he will TRY to ruin your relationship, but I really feel that the inclusion of him in your life will create some problems, as I said for the Ace of Cups, since in order to make space for him, other things will have to go.  There would be a significant split of attention, I feel, and he brings with him the potential of a major upheaval in your current situation.  The big question is, do you like the structure of your current situation?  Are you ready for that kind of upheaval?  Because if you would like him back in your life, you need some major internal shields to either 1) protect you from the emotional situations that Mike (K?) would bring with him (unintentionally perhaps) if you were to let him in your life, and 2) if you hope to maintain your current relationship, you would need the inner shields to prevent those situations from affecting your interactions with Mike... F?  Does this make more sense than the last post?

:) I'm so glad any of this has been useful, and I wish you so much
Yes, singerofpeace, it does make sense. you are so wonderfully talented-- thank you for taking the time and using your gift to help me :)

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Post by singerofpeace » Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:55 am

You are much too kind :) a thought just occurred to me, however, that I wanted to add... in the "making room" for the new addition of emotional things to deal with (Ace of Cups), it might not be so drastic as getting rid of an entire relationship, it might just be something along the lines of a catharsis, perhaps just getting some things off your chest.  Telling people what you feel, maybe, would be a good start.  You can't be expected to deal with everyone's emotions and your own all within yourself, you need to be able to let them out somehow.  Best of luck :)

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Post by kristabella » Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:13 am

singerofpeace wrote:You are much too kind :) a thought just occurred to me, however, that I wanted to add... in the "making room" for the new addition of emotional things to deal with (Ace of Cups), it might not be so drastic as getting rid of an entire relationship, it might just be something along the lines of a catharsis, perhaps just getting some things off your chest.  Telling people what you feel, maybe, would be a good start.  You can't be expected to deal with everyone's emotions and your own all within yourself, you need to be able to let them out somehow.  Best of luck :)
very good advice- i will also keep that in mind :)

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