Cartomancy Reading

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Cartomancy Reading

Post by heartofacowgirl » Tue May 13, 2008 6:29 pm

Do A Free Divination With Playing Cards On Mystic Scripts
I just did one of these reading just as i have before and every time I do one it always comes out true.
I hope that today in true. As I am to go in for an interview today for a new job at the company that I work at. According to my reading it told me that I would get the job.
I hope that it is right.

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My Cartomancy Readings

Post by nycgal » Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:11 am

This is going to be weird because I already - sorta- have a system. So I am probably just going to post all my cartomancy discussions/questions here.

I did a nine-card spread. This is how they lay:

1st card: 9(D)
2nd card: Jack (C)
3rd card: A(H)
4th card: King (H)
5th card: 7 (D)
6th card: A (C)
7th card: 6 (S)
8th card: J (S)
9th card: 3 (C)

1st - 3rd card represents the past.
MB has 9 (D) as self-reliance, self-actualization, independent, satisfied & ambitious. Past efforts yield results and receiving money for past work.
My interpretation was  simply a financial change

MB has J (C) as courageous, heroic, enthusiastic, flexible & dynamic. A good friend. Someone who is free and frank with everyone around them. Someone who you can share everything with.
[/img]My interpretation was young, lucky, and charming. Could be a messenger or a child.

MB has A(H) as love, fulfillment, sensitive, emotional & confidence. The love card. Start of a new romance, in love or feel passionate about a particular person.
My interpretation is pretty much the same. Feeling passionate about a particular person could be a lover, a friend, a new baby.

4th - 6th card represent the present:
MB has K (H) as articulate, kind, warm, sensitive & understanding. A caring and loving father, husband, or someone with whom the querent is emotionally attached. Could be a doctor, therapist, or attached to the healing profession.
My interpretation is the same on this card.

MB has 7 (D) as patient, perservering, determination, reassessing nature and successful. Re-asses pst for future plans.
My interpretation of this card is financial troubles.

MB has A (C) as action, success, leadership, courageous and energetic. The best time to start a new business venture.
This is exactly what I have for this card.

7th-9th represents the future:
MB has 6 (S) as Independent, self-destruction, conflicts, separation, starting a new phase. Separation during this period in your life; self destruction.
My interpretation for this card is a journey away from difficulties

MB has J (S) as deceit, worries, depressions, intelligent and careful. Worries and depressions, a cedietful person plotting against you. Take great care.
My interpretation is the same.

MB has 3 (C) as change, flexibility, development, travel and ambition. Constant development. Milestone in work.
My interpretation is growth in work. Pretty much the same.

A (H) & A (C)
MB has as a successful venture
My interpretation is a marriage or union

So I would read this as:

Past: Love with a young and carefree man caused a financial change in your life.

Present: Financial troubles turned around when you went on a business venture with your father, or someone older.

Future: You will be successful at work if you do not let a deceitful person take you under.

Someone please tell me how it sounds.

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