please help, newbie needing help with interpretation

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please help, newbie needing help with interpretation

Post by picasso1 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:48 am

hi as you can see from my past posts i am new to tarot reading.
i am using the golden tarot by kat black which i think is a truly beautiful pack.

the question i have asked is will me and my ex get back together?

we split 4 month ago, and have just recently started communicating as freinds.

I used the celtic cross spread and he results were as follows:

1: 5 of swords (reversed)
2: the emperor
3: 6 of cups
4: the star (reversed)
5: 10 of wands (reversed)
6: the moon (reversed)
7:4 of swords
8: 2 of swords
9: 3 of cups
10: justice

I will appreciate any advice and interperatation of these cards

love & rainbows xx

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:00 pm

What are the names of these positions picasso.
What does each number stand for.......? There are different Celtic Cross positions..... Which one is yours?

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sorry didnt realise

Post by picasso1 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:06 pm

sorry didnt realise, the spread i have is as follows:

1 influences of situation
2 obstacles of querent
3 goal
4 basis of situation
5 influences past or passing
6 influence affecting
7 querents position
8 views of those close
9 hopes or fears
10 outcome/future

thanks for taking the time to reply

love & rainbows xx

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:08 pm

I would also recommend that you read a reading I did for you some weeks ago in the Tarot Reading Forum.......???
You asked for that reading and I spent time doing it for you. Did you ever go and read it Picasso?
It is a bit late now, but what did you think of it at the time?

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only just found it

Post by picasso1 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:29 pm

hi cedars,

sorry i have just found the reading you done and have posted a reply, i am sorry my head seems to be all over and i couldnt remember where i had posted the request.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to do the reading and to answer my posts.

a few things have changed since the reading was done, but there are many things i am still unsure of and have no control over.

i am not feeling as lost but still dont know which path im on and just waiting for signs or guidance

love & rainbows xx

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:36 pm

Thank you Picasso.
I am working on your Celtic Cross spread..... and hope to post something here soon.

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:59 pm

Hello Picasso

OK. I usually dont do readings within a short span of time from each other. I am doing this because the Celtic Cross is not a favourite spread of mine, but I will do it because the question you asked touched a chord with me.

I am using my the Rider Waite deck.

1 influences of situation:  Four of Swords(reversed)
The instant feeling I get from this position and card is that arguments, fights and reconciliations had been going on for a while. Once reconciled, perhaps, not much was solved but rather issues on the surface only. The reconciliation was just an act, but neither of you felt fully at ease after the reconciliation nor convinced that issues were solved.

2 obstacles of querent: The Emperor.
Well, the emperor is a man of authority, forceful and rather commanding. If this is you or qualities that you have where you dont give in or compromise easily, then it could be that you need to change some of those qualities. Or, if you are trying to be the domineering one in the relationship, then perhaps that needs some modification and a new look at your attitude. If this is a third person in your lives, and his influence is causing you issues as a couple or you individually, then I suggest it is worth having a word with that third person.

3 goal: Six of Cups.
Your conscious goal is to go back to this lady and re-discover what you had together by offering peace, understanding and, of course love. You want things as they were in the past- together.

4 basis of situation: The Star (reversed)
I would call this the deeper meaning or some unknown influence on you which you probably do not realise.
I would say you have given up hope and are becoming pessimistic about the situation. What would otherwise have meant for a nurturing attitude, I fear you have just let events take care of this situation. You have given up hope. The situation needs tender loving care in order to come back to life.

5 influences past or passing: Ten of Wands (reversed).
Hard work and troubled times which have been through (and have taught you some fine lessons and given you strength) are passing and coming to an end.

6 influence affecting or Forthcoming ifluences: The Moon (reversed)
A period of uncertainty and being unsure about which way to go looks like is being blessed by sun. As I look at the Moon card in reverse I see the sun becoming more prominent than the gloomy and illusive face of the moon. This does not mean that there will be no doubts, fears and illusions, but I sincerely hope you will look at the bright side of things rather than build on the negative and gloomy side.

7 querents position: Four of Swords.
You have to have the will and power to give yourself some time out to think things over and gather your strenght both mentally and physically. This is not a sad state, but one that you probably need in order to gather your thoughts and come to a conclusion from within. While you lie asleep, I am drawn to the stained glasses of a church window above you which asks of you not to lose faith, but give yourself the time to recuperate from your wounds.

8 views of those close: Two of Swords.
(I always wonder if this is of any importance in a spread?? Do we care how others see us?) But, as it is part of the Celtic Cross spread, let's move on with it.
You are in a state of limbo so to speak. You know what you want, you know what your next step should be, but for some reason you choose to keep quiet and not make your voice be heard. If there are unspoken issues, you will need to speak up and remove the blindfold and look ahead and tacke the situaton.

9 hopes or fears: Three of Cups.
You hope to celebrate and be happy again; have parties and invite friends to share in your happiness. But why would you be afraid of this? Afraid of what you might say in step 8 above? If there are things to be said and put out in the open, then they should be said in order to clear the air. After that, I sense your time to celebrate and party with be a hopeful one.

10 outcome/future: Justice.
I feel September/October time things will find an even keel and justice will come into your life or your lives together. Unless you have an issue with the Law, then that will come to a fair conclusion too.

I see you have had some turbulent times; you have gone through some hard times; lost hope and regained some hope. All of this turbulence in your life has been having an impact on you emotionally and physically which suggests that you need to take things easy and not run before you can walk. I also feel there are things which should be cleared between you too; things which were unsaid should come out to the open and handled with openness.

Was this anywhere near to what you read for yourself?

Please let me know what you think.

Thank you.
Blessings to you my friend.

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Post by picasso1 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:36 pm

hi cedars and again thank you for taking the time to read for me again.

1 there has not been any arguments reconciliations, we have spoke and met for the first tim in about 12 weeks, very dignified as he said he did not want to mention our past (i am female)

2 he is quite a forcefull strong willed person, who will not comprimise, there has been no 3rd person within our relationship

3 my goal is to reconcile and be happy again

4 i do seem to have given up hope, this is caused by his actions and wishes to just forget the 4 yr we were together

5 i have indeed learned many lessons through these troubled times

6 i am trying to look at the bright side of my life, but could honestly say that i havent experianced happiness since he left

7 i am trying my hardest to keep my faith

8 i am indeed in limbo, i dont know what to do with the current situation, i know that if i try to push things he will retreat further away, he does not like being pushed

9 my hopes are to feel happiness again

10 hopefully by sept/oct things will be better

I know there are issues that need to be talked about and discussed but he is not willing to do so

im sorry that the feedback  or situation isnt more positive

love & rainbows xx

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:09 pm

But I see the cards and your situation have come out as per current state of affairs, correctly. And, I am sorry, I thought you were male...... I guess I got carried away by your name - Picasso.

I can feel for you Picasso and I do hope from my heart that things sort themselves out.
However, not talking about the past may be not so good, as it may hide the issues which caused the break up in the first place.
This is your choice if you want to ask him to talk or keep the past buried.

Whatever you choose, I wish you all the best and thank you for your feedback.
I think your 'feedback' of the reading is quite positive, even though the situation does not look so at present.

Blessings and love to you.


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