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eidhneán ini
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Tarot help :)

Post by eidhneán ini » Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:04 am

I know there was an offer for Gem to read some tarot readings but the board went haywire and lost some threads.  I took it as a "sign."  No big deal.  :)

At the same time, I did this spread for myself, regarding marriage.

I asked, in a sort of wishywashy way, if I was going to marry someone in particular but did not mention his name.

This was my 3card result for reading 1.

1.  Judgement
2.  Six of Wands
3.  Death

The Chariot also jumped out, but I can't say why.

I know death doesn't necessarily mean DEATH, but one of my books said that indicates marriage and birth.  A death to the life before, a rebirth with someone new or a new relationship.  

On the other hand, another book said that my life would be me loving someone without them loving me.  (I don't want to waste time on that.  That is a nightmare to me.)

Being a bit freaked out, I asked again and got even more freaked out.  

I asked a one card, yes/no question.  
Will I marry ************? [used his real name instead of "him"]
I chanted the question many times while gazing into the flames of a pink candle.  This is the one and only card that I picked.  

Ten of Cups.

I do have my books, but insight from anyone who doesn't have to consult books everytime they do a reading would help me understand this.  

I know what Ten of Cups means.  Just doesn't make sense.  

Anyone have any insight?  :)  It would be most greatly appreciated.  :smt003

Thanks so much for reading this!   :smt007

PS  There were no reversal cards

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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:57 pm

How can you not understand the Ten of Cups in relation to your question?  I would be over the moon with such a positive sign, A happy family, ten full cups of pure joy. But the question now is how to make sure that it all happens as you wish :)

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Post by eidhneán ini » Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:57 am

Lady of Avalon wrote:How can you not understand the Ten of Cups in relation to your question?  I would be over the moon with such a positive sign, A happy family, ten full cups of pure joy. But the question now is how to make sure that it all happens as you wish :)
It's a simple as that?  Truly?   I desperately wish that it were so easy.  I want exactly what it says only it seems "impossible".  

I do seriously want to be happy.  Just seems impossible.  

If it is the truth...trust me...I AM over the MOON!  & utterly shocked.

Thanks for the answer by the way, Lady of Avalon.  :smt007

I was concerned about the Death card until I realized it signifies marriages and births (according to my books).  

Indeed, how do I make it HAPPPEN?

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Post by chrisdee » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:36 pm

Hi, I don’t normally participate in reads online but your spread just jumped out at me, I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes  but I would like to give you some insight as to your reading.

Quote; I asked, in a sort of wishy-washy way, if I was going to marry someone in particular but did not mention his name.

This was my 3 card result for reading 1.

1. Judgement
2. Six of Wands
3. Death

The Chariot also jumped out, but I can't say why.

1. Judgement; The message this card is giving is to look into yourself and make sure that what your going after is real what you want, listen to your intuitive voice and if you have doubts! Address them before you go on
2. Six of Wands; If you don’t get cold feet, you will succeed in getting what you want although effort on your part will have to be made and sometimes this can be scary as well as exciting  
3. Death; It is important to remember that change is sometimes not excepted easily could there be some parts of your life as it is now that you don’t want to change?

Quote; The Chariot also jumped out, but I can't say why.
The Chariot; Keep focused on what it is that you want to achieve and don’t let your emotions get in the way of making the right decision  

As Lady of Avalon as already replied to your question on the ten of Cups I wont add to it
                Blessings Decia

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Post by Xia » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:15 pm

I have never heard the Death card related to marriage? Rebirth yes, but also not birth? Where did youget that from? Which deck/book etc?  However it is unstopping and there is no way out of the situation, whatever that is, time will roll on and the end is part of the beginning of something else.

Xia :o)

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Post by farafina » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:39 pm

Hi all,

This sounds interesting so I thought I would add my gran of salt:

Judgement: A complete, turn-around kind of realization of truth and of reality and of one's place in one's universe. It is usually sudden and completely life-changing. One understands the meaning of past actions, the meaning of one's past feelings, and the direction of one's life. Like ChrisDee said, one finds out what one truly wants. It is also about one's own critical assessment of one's own journey in life.

Six of Wands: the realization of the Judgement card leads to a feeling of achievement and victory. One feels as if one is appreciated and one can finally appreciate oneself. Work is paying off, efforts are rewarded and recognized.

Death: complete transformation. The past is pushed under ground and new earth soil is laid so that new growth can take place. This card is interesting because you can see the moving forward of the horse and its turning its back to the past life. Nothing is as it was. The page is turned and a new journey begins. Complete death of the past. Usually when I get this card, I am deeply relieved because it points to the necessary evolution of human life and of the spiritual journey. Without it, no grwoth occurs....

I hope this helps....

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Thanks everyone!

Post by eidhneán ini » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:09 am

First of all, to Lady of Avalon, I really wanted to apologize to you about my post beneath yours.  I was half asleep when I wrote that and had NO CLUE how obnoxious and whiny my response came off.  In a nutshell, what I meant to say was that it seems like an impossibility presently and I am so completely blown away by it, I can barely believe it.  :)  But, please allow my thanks for your input!  It means a lot.  I was really just surprised by the reading and it hadn't worn off by the time I answered you.  It sounds argumentative when I read it again.......but trust me it was more like "school girl hysteria"!  :D

@ chrisdee  --  all help and comments are extremely valuable to me!  Thank you for responding.  I'm very grateful you poked your nose in.  That's why I'm opening up here at this forum.  I'm so internal and I realized I need some people around who understand the tarot who can give insight I can't get from books.  

For the first reading, your views were spot on.  I have been vacillating, but not about how I feel about him.  Just the complication and how everything will change if I pursue this.  I am fighting those cold feet, but I'm trying to find that step that's really going to change things without breaking them to pieces forever.  And the Death card.  When I first read it, I was almost relieved.  I thought it meant rebirth, thus the end of what was going on mentally with me.  I didn't realize that it meant it could possibly leave that unhappiness behind and have a new start with this person.  Just depends on how to look at it.  Really disturbing when you first see it, no matter how much you educate yourself to know that it doesn't mean "DEATH" or "END OF RELATIONSHIP".  The Chariot----in many other readings I have had other cards say to me, don't give up, you'll get what you want even if it's not quite how you think it will happen.  So, I can see that, definitely.  

And yes, Lady of Avalon was spot on with the Ten of Cups.  :)

@ Xia.  I saw that death can indicate marriage or birth (quite to my utter shock) in the following books.  (I hope we don't have to put them in a proper format, that I can just tell you the title and author.  Sometimes forums want an entire bibliography.)  

1.  The Tarot Guide to Love and Relationships says: "A relationship is putting you through dramatic experiences that are you transforming you forever, his influence is inspiring you to get healthier, and you know your arrangement with him has to be restructured from the ground up [true]..."

2.  Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis says it indicates (in list form):  "Marriage..." Also, "A major change is about to take place.  Transformation is imminent.  The Death card often appears when you are facing significant life events like marriage, divorce, leaving home, relocating, career moves, or parenthood..."  Mostly it focuses on change.

3.  The Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman and Liz Greene says, "The card of Death does not necessarily symbolize a 'bad' ending.  The experience of irrevocable ending can accompany such joyful events as marriage or the birth of a child.  But these events not only connote a new beginning; they also mean the death of an old way of life..."

@ Farafina, thanks for your help, also!  Like I said, it sounds just about right.  :)  And I do appreciate all your concern and care to take the time to read all this.  I was hoping that you all might give me insight and maybe play devil's advocate with me and say, don't get your hopes up if that's what I was really doing.  :smt009

Again, thanks, to all that have helped.   :smt007

<<<hugs to you all>>>>

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Post by chrisdee » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:45 pm

Thank you eidhneán ini, I appreciate your feed back and I'm really happy you didn't mind me sticking my nose in , Not many do get back to let me know how the reading went which is why I don't read online unless something cries out to be answered and no one as replied to it
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Blessings Decia

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Post by Xia » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:56 pm

You are misunderstanding the meaning of Death that those books indicate I think. It does not indicate that actual marriage or a birth, but the complete change and end to one way of life that has to happen with those such events. When linked with a marriage it means saying goodbye to the old way of life, but you are not linked?

Xia :o)

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Post by eidhneán ini » Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:41 am

@ Decia &nbsp;-- thanks again for your help. &nbsp;I know what you mean, too. &nbsp;If you go through the trouble of answering, feedback helps a lot. &nbsp;:) &nbsp;Thanks for taking the time, it means a lot. &nbsp;(And yeah, I've been crying out to be answered about this, because it's been on my mind a lot, lol) &nbsp;I would never purposely put people through the trouble of helping me, and teaching me, without at least a thank you. &nbsp;:smt055

@Xia &nbsp;-- &nbsp;I know what you mean. &nbsp;But marriage and childbirth would mean a Death to the existence I'm living in right now which is a grand rut. &nbsp;Definitely if there is a marriage in my future, it will be the end of life how I live it presently. &nbsp;What I'm thinking is that I have to end certain things that I do in my life, certain patterns, before this "Ten of Cups" thing happens. &nbsp;That will be difficult in some ways. &nbsp;

The way the rest of the spread goes, it doesn't necessarily seem like a "no" card since the rest of the cards have a far more "yes" feeling attached to them. &nbsp;I just have to be willing to break with certain things in my life for something like this to occur. &nbsp;I'm trying really hard not to rationalize the reality of what the Death card means, I'm just putting it altogether with the rest of the cards and trying to make some sense of it. &nbsp;In other words, death to the way I was living life before, rising from it and getting this new beginning with this person. &nbsp;

Believe me, I thought the answer to my one-card spread was going to be the opposite to yes. &nbsp; :smt005

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Post by farafina » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:38 pm

Thanks eidhnan ini. And I am glad you felt our comments were useful.

Decia, I want to say something. I have noticed some of the readings you did for people on this board and I think you are a very gifted reader and you do it with depth. I understand completely what you mean about people not giving feedback or even acknowledging the readings that are done, as I myself struggle with this daily. Especially on such a forum when we are supposed to help one another out of good will.

So I would say, keep reading, because out of 10 people, there is always that 1 &nbsp;person who will appreciate it and that is so worth it.


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