What the Moon Card mean?

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What the Moon Card mean?

Post by hsfcc123 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:42 pm

Can anyone tell mi what the moon card means?? :)

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Post by suzisco » Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:56 pm

http://mysticboard.org/my ... php?t=8987
have a look here for meaning of your card.


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Post by chrisdee » Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:52 pm

The Moon card if your reading intuitively can easily be remembered and recalled when need, look at the moon what does it bring to mind, a time with a loved one under a moon lit sky (romance), or when you've walked home the night sky lit only by the moon, do you have a feeling of apprehension or been frightened of what lurks in the shadows, is there something there or isn't there, can you see things clearly will they look the same or different in the morning
 There's lots more that can be said about this card but i'm sure you can see were I am going with this                                                  
                                                                                                               Blessings Decia

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Post by bellevalentine » Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:33 am

When I look at this card its my least favorite! it gives me the willies! The dogs are so mean looking.. the sea is raging, the sun  and moon are in battle so it seems, I prefer the devil card or death over this one! And where is the lobster going????? LOL

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Post by suzisco » Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:34 am

sorry I read your post bellevalentine and had a chuckle to myself!!!  Thats true where is the lobster going?

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Post by bellevalentine » Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:03 pm

Oh quite alright LOL, we all ned a good laugh dont we!!! Hmm maybe we should ask him???

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Post by dheaven » Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:54 pm

From books this is a negative card.

For me is to be more likely a positive one cause i love the moon and i feel very good in the moonlight at night when everyone goes to bed and if you live in a crowded city like me you can enjoy the silence. I'm also a bit romantic and a dreamer and also hope one day i'll be a good poet #moon influence#

I just started myself to study the tarot and i find that the interpretation must come more from an intuitive level *but you need a decent level of understanding and knowledge* so in one reeding might be a good thing and in another might be a not so good thing.

How can you make this clear?

By choosing your spread carefully. Let's say you get one card reading or 3 cards reading

You get  *PAST*The Moon - *present*The High Priest -*future*Ace of Pentacles
fast way of seeing this: not so good the past/you get help to overcome/fortune coming

On the other hand let\s say you use 3x3x3
So you have *past* The Moon/7 Wands/5 Pentacles
And for the *present* The High Priest *IV*/Temperance*XIV*/8 Pentacles
And again *future* Ace Of Pentacles/Page of Swords/Chariot*VII*

Fast way of seeing this:
*Past*Very poor financial status. Lots of hard work, day and night, to overcome poor financial conditions
*Present*You have finally reached a middle ground, bla bla bla
*Future* and the bla bla bla goes one ;)

So as you see the spread counts alot also to get better at this you also have to study Astrology (and all the rest of the occult arts they all go hand in hand) you have to understand very well the spread to understand the meaning of the card

Sorry for my English :(

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Post by dheaven » Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:02 pm

The lobster is angry at the dogs man, all the howling makes him go *after their* nuts


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Post by singerofpeace » Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:07 am

I get a very different reading from The Moon.... it has always worked for me in the past.  When I look at the card, I ask what is going on-- it seems like the dogs are howling at the moon.  I feel like the reason for that is to get the moon to change, somehow.  Sometimes I call it the "Peer Pressure" card, at least as far as the major arcana is concerned.  Recently, I've begun to think more about it, and I realized another important level.  What I usually tell people now is something like this:

The Moon seems to be being pressure by forces around it... people, situations, etc... to be something other than the Moon.  The dogs (and other various creatures)are trying to pressure the Moon into trying to be the Sun, but why?  The Moon cannot be the Sun, because the Moon is the Moon, and that's that.  BUT, the people who may be exerting this pressure don't necessarily mean to change the Moon into something that it isn't-- they may not know what the Moon actually is, and so they would not know how to treat it other than as though it were something else.  When you get the Moon, you tend to have a lot going on underneath the surface (emotions, beliefs, deeper issues, which the water very clearly represents to me), but that isn't what the people around are able to see.  All they see is the surface levels, or, like what you see when you look at the actual Moon, the reflection of the Sun.  They don't really know about the deeper levels, and so you can't expect them to understand.  You have to at least give them the chance to see that you ARE the Moon, not just the reflection of the Sun, and there is nothing wrong with that in the slightest.  The Moon has power of its own, emotional and personal power, just like the actual Moon has power over the water through the tides.  Maybe you just have to give those pressuring forces around you the chance to understand just what is going on beneath what they are able to see, so that they can stop trying to deal with you as though you were something else.

Reading that, it seems so horribly articulated :P I hope it makes more sense to the people I read for, it always seems to sink in very strong with them.  

Did that make sense to anyone?

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