Hope and Fears..... tarot position

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Hope and Fears..... tarot position

Post by cedars » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:18 am

I would like us to have a discussion about the Hopes and Fears aspect that I find in so many tarot spreads and about which I, personally, wonder what the creator of the spread meant? This very position is also present in the Celtic Cross - which is not one of main favourite spreads. I am trying to get a better understanding of this phrase and what it may mean during a reading. All comments are welcome in an attempt to get a better understanding of this position. (or we might even scrap it and find a different name for this position :smt017 )

What is Hope and Fears in your opinion?
What does it say about the question?

Let us think of cards that fall under Hopes and Fears section and try and analyse how we can interpret them - given the question asked of course - but let's look at it in a general term.

For example, any Ace card falling under Hopes and Fears... Ace of Wands or Cups or Penctales etc..

You can bring in your own card example and analyse it as Hopes and Fears.

I will be the first to admit... I am forever learning and it never stops...


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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:48 am

Hope (+) Fear (-)

This is my opinions, and how I see this things, other might have other and better explanations :)

When we ask a question, then it seldom is easy to answer with a clear yes or no.

The bigger the spread is made, the more option we get in order to investigate the question.

We all carry a "hope" for our future....and this hope might come to an understanding or "pictured" in the "Hope" card seen in relation to the question.

But as we know, where there are hope to succeed, there is also a "fear" to fail.
The "Fear" position will then try to tell about such thoughts, and hopefully give a thought or two on how to prevent them...it is a way to give balance...because we know we can't give our quarrant the final solution....they have to work for it....we just give them a help on their way :)

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:53 am

Good point Rhuto,

It is true that any bright hope has an element of fear attached to it and I liked the way you symbolised it Hope as being (+) and Fear as being ( - ).

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Post by Molissa » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:49 pm

I think I've always looked at that position as the subconcious "hope" the querant has concerning the question, and same for the "fears".  The feelings that are not on the surface, the deeper sometimes hidden hope or fear of the question.  I guess, if the question were something like what is happening in my job for the next xxx amount of time (or love life etc)?, the Ace in that position would tell me the person "hopes " for a new begining, a new job prospect, a new love on the horizon... or vice versa they could be fearful of a major undertaking developing within that circle (the job, the love affair)- losing their job and having to look for another.  I just see it as the subconcious elements in the question, and the card will be indicative of a "hope" or their "fear".
I don't think I'm making sense, though I know what I want to say! lol!

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:57 pm

You are making very much sense Molissa...... I see your point clearly.

I had a situation in a recent reading where under the Hopes and Fears I got the Ace of Wands. I paused for a bit agaisnt this powerful card and interpreted it in the same lines as your above comments.

Would love to hear examples of other cards that one would be able to describe in the way they see this Hope/Fear situation.

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Hopes & Fears

Post by pirbid » Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:26 pm

:) Hallo, everybody!

Since Cedars has been kind enough to fish me back into business here, I will gladly enter this debate, specially since I was truly stumped by this position and its meaning when I began -way back when... :smt083 -.

I mean, how can the same card mean something + and - at the same time, like Rutho said?

But, after many readings, I saw how it could be and how it usually is, since human nature is quite gray, as opposed to the black/white concept, or +/-. For many of us, future events make our hearts beat faster with a mix of feelings of hope, dread, trepidation, doubt, illusion and whatnot.

It is easy to see when this position is occupied by a + card, like the 6 of wands, because, though most of us crave triumph, who among us does not fear to suddenly be in the limelight? In fact, this meaning is very clearly seen in a card like the 2 of cups, when compromising ourselves in a new relationship or new business. Otherwise, why would some men seem so little inclined towards marriage? Some part of it they want, some part they fear -so do women, for that matter, but we tend to take on new responsibilities far more easily, must be hormonal or something-.

I guess it is harder to see this position as hopeful when a negative card or meaning come up. But, just as we fear a little that which is good for us, we also can have huge cravings towards things that we know are hurting us, like a twisted relationship, a poorly paid job, any kind of substance abuse -in my case that includes chocolate! Tons of it are killing my poor liver, but still...-. My favorite card for this example is The Devil: it embodies all those things we are ashamed to avow to others, yet we do not feel free to do without them. Another example can be the 4 of swords: we "hope" to be left alone, yet we fear nobody will ever come to give us the kiss of life and we will have to "sleep" forever after. One very common example of this is the kind of person who literally takes refuge in real or semi real illness in order to avoid responsibilities while still getting all the attention: they may hope to carry on with this little fraud, but what if the illness becomes painfully real? will it then be worth it?

Anyway, here is my own penny's worth. Sorry for the brick  :smt002

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:31 pm

Hey Pirbid!!!

No "brick" at all my friend. Glad to see you and your inputs....... the way we used to do.

I am glad you brought some card examples around this subject and I had all those negative cards in my mind. It is 'easier' to have hopes and fears out of positive cards, but when you pause and think for a while on a negative card, you can only see the Fears about it.. :( But I also agree that the Fear in itself can turn out to be a hope -- The Tower, after the initial upheaval, there is always a positive , i.e Hope aspect coming out of it. I guess the same would apply to the Ten of Swords.

I raised this issue in order to see if the opinions and examples would be around my line of thinkingt.....  I like Rhuto's + and - ratio on this too.

I dare say we may still be stumped by this position in the future to come, but debates like this will hopefully and not fearfully (ha ha ha)  pave the way to a better understanding of this position.

Am glad I fished you out of your ............... hibernation .

Be good and dont be such a stranger.


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