Tarot readings tending to be negative??

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Post by pirbid » Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:55 pm

:) True, but in that case I usually get a hint at past trouble, like cards in the Past or Base positions, or even in Hopes and Fears. Then the rest can be as sunny as you like.

It is extremely rare to get an all-sunny reading. I can hardly recall having seen any. I do see many dealing with everyday matters and not concerned in deep upheaval. That is also good: I do not think we would be able to stand a soap opera like kind of life  :smt003

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Post by cedars » Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:09 pm

Oh, you dont believe in Dynasty and Dallas? LOL.......

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Post by ec » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:44 am

my only experiernce of the tarot has been here on mystic board and has inspired me to get a deck..... here on the board all the readings were helpful and gave me an insight.even if the cards seemed "negative". i received my rider waite deck for Xmas and it has to be said that the little booklet and the book i have very often gives very negative interpretations to the cards. obviously I have a lot to learn but what can you do when your little booklet gives words like loss, betrayal and a vicious old man??? i have come to believe that the reader has to look at what each of these negative things can bring to the life of the querant. but i was diapointed or shocked at the number of cards that are definetely "negative"

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Post by Xia » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:37 pm

ec wrote:my only experiernce of the tarot has been here on mystic board and has inspired me to get a deck..... here on the board all the readings were helpful and gave me an insight.even if the cards seemed "negative". i received my rider waite deck for Xmas and it has to be said that the little booklet and the book i have very often gives very negative interpretations to the cards. obviously I have a lot to learn but what can you do when your little booklet gives words like loss, betrayal and a vicious old man??? i have come to believe that the reader has to look at what each of these negative things can bring to the life of the querant. but i was diapointed or shocked at the number of cards that are definetely "negative"
Oh hun, they are not negative, they all have meanings that are positive and helpful. Do you know which brand of Rider Waite you got? Sounds like the original? Please don't get down on your cards, you just need to learn them properly, then you will love them :)

Xia :o)

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Post by ec » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:54 pm

Phew...what a relief!!! I am totally prepared to learn the positive meanings of these cards... sign me up!!! I got the original deck designed by Pamela Colman Smith...
Thankyou xx
Last edited by ec on Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:40 pm

I got that too and I cannot migrate from them onto another one. I recently got the Universal Rider and it is a lot more detailed and vibrant in colour. This deck gives more details and quite pleasing to the eyes with its colours.

Just familiarise yourself with the cards and for their 'negative' meanings, take it as advice, guidance and by way of giving direction to the querent.

March ahead with the cards. I love them.


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Post by ec » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:44 pm

thankyou...will do !

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Post by Xia » Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:00 pm

Perhaps it is a case of glass half empty or half full? Once the positive, helpful, inspirational and encouraging aspects of a card are pointed out then it is far easier :)

Xia :o)

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Post by ec » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:06 am

I've been spending moretime with the cards and I've put aside reversals and it's all going alot better... I have been looking at a card a day for me to think about and just sort of getting to know others. I am really starting to get the impression that certain cards have alot to say and it's all alot brighter. That said do any of you find that one card will speak volumes while another doesn't??? A question of time I suppose???

Anyway thankyou all for your words of encouragement xxx

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It decided by yourself

Post by fionawu » Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:49 am

I think tarot is different to different people.

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Post by mystic67 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:28 pm

I have not had the same experience with tarot readings I have received by others, I have had some very positive readers. I do
think if you find a reader that you click with, the readings can be phenomonal.  And I do think that the best readers use
the cards as a way to tune in to you and your questions.  I do find that if I read for myself on a particularly emotional issue
I will often see the mood and my anxiousness represented in the cards very easily. Sometimes that can overwhelm the
reading and end up not getting what I hoped to get in the way of guidance from the cards. I once took a tarot class from a
really good reader who said just that too. Tarot readings often tend to reflect your feelings on the situation when you read for
yourself. So A good neutral party reader is really helpful in times like that. The cards amaze me though, they are another
validation that the energy we put out there is actually a tangible thing that can literaly effect the physical outcome of
things,(ie the reading is effected by the energy you are putting out there)

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Post by Rev_Vesta » Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:42 am

Hi Interesting thread....

For me personally........i believe a reader has the responsibilty to only give guidance and suggestion and maybe confirmtaion that Client is on a good healthy path.......
If things seem a little negative within the reading.. i spend a few mintues writing it down so I can suggest to the Client a way it can offer guidance, maybe warning to  change a situation so things can turn out more positive.......... I find if health comes into a reading, i would suggest seeing a  doctor or alternative healer if need be......

if a  car  accident seems to be in the cards, I suggest awareness when driving, a seatbelt to be worn, and to slow down and to be careful.....

If a death seems iminent withinin the family  I let the client  know that there maybe someone who needs to take care of their health and may need their support.... I am not a doctor........ and do not diagnose.......we have to remember the client has a chance to change the future............we are not here to bring doom adn gloom but offer guidance and hope within the Client's life.......

the Client comes to us becasue they feel hopeless within their life and need guidance to change their path.........

when a client arrives I explain to them what my readings may entail......

I do not offer future love predictions.......

This is about the client's personal journey..... what issues have they dealt with, should be dealing with...... and could deal with if they do not make some positive changes within their lives......and if they do change what could be a likely outcome.......

hope this may help.... offer some guidance within the readings you recieve from other readers and offer to others..

Blessed Be!

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Post by FutureVizions » Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:38 am

Younger, inexperienced readers tend to be more attracted to the drama of the cards, and tend to take their meanings more from the itty-bitty "guidebooks" produced by the publishers.  Older, more experienced readers tend toward interpreting cards by intuition, and from precedent.  Their readings turn out more personal and in-depth- and, like most of real life, usually less negative than entertainment media.

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I agree with the majority....

Post by trish76 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:08 pm

I also think it depends on how well the reader connects with you. I have found that sometimes when a reader is not connected, and as you give them details, you will get the negative aspects dependent on the situation. In other words they are not really using their intuition, just the basic meanings of the cards that "seem" to fit the details, not picking up anything under the surface.

I have been lucky in that the majority of readers I have come across are able to pick up on my situations perfectly. Perhaps it is because I try to go in with an open mind, open to what message may come through. Of the rare few that have been overly negative, I believe that my own intuition is strong enough to allow me to sit back and analyze the situation to glean the proper message from it. ;)

As far as reading myself goes, I do find it hard to trust in my own onjectivity BUT I must admit that Ii do keep a journal and I have found that although I may not have grasped the specifics at the time, the cards I pulled were always applicable to things that were affecting the situation at the time, but that I was not properly focused on due to my emotional attachment. Like always thinking the courts referred to the OTHER people in my sitaution as opposed to qualities of myself that needed changing. :smt003

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Post by Astynome » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:56 pm

I agree with many of the above posts to a certain degree.  Having said that, I do think your friend is right about the male's energy, however, the relationship won't be emotionless - far from it, there is a lot of chemical spark between them.  The male will operate in a way that has been modelled to him, and that he feels is a successful way in sustaining a committed, enduring relationship.  He's an emotional man, with great depth, someone you can depend on.  He does however have a really soft emotional side and needs to know that he is supported emotionally by his mate and he can get a little 'on the edge' when feeling threatened. Negatively, he can get into power games, however this is an aspect of their attraction.

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