Whats the deal with reverse cards?

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Whats the deal with reverse cards?

Post by lenas » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:49 am

Hello, What is the deal with reverse cards? I don't use them and have'nt felt comfortable using them. Even when I had my tarot cards read by a psychic and some cards ended up being reversed it never sat well with me.  

Is it recommended to use them? What do you do?

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Post by Rev_Vesta » Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:55 am

Personal intuition... trust trust  trust... if you don;t like them, don;t use them.... for me personally it just means i have to look at the situation from another viewpoint, maybe more indepth....
but then my readings are more intuitive than the author's meanings.......personal opinion....

no right or wrong......do what you feel gives you correct information...


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Post by cedars » Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:21 pm

If you dont find comfy with reversed cards, dont do them. You will still get the mesasges somehow in their upright. HOWEVER, please be ready to see the reversed cards and challenge yourself to see their 'other' meaning. I do that, even though on principle, I dont do reversed cards. In other words, I dont let the cards in such a shuffl position that I intentionally make reversed cards. I believe, by hook or crook, if they are meant to show up, they will..... even if I did not inentionally doctored my shuffling to create them.

But, still, you do not have to take the reversed meaning. You can easily turn the card upright.

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Post by mystic67 » Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:48 pm

I don't do reversed cards. I think the cards will give you the message without needing to figure out what a reversal is suppose
to mean. And I think the reversed card always seems to make people feel aprehensive, and I don't think that's what tarot
is all about. It should not scare people or make them think bad stuff is going to happen to them. If they don't bother you
than thats okay, the only class I ever took on tarot was from a really good reader that I respected allot. She didn't do reversals
and taught the class that way. I kind of stuck to it that way too. I have done it with reversals, but something just feels not right
with it for me.

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Post by ammo » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:16 am

I've been having trouble with this too. When I see a reversed card it kinda throws me off and I get anxious not knowing whether or not I have interpreted it correctly. I think I'll spare myself next time and just use the upright meanings.

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Post by FutureVizions » Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:57 am

I use reversed cards, and I generally interpret them to mean that while the energy is active, there is something blocking or negating the card.  For instance, a reversed Chariot in my readings usually indicates that a person will travel or purchase a new vehicle- but it also warns that there will be obstacles, delays and problems related to that situation.  A reversed Empress indicates a person is anxious about the possibility of pregnancy (usually, but not always, unintended pregnancy) but they are not, in fact, pregnant.  A reversed Tower is a situation that is teetering on the brink of collapse- a situation in which all but the essential could easily be lost- but something is managing to keep it stable, at least temporarily.  A reversed Death is a situation in which a person is ready to start fresh, but there is unfinished business preventing the situation from reaching its natural conclusion.

Never get nervous about the cards!  If you're unsure of a meaning, you can always use a card as a significator in another reading to help get a fuller understanding.  And ALWAYS keep a journal- it helps to recognize themes and patterns and gain better insight into the symbolism of the cards.

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Post by Isoniahtar » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:39 pm

Sometime at the beginning of my studying Tarot, I decided to use the revearsals. It suddenly got me 78 interpretations to learn + other 78. It didn't bother me much... I like the revearsals because they give another understanding of the cards (as previously said). It's not like the normal position is + and the revearsal is -. Well, they sometimes are, but they can also be another viewpoint. I can't say I recommend them, it's a lot more to learn, but I do prefer them for myself. :-D

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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:54 pm

:) FV and Sonia sum it up all very nicely. I also find that reversals give me a lot more to read, so I get twice as many meanings for the same price! :smt002

Of course, I can see that is exactly what throws back most readers from reversals: 78 meanings is more than quite enough to learn! Well, yes, but the point is, we are not supposed to be learning meanings by heart, are we? So you should look at a reversed card and wait to see what it tells you.

I find reversals quite useful in fairly big spreads, because they give me a general impression of tiredness or blocked energy from the querent, specially reversed wands. A lot of reversed cups make me think of someone who has been deeply hurt emotionally and is now guarded and distrustful. Reversed swords bring me a sense of confusion and lack of vision at the moment, while reversed pentacles can show a low time in practical or economical matters.

Then, when reading them one by one, you get meanings like those described by the above posts. In fact, reversals can lessen the impact of some quite negative cards, as they show the querent fighting to leave the negative situation behind or solve the problem at hand.

However, Tarot reading can be quite daunting at first and 78 cards are more than enough to tackle at first. I would leave reversals for the time when you feel confident enough with your deck and start feeling some curiosity toward reversals -for many, that never happens and it is fine-.  :smt004

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Post by Isoniahtar » Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:19 pm

The funny thing with revearsals is that I usually get them in times of bad emotional times or when I am blind about certain things. When I'm balanced and calm the cards miraculously turn back up. I have to add that it doesn't affect the readings and interpretation, it's just a subtle way of the deck to tell me there is something rotten in the state of Sonia

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