question about tarot.

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question about tarot.

Post by CassandraOh » Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:20 am

over the course of a half day, i did a reading for myself four times.
A. what's at hand
B. Past influences
C. ponder this
D. what to do

and out of the four, i have dealt the Knight of cups in position A all out of those four times. It's the first time something like this has happened. But my question is, what does this card really mean? The book that came with my deck is vague and i still am in the basic learning stages of reading the cards.

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Post by singerofpeace » Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:16 am

Well, I'm really reluctant to tell you "what the card means," because I prefer intuitive readings where you just interpret the card.  The way I like to get people going with this is to have them look at the card and tell the story of it.  Who is in it?  What are they doing?  Why?  What has been going on in the past for the figure on the card?  Are they going somewhere?  Where?  Are things the same for them as always, or is there a change or shift involved?  If so, what, and why, and is it positive?  Once you know the story of the card, you can start applying it.  I don't know what deck you are using, so I can't be too specific, but let me know if this helps at all :)  I'd love to hear the story you come up with and work with that.

Also... I've been told it's not a great idea to get more than one reading within 24 hours.  It's just not helpful anymore at that point, and it seems pretty clear that the same things keep coming up.  The situation is already on the table... plus, it can become addictive very easily.  The woman who is working with me on tarot suggests no more than one reading within a week, and that seems to be a good idea.

Best of energy!

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Post by CassandraOh » Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:22 am

Ah okay, so even if you are asking about a different topic or question you shouldn't really do more than one reading a week? thanks.
I really like the idea of a story behind the card. Intuitive reading has been near impossible for me and i really didn't know where to start. I will think about it and write what i come up with:)

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Post by singerofpeace » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:36 am

That's what my "mentor"-ish person suggests.  Most people say 24 hours.  

But I can't encourage intuitive readings enough.  The woman who is helping me offered to help me just last year, and I was really excited.  When I went in for my first "lesson," she pulled a card and asked for a one-card reading.  I said, "I can't!  I don't know what it means!" and she told me to just do it, and I did.  It turned out to be very applicable, though terrifying to do (one-card readings are so intimidating, especially when you know nothing about the situation).  Then she had me do this:

Take your deck and shuffle it, then separate it into five piles (pretty much equal)
Around the same time time each day for five days, take one pile and go through it card by card.  For each card, write down your impressions.  Just a sentence or two is fine, or key words...
After you've been through the whole deck, take two days off, then reshuffle and repeat the whole exercise the next week.  After three weeks, you should have a much better feel for the cards.

THEN, after I did that, she gave me this assignment:
Every day, pick a card (just one).  You can either shuffle in between each draw or just go through the deck one at a time.  Don't talk about the card, but remember it as you go through your day.  Pay attention to how it can apply to your life, and how it fits into the occurrences.  (I liked to write down about a paragraph for each card at the end of the day.)

These exercises should be done with each deck you use.... they were so incredibly helpful for me.  With those and the stories for the cards, intuitive readings became much less stressful, and I absolutely love to do them.

Hope this helps!

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Post by dheaven » Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:38 am

If you push it with the same questions after a while you start to get very strange, unexpected, unreadable answers from my small experience. How often you should do readings it might depend on the person but it's not a good idea to repeat the same question more then once per week i would say *BUT* you might ask related questions to help you out see a bigger picture. The better the question will be more clear the answer will 2.

Another method to learn: Ask your deck to teach you something, shuffle it for 5 minutes maybe more (or less) and when you feel ready just start. Don't worry you can't be doing anything wrong this way. What to teach you? It doesn't have to be something about you, ask it to show you a story or to tell you a poetry or the significance of symbols or numbers. Ideas will pop out into your mind while you shuffle if you start without having any clue about what to ask.

Keep it fun! :)

that's all.
good luck 2u.

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Post by CassandraOh » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:27 pm

thanks for all the help guys. I'm going to try. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Post by deelitefullyme » Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:37 am

I have been led to realize that if you get a card that you do not fully understand, you put that card in positon 1 and do a reading around it asking for a clearer meaning ( I always do the Celtic Cross but imagine it would apply to any spread).

In your case, I believe the cards were trying to clarify this card for you.  Take your time.  Go through the first spread you did and try to understand what the cards were saying.  I would imagine somewhere in that spread you got confused.  Now comes, spread number two.  In this spread, the cards put the Knight of Cups in position 1 because of your confusion.

Still, you did not understand what you were reading so your inner guide continued to place the Knight of Cups in the same position hoping you would see some sort of clarity.

Yes, it is not a good idea to do many spreads in a day.  BUT, in this case, there is some lesson or insight you needed to see.  If not, the same card would not have continued popping up in the number 1 spot.  This is no conscidence.

Just curious, what other cards came out during your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th reading.  More than likely there were clarifying cards but you didn't get it.

The Knight of Cups is a daydreamer.  Applying it to you, "Are  you lost in your own world of thoughts?", Is life not exciting in itself and you prefer to daydream your day away?  Do you not take action because the thoughts in your mind are so much more pleasurable to think about.  It's not a bad thing.  You're romantic and loyal.  Loving art with an appreciation for all that's beautiful.  You are distracted though.  Maybe even a bit emotional????  (I'm assuming this card is you since you were doing a reading on yourself).

I use to be a big day dreamer but found that I had to get my head out of the clouds.  Go back and analyze what the other cards were that came after your Knight of Cups.  You definately have a life lesson there.  If you need help interpreting it, just ask.  That's what this forum is for.


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Post by esotv » Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:56 pm

Hi All !

I would like to meet people with esoteric interest and share my experiences. I always had a desire to learn in depths regarding astrology and divination, and I have 1-2 years semi-professional experience with Tarrot fortune telling. I am very open minded and I would like to learn more respectfully from those who have more professional working experience in this field. Thought I'm an amateur, I take this very seriously and I give all my best to further develop my skills, help and guidance is appreciated.

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