Ok, Cedars,

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Ianna Leane
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Ok, Cedars,

Post by Ianna Leane » Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:00 am

I would like, very much, if you would do a reading.  Don't really have any needs or questions, just something simple.  Mind is clear of all negativity, I draw with my right, and I even flash a purdy smile.  LOL.

Eye, you are welcome to put your input as well.  Just don't say I'm arragant or anything like that.  I already know that, lol.  

May you both be protected
Love & Light
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Post by cedars » Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:27 am

Just don't say I'm arrogant or anything like that.  I already know that, lol.  
You made me laugh with this statement. Why would I say that? I don't even know you :)


I picked a spread for you: My Priorities Right Now.  I know you did not ask me this question, or any question for that matter, but I felt may be I should use this spread for you as a general reading. Hope you will get from it what you need or are meant to.

I am using the Rider Waite deck.

Main Priority:
Nine of Swords.
You have some worries which are occupying your mind and causing you unrest. I get the feeling that these worries could be somehow unfounded; they are in your mind rather than actually happening around you. Whether they are in your mind or a fact, I feel you should either get over it or have it looked at. I am getting the word ‘fear’ (possibly unfounded fear) which is causing you unnecessary worry and keeping you up at night. Please look into it and get it sorted out. It may not be as bad as the impact it is having on you.

What is blocking you?
Two of Pentacles.
A flux situation perhaps? A situation whereby you are neither moving forward nor backward.  Perhaps there is too much thinking and calculating going on about a certain situation which otherwise may need some action. Waiting for things to come about on their own sometimes is a wise thing to do; accepting a situation until changes come about could be prudent at times, but I get the feeling this in some ways is hampering your way forward.  You may be thinking I shouldn’t do this or that, spend on this or that, until I have some clarity on a situation…… You might miss the boat if you don’t take action? Food for thought perhaps?

Things you can change.
Three of Cups.
Have you been out of touch with your social circle of late? Have you been sitting in the house and not seen anyone, friends or relatives? Have you been missing out on partying and letting your hair down? It is time you changed this my dear friend and joined the fun part of life.

Things you must accept.
Page of Swords.
OK. How do we look at this Page? This could mean many things: is there a young person around you whose energy can be sometimes overwhelming? Or, is there an adult who may act like a teenager sometimes? I get the feeling a certain element of immature behaviour around you – or let us say childlike – which in itself can be quite energetic, but one that you seem unable to accept.  On another perspective, the Page could be the answer to some unresolved issues, the solution to a problem which you may be denying yourself.

How things will progress?
Three of Wands.
All four steps above are asking you to change something and accept things around you. I feel once you have achieved all those hurdles (some of them are pleasant hurdles too), then you may be able to look ahead to the future with new expectations and be able to stand on your own two feet, proud of your achievements and ready to take on further challenges in your life.

I do hope this resonated with you Ianna and I hope it was the right choice of spread for you at this stage in your life.

I did use my right hand to cut the deck into three piles and picked the third pile.

It would be good to hear back from you.

Best wishes and blessings to you.

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Ianna Leane
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Post by Ianna Leane » Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:12 pm

Omg, you are so right about the hurdles.  Here in the past couple of months, I have had an overwhelming inability to be around "people".  I only recently accepted that I have an ability to see peoples auras and feel their energies; however, I cannot harness that which I feel.  I am an empath, and with todays economy, I quit my job because I could not function with other's depresion brining me down.  I worked in at a gas station, so I was in direct contact with people daily.  I could feel their anger, and I got angry; almost as if they were entering me yet they were right in front of me.  I can read people on "true crime" shows, victim family members, and I feel need to send messages from lingering spirits.  I don't feel these spirits in me, just things all of a sudden come into my mind and I cannot get rid of them. Of course, I do not follow through with it of course, because I (myself) feel it would be rude and ill mannered to do so, it is just the feeling that comes to mind.  I have times where I want to act out on some of my own feelings.  I'll order or purchase movies of the reniscance period and watch them repeadetly because I feel comforted by the surroundings.  The last time I went out was a few months ago.  I had acted on a situation in a way that was out of character for me.  I am usually a very tame, meek, and level tempered individual; however, on this night, with all the energies. I took after a girl in a violent manner, I hit two guys, entered a vehicle and started hitting her.  When they pulled me out of the vehicle, I hit the window and broke my hand.  I have never, ever done anything like that before in my life, and I do not condone such behavior around me.  That was my breaking point; I have not been out since.  Shortly after that, I felt aggression for my boss and quit.  There were too much negative energy around me to be able to harness even cope with.  So, I am taking time to adjust.  I have been diagnosed as bipolar; however, I don't think that it is so much bi-polar as it is the inability to cope with all the different energies I get at once.  It's all too confusing.  You go into a crowd (like my daughter's pep rallies), and you feel EVERY energy that is there at once.  I use to think that it was just me and a mental illness, but I am understanding that it might not be the case.  I do have an ability, and I am trying to teach myself to cope with it.  If I knew how to turn it off to be able to participate in public and enjoy it for me, would be the most wonderful blessing ever bestowed upon me; however, I don't want to turn it off indefinetly, just long enough to have a "my life" time.  Does this make sense.

Oh, and the obnoxious statement was in regards to an incident that Eye and I had in another thread.  We did not see eye to eye on a particular situation, I do not harbor ill feelings towards Eye as I feel they have towards me, so I was adding a bit of banter or kidding if you will.  LOL
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Post by cedars » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:13 pm

Thank you for your feedback Ianna and I hope you are now in a better place in dealing with your 'sensory' situation. I have heard about this from other people too and I can imagine what a burden and a drain in can be on your energies.

I knew your other remark was not meant for me, but still it made me laugh :)

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