Why tarot cards work

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Why tarot cards work

Post by Horser55 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:12 pm

So, I'm very interested in learning tarot. I bought a deck (I didn't really like it once I got it, so I got a new one that I feel very connected with, I like them A LOT more, it's the gilded tarot deck) and a book. I'm keeping a journal and overall I feel I'm doing well with learning them and about them, but I'm very much curious.....

.....how do Tarot cards work?

I'm not meaning spreads and the such, or how to shuffle them, but what causes them to actually WORK. Energies? Luck? How are they reliable? I'm not doubting them, I just have always been very interested in the science of things and the why and how behind them. I'm also new to metaphysics (as some of you know) so a simple explanation from a beginners point would be very appreciated ^_^

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why tarot cards work

Post by scarabcameo » Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:22 am

I believe tarot cards have a symbolism that resonates through all cultures and contemplating them lets the reader connect with an inner sixth sense.

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Post by cedars » Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:33 am

This question has been asked several times.

Please refer to the link below and there are some good answers there.

Enjoy tarot.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=62710

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Post by pirbid » Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:43 am

:) Hello, Horser!

I think your question is only natural and I spent years trying to find an answer to it myself. How could all the mumble-jumble I was spewing somehow resonate with the person in front of me? Well, since I use Tarot as mainly a clarifying tool -it shows you your options and helps reach a decision or just understand about a situation, only better looking than many others-, I reached a psychological conclusion. Our mind is designed to focus only on those things relevant to us in a given moment, filtering and leaving out everything else in order to avoid an overload of information. So, when you are giving a reading, you tend to leave out all meanings that don't connect with the story the spread is giving. But you still tend to give at least a couple of choices or views to the seeker, to leave some room for doubt. The seeker's brain only grasps the relevant bits, interprets them in the light of his/her plight and just ignores the rest. So they end up feeling ALL you said is relevant to them.

Of course, this is only the conclusion I reached, since I am no psychic and can claim no preternatural right brain connection. I guess for readers who have psychic abilities the answer is very different. In fact this subject was already discussed in another thread, but I am sure at least one of them can tell you their point of view, just as Scarabcameo brought up the universal symbolism of the images.

In the meantime, just enjoy the card's accuracy and their beauty -the Guilded is certainly beautiful, I also have it- till you reach your own conclusions  :smt002
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