Fresh new start together - help me, pleaseee!!!

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Monica D
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Fresh new start together - help me, pleaseee!!!

Post by Monica D » Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:53 pm

Hello everybody,

I'd like to ask for your kind help - regarding a reading that I've done on my relationship. The context is: after lots of turmoil, me and my boyfriend decided to move on together and forget all the bad past between us. To start everything all over again, as if we never met - and to try to get to know and understand each other better. To get more intimacy from each other...
So I've done this reading, to help me see which are the chances for us to build something together postively: i see him: Strength (self control, power of the will) i see the relationship: 8 wands (change, determination, power) he sees me: Knight of Swords (oh, I must admit I have the bad temper and impulsive actions of this knight!) he sees our relationship: Temperance (equilibrium)
5.something about the relationship that the querent (me) has to know: 5 cups (regrets that have to be overcome)
6. outcome: Fool (new beginning) - this is exactly what we agreed on, to give a new chance to our relationship, forget bad things, start again positively. Is this our new chance together?

What do you think, guys? What are your opinions on this? What are our chances to succeed this time? What should we do not to repeat all mistakes again?

Thank you.


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Post by sweetsunray » Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:30 pm

I would like to add that Strength is yes about control over instincts, but not in the way like the Chariot for example. Strength's control is about soft-guidance, by giving trust and love. I somehow got the idea with Strength and Knight of Swords in the position they are in, the meaning might be more subtle than you seeing your boyfriend as "strength" and him seeing you "as knight of swords". For some reason I have the impression they are suggesting how you are dealing with each other... that is, you trying to use Strength's tactics because you see him as needing it, and him using "knight of swords" tactics because he thinks he needs it to deal with you within the relationship.

The Fool indeed talks about new beginnings and shows everything is still possible, all roads are open to you.
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Post by cedars » Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:31 pm

Monica, my dear, you cannot go on relying on reading after reading for every step that you take in life. You just did one recently, albeit a different question, but it is all about the same issue.

The more you consult the cards or readings, the more you will get confused by the messages you get. Why dont you just LIVE life with him? By doing all these readings it is as though you are expecting things to go wrong. Nothing is full proof; you will make mistakes, you will upset each other, you will reconcile and you will discuss things... You cannot ask the cards or a psychic for every single step of your life on what to do? You will be enslaved in the hands of the Devil (tarot meaning) and be in bondage of wanting to hear something from outside rather than within your own soul.

I have not even read or looked at your cards. I am responding to you after reading the first paragraph of your above thread.
I hope you dont consider this as 'not compassionate', but believe me, you cannot rely on readings for every step in your life.

Our opinion doesnt count. It is your life that counts. It is you and your partner's approach at your relationship - the good days and the bad days. It is almost you are walking on egg shells by constantly referring to the cards.

PLEASE ENJOY LIFE and put the cards away for a while.

Big hugs

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:34 pm

Well, you have asked the cards, you have got an answer, and in fact the rest is up to you two.

A relationship build on the ability to give and take, to respect each other, to understand that we can't always have our will, but through discussions reach a conclusion that both can agree upon.

A good relationship build on trust, and both need to give and have this trust for each other.

If we try to live for balance in our relationship, then the action to please your partner will result in the action that your partner try to please you, if not, one part is a giver the other a taker, and the partnership goes toward an end.

So even if it is "fun" to ask Tarot, Psychic and Astrology about a length of any relationship, the answer stay inside the partnership itself, how you two manage to deal with it, and those problems that occur.

We always want our relationship to run smooth, but none does all the time, we must be prepared, after all it is two individuals that both are unique, and which have their ups and downs.
It will be how this is handled that in the end will tell how long the relationship last.

As for mistakes......yes our life is full of mistakes....and God thanks for that....if we did not have mistakes....then we could never learn anything new....because we can only learn from something we have done wrong...never from something we have done right :)

So learn from your earlier mistakes.....but don't do the mistake to believe you are now finish with them :)

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:58 pm

Hi Monica,

I received your PM, but need to post a reply on the public forum as you have replies already. I have taken ill and had other things to attend to as well, sorry for my late reply.

I agree with both my fellow readers. I virtually restrict my readings to the Celtic Cross only.

My first observation is that you do to many readings on one subject. I tend to not trust cards I cast for myself, however they come to pass exactly. Thie is because we tend to be biased and interpret the cards the way we "want" it to be!

Now, you are Leo, this has a positive, but also a negative side. I'm Leo and know myself fairly well. The temper is a very bad charactiristic we Leos have. Overbearing, suffocating your partner may also come to mind! Then tact, is not a strong point, being too straightforward, absolutely, to the point where you will hurt your partner. Leo's are also not very forgiving in the long run, and are prone to violent emotional outbursts, although you may forget for that moment, as has been said, your partner remembers these, and you will bring it up at a later stage again! Starting the exact cycle. Leos are like that!!!! I liken Leo to a fast burning bush fire. You destroy everything around you for that moment, and to be the actuall one to suffer more damage! We love or hate with everything in our being, easily hurt.

In this sense you need a partner who has a very strong character, perhaps an Earth sign! He will have to be able to keep cool, but tame you, in a nurturing way, otherwise, you will throw your toys out of the cot, frequently, without fail. You may also be too "bossy", wanting to control everyone and everything around you! This can turn out to be the Knight of Swords, very nasty little piece of work. Furthermore, emotionally a bit unstable.

Please see this as my view and not a intepritation of your cards at all. I can unfortunately not comment on the cards you cast, you have had good advice already.

Blessed be.
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