I Did Comparison using tarot and zodiac

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I Did Comparison using tarot and zodiac

Post by deepdarknight » Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:09 pm

I have been comparing chemistry using tarot and the zodiac. With the person that I have posted about before, and now that God has told me that him and I are soul mates. I just wanted to see what others think about doing comparisons like this to help others that have asked me about it if I could help them with it. So can some one tell me if I am right, and If it is a good idea. Now, first off, the person that is my soul mate is 20 years old and I'm 16, but age is just an number, I am more mature that seniors at my school and some adults.

Here we go.

My Soul Mate:
Birth date- 09-01-89
Zodiac- Virgo
Element- Earth- Pentacles
Signification Card- King of Pentacles
Soul Card- Magician

Birth date- 10-29-93
Zodiac- Scorpio
Element- Water- Cups
Signification Card- Queen of Cups
Soul Card- The Chariot

Okay so I looked at the compatibility of Virgos and Scorpios, and I found out that they are a perfect match, hand in hand type thing.
And earth and water, earth needs water to survive. And there was so much more, and others I haven't found out yet. But I know him and I are soul mates because God told me.

Tell me what you think and if this is a good idea.

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Post by cedars » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:00 pm

You tell us, please.
How do you derive from astrology and the tarot cards you have selected that you are both 'soul mates'?
I dont quite understand what you're getting at.

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Re: I Did Comparison using tarot and zodiac

Post by Rhutobello » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:55 pm

deepdarknight wrote: I am more mature that seniors at my school and some adults.
Sound good.....but then why not start to show it?

What you are trying to do is to "fit the terrain to the map", but in order to get it right; it is the map that must fit the terrain.

You use all your limit knowledge of Astrology,Tarot and Belief to try to fit a certain person to be your soul mate.....it don't works that way, if it did, then churches all over the world would have delivered recipes on how to find your soul mate.

We all have several Soul mates going around in the world, but if we start hunting for him/her, we will seldom spot them, because we haven't the time to learn them.

So you are 16, start to act as one....enjoy life...enjoy your freedom...and make sure you get your education in order.

The years goes fast, suddenly you get responsibilities, you start to be more bound to work, and then it is good if one have used ones youth to have some good times to look back on.

My best advice for you are not to Active seek your Soul Mate.
Meet people with an open heart, learn them, and suddenly one day you might find him/her that fits "YOURS" description of a soul mate, which might be different from my descriptions, or any other.

It will be your feeling that will tell when you have found him/her, not Astrology...not Tarot...not any person, because WE are NOT YOU!

So now...please have some fun....charge your battery for L I F E :)

Good Luck!

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Post by cedars » Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:16 pm

Well, Rhuto, I couldn't have put it better myself.

I find it so amazing that youngsters are so eager to find their so-called 'soul mate', settle down at the first instance when their heart flutters with those tender emotions of attraction towards someone else. Could he be the one or could she be the one? I say why bother with such rhetorical questions instead of enjoying the feeling, the moment, and not miss the experience of that emotional growth within oneself? It may end of being a lifelong relationship, or it may end up being a fleeting encounter which, no doubt, will leave good and bad imprints on our experience of Life.

If we are going to go down the route of star signs and compatibilities...... Oh, well, there are so many compatible signs who do not get on at all with each other and vice versa.

Deepdarknight: Enjoy life to the fullest :)

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:20 pm

Hi Girl,

Well, my fellow readers put it very clear. Ideally he should be Scorpio and you the Earth sign. You may either nurture him or merely drown him. If he is still around in say 5 years, yes, maybe you can say he is your "soul mate"

Another angle to this, is to consider the differance of being in love, as to loving your partner. Too fall in love or out of Love is quick, if your relationship is "young". Both mature into loving each other, which you can really determine once you live toghether.

The romantic Miscletoe evenings and afternoons, are what you see now, don't think the "white drops" are honey!! You may get a big surprise!

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Post by sweetsunray » Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:21 pm

I also would like to add that while women generally mature emotionally and mentally faster than men in their teen years, and some teens act more responsible than others, and that yes, age is just a number... however there is also something such as life experience: and that may make a big difference, especially to the person who has the most experience. You are still in a highschool environment, whereas a 20 year old either is at college, uni or working. You are starting to discover going out and dating, someone of 20 years may have already several years experience behind them, including sexual experience. Even a mature teen still has different social learning to do than an adolescent of 20.

Not saying that such a life experience gap cannot be overcome, but please do not underestimate it. I wish you much joyful experiences :-)
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