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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:53 pm

:) Hi, guys!

I just posted the link to this thread in the Golden Oldies for a few reasons:

- It is directly connected with the one Cass raised from the Psychic forum, only this is more centered on Tarot.
- This is a discussion that comes up over and over again, so important that it's covered on all 'Reading Forum Guidelines', and so polemic that some heated debates raise with it quite often.
- Some readers (me included, of course) get periodically startled by the moral implications of some of the questions asked, not to mention the seekers -apparent- age, maturity or background.
- Since I am giving up on newbies bothering to read the guidelines, I thought if we periodically discuss how much trouble some questions can be in a live thread, they have a better chance of reading about it (or maybe not?  :smt012 ).

So, I thought the best way to resurrect this thread would be to copy and paste the main guidelines, both for seekers and readers, give my comments on each, and see where we go from there.

Seeker guidelines:
1. Please do not jump in and request a reading as your first post: Instead why not take time to wander around the boards and introduce yourself. Post a few things and get the feeling of the whole community. This way it is far easier to link into your energy and you give the board back something too. The community cannot survive on giving readings alone.
Now, how often do you see a seeker's request for a reading as a first post on the board? Sometimes it is the 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th, but if you bother looking at what the previous ones were, you may find they are all reading requests made in several different forums. In this last case, we really ought to be careful and check, since it is a source of confusion to get several readings at once, not to mention the fact that a single person may be monopolizing several readers, which isn't fair to other seekers with just one question.

2. Please post some feedback: Is it just me, or does it also make you feel sort of emptied when you spend time and effort on a reading (usually involving long written explanations) and never get so much as a simple 'thanks'? I'm not sure some seeker's understand there is a lot of effort involved, and that it is hard to make a reading and post it in less than one hour (at least it is for me). However, for those seeker's who come, ask, leave without feedback, then come back a month later with a new question, it might be good to know that they are wasting their chances at getting any future answers.

3. Please do not ask for multiple readings and please do not ask for readings too frequently, your posts will be locked and any more requests will be moved to the thread jail.
Did you remember about this? I didn't. Of course, it's not often that these posts get locked. We are usually more lenient. But it was considered grave enough to do it. And I think the reason may be one often pointed out by Rhuto: some people get too dependent on this sort of thing, even to the point of obsession (I have had friends going through these funny phases in which they laid the cards compulsively for themselves, then hardly slept for getting both automatic and phone readings nearly 24h a day). Of course we cannot fully protect them from these compulsive behavior, but we can at least not promote it, just by being careful to check when was the last reading given to that person, no matter what the forum. Remember this is not the only site they visit: you are probably the umptieth hit of the day!

5. When asking questions, please word your question carefully, think about the content and take responsibility for the question. Questions that are deemed to be offensive or unsuitable or life threatening will be removed.  Please do not ask unsuitable questions about health, pregnancy etc as these will also be locked or removed. Only a qualified medical practitioner is able to diagnose or prescribe and for subjects such as these please refer to your own doctor.
Now, how often do we get medical questions? What's more, they are usually about a third person. Pregnancy is one of the faves. Well, in case anybody had a doubt, you can just flatly refuse to answer, maybe explaining why or directing them to the guidelines post. I suppose there isn't much discussion on this point: risking an answer can even get you a lawsuit in some places.

6. Please do not ask for readings for others or third party readings
This has already been covered. In any case, it's obvious why some people might object to some very personal matters being aired on a public board without their direct consent (even if the querent states that the consent was given). It's better to just refuse and explain or direct them to the guidelines, as above.

7. Please note that you must be over 18 to request a reading. Many of our readers will not legally be able to read for anyone under this age due to the laws in their country so please do not be offended by this.
This is a very interesting point and we get many borderline cases. A problem is that we can lie about our age: while it is expected of a lady (like me   :smt050 ), we can never be sure about a seekers real age. However, since underage youths are considered to be more easily influenced/unbalanced/gullible, if they do something rash in their free interpretation of a reading, I believe there are many countries where their parents might try to sue you. So I at least am very weary when answering our youngest querents. They can get you in a pretty picklement  :smt012

Before we go on to the 'Readers Guidelines', I would ask you all to take a look at the original post where I got the above 'Seekers Guidelines' and tell me if you see a need to change, eliminate, reword, add or rearrange any points in this thread, since I believe we now have a chance to update it so that it becomes as clear as possible for all newcomers. In case there are incompatible opinions regarding some point, we can take a vote through a poll or something, to see if it gets changed or not. ... hp?t=26406

Come on, people, I need your feedbaaaack...! 'Poleeeeze'  :smt003

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:08 am

I have seen these guidelines from the day I joined MB and 8 out of 10 people or new members either don’t read them or ignore them. Why? Because we have been eager to give readings or newcomers to the boards have been eager to practise their reading skills here. That is fine; this is a place of learning as well and we should all get a chance at that.

I myself have been ‘guilty’ of giving readings to first-timers on their first posting simply because I was either drawn to the request, or the person had put his/her question in such a way that it was impossible not to respond. And, I have to add, there has only been one such ideal example of a request which I could not resist, simply because the querent had an open mind and did not ask bam-bam, straightforward Yes or No questions and was ready to accept criticism as well as guidance. I think at the time we were all impressed with that thread and Payewacker even suggested that we use it as a sticky as some kind of a guide to newcomers on how to form their request.
That is in the past.

Double identities: I fell into this trap recently and was unaware that I was talking to the same person. It did not last long though, as the culprit was caught and Admin handled it properly. Please don’t play such games.

Multiple requests: multiple requests in different forums are COUNTER-ACTIVE. How many times do we have to stress this to old and new members? But then again, I have also noticed whilst we, in the tarot forum, refrain from giving a reading to someone who has also requested same in the palmistry, psychic and picture forums, others in the said forums are not so fussy and they do not check these things… and, therefore, the querent tends to get multiple readings – very unfair.

In the name of freedom of expression, I think it was finally left to the reader(s) to assess and go by their intuition if they chose to respond to a multiple reading request. Free world!

Baby gender! Don’t you get sick of these requests? In this time and age when there are scans which are carried out routinely, why not wait when you can ask that question to your technician?  Moreover, what is the problem with these expectant mothers wishing to know the sex of their unborn child whilst there are women out there who cannot even conceive, let alone be fussy about the gender of their baby? Come on!

Lamentation and self pity:  Oh, the world is against me, Oh, I will never find a lover, Oh, why me? Oh, when am I going to marry and what is my future husband/partner going to be like? Is he/she going to be handsome/pretty? Is he/she going to be compatible with me? How many children will I have and what will be their gender? Believe me, this latter has been asked here several times!
Are you really serious about these questions? Do you sit and think (or not) before you put these questions in writing in a forum? I hope the answer is No.
I agree these types of questions come predominantly from certain age groups and I suppose I must have been there myself, but, PLEASE, DO UNDERSTAND that readers are not gods; they cannot predict such things. And, if you have had other readers predicting these things to you accurately, then why are you coming here and asking us? Go to them and pay them their respective fees and bingo you have your answer!

As readers we are supposed to be compassionate and understanding and all those big words in the dictionary that we are supposed to be. Wrong! We are humans too. We get annoyed, frustrated and angry.  We get annoyed, frustrated and angry towards questions being asked every month form the same querent. We try and give to the querent what comes to us – either on the cards or via other modalities – but please do not come back and start digging and digging and trying to get to the knots and bolts of a reading. Once a reading is done and conveyed, we are usually disconnected with it. I agree, we may go back to the same cards and possibly re-illuminate our interpretation, but we cannot put time, date, hour and month on an event that was seen on the cards! I repeat: if others can do, go to them and pay their respective fees.

We do it for free and, believe me, we do it for Love too. I love shedding some light into someone’s uncertain phase in life, wherever and whenever I am directed to do so. Sometimes the messages that come forth do not resonate with the querent; sometimes the querent does not like the answers that come forward. All I can say is, take it with an open mind or... just leave it, forget it.  Check it again later and see if it resonates with you. Nine out of ten, it will. If it doesn’t, then probably we got it wrong or the connection was not right.

We are no graduates from The School of Prophecy. :)

Blessings to you all and I look forward to offering help whenever I can.

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Post by pirbid » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:23 am

:) Oh, yesss! I love it when our level headed Cedars writes with passion about this subject. Anything you would like to change on the 'Seekers Guidelines' sticky before we move on to the 'Reader's'?

Come on, you others, I'm expecting a lot more feedback when I return tonight. And I mean everybody! Suzi, Rhuto, I know you have clear ideas concerning all this. And of course PW, Cass, Blue Violet, Sweetsunray, Johann... Yes, I want any newbies around to give us their side of the story, too, so that we get to understand each other a little better.

Love to you all!  :smt020

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:45 am

Nice post Cedar...and I think you covered the most :)

I agree that it is frustrating when a member attend the site, and post a request for readings in every Reading Forum

If we evaluate such behavior, then I think we can conclude that the seeker don't believe so much in the Reading itself, (because then it should be enough with one) but rather "shop" for thoughts that confirm their own longings.
If everything in their life have been good so far, well then it is fine to get conformation about this, BUT when one are coming in despair, and ask for help, then maybe the Reading that is most unwanted is the one that fit the situation best, because it is your action up to now that have led you into your situation, and you have to change approach in order to get a new path through life.
Again will several Readings then only give confusion, and a tendency to grab the one we like best.

I agree that it can be seen as selfish when a member ask for a reading in his/her first post, but there might be a reason.
None Reader shall feel any guilt by answering such a call, because the rule is...answer those request you feel connected too, that be on post one or post 1000 :)

And for all you seekers out there....this is an important thing!!!!!
A READING CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING....A READING CAN'T take anything away from You!

If you have problems before the will have the same problems after the might be given input on how to proceed....but everything is in the end up to you.

If you did not have a partner before the Reading, you will neither have a partner after the Reading....again you might get impulses on how to proceed, BUT everything is up to you...You have to get out of the house in order for it to happen, You have to mingle with people to let it happen....most of the time it is due to low self respect, or insecurity in oneself, that prevent a partner to come to us, or we might be so eager to get a life partner that we scare all candidates away, because the relationship don't get enough time to develop.
Self development is a good investment....if one start to have self security...then on start to be more relaxed...have a greater view....and by that attract people who find such thing of great value.

Well well....enough for now Image

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:17 pm

Well....I suddenly remembered a story I have posted before, and which I think is a good thing both for seeker and Reader to see.
Since I don't find the old post..I write it again.

A couple of years ago,one of my wife's friends, who had lost her husband years before, went to a Paid Reading in order to find out if she was able to find a new friend.

This was early in the year, and yes she got the confirmation that she would meet her next male friend, on a bus, around October month same year.

She was excited, and we heard a lot about this, and we could see how she watched this day.
Since this should happen in October, there was no way we could get her to go for a dance...or meet other male candidates.

When October came, she traveled a lot with bus, but of of course she found has to be a miracle if such thing should have happen...and why?
Because of direct time aspect, and place statement was the seeker able to build fantasy, and move initiative away from oneself and over to something that was easier...the fulfillment of a Reading.
The biggest fault was of course the seekers who have responsibility for own life, but the Reader have also some responsibility, even if he/she did it to be nice.
The whole thing could easy have been avoided by not mention bus or place, and by saying...."If you active search for a partner, then I can see that you might find one in a time frame of 10 months."

So what to learn:
First of all
The reading prevented her from searching
The reading gave her time to build air castles and make imagination of the prince.
When she at last came on the bus, I assume she searched after her Prince in imagination, she expected someone to approach here and say...Here I am.

And what did she gain from the reading?
around 10 month with fantasy.....not bad in itself, but not what paid for.

What did she loose with the reading?
Her own initiative.... to find the prince....which might have been there from day one...if she only dared to look :)

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:40 pm

Hi Guys,

Well, I think we can all remember the "CAT NAMING" request! And yes, Cedars, you said it all!!

Blessed be.

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:44 pm

The CAT NAMING request......... ha ha ha........ Oh, how nice of you to remember that PW!!!!! :smt003  :smt003  :smt003  :smt003

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:52 pm


Shit happens to all of us?


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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:31 am

:) Goody, some answers already on the first day!

I'm not sure there is a way to make people read the guidelines more than they do now, but I thought it would be a good idea to update and simplify, if possible. I will just post my idea for that sticky and then you can tell me what you would add or move within it, ok?
Welcome to the Mystic Board Tarot Reading Forum
By following these few points we can all help to make this forum better

1. Please do not ask for multiple readings in several forums and/or too frequently, this abuses the goodwill of our readers and may also be confusing for you. Your posts could be locked and any more requests moved to the thread jail. One reading every 3 months or so is considered more than enough, since each reading will usually cover at least that long.

2. Please do not request readings by PM, it is invasive and puts too much pressure on certain readers. However, you can request a specific reader in your post. That reader will be glad to be sought after and will get to you as soon as possible.

3. You must be over 18 to request a reading, since it is illegal in many countries to give readings to underage people. For that same reason, you could be refused a reading if readers suspect you may be lying about your age.

4. Please do not ask for readings for others or third party readings, since readers need a person's explicit permission to delve into personal matters and post them on a public board. It doesn't matter if that person gave you permission: they must sign in and ask for themselves.

5. Please word your question carefully, think about the content and take responsibility for it.
Questions that are deemed to be offensive, unsuitable or life threatening will be removed. Please do not ask about health, pregnancy, baby's gender, etc, as these will also be locked or removed. Only a qualified medical practitioner is able to diagnose or prescribe, so for subjects such as these please refer to your own doctor.

6. Please post some feedback. All our readers very kindly give their time and energy freely, so if you are lucky enough to receive a reading please take a moment to give some feedback and perhaps a kind word or thanks too. This will be very much appreciated and helps all our readers to improve their services and encourage them to continue to spend their time here.

Not got a reading yet?

1) You may not be contributing in any way to the forum. You need not be an expert to take part in general discussions on the board or refer the site to your friends and family, nor to ask / answer / share generic questions about the subject you are interested in. Jumping in with a reading request as your first post is a little impolite and does not allow you to get the feeling of the community.

2) You may have posted your request in the wrong forum so your post might have been locked and sent to "Thread Jail".

3) Your information may be incomplete/ incorrect. Look around for the kind of info required for a reading: some forums expect you to give at least name, gender and date of birth, though not all, and not if you don't want to.

4) Yes and No questions, as well as very specific issues, are very hard to answer successfully through a Tarot layout or spread.

5) The cards will usually point to the area that needs attention, even if your question was about something else. For example, you may be asking about love, but if most cards regard economic matters, that is the info you will get.

6) The readers may be busy for the time being. Do have patience, your requests will be answered as and when readers are up to it. Some readers are more inspired by certain requests, and each reader will first answer those they feel a link to. Please do not send requests via PM as this is not very polite; instead be patient and check that your request is complete.

We have free Tarot Reading Software available for your use and it can be downloaded here ... tware.html
We are also running a free Learn Tarot Course here

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

The Tarot Community at Mystic Board
If you compare it to the original one, you'll see I have basically moved the points around in order of importance (although a few are nearly equally important), rephrased a little, simplified when possible, and explained when I deemed necessary.
A few have become possible causes for not getting a reading, instead of being clear guidelines.
I included not to request readings by PM, even though it is also mentioned towards the end. I don't like requests through PM, though I don't mind later feedback that way if the info is too delicate. I know you all get some requests through PM, but not how you feel about it, so you decide if we include it as a guideline or just as a comment.
Finally, I thought it much better if we all signed the sticky (as the Tarot Community), so it doesn't look outdated too soon  :smt002

So, tell me what you think in the next few days. If I get any conflicting opinions, we can either take a vote or leave the original sticky, whichever you like. I will not post any new stickies till I have your  :smt023

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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:48 am

:) Now I would like to comment on the comments... :smt003

The point raised by Cedars about double identities is quite interesting. Maybe we could include it noting we have ways of finding them out and that it could be a reason for banning?
I agree multiple requests are counter productive, no matter how it is viewed in other forums. We can only speak for ourselves here, and I think the guideline for seekers should remain, even if we leave it up to the reader in the reader's guidelines.
Baby gender I have specifically added on point 5 as part of the medical and plainly unsuitable questions.
Self pity  :smt010 I love this one! I don't see how we can word a guideline about this  :smt003  but any suggestions are welcome. I personally think they are part and parcel of these forums, as well as the materialistic view on love and marriage. I think a possible problem here is that we are often dealing with young girls whose culture prepares them for just the one thing, in which they have little choice, so divination is the only path left to them (and day dreaming, wondering, gossiping with friends...). I suppose it looks very superficial to those of us who never had to go through it, but for them it can well be the turning point in their lives, with little chance for a 'refund' if things go wrong. I can understand their being a little obsessive about it.

I loved the bit in which Cedars says we also do it for love, sigh  :smt088       And, oh, I have to quote this:  
We are no graduates from The School of Prophecy.
It reminds me so much of Hogwarts... wand brandishing... you know what I mean  :smt005
Anyway, Cedars was 'perfick', as usual, and I also noticed some of these points being included in his own introductory sticky as featured reader. Could we think on those points of his that aren't yet included in the general guidelines, and post ideas on how to word them, please?

Now, Rhuto's POV and his illustrative tale. I had a feeling he needed to remind us how dependent some people become of these things, and how much influence we can exert without being aware of it.
We are dealing with people from all sort of backgrounds, culture, age, and life experience in general. Some come with a curious, open mind, others to experiment from a more skeptic POV, others to clear their ideas a little. All of the above are for me the ideal querents.
Then we have those who think the cards are magic and we magicians, and they WILL believe anything we tell them word for word. Well, rather they tend to interpret what we say in a way that does not contradict their preconceived ideas, but don't expect them to notice that.
Anyway, I think what Rhuto wanted to emphasize is that some people can't be given very specific happenings and dates to expect because they WILL expect them, and probably do nothing else in the meantime. I also think that being too precise and material regarding results can be a whole lot of trouble for the reader: these people take no responsibility whatsoever for their own lives and decisions, so if things don't go as expected, they will blame us for it, maybe even posting it publicly, here on the board or elsewhere.
Why doesn't it happen often? I believe most readers on this board are well aware of this and never risk such answers. Also, most of us believe in empowering the seeker all through the reading.
For example, if things look down on the present, I begin by asking if they have been feeling so and so, noting how many of us go through the same phases (so they don't feel alone or guilty in any way), and what we or the cards suggest doing in order to get out of it. If the future looks gloomy, I can also point out that it is hard for things to advance until previous problems are unblocked, so I focus on the cards advice to lift those blocks. And I always end the reading by stressing those points in the person's character, attitude or makeup that can be really helpful in this instance, as well as repeating any advice the cards have given. So the stress is always on the seekers attitude and possible actions (or inaction, as the case may be, since sometimes it is best to leave some things well enough alone).
No blond muscled young man awaiting them in the cinema on November third, if I can help it, much as they would like to hear it (so would I, for that matter  :smt007 ).

I really like Rhuto's phrase:
A READING CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING....A READING CAN'T take anything away from You!
I could include it as one of the final reminders for best effect: what do you all think?

I take it PW mainly agrees with all points raised by Cedars, taking the easy way out... :smt003  I know, I know, you were rather busy answering some other posts  :smt002
However, don't worry: I'm sure if we get another request for naming a pet, we can all come up with a host of imaginative nicks, no cards needed   :smt005

Well, guys, I'm really pleased with your quick uptake on the idea. Let's await a few other opinions and I hope we can have a final draft ready by the end of the week.

Even though I will move on to the 'Readers Guidelines', I still expect more discussion on the seekers', so don't be afraid to post about both (just indicate which, please).

Wow, it's late! See you all tomorrow. G'night  :smt006  :smt015

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:44 am

Hi Pirbid,

You were so polite?

I think how you arranged it is super! But still, I think we get those that would virtually just ignore, and muscle in. If I give a reading, I first look around on the person's other posts, and one request on another forum, put's me on hold immediately, I will not do a reading at all. If it is say six months old or so yes, but otherwise, no go.

I still need a RED CRYSTAL. ----YOU SAID IT----Hogwarths, I mean.

Blessed be! :smt003

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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:58 am

:smt005 Too polite? Gee, nobody 'accused' me of that before. Should I blush?

I don't know, I guess politeness and firmness can go together quite well. After all, we cannot assume every querent is 'out to get us'. Also take into account that probably those few who do bother reading the guidelines before posting deserve fair treatment.

Don't worry about the other 80% Cedars was talking about: they will never know how polite we are, since they won't read them. And of course this is the reason why readers should do exactly as you said and check previous posts, if any. I do that too. So maybe we should include this bit in the 'Reader's guidelines', which I am about to go into next.

Now, I'm getting lost here: which do you need the most, a red crystal for the wand or French lessons?  :smt003

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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:32 pm

:) Ok, guys, I'm back. This time I am going to analyze the contents in the 'Readers Guidelines', give you my views and ask for yours, as usual.
To all our Readers,

1) Everyone is welcome to give FREE readings here at Mystic Board.

It would be nice though to perhaps say hello and introduce yourself first so that we can all get to know each other and understand where the reading came from and how it was given. We really do appreciate all the hard work, time and effort that goes into giving readings and would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone that offers their time and energy in this way,   {{{{{{{{{{thanks}}}}}}}}}}}
***We are now pleased to be offering readings from our 'Featured Readers' on selected boards. ***
This is so that everyone can see some of the special readings our regular readers are offering and how they read. If you are interested in becoming a 'Featured Reader' then please PM Gem, the Board Moderator and she will be able to tell you more about the scheme.
Regarding this point, I would like to know if anybody, apart from Cedars, would like to appear as a featured reader on the Reading forum. That would mean writing your own intro (you can read Cedars' to see how it goes) so that we can put it up in a sticky. If we get a few, I was thinking of putting them all together in a general 'Introducing our Readers' sticky, so as not to have too many of those (too many stickies make you scroll too far down for the real action!).
The second part (after the {{{{thanks}}} bit) is a bit confusing. I could simplify it and just ask those interested in being featured readers to contact one of the mods in the forum by PM (since mods change every once in a while).

BTW, now that we are into the number of stickies: I see the 1 card reading exchange didn't seem to have a big following, so I was thinking of deleting it to leave more room for updated ones. Would any of you miss it much?
Another idea would be to gather all Guidelines (Seekers' + Readers') in a single sticky, keeping the Seeker's at the top, and then following them with those for Readers. The whole Sticky would be just called 'Reading Forum Guidelines' or any other you deem proper.
Just trying to clean up a bit, if nobody minds too much  :smt002

Ok, let's go back to the 'Readers' Guidelines', then:
11.) When offering a reading in this tarot reading forum we ask that you give the deck being used, the spread and the place titles as this allows us all to benefit from the reading.
I give you the present last point up here because I would like to include it as 2 or even in 1, so that poor Cedars doesn't have to keep reminding every new reader to give deck and spread name (I've seen him do it quite a few times already).
8 ) Please remember here at Mystic Board we allow ONLY FREE READINGS. Any unauthorized advertising or soliciting will be removed and may lead to a ban.
I reckon this would also be better as part of the first point, since it is pivotal to the whole workings of the forum.
10 ) Please note that we recommend that some of our readings are only available to those 18 and over.
Important point, but too complicated a statement. I would include it as number 2 or 3 (depending on how we group the previous ones) just as 'Readings only available to seekers 18 and over, as underage readings are illegal in some countries'.
6 ) Please look to see if a reading has already been given, and then please do not give another which may be confusing to the member or make the original reader feel unwanted and that their reading is ignored, or usurped; instead fill another request rather than doubling up.
I think this point is also quite important to avoid conflict amongst readers, so I would post it as 3 or 4. It is quite well explained, too.
4) Please note we have several different forums for different types of readings and to try and ensure that the member gets the kind of reading they require and expect, please try and make sure that the correct type of reading is given in the right forum. ie: Tarot readings in the tarot forum or palmistry in the palmistry forum.
Tarot Reading Forum,
Numerology Reading Forum
Western Astrology Reading Forum
Vedic Astrology Reading Forum
Palmistry Reading Forum
Runes Reading Forum
Psychic Reading Forum

Readings posted in the wrong forum may be moved or removed.
This is quite true. Might as well keep it.
5) We recommend to not give a member more than one reading a month, some types of reading need only be given every six months or even once a lifetime.

How's this? Do you still agree? Want to change the period?
3) We would also request all readers to see the number of "posts" a person requesting a reading has made before giving him/her one. Try to judge his/her contribution to the forum by looking at what he/she has posted. This can be done by clicking on the posters name in the left hand box and then clicking on the link there to 'Find all posts by..'  If all the posts are reading requests and do not contribute to the community then please think carefully and use your judgment before giving them another reading as this does not help the member or the community.

However giving a reading to a first post request is up to you, the reader. Many of these people are in need of help and guidance and will greatly benefit from a reading at this time and will then go on to be valued members of our community. We ask you to be welcoming, understanding, compassionate, kind and gentle with all our members, but especially the new ones. If you choose not to read then that is up to you.

Bear in mind that most of the people who request, are one timers and will disappear after they get a reading, or worse not even return to read your reading and give thanks or feedback. Unlike yourself the readers who give their time and energy for free - many are not seen contributing to the forum or in anyway helping this become a better place.

Ok, this is the point that seems to raise the most differences in opinion, judging by what Cedars said in the previous post. It's fine to leave it up to the reader, only explaining the possible consequences. I'll try to simplify it a little, though, if you all still agree to it. I think we could maybe include in this point the previous one. Or would they be more clear if separate?
2) Please do not overload yourself or feel guilty for not being able to cope up with reading requests. You do not have to answer all requests. We do not want any of our readers to burn out and refuse to read in the future.  This is a place for you to come relax, enjoy, have fun, make friends and have a good laugh. So do exactly that.
This one might be better off towards the end, and maybe include the next one as well?
7 ) If people keep pestering for a readings via PM ask them to post their request in the appropriate forum. If this still happens then contact a mod or admin who will deal with this.
Which would leave this as the final point:
9 ) If you see a problem with a request, a reading or any other post please do not respond to it yourself but instead use the REPORT INAPPROPRIATE POST link on the left hand side of the post and the first available mod or admin will review the post and deal with your query.
Ok, maybe this point by point analysis is a bit confusing. My intention is to make it shorter, more simple and easy to understand, with the main points first for those people who quickly tire of reading  :smt003  Let me post this, then give you my proposed version so that you can let me know how it looks to you and what points would you include/change/reword...

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Re: to speak or not to speak

Post by AyeCantSeeYou » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:25 pm

Gizander wrote:Common advice from many books on giving readings ("Tarot reading etiquette") is NOT to reveal very bad news in a reading; however, the spoken word in magical practice carries the power into the universe and allows for "the event" to happen...So, if the cards have foretold a tragic event do we as seers speak and let it (help it[???]) come to be or keep silent (try to hinder fate[???])?
My opinion is to keep the reading to the question asked. In a general reading, nothing specific has been asked. I'd not want to hear someone tell me they see death at my doorstep and to beware of anything that moves. Depending on the mood I was in, I may blow it off and laugh at it or either I'd ask for more info (specifics) while making up names to call the reader.  :smt003  If the reader asked about something specific, such as his health, I believe it's best to generalize. If they ask about a specific condition they have, I'd refuse and tell them to go see their doctor.

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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:46 pm

Hey! Thanks for reminding us what the initial thread was all about. I see you agree with one of the points raised in the guidelines, so we are keeping it. Let us know what you think of these drafts to update the Guidelines, please!

:) This is my idea on how to make the 'Readers' Guidelines' a bit clearer (and hopefully shorter):
To all our Readers,

1. Everyone is welcome to give FREE readings here at Mystic Board. However, any unauthorized advertising or soliciting will be removed and may lead to a ban.

It would also be nice if you first say hello and introduce yourself, so that we can get to know each other, understand who the reading came from, and how it was given. We also ask that you name the deck used, spread and its place titles, as this allows everyone to benefit from the reading.

We are now pleased to present our 'Featured Readers', so that everyone can see some of the special readings our regulars are offering in their unique style.
If you are interested in becoming a 'Featured Reader' then please PM one of the Board Moderators and they will tell you more about the scheme.

2. Readings only available to seekers 18 and over, as underage readings are illegal in some countries   :smt018

3. Before posting a reading, please check to see if a reading has already been given. If so, please refrain from giving another, as it may be confusing to the seeker, and make the original reader feel unwanted, or their reading ignored/ usurped; rather than doubling up, it is best to fill in a request that has '0' answers so far.
If you realize another reading has been given after yours, check the date and time, as it is possible both were being written and posted nearly simultaneously, so that no meddling was intended.

4. Please note there is a different forum for each type of reading. Try to ensure that the seeker gets the kind of reading they require and expect,  in the right forum, as readings posted in the wrong forum may be moved, or removed altogether.
These are our reading forums so far: Tarot, Numerology, Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Palmistry, Runes, Psychic, and Picture reading forums.

5. For fairness sake, we request readers to check the number of posts a querent has made before answering their request. This can be done by clicking on the posters' name in the left hand box and then clicking on the link there to 'Find all posts by...'  If they don't contribute to the community, specially if they are all reading requests, please think carefully and use your judgment before giving them another reading, as this helps neither the seeker nor the community.
However, giving a reading to a first post request is up to the reader. Many people are in need of help and guidance, and will greatly benefit from a reading at this time, then go on to be valued members of our community. We ask you to be welcoming, understanding, compassionate, kind and gentle with all our members, but especially the new ones. You can always choose not to read.
Also bear in mind that most querents are one timers and will disappear after they get a reading, or worse, not even return to read your reading and give thanks or feedback.
We recommend readers not to give querents more than one reading a month, as some types of reading need only be given every six months or even once in a lifetime.

6. Please do not overload yourself or feel guilty if unable to cope with piling requests: no need to answer them all! We do not want any of our readers to burn out and refuse to read in the future. This is a place for you to come relax, enjoy, have fun, make friends and have a good laugh. So do exactly that, and answer only those requests that call to you.

7. If you get pestered for readings via PM, ask them to post their request in the appropriate forum. If it keeps happening, contact a mod or admin who will deal with this.
Also, if you notice a problem with a request, a reading or any other post, please do not respond to it yourself, but use the REPORT AS INAPPROPRIATE POST link on the left hand side of the post: the first available mod or admin will review the post and deal with your query.

We really do appreciate all the hard work, time and effort that goes into giving readings and would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone that offers their time and energy in this way: THANK YOU ALL!  :)
Ok, I anxiously await your opinions on this: do the different colored warnings work better, or do they make it harder to read? I tried to use them sparingly. However, if you think they work, we could also use them in the 'Seeker's Guidelines'.

Thank you for reading yourselves silly through all my postings  :smt003

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