New Dillemma

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New Dillemma

Post by renjer » Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:36 pm

Hi everyone

I just read the cards for someone, yet all they say isn't very well at all, especially since the "outcome" card is The Star Reversed. Apparently, this person wants to set his/her life back on track and has had many problems in the past. What should I do about this?

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Post by cedars » Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:30 pm

What should YOU do about this?
Why you?
You read the card to him/her. It is their choice ......

I dont understand your question buddy.

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Post by renjer » Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:02 am

It is a difficult decision when someone comes and asks me how to set their life back on track and the cards say that they cant (reversed star).

Should I just keep quiet or should I reveal this?

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Post by cedars » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:27 am

Ok. The reversed Star frightened you off. What do you think it stands for or what does it tell you? Perhaps I should have asked you that question first.

The Start is a beautiful, hope-inspiring card; one that also says that along with the hope, a person's inspirations, dreams as well as aspiraions, there is need for some nurturing, looking after those dreams. In the Rider Waite we see a naked woman, pouring water out of a pond on to dry land thus creating new life in the soil. What is she doing? She is nurturing the soil with love, care and, if you like, some sort of a motherly instinct.

What does it tell you in the reversed position? I feel your friend wants to bring his/her life into track; either he/she does not know how to go about it or does not want to work at it. Sorry, but if they asked for guidance, they should be told what the reading revealed. It is not saying it will be impossible to get him/her on track, but willingess alone is not enough. He/she needs to work at it. If the stars at night were the light for the traveller, I think your friend and his/her views for healing are blocked.  It does not mean there is no hope, but just that their vision and their outlook is marred or blocked with pessimism or cyncism about their own situation.

The recovery may take time; it may not happen as swiftly as your friend wants it, but I dont believe anything is a dead-end.
You can tell him/her that the journey ahead is going to be difficult, but he/she will get there.  I dont know what spread you have used and what other cards were there in the meantime. If you used the Celtic Cross spread, I think you were being too ambitous with your efforts and you have ignored all the preceding positons and their advice.

I understand your feelings of doubt and fear about telling the querent the outcome of a reading, but if you are going down the route of giving readings to others, you should also be ready to tell them what is the end result of a reading and here comes tact and diplomacy as well as never being economical with hope and positivity.

P.S. out of curiousity, it seems to me in your readings you are getting a lot of reversals. Do you intentionally make this happen?

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Post by renjer » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:38 am

cedars wrote:
P.S. out of curiousity, it seems to me in your readings you are getting a lot of reversals. Do you intentionally make this happen?
Yes, I did. It's because I learnt the method of shuffling from Youtube over here

To me, not using reversed cards is not having the full meaning of the tarot deck.

Also, well since you replied, I guess I'll just tell the seeker what she needs to hear then. Thanks. It's because I feel our duty as tarot readers is to empower the Seeker, and not to tell her that things are really bad at the end and you're powerless to do anything.

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Post by cedars » Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:13 am

OK. One thing I would advise you my dear Jener, is not to be tooo regimented when you teach yourself the tarot and indeed tarot reading. Whether you learn on U-tube or She-Tube just follow your own guidelines and how you are going to read it. Develop your own style which I am sure you will in due course.

For example, I dont intentionally do reversals and if you are going to shuffle the cards the way it shows on the Utube link you sent me, you will MOST certainly get reversals. It is up to you how you wish to handle that. Despite not intentionally 'creating' reversals, I do from time to time get reversed cards and it is then I respect that there is a different meaning for me there.

Yes, we try to empower and empowerment is also telling the truth. How empowering would your reading be if you told her that everything is going to be 100% all right.  And, no, things are not really bad and she is not powerless to do anything about them. I did not say that in my interpretation of the reversed Star. Things may be delayed and things may not be a smooth ride as she may think.

Choose your words carefully when you tell her.

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:54 pm

Hi renjer,

Considering your previous postings and readings, you mainly use the Celtic Cross. As I said to you before, the Celtic Cross has a defined route that you follow! Should you have used another spread, then obviously i'm on the wrong road here!!

If You are using the CC, the future is not limited to card 10. What I truly want to bring forth is the fact that the CC is most used, but least understood. This spread has been "developed" very, very long ago, and really gives the most information, you just need to look for it.

Therefore, I tend to have a consideration of "DUPLICASY" when we have deck X,Y or Z. Most decks are based on RW and Sola Busca. So, why re-invent the wheel? Aleister Crowley :smt011 not reality!

When reading the CC, as described by A.E. Waite. Card 3, 6, 9 and 10 are to be combined to direct or expect anything.

Should I have more than 50% reversals, I gather and rather cast the cards again. This i will only do two times after, if to many reversals, I don't read!!

Blessed be.

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Post by cedars » Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:02 pm


I watched that U-tube video that you referrred me to where the demonstrator is shuffling and cutting the cards three times and in all the three times he is picking a pile in reverse. No wonder in your readings you have an enormous number of reversed cards.
I suggest you follow the Nature's way of giving you reversals rather than what was portrayed in that U-tube tutorial. Just because reversals give 78x2 meanings to the cards, it may not be the right way of apporaching the cards - in my humble opinion.

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Post by renjer » Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:35 pm

Payewacker wrote:
Should I have more than 50% reversals, I gather and rather cast the cards again. This i will only do two times after, if to many reversals, I don't read!!

Blessed be.
I did a spread of 6 cards and received 3 reversed, 2 upright, and 1 unsure (the crossing card, I took this as upright). It seems normal to me.
cedars wrote:
I suggest you follow the Nature's way of giving you reversals rather than what was portrayed in that U-tube tutorial. Just because reversals give 78x2 meanings to the cards, it may not be the right way of apporaching the cards - in my humble opinion.
That means, do you actually arrange your cards all upright again after you finish a reading? And that if something comes out reversed then it's really significant? And what if someone does a riffle shuffle, wouldn't this cause reversals as well?

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Post by cedars » Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:46 pm

I, personally, always shuffle the cards upright. Some people make a mess of the cards face down on the floor and they just create havoc and then gather the cards...

Renjer, there are no rules my friend. Make your own rule. The cards will still come out to give the message that the querent is meant to receive. Do not complicate your mind with rituals such as shuffling upside down, downside up, inside out...... these are all unnecessary.

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:11 am

cedars wrote:I, personally, always shuffle the cards upright. Some people make a mess of the cards face down on the floor and they just create havoc and then gather the cards...

Renjer, there are no rules my friend. Make your own rule. The cards will still come out to give the message that the querent is meant to receive. Do not complicate your mind with rituals such as shuffling upside down, downside up, inside out...... these are all unnecessary.
Hi, I'm one of the havoc creators, but not on the floor. Some may also create the havoc, but then turn the cards upright, as Cedars said, no rules, follow your intuition.

The card that crosses the querant is to be drawn, opened from left to right, now the side closest to you, is the bottom of the card, say the top of the card is to the left, it would be upright, if to the right, reversed. Now you will ask how to turn it sideways, always from left to right.

You keep on refering to the "shortened" CC. This spread is ten cards, as it describes a road travelled from Aleph to Yod, in other words itgives you the Archytepal circumstances. From 10 upward, you find the excistential and then the cosmic. By no means do I critisize other authors, they have a different view on a certain topic. But, do go to Tarot Topics and work throuh the numbers as well. The placement and the number of the card has as much significance as the face of the card or it's interpritation.

Blessed Be

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Post by renjer » Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:36 am

The shortened CC came from the book, Tarot Get the Whole Story by James Ricklef. At least the shortened version makes it easier on me when I am interpreting.
Anyway I think I would use the full CC from now on.

The querent thinks I did well, so I guess my method worked, though I think a full CC would be more helpful.

I will try turning over the cards left to right with my next reading. All this time I was doing bottom to top.

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:09 am

Hi Renjer,

James Ricklef actually specialises in 3 card spreads, that is why you find the shortened version. However, don't discount three cards spreads, you will see through his book how he indicates where movement starts and ends! This you can see in the way the people look or move on the cards. That is also why I don't use any other deck, but that of A E Waite.

The way in which you have been working with your cards was imprinted on your mind, so no matter, it would still have given advice.

I'm going to start shortly with the other numbers, and their significance, just keep checking. I also edit the Celtic Cross main template as I do a new number. These you are welcome to copy.

Blessed be.

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