Celtic Cross Reading for Marilyn now completed.

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Celtic Cross Reading for Marilyn now completed.

Post by Payewacker » Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:07 pm

Hi Guys,
I did a lay of cards this afternoon, obiviously the Celtic Cross. I also added a Rune as a pointer. This reading is far from complete, I will most probably still work on it, most of tomorrow.

To try and publish it on MB with all it's images will just not work out so well, therefore i'm hosting it on Google docs.

Follow this link:
http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B5yuZlz ... y=COPAzIIG

My main aim in sharing it with all of you, is to show you how the CC can evolve in a spread with so much information. Furthermore, how the cards are placed, the direction of action, the influences seen in the Majors, the circumstances in the pip cards and the situations or people described by the Court cards.

Blessed be.
Last edited by Payewacker on Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:28 pm

Sorry guys,

I changed the link because Google docs don't seem to want to keep it looking in an orderly fashion. It's best to just download it. It's a MS Word doc.

Blessed be.

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Marilyn's reading now complete!!!

Post by Payewacker » Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:39 pm

Hi Guys, I did the reading, removed the images and are now trying to post it. Let's have a look if it can be hosted by MB.

To view the images and reading you can visit this link:
Hi Guys,
I did a lay of cards this afternoon, obiviously the Celtic Cross. I also added a Rune as a pointer. This reading is far from complete, I will most probably still work on it, most of tomorrow.

To try and publish it on MB with all it's images will just not work out so well, therefore i'm hosting it on Google docs.

Follow this link:
http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B5yuZlz ... y=COPAzIIG

My main aim in sharing it with all of you, is to show you how the CC can evolve in a spread with so much information. Furthermore, how the cards are placed, the direction of action, the influences seen in the Majors, the circumstances in the pip cards and the situations or people described by the Court cards.

Blessed be.

Using Rider Waite, Celtic Cross Spread,

**3**       10
5*2*6         9
**1**(Significator)   8
**4**                            7

1  2  3  ---Three Cards of Advice.

The Significator;
The Significator is either a choice of the Major Arcanum cards, describing a specific matter or from the Minor Court cards. Allow the Querent to shuffle the deck at least twice with the Significator included. If a Major Arcanum, now remove it from the deck and place at centre. The cards should now be shuffled three times and cut three times by the Querent or reader. Some readers prefer their Querent to shuffle, others may not want the Querent to touch the cards, this is a choice made by the reader. If chosen from the Minor Arcanum, remove the four cards, one from each suit depicting the level of the Querent in their social, business or personal environment, this is a card the reader may want to use to ground the Querent, or understand it as a pivot; all the cards refer to a central point or person.

Keeping in mind the following: (These are only guidelines and not "the Code"). "Parle"- Jack Sparrow.
Ages: 16-22; Pages
Ages: 23-35; Knights
Ages; 36-50; King for men, Queen for woman
Ages; 50 and above; Emperor for men, Empress for woman. Using divinatory meaning only.
Husband and wife: King and Queen.
Knight and Page: Siblings, Single, no Children.

The four cards should now be shuffled placed in a row, the Querent is now allowed to, with their intuition, gliding their hands over these cards, choose a specific card. This card must now be turned face up and the Querent may be represented by this card or characteristics are revealed.

Looking at the lay-out of the Celtic Cross, we see the Significator being covered by Card 1. The Significator is not assigned a specific numeric value, in the Celtic Cross. Considering that the assignment or numeric placement, being 1-10, Aleph-Yod, The Significator may be seen as “The Fool”, not assigned, yet an influence to be considered. As Significator, your Querent may slot into any position, having a stronger influence on any specific card. If we have the Significator as a Wands Court card, the rest of the spread, where we find Wands cards, we may consider a stronger influence throughout, underpinned by the Significator.

Choosing a Significator from the Major Arcanum, Lovers would be a card for a Querent’s personal relationship, Justice for legal matters, Wheel of Fortune-Financial. The Fool can be used to describe a new direction or life-changing decisions.

Meaning: “Kind and generous woman who has maternal interests in you. Mystery and intuition.”
The Queen of Cups should evoke the image of a kind and generous woman who has maternal interests in you. If she is not your own mother, she is someone who is prepared to assist advice and mother you. She is a woman for whom you feel affection and even love, and with whom you feel accepted, protected and emotionally secure. The queen of Cups is a loving wife, good mother, devoted friend. As a person she is intelligent and cultured; she is someone who knows how to love wisely, and who can (and will if asked) wisely advise you in affairs of the heart. Her characteristics are a loving intelligence, wisdom, and personal virtue. She may also be something of a visionary and intuitive by nature; but her visions and intuition are tempered by mature judgment and tend to be accurate.
If you are a man, this card represents a true and trustful wife, or your current potential true love. If you are a woman, she could be a confidant or possible rival in love (the other cards will tell which, but even if she is a rival, she is a kind one and will play fair.
If this card does not represent a person, then it is a situation in which you can feel, or should feel secure, safe and even protected. This card describes a situation in which there are no hidden traps or unsuspected enmities; you are among people you can trust, and in a situation in which you feel at home.

Positive: A soft nurturing mother figure, perhaps too protective. Kind but not energetic. Will help if it is not to taxing. Good insight, love, gentleness. Mystery, intuition.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

An untrustworthy or perverse woman. Vice, dishonor, depravity, meddling. Too much imagination. An overbearing and suppressive mother.                                                    

Card 1  
This is obviously a very important card as it describes and directs the reading as a whole! This card explains the current influence the Querent is experiencing. We can also consider that what this card describes is “in happening, now or that which sets the flavor”. Another factor we want to consider is that this card is the thought not come to fulfilment yet. This card is governed by the Magician and therefore, the Magician creates his Universe or controls all the different suits of the Minor Arcanum and specifically the Aces. Therefore it is placed over the Significator. The influence of card one is seen throughout the reading, and must be brought into perspective, regarding the other cards and their specific placements.

Three of Cups Reversed.
Reversed:                                               Fulfillment of physical needs only. Small business advances.                                                                                                                                                                            

Card 2
In this card we see dualities, a pairing between thought and motion. We can also see that although it may be a pairing, it might also signify the possible opposing forces within oneself. Therefore card two in essence signifies obstacles, even though the card itself may be positive, it would not necessarily have a positive influence, thus the division. This card can also indicate obstacles the Querent is not aware of, actions and influences busy unfolding without the querent’s knowledge. We can consider this card as the "container" of a person's Aleph (first thought)

Six of Wands Upright:
Triumph, victory, achievement, good news. Public acclamation, rewards for hard work.

Therefore the person's perception or mind is altered through card 2, placed with the upright to the left. And in this, the obstruction being contained in card 2 is an archetypal influence, which can translate into any level of energy, be it archetypal, existential or cosmic. This position is the "carrier" of any person's thought, or environment. His/her, Bething - Beth (thoughts on the primary thought).

As this placement is ruled by the High Priestess. We receive our intuition through the left, and the right hand is the "practical" side. That is also why we shuffle anti-clockwise with the left hand. The right is used to "assist"

Card 3: This crowns you.
This card describes your perceived goals in this matter, and if it will be achieved at this time. This card is essentially the ideal aim, it is also the fruit of Aleph (Primary thought) (1) animated into your Beth (container) (2) and subsequent Beths (thoughts on the containment of Aleph). We can understand it being the first movement in Gimmel (3) (first result of the pairing of 1 and 2), by which it has not met with resistance, being Dallet (4)

This card describes the near future, understanding that card one is your current situation, card two, how you will deal or contain card 1, in card 2. Card two is an obstacle in its own right, for it is a limiting factor to the untamed energy in card two. This card, in describing the immediate future may explain what you may receive, whether it is what you want or perhaps not your goal and may explain what may happen, whether you like it or not.

This card, being ruled by the Empress, is the first point at which fertility and development can be described.

King of Wands Upright
Upright: Brave, generous, enthusiastic, somewhat dominant.

A man of status and wealth who is friendly toward you and willing to help you with either money or advice. He is conscientious, honest and intelligent. If he is your rival, he will be fair and generous. If a friend, you are well advised to take this persons advice. If not a person, the situation itself is an honest one: things appear as they are. There is also a possibility of unexpected good news, maybe an inheritance, a career advance, success in an ongoing or upcoming business venture. Unexpected help or advise which will make your venture easier.

Card 4 This is beneath you.
In card four we are looking at the past events and influences. It describes the foundation under discussion; a specific event or different things happening in the immediate past which, because of their influence on you, are the reason, or direct cause of the situation you find yourself in. Consider what is represented in card four. We look at foundations, boundaries, concrete facts. These are factors which cannot be changed. Here we need to consider the influence the past events had on the mind and spirit and the resultant frame of mind created by this card. We now link card four to card one, describing the current influence and contemplate card five as that which is “in happening”, recent past, to the current, giving way to Card 6.

Understanding the Fours. We must now follow the route energy has taken. First we find Aleph, moving into Beth, which is the container. Then into Gimmel which is the first action or result, and is now becoming being or physical existence, being the response to life, as we find in nature around us and within us. It becomes the biological or organic life, as a result of the activity in Gimmel. The discovery of Newton, that between two objects, there is the same response to movement, but in the opposite direction. We see that Dallet is the concept of action and opposite reaction. In this resistance, we can see the continuation to the archetype of life in Hay (5)

“Dallet: spelled Dallet-Lammed-Tav, 4.30.400: Resistance/Response (Dallet) is a resistance based in its own controlled organic movement (Lammed) rooted in the capacity to resist to life-death (Tav). Dallet is a door which can be open or closed to the energy/movement of Gimmel. It contains its own movement (Lammed), which meets the uncontrolled movement of Gimmel with a controlled response. With Dallet, all the pre-conditions for life have been met, and it will be realized in the next letter He/Hay.

Drawing a closure on Dallet ( 4.40.400), we see that it elevates itself into the Existential, Mem (Death card) and ultimately in the Comic, being 22 - Tau/Tav (Cross)—Ultimate sacrifice. The interplay of the life-death principal is becoming very clear and continues to He/Hay, where we find response to life, as life responds to resistance. We can spell He/Hay (5) – The Hierophant: Aleph-Hay or Hay-Yod.

Source: Revived Quabala and Hypertext.

Two of Wands Reversed.
Reversed:                                          Devastating results. Investments lost.  Trouble and problems. Misfortune.  

You are going to be or have been presented with a wonderful idea, promise of riches, fame and glory. Something to good to be true, unfortunately it spells disaster for you. Your mindset and approach was or will be creative but no matter what you do, you won’t make it. Your investment will be lost. A partnership you entered into or will, has not got the solid foundation to be stable and profitable. The maturity or experience you have, lack the necessary hindsight.

Card 5;  This is behind you.
This gives the influence or set of circumstances that is busy happening now and will soon end; the situation which has just passed or is now in passing. In effect, events or circumstances in your past, as shown in the first few cards, created a general personal environment in which you were operating. This environment is now busy changing, either because you took steps to change it, or because some influence is forcing a change

Finding ourselves midway from Aleph to Yod, somewhere there has to be a resistance stronger than we find in 2, 3 or 4. However, don’t consider it to be any substantial resistance as it is not a structure, but a fixed point in itself. We can look at it as an Alternating Electrical Current. One moment positive, the next negative.

We can therefore consider that it’s neither positive nor negative, but both at its own time, in its own space-frame. Yet it creates a rhetorical process in itself.

Position Five is that which is “in happening”, a matter of “push and shove”, that is why we see that this position explains what has happened, and in continuum, with the right amount of opposition from your own actions. Perhaps we can say, it’s that moment of indecision, which may affect you negatively or positively. It brings into perspective your previous actions and the influence it has on you at the current moment, whether you like it or not.

The Emperor Reversed.
Tyranny, he rules his house and work with critical urgency, tends to dominate by force and excessive displays of childlike fits of rage. Although he may be a good planner, this person is unstable and immature, he may give so much attention to detail that he eventually loses sight of the matter at hand.

Card 6,
Biological process:
Reproduces itself.

Looking at the sixes we are reminded that in each achievement, we find hardships and turmoil. We also see that these can reduce us to nothing, or we can withstand, uphold and rise above the circumstances we are presented with. Considering that Vav is a reproduction of itself, it is with hindsight and consideration, that we can determine what may happen in our future. With careful planning, remembering the pitfalls, we move on, and find a future that has a brighter promise.

In position six of the Celtic Cross, we have a premise for a future development. This is not strictly the near, but more the longer term, that which happens after tomorrow, next week, etc. We should consider our focus to be more in the future, as this card is linked to five, but is a continuation of five into six and then seven, eight, nine and ten.

If we consider six, Vav (6), spelled Vav – Vav, we see the reproductive copulation in itself. Vav is the male fertility added to the numeric sequence and we find the full copulation in adding Samech (60), the female receptor, as seen in the existential level of consciousness.

The progress from Aleph (1), including the resistance from Yod (10) or life-death principle, is becoming more complex in itself, as we continue in the archetypal level of consciousness. We find that at this stage we encounter numeric values, exceeding Yod (10), as we move closer to the existential level.

The manifestation of the existential level is more profound and can be considered more literal and as a base of reproduction, in the archetypal level, (Cards 1, Magician to 9, The Hermit), considering that we are basically touching the existential level, in the numeric sequence.  

Thus we have Vav (6), Samech (60) and Mem as final in 600. If we look at a basic upliftment of Vav into Samech, we have the bondage and future restraint in the Devil, (60) Samech. When we blend the two cards and positions, the positive and negative aspect is revealed, considering the mirror of Vav, being Samech. Yet, bringing Vav into the existential, releases its fertility and becoming a positive or negative point of reproduction in itself. If we place The Lovers (6) and the Devil (60) next to each other, we see that the relationship may turn out to be more of a bondage, with greater desire for the physical manifestation of our sexual and mundane needs.

All the sixes and position six is controlled or ruled by The Lovers. We need to look for the possibilities of a union, coming together, be it in a relationship with your lover or a basic friendship or business partnership. Our focus can also be directed to being a blending of our own desperate opposing characteristics, those forces within each of us, choice or seduction, stability or chaos?

Therefore,  this is before you.
This card describes the future influence or set of circumstances you can expect; the change in personal environment that either should (if you are advised what to do) or will (if you go with the flow) take place. The near past described by card 5 is giving way to the new situation as a result to the actions you have taken. If the situation in card 5 has been described exactly and a specific timeframe can be added to it, card 5 and 6 can act as timing factor, as that which is described in card 5 timed until now, card 6 can then be applied adding the same time period but into the future. In general readings the timeframe is also general and can be from a few days to 12 months. When asking a specific question, you can include a time period of say within the next two months etc.

The Moon Upright.
A lack of complete information causes misunderstandings and conflicts, and makes it difficult if not impossible to arrive at conclusions. Be sure you understand exactly what you want and what you’re doing before making your next move. Also be aware that the “lunacy” comes from the word for moon, Luna: there is the danger here of madness, desperation, even suicidal tendencies, mind control by negative forces. All these things can interfere with your search for the hidden knowledge and power which is also contained in all aspects of the Moon.
The Moon has a magnetism which attracts and control. It speaks to our animal nature, and draws on the subconscious thought, inducing volition without conscious thought. The only way to avoid its dangerous aspect is to deliberately assume conscious control. In short, to avoid the dangers in this card, you must learn to use your mind, your conscious intelligence, at all times. You may not surrender to your instincts; you dare not give in to your emotions. You are learning, in the paths of the Tarot, to draw on your subconscious and develop your psychic abilities. But this is the point at which you must put those abilities under conscious control. What differentiates people from animals (which are affected by the Moon without knowing why) or from non-conscious elements (like the sea, which is affected by the Moon without thinking at all.) is our intelligence. Use your intelligence now, and from now on, or fail in your quest. You can no longer operate solely on your instincts.

Positive                                                                  Caution, hidden danger, hidden enemies. Scandal error, disillusionment, deception, strife. Also intuition, latent psychic abilities possessed by you, occult forces in operation around you.

Card 7: This is you.
This card represents you. In general it puts you in perspective in terms of the circumstances of the reading. It shows your stance or attitude towards yourself or towards your situation. It also reveals how you are likely to behave or react in this situation. Therefore this card signifies the Querent’s self, his attitude to the matter

Six of Swords Upright.
A journey, a change for the better. Escape from turmoil, reprieve.

This card predicts or describes you, moving from a bad, to a better situation. It allegorizes the end of that rocky road, troubles are not all over but the sailing is smoother from now on. Here we can also say that you have a few options in opportunities presented to you. At this point you have not decided which way to go, either way you should consider the best option, even if it means moving away. You might be hesitant, for you are not sure where this will land you, remember a change is as good as a holiday. At least your troubles are over and the going won’t be so tough after all.  

Card 8: This is your house.
This card represents your environment, or surroundings, in this situation; that which is going on around you at this time. It shows your effect on people especially those close to you, or closely involved with you, it also shows your general effect on events. More importantly, it shows what kind of effect, other people or events, has on you, what they are doing and how they are reacting and what their intentions are regarding a situation or in these circumstances. Therefore it signifies your house, your environment in the affair—the influence, people and events around you.

Seven of Swords Upright.
Bravery and stealth. Underhandedness, diplomacy and advice.

In entering unmarked territory, you haven’t got the experience to fight your opposition. You will find it almost impossible to attack them straight on. You need to make use of your intellectual abilities to outsmart your opposition. Rather use a byway to find their weak points and strengthen your own position with their weakness.

Card 9: This is your hopes and fears.
This card reveals your inner thoughts about a situation; it shows how you feel about people, events and circumstances surrounding you at this time including your feelings about yourself and your chances of success or failure.
You need to understand 2 things clearly.  
First. The card describes how you feel, not what has happened, is happening or will happen. Not everyone’s emotional perspective is always right. Your reaction may be reasonable given the current set of circumstances, but it could also be entirely wrong!!(Not being able to see the forest from the trees).
Second. This card still affects the final outcome, whether your emotional perspective is correct or wrong. As an example, if you have to take action, but is afraid to, how positive or successful the card predicts, a big possibility you will still fail, because you can’t make the change or move.

The Lovers Upright.
The primary message of this card is the union between a man and a woman as in the act of marriage or hand-fasting. However it continues to point to the union of two separate facets within ourselves. This, not as in the Chariot, where opposing characteristics are described, but more the blending of the male and female aspect within each of us, no matter which sex we are or sexual orientation. It also brings to consideration that we are all subject to the vices of men and woman, and how to deal with temptations.

The red mound, auspiciously placed between the man and woman, reminds to earlier renditions of this card, where we find two women, the theme being that of choice or temptation.

In early Renaissance decks, this card was called simply Love. These were based on betrothal portraits with a blindfolded Cupid. The blindfold of Cupid reminded of his indiscriminate and disruptive nature. These qualities were then safely contained by the blindfold and vows of marriage. The Cary-Yale Visconti Lovers also included a small dog as seen on the Fool card, a common symbol of fidelity. With the birth of the Tarot of Marseilles, the title became “the Lovers” and we find a fourth figure added to the card, possibly a priest performing the ceremony.

On Jean Noblet Lovers card, produced later than Jacques Veville, the priest was transformed to another woman, who becomes a second choice for the man as central figure.

Here we see the man has a choice between virtue and sensuality with one woman crowned with a Laurel wreath and the other with flowers, Cupid was still blindfolded, but in subsequent decks, the blindfold was dropped and love became a conscious choice.

The Raider Waite deck shows a single angel poring influence on the two naked figures, with the Sun, reminding us of the possibility that the union is blessed and instituted by God.

Love, union, marriage. It also signifies a choice you need to make between spiritual or sensual and between intuition and reason.

Card 10:
Final outcome. This is the result. It reveals what will happen or is going to happen; the culmination which will result from the influences shown by all the other cards in the reading. If this card is a Minor Arcana Court Card, it represents a person, who holds the key to the realization of all things predicted.
This is then what will come. You need to remember one thing, all the previous cards put together creates this outcome, should you not follow the pointers, and your final outcome will change.
Consider that life exist around choices you make, sometimes it’s easier to make the correct choice if you know the secrets of the Tarot, so is it also important to remember the choice you make should fit what you want!!!
It is this card the reader concentrates his or her intuitive wisdom and remembers the divinatory meanings of the other cards including the Significator. This card should be a Major Arcanum (Secret) card. An eleventh card may be drawn to bring matters into perspective, if the tenth card is unclear.

Six of Cups. Upright
Memories, looking back and reflecting on happier times; thoughts of past loves. Changes in relationships.

This is a time of letting go, forgetting the past and moving on to something more special. The ability to build a better future based on what you did in the past. You need to realize, that building on that happy foundation, will ensure happiness and contentment in your future. To realize your dream, it’s necessary to remember, build a better future and live the transformation as your new reality.

Card 11:
This card should be a Major Arcanum and only supports the tenth card. If the reading is still unclear it is best to start again. Readings should not be repeated in the same sitting more than three times, if it happens, your Querent may be very confused or the question asked will not be answered, other important issues are being dealt with.

The Hierophant Reversed
Extreme conservationism; over-kindness or over conformity. Servitude, captivity, weakness. Loss of personal authority.

Remember this is a spiritual journey you lead your Querent on, the outcome may sometimes be vicious but the truth needs to be told, you may not hide anything from the Querent, even if intuitive knowledge are arrived at during a later stage of meditation, this must be circulated to the Querent as soon as possible.
Therefore a record of every sitting or reading must be kept and not revealed to anyone but the Querent.
The spiritual development of the Querent is described by the Major Arcanum, in context with the Significator these cards must be read in spirit and dealt with as points of meditation. The spiritual influence may have an altering effect on the final outcome as this will bring the Querent at a stage of self-examination and possibly enlightenment. Astrological charts and numerology may be suggested to the Querent in order to expand their knowledge of how to deal with certain events.


I decided to maintain one Rune throughout your reading. I drew this Rune at the onset or before I cast the cards.

I include all the steps taken in doing your reading as images.

I feel the Rune underpins this reading and therefore it is important to first relate to it and have its interpretation as opening comments:

The Runes are the Viking Runes and book Published by Ralph H. Blum.

EIWAZ—Avertive Powers, Yew Tree.
As we are tested we fund the power to avert blockage and defeat. At the same time, we develop in ourselves an aversion to the conduct that create stress in our lives. If there appears to be an obstacle in your path, consider that even delay may prove beneficial. Do not be overly eager to press forward, for this is not a time or situation in which you can make your influence felt. Patience is the council Eihwaz offers: nothing hectic, no acting needy, or lusting after a desired outcome. This Rune speaks of the difficulties that can arise at the beginning of a new life. Often it announces a time of waiting—for a spring to fill up with water, for fruit to ripen on the bough.
Perseverance and foresight are called for here. The ability to foresee consequences before you act is a mark of the profound person. Avert anticipated difficulties through right action, this Rune is saying. And yet even more than we are doers, we are deciders. Once the decision is clear, the doing becomes effortless, for then the Universe supports and empowers your action.
Receiving Eihwaz, you are put on notice that, through inconvenience and discomfort, growth is promoted. This may well be a trying time; certainly it is a meaningful one. So set your house in order, tend to business, be clear, and wait for the Will of Heaven.

Hi Marilyn,
OK, let’s start at the top. We see how the Significator describes you as a person, wherever it refers to another person, it describes you and how you are. I always include the reversed meaning of these cards, simply because you have a good and a bad side. Truly some people has the bad side, although thet don’t want to give it any “credit”. At times, you may think “It’s not me”, perhaps to a certain extend other people may box you into that position or characteristic.

As the Queen of Cups, your cover is the Three of Cups reversed. Being your first card, this is what everything is all about. My dear the Three is the fruit of Ace of Cups and Two of Cups combined. So we are looking at the fruit of the first two cards in your reading as the “first spark”. Therefore we look at the fruit, being at odds with you, be it a child or perhaps a friendship shared by you, your husband and another person, but it’s more likely to be your offspring, kids do get into their moods. Now in card Two, the Six of Wands, we are moving into what you think may be the right approach, this card is your main blockage. Now, you will ask, “How can a victory card, be an obstacle?” In this card we have a number of divisions; Firstly we have Two of Wands behind the man, in his right hand, we find the Ace of Wands, to his left in the crowd, we have the three of Wands. So now, 6 or Vav is the Lovers card, which we have further in your spread as well, but your reading has predominance in sixes.

Let’s have a look what significance the sixes has:
Having four sixes in your spread has an influence in the action or influence it brings.

1) Position Two; Six of Wands—obstacle.
2) Position Seven; Six of Swords—movement.
3) Position Nine; The Lovers—blending.
4) Position Ten; Six of Cups—memories.

Let me list them:

1) Position Two;
Six of Wands, Upright.
The battle has or will be won. The recognition you deserve is yours for the taking. Your hero’s welcome is a public affair and everybody sees you as the man of the moment. This is now the point where you will receive the recognition you deserve, you worked hard and put in a lot of effort, sometimes you thought it impossible. The moment of truth has arrived, you can now stand back and look at the fruit of your labors, --- and it looks so good. This is a point of satisfaction within the grasp of each and everyone. But with your new found success it is important to remember that others also aim for your position. So with your knowledge and experience you must maintain your position to achieve even greater things in life.

In this card we find 3 Divisions.
1) Two of Wands,
2) Ace of Wands, and
3) Three of Wands.

In reading this spread, let us rather stick to the matter at hand.
The reading opens with Three of Cups Reversed, and closes with (9): The Lovers, (10): Six of Cups and (11):  the Hierophant reversed. Therefore assigning the Cup cards with the “Clergy”, we have a very good understanding that we are working with the emotional and relationship influences in this reading. Therefore we need to consider that all the cards will lean in that direction, be it Wands, Pentacles, Swords or Cups.

When considering the “obstacle” we are presented with in card 2: The Six of Wands. Looking at the Two of Wands, we see the person holding on to a Wand in his left hand, in his right hand, a globe of Earth, behind him, one fixed Wand.

Now, doing an expansion on the two’s:
Looking at these cards, we can see the intrinsic message of “balance and dualities”. Widening our perspective, we look at the Major Arcanum card ruling all the Two’s, being the High-Priestess. We look at either obtaining balance, or having a rollercoaster of up’s and down’s.

With the Ace’s we find the first spark, thought, idea. In the two’s we now add the next step. To a large extend we say we now receive, direction in our act or thought process. The first practical application to our initial thought. But yet the first “Obstacle”

However, we cannot only see these cards as the direction. Looking at them, we need to consider the joining of two separate forces, the possible division of a single entity, or the normal positive and the appropriate negative force working against what we perceive as a good influence. Each card displays a prominent message, and we can also see which of them pertains to an individual or corresponding part of a person’s life.

Looking at the symbolism of each card. Swords have a lot more Water than Air! We also see a crescent Moon, linking to the High Priestess. Two of Cups, the woman has a stronger link to the High-Priestess, the man, is dressed as the Fool? The two Cups has a square base each, of which we can only see two sides.

Pentacles, has the Infinity symbol, with a Pentacle in each loop. The display of the ever changing financial situation we find ourselves in? In understanding this, how much is enough money? You can be a beggar, but have enough, or a millionaire and never have enough? Look at the sea behind the “jester”, its stormy and not stable at all. Moving on to the Wands. The very first striking symbolism is the lily and rose, this is a direct link to the Magician. We also see, the person, the Wands and the Globe are stable and “fixed”. One in hand, the other attached to a solid structure. This card primarily denotes the possibility of expansion, from a fixed profile to a more variable and ambitious route.

But, we shouldn’t only limit our understanding of dualities on these cards only. They have symbolism associating them with a number of Major Arcanum cards.

2) Position Seven;
Six of Swords.
This card predicts or describes you, moving from a bad, to a better situation. It allegorizes the end of that rocky road, troubles are not all over but the sailing is smoother from now on. Here we can also say that you have a few options in opportunities presented to you. At this point you have not decided which way to go, either way you should consider the best option, even if it means moving away. You might be hesitant, for you are not sure where this will land you, remember a change is as good as a holiday. At least your troubles are over and the going won’t be so tough after all.

3) Position Nine
The Lovers-Upright.
Love, union, marriage. It also signifies a choice you need to make between spiritual or sensual and between intuition and reason.

4) Position Ten.
Six of Cups.
This is a time of letting go, forgetting the past and moving on to something more special. The ability to build a better future based on what you did in the past. You need to realize, that building on that happy foundation, will ensure happiness and contentment in your future. To realize your dream, it’s necessary to remember, build a better future and live the transformation as your new reality.

Definitions of all the sixes and how they combine.

As you have seen, there are definite divisions in the cards itself. I’ve explained the division of The Six of Wands already. Now we need to tackle, Six of Swords. Look at this card; we have a woman sitting in a little boat, being rowed to no defined destination. However, we see two Swords to the side or back, from the other four. In this card we see that the woman has been stuck in a Two of Swords situation, advanced into the three of Swords and now moving ahead to the Four of Swords. We must look at your mindset in this regard,

Being ruled by the Lovers, 6 – Vav/Waw, Gemini.
Vav is the addition of the male fertility and uplifts into the existential in 60 Samech - Capricorn, the female fertility and into the Cosmic 600
Fertility is an addition after we have the turmoil and resistance in 5 – Hay. The active development and victory over the fives is described and outlined. This is the first step at which we need to practice restraint and not only consider the first victory as a permanent result, without our positive participation. We are also reminded that in ourselves we have the abilities to maintain our own victory.

Thus we have Vav (6), Samech (60) and Mem as final in 600. If we look at a basic upliftment of Vav into Samech, we have the bondage and future restraint in the Devil, (60) Samech. When we blend the two cards and positions, the positive and negative aspect is revealed, considering the mirror of Vav, being Samech. Yet, bringing Vav into the existential, releases its fertility and becoming a positive or negative point of reproduction in itself. If we place The Lovers (6) and the Devil (60) next to each other, we see that the relationship may turn out to be more of bondage, with greater desire for the physical manifestation of our sexual and mundane needs.

All the sixes is controlled or ruled by The Lovers. We need to look for the possibilities of a union, coming together, be it in a relationship with your loved ones or a basic friendship or business partnership. Our focus can also be directed to being a blending of our own desperate opposing characteristics, those forces within each of us, choice or seduction, stability or chaos?

Ace of Swords is a “Conqueror” or “by force and might”, Two of Swords is rather a protecting of the you, after you extended your “force of will”, and then at times you are too bashful and break your own heart or perhaps those very close to you. Let us see why you are moving into Four of Swords. The Four of Swords indicate a period of “stillness or calm”, a period of rest. This is a necessary time seeing that you had to look out for attacks from any side, as well as experiencing the heartache, disappointment or illness in the Three of Swords.

When we now look at the sixes you have, all but Pentacles is seen in your spread. In this reading we see that the Major Arcanum cards direct us to your emotional view on what is happening around you. We find the Lovers 6 in Position 9, being your hopes and fears but also that which you may receive.

Let us now move on to card 3, your crown.

In card 3 we find the King of Wands, his Zodiac is Leo, ascribing him to Fire of Fire. We must consider the Sun in this matter. This King is ruled by the Sun, indicating a positive development for you! And or good news. This is your very near future, but, you need to remember that not only this card, but the blending of a few cards will direct what the final outcome may be. Let us have a look by which other cards influence this card.

Your reading is dominated by the Major Arcanum, putting into perspective, the matter at hand. Then we have Wands, Swords and Cups, equally sharing the reading. But we can see the Lovers and the Hierophant giving the most direction, linking it to the Cup cards as well, therefore---your relationships! Why would I say this, you may ask? Looking specifically at the Lovers, the crowning card of all the sixes. Don’t forget the Hierophant who rule the fives, but also had a long-standing influence in Government matters, to the point where a King, Emperor, etc, be crowned, it had to be done by the Papacy, to be valid. Thus the Hierophant trumps the Emperor and ruler over many Kings in the renaissance period. Your reading closes with the Hierophant reversed, why?

Definition of the Hierophant Reversed:
Extreme conservationism; over-kindness or over conformity. Servitude, captivity, weakness. Loss of personal authority.

Now, what does card 3 bring to the table?
1) He looks to the left of the final outcome. This is interesting. He does not want to associate too closely with memories of the past.
2) He is not interested in wanting to leave you in a situation where you feel alienated.
3) He does not want to, “at times” deal with the hard facts.
4) He hopes the problems you experience will just “disappear”!!!!!!!!!!!

We need to consider that this person is your SUN. He feels he has to be there to protect you, but does not know how to handle what is happening all the time. Therefore you may think he is cold, that is far from true.

Now we move to card number four and seven—the twin pillars!
Goodness me, we have two basic “stands” on which a reading rest. The left being card four, and the right being card seven!

The left pillar is the Two of Wands Reversed and the right pillar is the Six of Swords upright. What do we see?
This is where it becomes extremely interesting.

Two of Wands Reversed.
You are going to be or have been presented with a wonderful idea, promise of riches, fame and glory. Something to good to be true, unfortunately it spells disaster for you. Your mindset and approach was or will be creative but no matter what you do, you won’t make it. Your investment will be lost. A partnership you entered into or will, has not got the solid foundation to be stable and profitable. The maturity or experience you have, lack the necessary hindsight.

Six of Swords Upright.
This card predicts or describes you, moving from a bad, to a better situation. It allegorizes the end of that rocky road, troubles are not all over but the sailing is smoother from now on. Here we can also say that you have a few options in opportunities presented to you. At this point you have not decided which way to go, either way you should consider the best option, even if it means moving away. You might be hesitant, for you are not sure where this will land you, remember a change is as good as a holiday. At least your troubles are over and the going won’t be so tough after all.  

Shall we now bring into context the divisions in the cards?
In the Two of Wands we find two Wands, one firmly planted, the other, subject to change or alteration, and not forgetting the globe. In the six of Swords, we find two Swords to the left of the person and child and four in front of her. In considering these two cards, we see that you may have acted prematurely and did not apply your experience efficiently. That brought you to position whereby you had to protect yourself. This was exhausting to you, and you are now heading for a period by which you have expended your energies and need to recharge your batteries. The problems won’t just disappear, you may still find some headwind, but not as bad, in fact, it may be only a breeze!

In position Eight we see the seven of Swords, in this sense, we assume your movement beyond Six of Swords, but we look at your mindset, home or environment you place yourself in.

Let us carefully consider and examine card Eight. Once again we see a division in the card. Let us call the Seven of Swords as a reconnaissance man. He carefully infiltrated and successfully removed most of his rival’s weapons. What would this mean?

Let us look at the interpretation of these cards again.

Seven of Swords Upright.
In entering unmarked territory, you haven’t got the experience to fight your opposition. You will find it almost impossible to attack them straight on. You need to make use of your intellectual abilities to outsmart your opposition. Rather use a byway to find their weak points and strengthen your own position with their weakness.

Two of Swords
You have or might enter a business or personal relationship in which both parties are working together to achieve a mutual goal. The deal is that, both of you don’t really trust each other enough. You can see this relationship based on a game of chess, by which every move must be well considered and done to only ensure balance. Although you may work together in harmony, always check your back. Make sure that whatever you do, you strengthen your position. Be sure this is what the other partner is doing. You are able to balance the situation using your intellect and experience.

Five of Swords.
You are entering some very troubled waters; in fact your destruction may very well be in store for you. This card may even indicate health problems. You need to make the best of a very bad situation, take it as it comes. If you are in the fortunate position to have loyal friends, now would be the time to lean on them for assistance and support. However, don’t lose faith; the possibility will arise where you would be able to improve your position again.

We are looking at a balancing act, positive vs. negative. This is your “house”. With these cards the links and expansions, we also find a lot of “hidden cards” Two of Swords in a few positions, Two of Wands, in your past. The Lovers in your hopes and fears, Two of Cups in card ten, and the duality in The Hierophant. In the hidden ones we see a strong influence from the High Priestess, The Moon and the Hierophant.

Card Five and the Emperor Reversed.
Card five has a very specific notion regarding its placement.

The fives are ruled by the Hierophant, not God, nor can we consider the Hierophant to be Holy! From the Hierophant we find his interpretation of God’s word. This can be good or bad in itself. It’s the temporal interpretation with a continuing result, and ultimately links to Vav/Waw/6. It’s the pulse of life to be manifested in 6, not life itself. The Hierophant only transmit the possibility of life in itself.

In your spread we see the Emperor and the Hierophant reversed. WHY? This is a mystery to me at this stage. Therefore, let us have a look at the Major Arcanum cards we are presented with;
1) Card Five, the Emperor reversed,
2) Card six, The Moon upright.

Then the Lovers upright in house Seven, and the Hierophant, reversed, in card 11!  However The Hierophant Reversed links to Six of Cups as a card revealing that which may be! Why do I place another card in your reading, combining with card 10? My criteria regarding the closure of a reading, requires card 10 to be, either a Court card or a Major Arcanum Card. In your reading card 10 was a pip card and thus needed another card to “uplift” card 10.

Now, no matter where these cards appear, they bring a predominating influence, we need to consider. These cards are part of the main flavor, influence or circumstance being specified.

Card 11, The Hierophant Reversed.
Extreme conservationism; over-kindness or over conformity. Servitude, captivity, weakness. Loss of personal authority.

The Emperor Reversed. Let us look at him and his vices!
Tyranny, he rules his house and work with critical urgency, tends to dominate by force and excessive displays of childlike fits of rage. Although he may be a good planner, this person is unstable and immature, he may give so much attention to detail that he eventually loses sight of the matter at hand. Furthermore this card also describes situations. We can virtually use the “charactaristics”as point of reference

Moving on to card Nine—The Lovers upright, your hopes and fears and perhaps, grant you, that which you may want.

Love, union, marriage. It also signifies a choice you need to make between spiritual or sensual and between intuition and reason.

Now it’s best to blend Card Ten and Eleven.
Let us have a look at Six of Cups. This card truly reminds us of our past memories, times of happiness and let’s say, a childlike innocence, by which you fell in love, and hoped for your relationship to last “forever”. In this card I see Two Aces, one of being the Ace of Wands, the Other being the Ace of Cups. In this card I can see a previous partner walking away from you, Yet still “”concerned” about you, not too much? He in fact turned his back on you when he started having “success”, specifically financial? Yet, you have been presented or gained the love from someone you knew in the past.

I wish to add, your relationship is a winner, no matter the ups and downs. You are the one that at times would throw your toys out the cot, at the expense of your husband and his emotional approach? Looking at the six of Cups. This is a time for you strengthen your bonds in your relationships with close family members and very close friends. The love given to you is pure, without any constraints. Considering the Six of Cups, your husband is trustworthy, caring and want to have only the best for you!

Let us see what the three cards of advice offer:

How appropriate:
Card 1: Knight of Pentacles.
Card 2: Three of Pentacles.
Card 3: Three of Wands.

Knight of Pentacles
Meaning: “A young man with an adventurous spirit, investment, new career”.  
As all the Knights, the Knight of Pentacles exhibits the same qualities as his symbolic parents. This card also includes elements of moving (Air), either arrival or departure or travel. This is a less mature image of the King and Queen; he has their potential, but lacks their experience. He may still be a nice person, but is not dependable, and sometimes a disappointment to himself and others close to him. He may be impatient at times, and less willing to assume his responsibilities. Whether this is personal trait, or one he will eventually outgrow, depends on other cards in the reading. If this card does not represent a person, then you are being told that you could be more than you are if you’d simply settle down and work at it. This card also includes investment, searching for a new career or means of income.

A young man with an adventurous spirit. Possesses great potential, but does not fulfill it as yet. A materially minded person, one less likely to look beyond the surface; an adventurer, a gambler. Given a task to perform, he has courage and can be responsible, but is not yet able to set his goals and follow them. If not a person; a departure or arrival; possible discord or quarrels, usually concerning unfulfilled expectations. Investment, new career, new means of income. You are also being told that you could be more than you are if you’d simply settle down and work at it

An idle young man or one who is negligent and irresponsible. Carelessness, discouragement, stagnation, apathy. If not a person, may indicate being unemployed or discouraged. This card may also show a lack of focus on your part, the inability to choose or work toward them wisely. Stagnating investments
Three of Pentacles
Meaning: “Abilities bring success.”

This card is a card of success brought on by employing your practical skills, knowledge and experience. This card indicates that you will reach your goal but you need to be patient. You have reached completion of the first stages of your endeavor and having the approval and praise from others boosts your moral. You are also reminded that hard work and determination is needed, leading to your ultimate success.

Practical skill or the acquiring thereof brings success. Artistic abilities, creativity, craftsmanship, Enterprise, commerce. Success in trade and business. Personal nobility; rise in prestige; renown and glory.

You have been or will be rumbling on with a project which needs time and dedication. This card shows that you need to stretch yourself a bit, explore those hidden talents and apply all your knowledge and experience to achieve your success. You have reached the first point in your success. It is now that you need to look at the loose ends; bring them together to achieve your ultimate goal. With determination you are moving forward to completion. Putting to practice your creative mind in business is of utmost importance. This first stage of completion and the praise going with it, has boosted you to achieve even greater things - keep up the good work.

Delays in recognition and rewards, lack of skill, impatience, pettiness. Sloppiness and gain before craft.
You have tackled a project beyond your capabilities; this is not only in your business but also in your personal relationships. You touch and let go to the point where people no longer trust your word as it lacks that pure commitment and dedication. In this you are so preoccupied with pettiness that it actually clouds your ultimate goal. You need to acquire the needed skill and practical ability to complete what you have started. Focus your mind on that which you have, go back to the drawing board, design your future and don’t let your impatience get in your way.

Three of Wands.
Card Description.
A mature man looking out over the sea, searching the horizon, waiting for success. Three wands are planted around him and he is slightly leaning on one. Ships are returning on a calm and serene sea.

Meaning: “Opportunities bring success.”
This card is a card of success brought on by acting upon the opportunities presented to you, the world is opening up to even more exciting opportunities for you to explore. It shows that the strength and determination to succeed, is in your grasp. You made your dream a reality, although it is now starting to bring your success, much work is still needed to achieve your goal. This card also hints at movement (in your career, business), or to a new location. It also indicates that feeling of pride or even power.

New opportunities, strength and determination, enterprise and commerce. Maturity and strength. Good business venture.
You had the opportunity to establish a firm basis for your endeavors and have rightly done so, with a dignified approach, wisdom and clarity of mind, you will gain success. This card indicates cooperation and maturity as the key to your success; in general your financial endeavors are protected. You may also receive advice from a business associate or advisor. Whatever obstacles were introduced by previous cards may be overcome by you. You should not act impulsively; you know what to do. Use your experience and common knowledge.
Opposition and obstacles overcome. The end of trials and tribulations. The end or suspension of arguments and adversity. Disappointment.
In effect if your earlier troubles and obstacles were caused by yourself or your own mistakes or even your own feelings of inadequacy. Acting in a mature and responsible manner will resolve them. If your problems were introduced by the influence or opposition of others, you can still resolve them by taking things firmly in hand at this time. You may even find people who were not involved in creating problems for you, willing to help with advice and guidance. They may even step in to help you.
I TIMED OUT TO TRY AND CONNECT WITH YOU. This turned out to be a bit of a negative feeling, maybe from you, or anyone else getting themselves involved with you. I had a feeling of sadness and a white jersey. If this means anything, please let me know. I saw you in your office!
I do not want to be rambling and rambling on, I did your reading very extensively. If it is ok with you, may I publish this doc on our forum? No-one will know who you are or where you come from.
Your reading is all or mostly about your emotional life, those having influence on you, positive or negative.
Although you love your current husband, the abandonment and mere “walking away” for business of your first husband is at times a matter of debate within you? At times you wonder how it would be to have harbored the first spark??????????? An interesting matter, is that your first husband, in fact abandoned you, to pursue his career, in this, he left you to take care of everything around you? In meeting your second husband, being taller than you, also bring a sense of security with him? When you met your new husband, you had very little to give, as you felt a bit “outdated” or just “not part of the crowd” .Now, with the four blooming Cups in the front, we look at a person, not concerned to be “running around”  Looking at the four of Cups, the person is being presented with that which is on the “other-side of the fence” I don’t think you need to concern yourself about this! We see Four fixed Cups in the foreground of the illustration.
Now I want us to discuss card Seven, being the Six of Swords. This card has a very direct meaning in----- YOU, moving from a bad to a better situation, solution or mental state. We see the Two of Swords hanging over you, but they do not matter any longer. You will advance to a place where you have peace, tranquility and rest. In card eight, you’ve once again defeated your enemy. Not straight on, but by a round-about way. Life is filled with challenges and people, who or what, may be your enemy?
Looking at card 6: The Moon upright, why and how is this influencing you? Looking at the description of the 6th house, we look at the Lovers, ruling this sphere? This card also indicates or point to your near future. The placement of the Moon in house six? Why?
This house connects to blending or the union between two separate individuals or circumstance. The Moon, bring with it “hidden danger” or “hidden enemies” and deception. But, we look at the duality found on this card, being the Twin towers and two felines in the dog and the wolf. We also have a single path to be travelled and then auspiciously the LOBSTER. In my opinion you may think that you are not moving forward, but in fact being pulled down by the Lobster. Although we have a source of light from the Moon, this is superficial and in fact only reflected not a permanent condition or circumstance at all. We can also consider that through this card you are able to empower yourself to a certain degree. The hidden will become known. We must also remember that the Moon is a typical force subject to constant change and its influence on our planet. I want to venture into telling you to carefully inspect the relationships you have. It would be a good exercise for you to retreat and take everything happening to you, into careful consideration. Keep that which you want, discard that which is no longer necessary!!
Going on to card nine, THE LOVERS UPRIGHT, your hopes and fears, or that which you may receive. We are now looking at The Lovers card. Being a Major Arcanum, so much more the impact. I am looking at a card which tells me that we have a greater opportunity for “blending”, coming together, and becoming one. This is card nine, your hopes and fears. It brings to you a good message, keep that close to your heart, and pursue the probability it describes.
Oh, My, Card Ten and eleven! We need to understand how the Celtic Cross spread, the one I used, actually fits together. Card 9 is completion and card ten describes “attainment”. To explain this clearer, we must consider that we may reach a point of completion, but it takes us to a higher level within ourselves to that of attainment. This is a point, beyond your success or failure. This is a point of ultimate realization of our first thought, ambition or act.
We are now truly looking at, is the final result after what you received in card nine. Therefore this is actually the beginning and the end, or the beginning of the end, perhaps the end of the end, by which the beginning is impossible!
Why would we have a blend of the Six of Cups and the Hierophant Reversed?
Let us get their meanings here!
Six of Cups.
Memories, looking back and reflecting on happier times; thoughts of past loves. Changes in relationships.

This is a time of letting go, forgetting the past and moving on to something more special. The ability to build a better future based on what you did in the past. You need to realize, that building on that happy foundation, will ensure happiness and contentment in your future. To realize your dream, it’s necessary to remember, build a better future and live the transformation as your new reality.

The Hierophant
Extreme conservationism; over-kindness or over conformity. Servitude, captivity, weakness. Loss of personal authority.

How do we blend these two cards?
Firstly, we have “The Lovers” in house nine, then the Six of Cups in house Ten, we see that these two cards lock into each other. There is an absolute fixed situation, even bringing the Emperor Reversed into this connotation.

The receding influence we find from the Emperor, is actually overpowered by the Hierophant, The Lovers, The Moon.

I am presented with the Emperor—King of Kings, reversed! Yet, you have one King as your support, ally, and best friend! He will bring sunshine, hope and inspiration to you!

I want to now close this reading.

We see many factors influencing your life. You are a “Cups” person! You are compassionate, beyond what you should be, you Love unconditionally! I am so fortunate to have met you, and be your friend!

Doing your reading is not a paradery of proffesionality, but an emotional journey I have shared with you! This reading took a few days to do; I hope you can glean information and guidance from it!

Blessed be

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