Tarot Keywords

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Tarot Keywords

Post by renjer » Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:52 pm

In my next stage of development to be a proficient tarot reader, I discovered a system of keywords that came from this website.

However, I don't really agree with some of the keywords they use, eg nines and The Hermit (The website uses the keyword "Be a Mentor). So, 9 of Swords: Be A Mentor to your Thoughts and Ideas? It just doesn't make sense. I know for sure that this one represents someone worrying too much until he/she can't sleep at night.

So, I'd like to actually start developing a system of tarot keywords that we can all use to facilitate our study of the cards. Or has anyone done so already? How about the inverse cards then?

***And then at least I don't have to look at the websites/LWB/books so often  :smt003 ***

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Post by Southern_Sky » Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:23 pm

I have learn with time, that when it comes to Tarot, I can't rely on others perception of the cards. If you read all the books in Tarot you will see that each author has its own meanings for each card. That meaning change also by card design or theme.

Because of people's perception, I decided to toss away the little white book that comes with the cards, when studying the Tarot.
As soon as I get a new deck of cards, I go card by card and make a 5 keywords for each card. I based those keywords in my first impression counting the colors, position and symbols. When you come to see, you become with your own set of keywords that chances are, they are not too far from the author's perception.

If you do this with at least 2 set of different decks, you will see that the keywords of 7 of Swords of one deck it can be different from the 7 of Swords of a totally different deck.

Tarot is a language that is for us to decipher or interpret, but that interpretation change base in our perception.

About reverse cards, you can do the same, finding the 5 keywords. I personally don't do reverse cards because I can give the positive and negative of a card by looking at it and base the advice base on the two sides of the card. Having a card in reverse tends to distract me from what I see, after all when having visions or dreams, we don't see the picture upside down but upright, the same should be with the cards, but that is my opinion. :)

If you really want to be proficient in Tarot, I suggest that you do the detective approach with each card. In which the card becomes the crime scene, the character is the suspect and then look all the evidence(clues/symbols) around the character. Everything you need to know about that card, is in the card already.. its up to you to find the clue :) Play with it by laying cards and finding the theme base on the evidence, you will see that it becomes an open book of possibilities :)

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:09 am

Hi Renjer,

You can develop your own keywords, these will not necesarily correspond to those you fimd on MB. The Rider-Waite deck's words are used.

If you go to Tarot Topics, you will see my intepritation of the cards. I did these a very long time ago, and stick to it, no matter which deck I use.

My interitations include UPRIGHT and REVERSED and an "expansion".

Another author proposed the student Tarot reader to place a card down and then draw three cards. This is supposed to guide you, and shouldn't be seen as a rigid method to use.

Just get stuck in on your cards and do your own interpritation, one thing forsure, it would be hard tp forget, once it is "your property"

Blessed be.

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Post by renjer » Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:57 pm

Payewacker wrote:Hi Renjer,

If you go to Tarot Topics, you will see my intepritation of the cards. I did these a very long time ago, and stick to it, no matter which deck I use.

My interitations include UPRIGHT and REVERSED and an "expansion".
Can you pls give me a link to your tarot topics, I can't seem to find it.


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Post by Payewacker » Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:09 pm

Hi Renjer.

Follow this link:

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=67787

There is also another link, where it's also posted, where you can actually ask questions and have a discussion. Tarot Topics is a Locked forum.

The other forum is Tarot discussions and ideas, follow this link if you want to make comments and have questions:

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... .php?f=123

I was out of action for some time. But, to me it is important to guide everyone as how the Tarot sticks or fit. This may be my opinion, but we all still learn.

I'm at the sevens now. What is interesting, is how cards are influenced and the way we should think of that which is in the existential.

Blessed be.

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a few keywords for the 78 tarot cards with numerology correspondences

Post by learnthenumbers » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:14 am

1 Assertive. Direct. You da man. Manifested. Self. Individual. Yang.

2 Empathy. Understanding. Silent knowing. Yin.

3 Self-expression. Creativity. Socializing. Venusian.

4 Virgoan. Order. Cleanliness. Work.

5 Trying new things. New experiences. Variety. Versatility. Knowledge.

6 Harmony. Getting along with others. Family. Food. Cancerian.

7 Self-control. Thinking deeply. Pondering. Silence is golden.

8 Discipline. Business. Power. Control. Status.

9 Heeding wisdom. Hermit. Well-rounded.

10 Going with the flow. Opportunities. Coincidences. Randomness.

11 Fairness. Justice. Just desserts.

12 Faith. Trust. Suspending disbelief. Thy Will be done. Self-surrender. Reversals. Waiting period.

13 Personal growth. Things change. Transformations. Out with the old, and in with the new.

14 Moderation. Tolerance. Diversity. Sex appeal.

15 Resisting temptations. Sales. Advertsing. Self-promotion. Marketing.

16 Expecting the unexpected. Shocks. Surprises. Life-altering experiences.

17 The power of positive thinking. Optimism. Longevity. Faith in a bright future. Hope.

18 Reality testing. Subconscious. Dreams. Art as an outlet.

19 Being radiant. Just shining! Hard earned success.

20 Following your conscience. Final decision. Atonement. Forgiveness.

21 Seeing the big picture. Perspective. Viewpoint. World view. Outlook.

22 Looking before you leap. Clowning around. Silliness. Jokes.

23 Just doing it! Exercise. Physical fitness. Leadership. Self-starter.

24 Clean living. Wholesome. Devotion. Purity. Modesty.

25 Adventure. On the go. Activist. Thrill seeking. Changes of residence. Rooting for the underdog.

26 Communication. Popularity. Enthusiasm. Charisma. News. Info.

27 Taking the initiative. Trailblazing. Innovation. Fresh starts. Wiping the slate clean.

28 Bold. Will power. Heroic. Survivor. Overcoming obstacles.

29 Honing skills + talents. Cooperation. Teamwork. Self-confidence.

30 Counting your blessings. Thankfulness. Appreciativeness. Alleluia! Home sweet home.

31 Competition. Striving to be number 1. Tests. Challenges.

32 Winning. Triumph. Victory. Glory. Champion.

33 Courage. Bravery. Valor. Standing your ground.

34 Going at the right speed. Quickness. Rapidity. Haste makes waste.

35 Perseverance. Endurance. Stamina. Hanging in there.

36 Working hard + being responsible for yourself. Shouldering a heavy load. Avoiding biting off more than you can chew. Avoiding debt.

37 Benevolence. Heart-centered leader. A real family person. Dad. Avoiding alcohol.

38 Caring. Nurturing. Mom. Hugs.

39 Being charming. Romance. Idealism. Compliments. Poetic.

40 Helpfulness. Volunteering. Loving kindness. Community. Neighborhood.

41 Intimacy. Receiving love. The stirrings of the heart. Melting your heart.

42 Loving relationships. Deep sharing. Companionship. Friendships.

43 Having fun. Celebrating. Congratulations. Entertaining. Fun times.

44 Meditating. Self-awareness. In the moment. Here + now. Diary. Journaling.

45 Toughening up. Intensity. Hardcore. Hard work. Common sense. Self-help. Self-improvement.

46 Child-like innocence. The past. Happy memories. Nostalgia. Flowers.

47 Choosing wisely. The future. Notoriety. Name recognition.

48 Remembering God. The meaning of life. Purpose. Direction. Mission. Pilgrimage. Renunciation. Abandoning material pursuits.

49 Wish fulfillment. Happiness. Contentment. Satiety. Satisfaction. Yes!

50 The joys of family life. Bliss. Joy. It's a wonderful life.

51 Living right life. Obeying the law. Following the rules. Being logical. Honesty. Truth. Math.

52 Speaking the truth. Being keen. Being perceptive. Incisive. Shrewd.

53 Forthrightness. Straightforwardness. Straight to the point. Debating. Passionate discussions. Crusader.

54 Spontaneous. Quick thinking. Imitating. Impressions. Intelligence gathering. Observation.

55 Developing the mind. Reading and writing. Insight. Clarity. Brilliance.

56 Diplomacy. Peacemaking. Political correctness. Decisions.

57 Consoling. Loneliness. Tears. Sadness. I feel your pain.

58 Rest + relaxation. Taking a break. Vacations. Give me a break.

59 Picking up the pieces. Overcoming self-interest. Aiming for higher consciousness. Forcible swallowing of pride.

60 Progress. Making progress. Moving forward. Forward thinking. Long range planning. Long distances.

61 Strategy. Having a back up plan. Having plan B up your sleeve. Stealth.

62 Facing you fears. Unpopularity. Restriction. Antisocial. Locking/unlocking.

63 Compassion. Making the world a better place in which to live. Concerns.

64 A karmic drama that needs to be played out to the end. The end of a chapter. All is not lost. The darkness before the dawn.

65 Worldly success. Making it big time. Show me the money. The big boss. Center of power.

66 Managing money. Overcoming fear of failure. Nest egg.

67 Slow + steady wind the race. Householder. Household tasks: doing the laundry, paying the bills...

68 Studying. Learning. Education. School. Pundit.

69 Making money. Earning potential. Income. Creature comforts. Fine.

70 Handling change. Flexibility. Doing two (or more) things at once. Multi-tasking. Coping. Budgeting.

71 Being professional. Job well done. Quality work. Craftsmanship. Doing a good job.

72 Being frugal. Financially conservative. Status quo. Same old, same old. Holding firm. The millionaire mind.

73 Toughing in out. Enduring hardship. Employment. Austerities.

74 Sharing wisely. Generosity. Philanthropy. Giving gifts. Charity.

75 Patience. Calming down.

76 Efficiency. Productivity. Shortcuts. Avoiding cutting corners.

77 Prayer. Independently wealthy. Self-reliance. Elite. Sophisticated.

78 Vast family wealth. The family business. Artha.


1 = Magician
2 = High Priestess
3 = Empress
4 = Emperor
5 = Hierophant
6 = Lovers
7 = Chariot
8 = Strength
9 = Hermit
10 = Wheel of Fortune
11 = Justice
12 = Hanged Man
13 = Death
14 = Temperance
15 = Devil
16 = Tower
17 = Star
18 = Moon
19 = Sun
20= Judgement
21 = World
22 = Fool
23 = King of Wands
24 = Queen of Wands
25 = Knight of Wands
26 = Page of Wands
27 = Ace of Wands
28 = Two of Wands
29 = Three of Wands
30 = Four of Wands
31 = Five of Wands
32 = Six of Wands
33 = Seven of Wands
34 = Eight of Wands
35 = Nine of Wands
36 = Ten of Wands
37 = King of Cups
38 = Queen of Cups
39 = Knight of Cups
40 = Page of Cups
41 = Ace of Cups
42 = Two of Cups
43 = Three of Cups
44 = Four of Cups
45 = Five of Cups
46 = Six of Cups
47 = Seven of Cups
48 = Eight of Cups
49 = Nine of Cups
50 = Ten of Cups
51 = King of Swords
52 = Queen of Swords
53 = Knight of Swords
54 = Page of Swords
55 = Ace of Swords
56 = Two of Swords
57 = Three of Swords
58 = Four of Swords
59 = Five of Swords
60 = Six of Swords
61 = Seven of Swords
62 = Eight of Swords
63 = Nine of Swords
64 = Ten of Swords
65 = King of Pentacles
66 = Queen of Pentacles
67 = Knight of Pentacles
68 = Page of Pentacles
69 = Ace of Pentacles
70 = Two of Pentacles
71 = Three of Pentacles
72 = Four of Pentacles
73 = Five of Pentacles
74 = Six of Pentacles
75 = Seven of Pentacles
76 = Eight of Pentacles
77 = Nine of Pentacles
78 = Ten of Pentacles

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:00 am

Hi learnthenumbers.

Admittedly Tarot has 78 cards, but you can not assign a different number as you have shown us.

Tarot encompasses "Archetypal, existential and cosmic", furthermore, the Major Arcanum has 22 numbers with 5 finals. Understanding this, you may know that the first ten cards are ruled by the first ten Major Arcanum cards. The other's which has not been assigned specific cards, are attached to seasons, elements, the zodiac and planets.

Follow these links and you will see how we assigned the cards.

Minor Arcana Astrological Associations “timing”: http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AZyuZ ... NWZn&hl=en

Astrological associations of the Minor Arcana Court Cards: https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AZyu ... zaGM&hl=en

Major Arcana Associations "timing":
http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AZyuZ ... cWM1&hl=en

MB discussion thread:
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 327#264327

You can also go to this link, where I've started with defining our numbers.

I am truly thankfull for your participation, in fact some time ago, I saked for the "meanings" of the numbers in numerology, never got a reply. Now with your posting, I've got what I needed then already.

Thank you once again for your insights, we truly appreciate it, and really hope that we will see you on our board more frequent.

Blessed be.

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Post by enumero123 » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:23 pm

i have two books within my collection that make reference two the tarot and numerology in the same fashion as is posted by learnthenumbers  

numerology and the divine triangle ,by faith javane and dusty bunker

the numerology workbook ,understanding and using the power of numbers by julia line

Ok, I got the Attrabutions of the suit cards, but, according to Aliester Crowley, now this man, as all of us know, lived on a very far or distant planet in his own Universe! Nevertheless, he has been quoted many times and in fact, things he said and do, to ordinary people “spooky” but we may agree, we are not ordinary people!!!! Especially me, I’m Payewacker from the Planet Ur-anus.

aliester crowley  a wicked ... a mad man... powerful...  highly intelligent .... who prayed mostly on the  weak and innocent

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