One Tarot Card

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One Tarot Card

Post by JamieProvost » Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:09 am

Should inexperienced tarot card or people without impartiality practice the tarot and meditate on one card?

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:32 pm

I would say yes, but I would also add that I would start on the Major Arcana and work through them first thatway the power and knowledge is increasing all the time.

A simple way is to 'step inside a card'  this is fascinating and really comes up with some very enlightening ideas and thoughts. I wouldn't necessarily use it to gain the meaning of a card but it can be very interesting experience.

Step Inside Mediation
Sit quietly, relaxed and calm and choose your card.

Then hold it in your hands and look at it closely, notice the main colours, the feel, the scenery are they inside or out.

Then visualise the card gorwing larger and larger, larger and larger until you can actually step over the border and find yourself inside the card.

Stand there for a moment and see where you are, what do you sense and feel now? What can you smell and touch? Maybe walk forward and have a look around. For instance if you are visiting The Fool, can you see over the cliff? What is at the bottom? Can you stroke the dog? What is in the bag?

If you feel happy enough maybe even ask the person in the card if you can step inside them for a moment to see what they are thinking. Is The Fool happy? Is he going to go off the cliff?  Always say thank-you to the character and slip quietly back out of them and into your own self.

Then when you are ready step back over the border and back into your seated position.

Visualise the card slowly shrinking back down, smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller until it is back to normal size again :)

Then get yourself a drink of water and jot down your experience in a journal or blog or notebook :)


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Others Meditating on one card

Post by kybunker » Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:11 pm

I actually Love to teach people about their own perceptions by using a one card meditation!
I use Oracle cards to do this, rather than tarot.

When a person who does not read tarot or oracle, gets their hands on one, they feel magical or special!
By giving them a project of mediation, it helps them to become more intouch with their higher self.

I believe in empowering others and not have them looking at me like I control their decisions or thoughts on a situation.

Focusing on a card helps the person focus on one situation instead of 20 situations at one time.
They are great tools to help calm and clear a persons path, so they can see other routes ahead of them or what they have missed behind them.

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