Angel Cards

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Angel Cards

Post by albertasahm » Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:09 am

For my 26th birthday, a good friend of mine gave me a beautiful deck of Angel cards. I love them and cherish them, but are they really considered a tarot card?

I don't often do "readings" with them, but have more often than not pulled cards for a friend, or my spouse. Sometimes I'm not sure I interpret the cards message properly. It seems very general, though the message may be fitting for the moment, or to whomever I'm pulling for.

I do believe in my Angel cards but, is it something that I should be doing for myself routinely to get better associated with my cards? To be honest, I only really touch them when someone asks me to, or I feel that I need the extra guidance for myself.

Is that bad?

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Post by cedars » Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:35 am

There is nothing bad in what you wish to do with your cards.

Depending which Angel card deck you have, these cards are for messages from your angels and, although some people give readings with them, but not necessary to use them for readings. You can use them for guidance, empowerment and messages from the angelic realm.

No, they are not tarot cards as such.

Interpretation? Usually angel cards have their message(s) wirtten on them, unless the deck you have has no texts on them or just one word.....?

There is nothing wrong whether you touch them once a month or once a week; whether you do it for yourself or for others. If you were talking about tarot cards, I would have recommended you do not do self readings so often, if any at all.

Hope this answers some of your questions :)

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Post by albertasahm » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:42 pm

Thanks for your reply. You've definitely answered my questions. :) I've always felt a little guilty leaving my cards untouched for long periods of time. I feel much better now.

My Angel deck is "Healing With The Angels"  - oracle cards, more specifically. They're a Doreen Virtue deck; beautiful cards.

The deck did come with a card meaning booklet. I do read those messages as they are written in the handbook, but a lot of the time when I'm pulling a card for someone else I'll be asked "what does that mean?".. I try to interpret what it could mean based on their circumstances, or their question.. but I think it can be misleading. I don't want to give false messages, or false interpretations of those messages. Should I be pulling another card to answer the question instead of trying to break down the message myself?

Also, should "fallen" or "jumping" cards be read before or after the cards that have been pulled?

Thank you so much for your help. Much appreciated. :)

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Post by albertasahm » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:45 pm

One more thing... thanks for putting up with me. ;) hehe

Sometimes, when I'm getting ready to pull cards for someone else (rarely for myself) I will get a tight or heavy feeling in my gut, and my hands tingle and get hot. Is this normal? I've always wondered about it since it hardly seems a pleasant feeling. My hands becoming warmer and tingly is one thing, but the icky feeling in my stomach is a completely different thing.

Thanks again! <3

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Post by cedars » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:02 pm

The deck did come with a card meaning booklet. I do read those messages as they are written in the handbook, but a lot of the time when I'm pulling a card for someone else I'll be asked "what does that mean?".. I try to interpret what it could mean based on their circumstances, or their question.. but I think it can be misleading. I don't want to give false messages, or false interpretations of those messages. Should I be pulling another card to answer the question instead of trying to break down the message myself?
I dont know this deck. The one I have is Messages from Your Angels where the text is loud and clear and you can also read the longer version in the booklet that comes with it. As regards your deck, isnt there anything written at all on the cards? If not, then you do best read to the querent what is in the booklet. These are not your messages, these are messages from above. You can explain and clarify things to them according to your intuition.
Also, should "fallen" or "jumping" cards be read before or after the cards that have been pulled?
Does not make one shred of difference!. In the case of taot, I keep them on the side to go to them as part of the reading. Do not constrict yourself and your readings by unwritten laws...... You make your own law and your 'regulations'; let your intuition be the best guide.
sometimes, when I'm getting ready to pull cards for someone else (rarely for myself) I will get a tight or heavy feeling in my gut, and my hands tingle and get hot. Is this normal? I've always wondered about it since it hardly seems a pleasant feeling. My hands becoming warmer and tingly is one thing, but the icky feeling in my stomach is a completely different thing.
No one can and should define what is 'normal' and what is not. That is how your energy is vibrating in your connection witht the cards. I would perhaps suggest that before you pull the cards, just take a few moments to yourself and ask to be surrounded by high level spirits or your guardian angels. I am not saying what is going on is evil; the only way I can interpret that is your connection with the cards and the way energy is vibrating around you. You should be able to bring this down to a non-physical manifestation and for that I suggest you do some meditation with the cards or just take a few breaths before shuffling or drawing the cards. &nbsp;If this continues and makes you physically ill, I suggest you give it a rest and also try to have some Reiki healing or some form of energy healing.

I have to admit, I am not a huge fan of Doreen Virtue's cards; she is too much Hollywood style for my liking and her angels could be depicted less as fashion models..... I suppose courses for horses... :)

One more thing... thanks for putting up with me. ;) hehe
You are more than welcome my friend.
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Post by albertasahm » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:03 pm

Thank you so much, cedars. :)

I will try everything you've suggested, especially asking to be surrounded by the light and love of higher spirits and my guardian angels. Up to this point I've only called upon the energies of the universe, which I guess it a little too broad.

I've also been told that laying my deck out in the sunlight for an hour or so is good to "renew" or "refresh" the energies in the cards. I have yet to do this.. maybe I'll give it a shot and see if that should help with my icky stomach feeling when I read them.

It's funny that you should mention energy healing. I think I will do that.. I could definitely use a cleansing. I've had a reiki treatment once before, a few years ago, and don't think I'd ever felt better than I did after it was all said and done.

Is there an Angel deck that you recommend? Although I do like my cards, I have seen others that I feel would be better suited for me. I suppose I can just go into the store and see what stands out to me. :)

Thanks for the offer to participate in tarot lessons.. I'll look into that. ;) Thanks again!

(Holy deja vu .. just sayin'!)

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Post by cedars » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:00 pm

The one I use is Messages from your Angels by Doreen Virtue.
This is more accessible as far as the messages go and you can actually read the messages to your querents or they can read it themselves. The booklet that comes with it has the expanded version of the messages...

You can cleanse your cards the way you like or the way you feel you should. I dont do much with my tarot cards, but from time to time I give them Reiki; sometimes I use the pendulum to drive away negative and stale energies.. &nbsp;But you do not have to do any of these. If what you feel is right for you, do that. We all develop our unique relationship with our cards and these are not written in any textbook or some form of unwritten law.

Please do not hesitate to air your thoughts. Someone will always give you an answer and we like doing group discussions too :)

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:00 am

Hi Guys,

Im so very late to add a comment.

The tingling and "hot" hands is normal for me, as Cedars said energy flowing. When I connect to someone it's even stronger and the tingling can go through my whole body a few times.

What is really interesting to do, is to play with energy at times, not negative, but just for relaxation. Cup your hands and show the palms to each other. You will feel the heat and tingling go stronger, then you have an energy ball. Stretch it, roll it, just have fun. Don't throw it at someone, it might be a shock to them. When you are done, just close your hands and settle down, you will feel the energy calming down. Put your bare feet on the ground to get rid of excess energy and go rinse your hands in water.

I try not to bring my hands together to much, because the ball develops instantly. At times I forget it happens and then I shock people I touch with a blue streak, this is actually painful for me, never mind the surprise and shock to the other!

We have Grace Cards by Cheryl Richardson, Healing with Angels-Doreen Virtue and Astro Oracle Cards. I hardly use them.

Blessed be.

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