Ace of Wands

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Post by Lora1957 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:59 pm

Afternoon Cedars,

I do thank you for your thoughts.  My daughter had s'agapo in Greek tattooed on the back of her neck when her father died.   I do speak a little Greek.  So, you think more with Nick than John.  I would pick John.  Interesting.  I will let you know how this goes.

My Best,


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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:11 pm

No, I was referring to Yannis, i.e. John ;)
All the best Laura and kali tykhi... (Good luck).


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Ace of Wands and 8 of Wands

Post by Lora1957 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:08 pm

Hello Cedars, Been a while.  I took a break from everything for a while.  Was trying to figure out what I wanted.  During that time, I met a guy.  This was in late October.  Same age as me. My birthday is Nov 14, his is Nov 20.  We hit it off great.  Was actually kinda fast.  Hung out for a couple weeks, he just stopped talking.  Got back together, this time talked about staying at each others homes because of our businesses, and the distance between us, althought not real far, about 25 miles, one way.  He stopped talking again.  He said he wanted to start back out as friends, I told him I was falling in love with him.  We didn't talk for a while.  Started talking again, he came up to work, he held my hand, small talk, people came up to us and said you to look great together.  he had his arm around me, it was nice.  We laughed, had a great evening. He left about 11, told me he got home, texted me in the morning, that he had a great evening.  I don't want to start this all over again if he is not going to stay.  My question to the cards was:  Since last night, what is he thinking, what is this going to be?  I drew the Ace of Wands, my next question was:  What will be the final out come of us?  I drew the 8 of Wands.  I am crazy about this guy, he just fits into my life good.  But, I don't really know what he wants out of this.    Noticing my above post, seems I like these 2 cards, I draw them often.   I think, and I am not good at this, Ace  of wands, he desires me, but might be trying to make up his mind.  8 of Wands, trying to decided if he wants something long term, something stable, or just a fling?  Given that he wanted to start out again as friends.  I hope you can help me out  with this one.  Thanks a bunch!  Lora

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Ace of Wands and 8 of Wands

Post by Lora1957 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:08 pm

Hello Cedars, Been a while.  I took a break from everything for a while.  Was trying to figure out what I wanted.  During that time, I met a guy.  This was in late October.  Same age as me. My birthday is Nov 14, his is Nov 20.  We hit it off great.  Was actually kinda fast.  Hung out for a couple weeks, he just stopped talking.  Got back together, this time talked about staying at each others homes because of our businesses, and the distance between us, althought not real far, about 25 miles, one way.  He stopped talking again.  He said he wanted to start back out as friends, I told him I was falling in love with him.  We didn't talk for a while.  Started talking again, he came up to work, he held my hand, small talk, people came up to us and said you to look great together.  he had his arm around me, it was nice.  We laughed, had a great evening. He left about 11, told me he got home, texted me in the morning, that he had a great evening.  I don't want to start this all over again if he is not going to stay.  My question to the cards was:  Since last night, what is he thinking, what is this going to be?  I drew the Ace of Wands, my next question was:  What will be the final out come of us?  I drew the 8 of Wands.  I am crazy about this guy, he just fits into my life good.  But, I don't really know what he wants out of this.    Noticing my above post, seems I like these 2 cards, I draw them often.   I think, and I am not good at this, Ace  of wands, he desires me, but might be trying to make up his mind.  8 of Wands, trying to decided if he wants something long term, something stable, or just a fling?  Given that he wanted to start out again as friends.  I hope you can help me out  with this one.  Thanks a bunch!  Lora

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:52 am

Hi Lora,

I haven't followed your posting closely, but familiarised myself with the content now.

We must be careful in the interpretation of only two cards. It seems as if there is a "period" attached to the last association, which may move to a more substantial relationship.

I wonder if you could take the two cards place them a little "wide" from each other. Then lay the others from 2 to 7 underneath in a single row and continue with 9 and 10 to the right of eight, also underneath.

What you are doing is then to "remove" the emotional bias you may have, in the sense that you read what is fact, let's say --purely theoretical--. At times it is difficult to be totally neutral in reading for yourself, perhaps searching what you "want" to see.

What you do now, is to "pin" your initial meeting etc, to Ace of Wands. Start associating the progress your relationship has taken to cards 2-7. Not to concern very much about 9 and 10, at this stage, that will work itself out then.

Saying you are Scorpio and the matter should in fact be a Cups issue, considering the suit descriptions--no, no. You are a "Cups" person, and in that share the Zodiac with the King of Cups, a fixed water sign. So you have a "steamy" situation being described!!!!  :smt004 Fire of Water!!

You can now consider the different steps or houses your relationship has achieved, by numeric attribution. In this way you can also see how to manipulate the energies to your advantage.

Blessed be.

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Post by cedars » Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:00 am

Hello Lora

You should try what Payewacker is suggesting and see what you get.
On one hand it is situation that makes you feel you are alive,  but on the other hand the anxiety and the waiting to know what the other one wants or is really thinking, is not so good. I suppose it is all part of life.

I feel your man does not know what he really wants. Or, even if he does, he is scared of something. Blowing hot and cold is not something reassuring for you and I would be tempted to walk away in order to save myself heartache. But, I am not suggesting that you do that. There is definitely a spark there and it is worth seeing it through.

I would say Ace of Wands is Passion and desire and, indeed, physical desire at that. The Eight of Wands tells me things are still up in the air and have not yet reached fruition. Whilst number 8 is not far from completion stage, it is that hanging in the air and waiting for events to reveal themselves is the burning question.  You should have picked a third card and should not have stopped at the Eight of Wands. Either one card or three cards. Never stop at two cards. And, please, dont keep on doing reading after reading.
The best reading you can do is talk to him and ask what he wants.
Most often, we are scared to ask that question in case we frighten them..... but how long can you take being in the unknown?

Did you ever ask him why he goes hot and cold?

I wish you all the best and filakia :)

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