Writing appearing on window after tarot readings

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Writing appearing on window after tarot readings

Post by ParadoxicalReaction » Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:58 am

Writing appearing on window after tarot readings

Hello, I need some insight into a Paranormal experience that I had after doing a couple of tarot readings on July, 18, 2012, between the hours of 4:30 and 4:59.

I am feeling uneasy about this, and I am not sure what caused it.

This is what happened:
I was doing a few reading with my tarot cards, in my bedroom, during a thunderstorm. There was a lot of lighting and it was a heavy storm, which hit the northeast coast of the US.

I did a few readings, which the results didn't seem to make much sense. My ex girlfriend was visiting and she was laying on the bed, resting. I was sitting on the bed, doing a few readings, then I put the cards away, into the pack, then walked out of the room, went into the living room for a bit walked back into the bedroom, sat down on the bed, and looked over at the window, and I saw that there was what appeared to be writing on the window, the writing looked like someone did it with their finger, it said "F-19". Now I went over to my ex gf, and told her to look at the window, and asked her if it looked like F-19 was written on the window. She said yes, and I said are you sure?? I still couldn't believe that appeared out of nowhere. I then said to her, it could mean flight 19, I said, don't get on flight 19.

Now, there was no condensation on the inside of the window, and that window is screwed into the AC unit, so it cannot be opened. I wasn't on the ground floor, and there were no workers on the outside of the building. Also the writing was written in a way that was suppose to be legible on the inside, not to the outside.

I don't know why that appeared on my window and it has me unsettled and shaken up a bit. I am worried that the tarot cards did something or attracted something, or that my building is haunted. I still feel freaked out by this, because, I have never had anything weird happen like that when using tarot cards. I stopped using my cards.

Just 2 weeks or so before that happened, I killed a fly full of maggots on that same window, I am not sure if that was suppose to be some kind of omen.

I typed in F-19 on google, and the first thing I got, was pages that mentioned an F-19 fighter, which was rumored to be a secret stealth aircraft, and links about a somewhat experimental anti-body treatment for cancer and some illnesses, called F-19 antibody.

I also searched for F-I9, instead of F-19 and FI9 can mean type of internet/IM shorthand for "Fine".

I also have had somewhat psychic premonitions in the past, but nothing like this, so I am not sure if this could also be related to psychic or telekinetic phenomena

Ever since it happened, I have been feeling uneasy and anxious in my apartment, I stopped feeling comfortable living in here.

Can anyone shed some light on this? Has anyone experienced something similar during or after using tarot cards?

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Post by druggedoncolor » Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:36 pm

Did you ask the cards what the messages could mean? I wouldn't be too freaked out unless you started to see other paranormal activities... sometimes we do get synchronicities with the readings that confirm readings.

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