This new girl I met makes me feel all squishy inside.

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This new girl I met makes me feel all squishy inside.

Post by 7yL3rDvrd3n » Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:45 am

Well I'm completely new to this and I'm reading books and get the gist of it. I'm wondering what other people may be thinking or even helping me in interpreting this simple 5 card spread.

The question I'm asking is about this girl in my office who just makes me feel so good when she's around, her smile, her laugh, her attitude, she's just so beautiful on the inside and outside.

I asked "if -her name- in my HR department wants to go out with me."

I know this is a stupid question, but I was just curious, I have a hard time asking women out on dates... well I never really have asked a women out on a date. That's for another time though.

position 1 Six of Wands
position 2 queen of Wands
position 3 wheel of fortune
position 4 queen of pentacles
position 5 two of cups.
(using the Waite - cards...)

The only thing I can seem to interpret is that its' all good? The wheel of fortune throws me off a bit, I'm thinking some type of new job (possible) and the queen of Wands.... according to what I"ve read (in my book) this person seems to symbolize what I just described about this women... but I don't understand why it's in position 2?  Overall anyone's help in helping me to define further this spread would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:52 pm

My answer to you would be: FORGET the cards and ask her out. You are simply procrastinating and avoiding the issue.

Bite the bullet and you will only know then.

Good luck.

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Post by xPersephonex » Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:39 am

Going by the cards that you have drawn, I'd say there is a very positive aspect and potential to what could be with this person.
The cards you have drawn are all very positive.The Wheel of Fortune also seems to be in your favour with the cards that have been laid out beside it.If we put it into keywords these could represent what could be:
Good fortune/Luck
Nurturing ability
and a relationship/union.
Good luck, and I hope you do go ahead and ask this lovely lady out! :smt005

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