New to Tarot

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New to Tarot

Post by Adson » Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:09 am

I just started Tarot Recently and just want to see how I Interpreted this spread compared to someone else.  If you could help me out that would be awesome

The topic of the reading on myself was "General Love life Present and in the near future"

I used Celtic Cross and Staff, This one specifically

The cards I drew going from 1-10 on that picture

Queen of cups(I)
The Magician(U)
Seven of Swords(U)
Six of Cups(I)
Seven of Wands(U)
Wheel of Fortune(I)
Four of Pentacles(I)
Three of Pentacles(U)
Two of Wands(I)

I hope someone can help me out.
Thanks either way =)

I'm 21, Male, and a college Student if you need a frame of refrence

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Post by cedars » Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:47 am


You are, in fact, asking a fresh reading from another reader by putting forward your question.

Let me first say that as a beginner, you have tried a complex spread - the Celtic Cross. This is daunting even to the experienced tarot reader.

you also pose the question  and just want to see how I Interpreted this spread compared to someone else.

My question: How did you interpret this reading yourself?

State each placement and the card relating to that and explain what you derived from them?

It is your intuition.. and let us see what you get out of it. Although I would suggest not to do self readings.

Spiritual Traveller
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Post by Spiritual Traveller » Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:42 pm

Hello Adson

I see your also using reversed cards, if your new to tarot, the upright can be confusing enough. Sticking to the upright cards with a lot less cards may be a better starting point that a complex CC.

Best Wishes

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Post by cedars » Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:40 pm

Spiritual Traveller wrote:Hello Adson

I see your also using reversed cards, if your new to tarot, the upright can be confusing enough. Sticking to the upright cards with a lot less cards may be a better starting point that a complex CC.

Best Wishes
Totally agree with the above comment from Spiritual Traveller.

Susie Psychic
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Post by Susie Psychic » Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:13 pm

Can I ask a question here please? Why do you both think that the Celtic Cross is complex or daunting? It was the first spread I was ever taught and it is the only spread a lot of people use. Obviously it has a lot of cards, usually 10 or 11 but each has a guiding title so the card is that much easier to interpret. It also gives ways to interpret card relationships and that can help with the meanings too.

What would you suggest as a beginner spread instead?

However otherwise I agree with the intention of your comments and agree that using inverted or reversals will add to any confusion as instead of 78 meanings needing to be known it suddenly billows up to 156!

Adson has not given a single interpretation and so we have no idea of how to comment without actually doing the reading ourselves, but I hope that they will come back and let us know :)

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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:13 pm

Celtic Cross?

For me, it is a personal choice. I dont like the Celtic Cross as a spread. It is far too over- rated as a tarot spread and it seems to me the tarot world adheres to it due to some tradition or whatever else, I do not understand.

To me, the placements dont make sense;  the names (terminology) used for the placements are too abstract, and for a newbie that is a challenge and a half. There are repetitions from 3 - 6 and from 7 to 9, they simply dont make any sense or, more to the point, unnecessary. Moreover, I cannot see this spread as the answer to all types or topics of readings.

There are a  hundred and more spreads using no less than 10 cards which actually tackle a given topic and placements which are relevant to a theme of a given type of reading.

I am sure you have seen such spreads all over the tarot world.

For this chap, who wanted a reading for his love life, it would have been simpler if he had asked a  question and picked a card or two for each question..... would have been simpler.

The sad thing is with all beginners, they venture into such complex spreads for self readings and the cards and the placements (meaning of each position)that they dont speak to them..... and then they expect us to read it for them.

Happy to assist, but they must have gotten something out of the reading and it would be good to hear their take before we give ours.

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Post by lemonpip » Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:24 pm


cee tu mutch reed too more!!!! LUV @ bee shit!! no do so bad!

red so many carts, porblm for ur bycycle, hit pavement for no place, best buy seat!

10 card read is OK 4 we know to do twiritwiripa! OK. We tyk balls to tree put in plestic for sell, sell. all balls!!

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