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Post by moondancer86 » Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:57 am

I have a small tarot deck..its a travel deck. Im not sure tho if Im reading them correctly. I have tried reading on ppl, but im not sure if im reading them the right way. I usually tell them what the book says, but I think thats wrong...what do you think?

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Re: tarot

Post by cybee » Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:03 am

moondancer86 wrote:I have a small tarot deck..its a travel deck. Im not sure tho if Im reading them correctly. I have tried reading on ppl, but im not sure if im reading them the right way. I usually tell them what the book says, but I think thats wrong...what do you think?
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Post by BLouise » Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:46 pm

How do people respond to your readings?  Do they say, oh no that is way off, or do they say, hey that makes sense?  If you are getting positive feedback on your readings you must be doing it right :)  Good luck!

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Post by dayanera » Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:02 pm

Hi Moon.. In reading the cards you need to look at the cards besides what the book says ...you look to see what it facing what...say a king is face a knight..if they are facing each other not one turn away then you need to deal into those two cards a little more...that sort of thing when looking at them is helpful to you ...do you see mostly females or males mostly cups or wands and etc. each little thing means something to the reading...The book gives you the basic and your gut feeling give you the rest..I have 5 decks and I use them all...I do have a favor and it just feels right to me when I use it..Find a deck that just feels good to you...You will know it when you feel it ..It is like feeling a friends hand ...You can't be afraid of making mistakes because we all do . Because what we see is not always what they want to hear.The one thing I never do is tell someone something bad will be happening ..That puts the idea in their head and then it just grows..I might say you need to check on  whatever it is that could be bad..But not in alarming way..hope this helps some.

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