Is the future set in stone?

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Is the future set in stone?

Post by enchantressofnumbers » Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:26 am

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Post by Angelique » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:46 am

Hi enchantress,

Reading your experience is terribly disturbing and I admire your strength and determination to survive and pick up the pieces to move forward. In answer to your question, nothing is set in stone except that one day we will all die; but that is subject to what one believes in. I certainly hope and pray for you that your recovery, life and path becomes easier considering what you went through. I'm a firm believer in that which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

I would not do a reading for you because it would seem you are quite unsure if you even want one. This is a question that one day you will find an answer to on your own terms when you are ready.

This is what I can tell you and this isn't a reading, but based on experience, a firm belief of mine and I'll tell anyone this "Do not create boundaries for yourself because your possibilities are limitless." If dance is what you want to do, then I say dance. If you want to get back into that career and become a performer, then I believe you can achieve it if you have enough conviction, determination, drive and passion for that dream. I will not say that there will be another ballet choreographed for especially you, because I do not know - but nothing is stopping you from following your dream except for you. You've reached a road block and what you need to do is to figure out how to get around it, over or through it before you can get back on the path of reaching your goal. The key is to think outside the box. If wherever you are currently living now you believe your career is over because of your age, or because you've been out of circulation for too long, whatever the case may be, then go someplace else where they value your experience and talent. Pick up where you left off, work hard, network, make connections and get back into the circuit again. I'm not sure if at the age of 25 it is too late to become a famous performer in ballet, what I do know is nothing is stopping you from dancing and doing what you love. I think you need to start believing in yourself again and to hell with what anyone else thinks. I say prove them all wrong!  The question is, are you up for the challenge?

If ever you do get a reading and someone foresees something terrible as you described earlier, can it be prevented? I don't think anyone could answer that question with certainty. There are too many variables that interfere and conflict. It depends on the reader, what they divulge to you which may or may not be accurate, it may even be partially accurate; it depends on your reaction, your awareness, your state of mind, your surroundings, your resources and preparedness. Nobody is perfect, but it is our imperfections that make us perfect. Don't let fear rule you or stop you. And I know that from my end it may sound easy for me to say, but I know what I'm talking about when it comes to overcoming adversity. It's when I shine ;)  So can you.

::hugs:: You can do whatever you set your mind to do, you just need to believe in yourself, in your dreams and work for it.

God bless!


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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:29 pm

No-one and nothing can take away freedom of choice. It's your path and it's for you to walk it, every so often you come to a fork and that's where the choice comes in. Seems like you could be there now, go dance or don't go dance - the choice is yours to make.
Best of luck.
P.S. Sometimes you just have to close your eyes, suspend belief and JUMP.

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Post by Toothlesscrone » Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:08 pm

Remember that old Japanese proverb "Fall down 7 times, Get up 8" I'm sure that applies to dancing right? I feel you dont need a Tarot reading you need to listen to what your heart is telling you to do.

So many people float on this planet not even knowing what it is that they're good at or they love. You are so blessed to just know that your true passion is dancing. I feel you will rediscover the joie de vivre again:)

Trust in your gifts again:)

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Post by enchantressofnumbers » Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:53 pm

Thank you for your replies!  I do appreciate it.  I'm too old to go back to dancing now.  Even if I had never stopped, I would have to retire at this age.  I always knew the time would come that I would have to stop dancing and find something else that brings me joy, but when I was younger it seemed so far away that I gave it little worry.  I have to find something new, but in all this time I still haven't found anything and nothing makes me happy.  I'm hoping tarot might help guide me so I can find something.

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Post by Angelique » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:05 am

Perhaps teaching dance?
enchantressofnumbers wrote:Thank you for your replies!  I do appreciate it.  I'm too old to go back to dancing now.  Even if I had never stopped, I would have to retire at this age.  I always knew the time would come that I would have to stop dancing and find something else that brings me joy, but when I was younger it seemed so far away that I gave it little worry.  I have to find something new, but in all this time I still haven't found anything and nothing makes me happy.  I'm hoping tarot might help guide me so I can find something.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:43 pm

I'm sure your age is down as 25. I didn't even begin to discover my art until I was 33, by 35 I was rated No.5 in England and Europe (albeit as a veteran).
Ok so you might be too old to dance like a teenager but you can still do it - who the bloody hell says you are on the heap at 25, I'm almost 60 and if I thought I was finished with kickboxing I'd curl up and die.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get fit, get supple and dance and if that doesn't work teach others.
Sorry to get dogmatic but sometimes we all need a kick up the arse.

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Post by Chooky » Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:00 pm

I agree with the others, you could teach dancing, you could also go into the production side of dance.  
Ultimately it is up to you, I don't think you need Tarot to suggest to you what to do.  You are obviously in a place where you are thinking about your options.  Go with your heart, you are obviously a strong person, committed, and I think that you can achieve anything that you want if you have got to this point.

Goodluck with it all, I would be interested to know what avenue you choose to take.

Chooky  xx

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Post by KHEM » Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:01 pm

If you truly feel that you're not free to think whatever you want, then yes the future is definitely set in stone; as far as you are concerned...:)

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Post by xaxaa » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:39 am

Who can really answer that???I feel it is set in stone...but I still want to believe that it is not! We can change our future..that's logical and I want to keep this theory!(Even if I really feel that if something is to happen it cannot be changed!!!)

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Future can not be told

Post by seadrenea » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:19 pm

I am a firm believer that the future is never "set in stone" and foretelling it is impossible. If you ever decide to get a reading, try to pick somebody that doesn"t base their readings on "predicting" a future for you. You are the only one that can do that. If one does predict something in your future, keep in mind as soon as you know about it, you begin to change the course of that future. It can not be helped.

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