What are significators?

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What are significators?

Post by writersblox » Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:33 pm

Just wondering what the purpose of significators are and how does one choose the appropriate one?

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The use of Significators in a Tarot reading

Post by CeilteachBanDia » Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:44 pm

They are what signifies the person posing the query.
Using the minor arcana...
Water signs: Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer are usually represented by cups;
the Air signs: Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra by Swords;
the Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius by wands/staffs;
the Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn by Pentacles.
But they can also signify the querant AND/OR the query... Say you were wondering if your labors would bear fruition, you may choose the seven of pentacles.
In order to use this method you should be familiar with the archetypes and their meanings.

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Post by writersblox » Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:28 pm

Thanks, that does clear things up again are there any from the major arcana which are used?

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Post by CeilteachBanDia » Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:43 pm

Yes there is significators for the major arcana, but it is a bit more difficult finding your significator in this arcana. I've had an Aquarius friend of mine come up as the STAR in the major arcana- the picture on the card itself represents the Aquarian pictograph- the waterbearer. I have had a Taurus come up as the Empress, but must tell you I've also had a Pregnant Piscean come up as the Empress too. It's not just their Sunsign that effects the significator, but their circumstances as well. The root words of Significator is Significant and Signify.

I have found that using numerology for your name and birthdate (Using ROOT numbers) is a very accurate way to find your major arcana significator too.
If you are familiar with symbolism and archetypes, than you could also just look at the picture to derive the meaning and find the one that best suits you as the querant. Even if you aren't familiar with symbolism and archetypes, it is said that if you meditate upon the picture long enough, its arcane meaning will show itself to you.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.
Might I suggest the book Tarot for Dummies (very comprehensive)? I gave this book to my cousin as a gift (Reading is not her strong suit because of her dyslexia), but she found it incredibly easy to understand. It even came with a deck of Ryder/Waite tarot cards.

There is also the MB Free Learn Tarot Software on this Website as well as the Dictionary. Give it a try!!
When I first started dabbling in tarot, I did the card a day method. It makes it much easier to concentrate on the one card instead of many to glean and memorize the meaning of each. It takes longer to get through the deck, but I guarantee you will be more likely to remember each meaning taking it slow and meditating on each.
                        Hope this was at least  a little helpful.

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Post by MySpirit1111 » Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:08 am

I agree that using the software from this website, including the learning software and dicitonary, would be a very good beginning.  Inexpensive, too!

When I first started to learn the Tarot, back in 1995, I used a Significator card.  In the beginning I only did readings for me, so the Significator was representing me.  At times, the cards would show me as a different card depending on how my life had changed or possibly because that original Significator card had a meaning which was necessary to be used as part of the answer in the reading.

As time went on, I stopped using a Significator card for me or anyone I was reading for.  The cards will show the person as the card most suitable to describe that person at the time.

I think I started out as the King of Wands, then went to the Hermit, to the Fool and on and on.  The cards, themselves, telling me which card represented me.

Hope this helps,


Tony Furze
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Post by Tony Furze » Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:23 am

Hello everyone.

I find its essential to get to know the cards and feel them , look at them. If ordinary cards the Royals:King, Queen etc. Think of any friends,acquaintances and just choose at random. With a Tarot deck its much easier and more subtle.

Feeling the picture while holding the card is very important. After a while you ll get to "know" which card is the Significator for a particular person.

I agree with MySpirit1111 in that a Significator can change according to circumstance. If I have no clue I look at the person Im reading for and approximate eg young man=Knight or Knave depending on age.

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