What to do when the cards don't make sense?

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What to do when the cards don't make sense?

Post by HighPriestess » Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:18 pm

I've studied my cards for years now, and finally began giving readings. I gave free readings (about 10 or so) just for the practice two nights ago, but last night I was at a party and offered $5 mini-readings.

The waiting list quickly grew, with 13 names! One by one, seekers came and left happy and content with what I said. Eventually 3 people left early so I only read 10 people. But it was that 10th person (male), who I was totally stumped on.

Nothing I said clicked in the celtic cross. I had him reshuffle the cards, and much to his amazement, every single card showed up again (in different places tho)!! Tried as I might, it just wasn't working. Finally I said I was probably just drained and too tired and left it at that (obviously no charge).

Is it possible some people, even if they're interested in having a reading, cannot be read? Or was it just me totally exhausted? And if it's the seeker, what do you say/do when it just isn't in the cards?

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Post by Gem » Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:38 pm

Hi and welcome to Mystic Board.

What a fascinating first post too :)

Over the years this has happened to me a couple of times too, but, usually the people come back later and say "Oh you know that reading.... you were right!"  Or they ring and say they couldn't admit the reading was right then, because their wife/husband/friend/uncle was with them and they hadn't told them or didn't want them to know etc.  So first I wouldn't worry,  9 out of 10 is brilliant anyway!

Tiredness and stress can be an emotional mindfield that can and does affect readers and readings vastly. Perhaps next time charge more, do longer but fewer readings? Or perhaps take a break every few readings and go outside, reground and centre etc, then go back in refreshed?  It is sometimes very hard to 'perform', sometimes the cards won't play ball, reasons can be that perhaps the querent is lying, perhaps they are stressed, drunk taken medicine or drugs? Or perhaps you are projecting yourself onto the cards and they are yours not the querents?

Reshuffling and getting the same cards!  LOL!!  I love this, it is so darn annoying when I read fo rme and this happens, the more I try and reshuffle, the faster they come out the same. Lol time to sit and look at that message.

Did your querent touch the cards? How did you cleanse them between readings? Do you shuffle them all or let others touch them?

In your incidence it sounds like the man was the problem not you, the cards wanted that message to be gioven and hoepfully with time your querent will realise and take the message?

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Post by Runescrafts » Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:50 am

Yes, its true, they just dont see it at the time. I have done that more than once. It will hit that person later like a ton of bricks!
But several readings in succession can be taxing!

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Fascinating post for me too

Post by Goldstein » Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:53 am

Reading the Gem's reply, I see I have lots to learn.

So, I can only speculate.....Maybe in a party can be hard to concentrate. Could a more quiet place help?

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Re: Fascinating post for me too

Post by Gem » Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:48 am

Goldstein wrote:Reading the Gem's reply, I see I have lots to learn.

So, I can only speculate.....Maybe in a party can be hard to concentrate. Could a more quiet place help?
Yes definately :)  As can having a ritual when you read.

Now I know the idea of a 'ritual' sounds kinds daring and spooky and mystical but all I mean is having a set routine when you use your cards.

For instance... You could always use a purple cloth or black cloth or white cloth, even a large clean handkerchief to lay your cards out on, maybe light a candle, say a prayer or tap the cards 3 times, then shuffle and spread. Maybe put on the same piece of music or chant.

Some rituals you wouldn't even notice, they don't need to be obvious to others but they do help.

A ritual or routine gets us into the correct frame of mind or mood, this allows us to tap into our intuition and energy more easily and over time more quiickly too.

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Post by Goldstein » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:47 am

I agree. People nowadays have really a distorted view on the word ''ritual''. I think it's just a matter of concentration, a focusing for our energy. Everyone is surrounded by rituals and ritualistic objects. A necktie, we can take as an example, is nothing but a ritualistic cloth for the corporative life. hehe

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Post by Gem » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:19 pm

oooh I like that one.......ritualistic cloth for the corporate life lol!

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