The Devil Card in Tarot

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The Devil Card in Tarot

Post by alejandrocolon » Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:47 am

How we should act when the devil´s card appears on our tarot reading?

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Post by Anguleyez » Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:38 am

In my limited knowledge, the devil card is a symbol of temptation and bondage. It represents a lack of balance and moderation within the querent and potential debauchery. Giving into the secular side of life, pure hedonism absent from spiritualism and enlightenment. Sometimes it can represent addictions and dangerous circumstances and habits that can cause a person to become derailed from their souls journey. If it represents a person, It is someone very controlling and manipulative who may not have your best interest at heart. In some cases however, with appropriate combinations of other tarot cards I have seen it as a representation for marriage (being tied to another person) I guess all in all it depends on the other cards involved in the reading what the true nature of the devil card will be.

I guess to answer the question, most of the time, when i see the devil card in a reading, I try to evaluate the situation, see where the potential negativity is coming from and try to detach myself from it as quickly as possible. It sometimes means changing my own behavior and trying to get back on the right path, and sometimes it means untangling myself from someone I care about, because he or she is just not good for me.

Like I said, I dont know it all, but those are just my thoughts. If someone can improve upon my ideas I would love to read them.

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Re: The Devil Card in Tarot

Post by chrisdee » Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:03 am

alejandrocolon wrote:How we should act when the devil´s card appears on our tarot reading?
Should we say our prayers?=Quote

I think you may have the wrong idea about Tarot cards the Devil card does not mean Devil as he is perceived to be in films and such like
the Devil card and all other cards are symbolic the same card could have a different meaning every time its layed -- Anguleyez gives a good description of what the devil card can mean

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Mystic Meg
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Re: The Devil Card in Tarot

Post by Mystic Meg » Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:37 am

alejandrocolon wrote:How we should act when the devil´s card appears on our tarot reading?
I wonder if you actually understand tarot at all? Your questions seem designed to really stir up hostility and fear towards tarot, and I wonder why?  I have spent many years actively trying to change this view of the tarot as dark and evil. It is not. But perhaps some people like you might want it to be?

Why don't you learn more about it? Look at a few decks, and you will see there is no evil or darkness only that which is in your mind!

The Devil is a fun card, it shows mankinds frivolous side, it can remind us of our weaknesses and give a lot of support to those in need of help and understanding going through addiction and lust and avarice, even pride and ego can be part of the Deil card. All these sides of man need a way to be shown in tarot and the Devil is it.


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Should we be afraid of the Devil card?

Post by rick_saxton » Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:55 pm

Are you the Devils advocate ( LOL).  It seems like your questions really stimulate discussion.  Actually, I think they are good questions that need good answers.  Esoterically, the Devil card represents the bondage of materialism that most, if not all, of us are in.  The Devil in the card is an aspect of ourselves which hinders our spiritual progress.  But if you look at the card closely, (the rider-Waite deck and B.O.T.A. deck) you will see that the man and woman could easily remove the chains around their neck if they only knew it was in that easy.  In fact, they may not even know they are in bondage.  Thanks for your interesting questions.


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