interpretation of the Fool

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interpretation of the Fool

Post by Payewacker » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:02 pm

Hi Everybody,

I started reading interpretations given by Cybee and then in particular the Fool, i can't say i'm confused or perhaps misunderstanding, terefore i include the conclusion i arived at of the Fool, could you please comment on this?

In my interpitation the Fool, or number ‘0’, is the beginning, therefore I place him at the beginning of the Deck.
In a reading, The Fool always represents the Querant, no matter what the significator.                                                         It doesn’t nullify the significator but takes presidence over it, keep in mind the significator only!
The fool can be seen in the context of a young person, starting a journey. With all his worldly possessions in one small pack, the Fool travels he knows not where. So filled with visions and daydreams is he, that he doesn't see the cliff he is likely to fall over. At his heel, a small dog harries him (or tries to warn him of a possible mis-step). He is living in a “Fairy-Tale” world where only good exist. The wind directs his ways. You may see that he is fancy-free and footloose He left behind him a “comfort Zone” and set out on a journey of blind, childish faith. That which he left behind is a harmonious world, balanced, with security and safety. The Fool has no idée where he’s going or what he’s going to do. But that doesn't matter. For the Fool, the most important thing is to just go out and enjoy the world. To see what there is to see and delight in all of it.  The Fool lives from day to day without any future planning. He may have some wisdom and understanding but has not got the ability to apply it to his life yet; wisdom has not yet been part of his choices,  since the start of his journey. When the Fool card appears it is very likely that you are making a move, a new job, relationship or a new life.
It may well be a front as well; he may have the knowledge and wisdom, but deliberately acts like a fool. His actions will not really reward him, should he not embark on a mission of self-examination.
The little dog signifies the home or place of safety the Fool comes from, filled with wisdom and caution, the dog may be seen as a protector and advisor, the one warning of dangers and tribulation. The dog instinctively followed the Fool as he has been the Fool’s companion for some time, his protection and guidance has been the aim of the dog. Please note that the little dog is not a puppy but a full grown or mature dog, this means that the Fool has not had the proper training or employed it practically in his life. Therefore the dog is a warning symbol of the possibility that should you not act diligently or carefully, or listen to wise counsel, your efforts means absolutely nothing, you will start out as Zero again.
At #0, the Fool is the card of infinite possibilities. The bag on the staff indicates that he has all he needs to do or be anything he wants, he has only to stop and unpack. He is on his way to a brand new beginning. But the card carries a little bark of warning as well. Stop daydreaming and fantasising and watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool.
The bag and the staff it is tied to signifies a person traveling, it means a new beginning, at any place he wishes, being the Fool, no route has been planned or no destination decided upon. His aims and goals are not yet finalized, haven’t taken shape or haven’t been clearly defined
The bag signifies that the Fool has taken al he’s got or would need, however the bag also contains his secrets. This bag only opened in the privacy of his own existence; however he may share the contents with others, as he wishes or seem fit, but may also share it with people that may lead him astray. He evidently moved away from the place of authority and balance, but is willing to learn from his first hand experiences and mistakes he is now going to make.
The staff also indicates his link to that which he left behind, or picked-up along the way to make the burden he carries lighter. If we explore the Hermit, his staff is a symbol of his God, therefore it reflects some knowledge and wisdom that have been learned by the Fool, however he has not explored the full potential of the staff he holds, and obviously not considered it a staff to lean on, or call on God for wisdom and guidance, but something to lighten the load. He is also constantly reminded of God, carrying the staff on his shoulder is an uncomfortable effort.
As he progresses with his journey, he will learn to lean on the staff more frequently, he will gain the understanding it holds and the wisdom he should apply to his everyday life. The staff also offers protection along the way.
The indifference with which he approaches a cliff is in his quest, away with the old here comes the new, but this may result in total destruction, there is another way warns the dog, the way of enlightenment. Stepping over the cliff will be folly and you are advised to take care of what you do. Use your head and don’t ignore good advice. The decision he has to take is life changing, should he continue in his ways, he may even lose the little hope of spiritual enlightenment(the staff), together with all he has learned or were taught(the bag). The white mountains in the background indicates an area which could be seen as difficult to inhabit, due to the nature of it. To reach the peak one needs all the help you can get. You also need al the equipment; climbing gear, protective clothing, clear head, mindfull approach and most definitely spiritual guidance and maturity.
The Fool indicates your spiritual development and where you’re at. You are herewith reminded or the suggestion is that you should take a wild leap of faith to ensure ataining a transformation way beyond the limits of this world, putting this card as number 0 in the beginning of the deck, it signifies the road you are starting on, as a young initiate you are foolishly groping and grabbing at the air, ignoring the warnings from your trusted friend the dog, this may be a wise Tarot reader or your spiritual teacher. Your journey will have disastrous effects for you may well fall over the cliff and not survive the fall.

Positive                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Folly, thoughtlessness, lack of discipline, delirium, frenzy, starting a journey, an unknown venture.
Negative                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ignorance, carelessness, negligence, apathy, instability. Procrastination, stagnation. Whistle blower, someone will stab you in the back.
Seeing as this is representative of you, you are warned of the ways you do things in your life, you are also warned to take heed of any ventures you are involving yourself. Seek advice from those with wisdom, knowledge and experience. You are also told of a new beginning, something brand new coming up or busy happening, however listen to the small voice warning you of danger.
Prepare yourself to enter a cycle of learning as that little you now know, may very well mean the end of you.

Thanx for your inputs.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:22 pm

Please don't copy and paste thing that already are posted in the the link instead :)

I can give you a link to the same Cybee's description of the fool: ... hp?t=18305

You will also find description in our card section...and if you are interested Gem has a free course in Tarot where among other the Fool is discussed.

Good luck.

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Post by Gem » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:47 pm

Hi Payewacker, you are in the wrong section lol! The learn tarot section is not the same as this main tarot forum, you need to post your replies there under the right section. Please look for the current class 2007 ... hp?t=24364 and not Cybee's 2006 which is closed.

If you get stuck again please PM me back.


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