Help reading court cards

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Help reading court cards

Post by khillard » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:23 pm

I have developed the skills in reading tarot cards however, I always get stuck on the court cards and whether they pertain to a person or some event. When I do a reading for family, they do not have a clue who this person could represent. But I also have read that if the court card does not represent a person, then it represents the trait(s) of the court card.

Please help.

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:56 am

hi, killard,

I read the court cards as people and situations, the way in which I associate these cards is:

Firstly, the suits are attached as "sister" suits, in this sense you look at Pentacles and Wands being toghether and Swords and Cups. If you have a cup as significator, example the Queen, finding the King of the same suit in the reading, the husband, knights and pages, siblings. Finding Swords together with Cups, may indicate a friend or family member through marriage.

The two sister suits i describe as not really sitting beside the same fire, but still not neccesarily enemies.

When a person has been married twice, you will find the same suit as the current husband and the other perhaps another sister's King, this is when they are on speaking terms. Hating each other i add the opposition between fire and water, or fire against fire.

King of Swords;
A man of power, authority and intelligence who will prove to be a formidable rival who will cause damage to your business or personal relationship. Someone with legal authority or political connections. If you are male the King of Swords may represent an ambitious man who can and will prove to be a dangerous rival, either in business or personal relationships. If you are a woman, you are being warned not to get involved with this person at all. At the least he will prove to be worthless or incompatible; at the worst he also posses a physical threat to you. The other cards will define the danger he posses to you. If this card describes a situation, it is seen as being potentially harmful; expect worry, grief, chagrin, even physical danger.

An evil man, or one of evil intent. Cruelty, perversity, barbarity. In effect, the same power and authority, only used with intent to harm. Even physical harm.  

You are or will be entering a period of sadness with quarrels and disputes all around you. These situations are created by a nasty person, a rival. You may have also lost someone dear to you and are now mourning or will do so in the future. Your strength lies in your self-confidence to overcome these obstacles.

You are or may enter a time of intense unhappiness, emotionally devastating. This card describes you as being bearing the heaviest burden. If this card describe a person, it would be best for you to ward of any evil doing with your strength, intellect and faith.

King of Cups
A just and honest man, who is or has been kindly disposed toward you. Responsible and mature, he displays paternal feelings toward you. He is intelligent and probably cultured and well-educated as well; and as a result has skills and connections which you need at this time. His appearance in the reading indicates that he is willing to help you in some way; or will be willing if asked for help. If the card does not represent a person, then the situation involves justice, honor, learning and understanding, intelligence and intelligent action, in short authority fairly used.

A deceitful man; one who cannot be trusted. A dishonest, double dealing man who will trick you, or cause losses in personal relationships or career. Injustice, vice scandal in the offing.

A maternal female, who evokes feelings of affection or love. An honest, devoted female friend or relative who will perform a service for you. A good mother, a perfect spouse. If not a person, then a situation in which you feel emotionally secure. Success, happiness, pleasure. Wise choices, especially in personal relationships.

An untrustworthy or perverse woman. Vice, dishonor, depravity, meddling. Too much imagination. An overbearing and suppressive mother.

King of Pentacles
A wealthy, powerful, and cultured man, who can provide wise counsel, help and inspiration. A man of refinement, knowledgeable about money and finance, and a true patron of the arts and sciences. He may be either well disposed toward you, or indifferent; but he is in either case highly unlikely to be antagonistic. The other cards in the reading will reveal his current attitude, and may also reveal what you must do to acquire this mans patronage if you need it. If this is not an actual person, this card is a symbol of enterprise and worldly glory, representing intelligence and business acumen. It may also represent personal gifts and talents, especially mathematical, and success in the areas of finance or social status, one interpretation also adds success through gambling, or through inheritance.

A dangerous man and one you will do well to avoid. In business, he can be an absolute ruthless competitor. If not a person, the card signifies doubt, weakness, fear, despair. Danger to you. Vice and perversity; corruption and evil intentions; conceit.

A kind and generous woman, an excellent and careful manager, with both intelligence and intuitive knowledge. Like the King, she may either favor you, or she may be indifferent. She is attractive and very persuasive; she knows how to get her own way, not through feminine wiles, but simply because she knows what she’s doing. If not a person, the card represents security, wisdom and prudence, financial security.

A suspicious woman, distrusting all around her, and mistrusted in return. An interfering woman, one who needs to control situations at any cost. If not a person, the card represents a situation of suspicion, fear, even evil. A suspenseful situation in which you cannot be certain who to trust, or if anyone can be trusted.

King of Wands
A man of status and wealth who is friendly toward you and willing to help you with either money or advice. He is conscientious, honest and intelligent. If he is your rival, he will be fair and generous. If a friend, you are well advised to take this persons advice. If not a person, the situation itself is an honest one: things appear as they are. There is also a possibility of unexpected good news, maybe an inheritance, a career advance, success in an ongoing or upcoming business venture. Unexpected help or advise which will make your venture easier.


A man of authority and wealth who is austere but tolerant. He will not go out of his way to help you, but will not unnecessarily block you either, and he will approve efforts you make on your own. If this is not a person, you will have to work hard to earn your success, but circumstances are generally favorable at this time. You may not get much help but there is nothing out there trying to stop you.

An honourable, friendly and intelligent woman. Displays a love of luxury. Sympathetic toward you and someone willing to help with either money or advice or both. A business woman or a woman of property one who knows how to manage her money to the advantage of herself and her family. Economical, serious, a good counsellor. A good time to make your move in an important endeavour, especially one involving business or finance.

A dangerous enemy, since she operates on intelligence more than emotion in her opposition. Especially dangerous if her own position, business or family are threatened. If not a person a time to be cautious especially in important relationships (business or otherwise) don’t step on any toes if you can avoid it. Deceit, infidelity, jealousy. Greed and avarice.

I hope this will help you.

Blessed be

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Post by BLouise » Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:15 pm

Khillard - I also get stuck on the court cards.  I am waiting on a book called "The Tarot Court" that is supposed to be very good.  It is supposed to have information on when the court cards represent something other than people.  I have also read that pages could mean a message and the knights could mean an action or event of some kind.  I'm sorry I'm not more help, but I am also looking for this information.  I will let you know if I find good info in the book.  I should received it in the mail any day. :)


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Post by Payewacker » Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:56 pm


Something to ponder on:

I did a reading where Queen of Swords was in 10th position (celtic cross). When the reading don't close with a major arcanum, i normally draw a last card for clarrification. In this reading the 11th card was Temperance and one of the Virtues in the Major Arcanum. Therefor although the Queen of Swords does not have the balanced scales as justice and therefore a tendancy to mock justice and sway the law in her direction. With temperance I softened Q Swords to more of equal or tempered stance related to Justice.

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Re: Help reading court cards

Post by George » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:07 pm

khillard wrote:I have developed the skills in reading tarot cards however, I always get stuck on the court cards and whether they pertain to a person or some event. When I do a reading for family, they do not have a clue who this person could represent. But I also have read that if the court card does not represent a person, then it represents the trait(s) of the court card.

Please help.
we've had this discussion in other threads and of course has come up many times in the past.  so been thinking about it the last couple of days.  first and formost in reading the court cards use your inutition to read them and all the cards and yes i know that doesn't help much.  but keep it in mind.  you can read the courts card as people themselves, friends, family, coworkers etc.  read the booklet you got with your cards (assuming you got one) and you will see what i mean.  then try place every court card with someone you know.  

now for the sake of argument the Queen of Wands is my boss.  my book that i bought and not the one that came with the cards says:

for SYMBOLISM of the card is "A woman who is "well off", secure, comfrotable, "queen of all she surveys".  
under COLORING it sayds, Medium dark, brown eyes, light to dark brown hair.
now under the COMMENTS part of the book for this card it says, "She may or may no be married.  May represent the person getting the reading.  The cat in front of her indicates that she can be "catty" as well as like pets. Usually she is interesed in and fond of any picture card that falls near her (king, Knight, or Page). If near another Queen card, the surroundign cards with indicate whether this is a friend, an acquanintance, or a rival."

now in reading all fo this and know what the person who wrote my books wants the card to mean this is what we must conclude:

if i take their meaning to heart and learn them then when i do a reading the card should fall, for what i learned it to mean, for the person being as read accurate card for that person because i'm decided for a reading that what the cards means, in theory.   in theory, i mean if you doing a reading with the celtic cross each space has its own meaning, i.e. "near past", past, and future etc .  you need to know what those spaces are before you doing the reading the cards to fall in the right spot.

now lets get back to the inuition part.  that is why most people teach by inutition.  what do you feel from the cards coming from the person you are reading for? thats going to be more important then what someone else believes the card to mean.  

now, i tend to think reading the books are not necessary wrong but they can hinder a soulful reading if you always going to the book to look up a meaning.  i did this at first and it just not what i wanted to do. it felt fake in a way.

you will get more feel for the court cards because you'll learn what the wands mean, what the swords mean, what the penticales mean. and what the  cups mean.  you will find a richer meaning coming through especially by the end of the lessons for the court cards.  you will find that the suits all have certian traits (a theme) that the courts cards also have.  

for instance all the wand cards including the court cards with have the same theme: labor, hard work, self made people.  but with the court cards you will see it might be your dad or mom, brother or sister, co worker, etc.  (fyi these are my meanings your may be different).

overall, not let the court cards bog you down to much in the beginning where they hinder you from moving on. try your best to get the meanings you are feeling from the cards you will see it will become clearer.

then later on after the lesson and training yourself to use inuition then check on the books again and you can start adding things up a little bit more by adding to their meanings.  for instance three queen pop up my book says a hen party, a bridal shower etc.  if you want to start to add those meaning to your subconscience so you can do them in a reading do that for sure but this is your beginning focus on saying some well this looks like my dad or mom.  king of wands is my dad because he built is own bussiness and works hard every day etc etc.

hope this helps and doesn't confuse!  i try my best to get my meanings across.  :smt020


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Post by Payewacker » Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:52 am

Payewacker wrote:hi, killard,

I read the court cards as people and situations, the way in which I associate these cards is:

Firstly, the suits are attached as "sister" suits, in this sense you look at Pentacles and Wands being toghether and Swords and Cups. If you have a cup as significator, example the Queen, finding the King of the same suit in the reading, the husband, knights and pages, siblings. Finding Swords together with Cups, may indicate a friend or family member through marriage.

The two sister suits i describe as not really sitting beside the same fire, but still not neccesarily enemies.

Yes, Court cards are a problem, as I indicated above, if you have queen of swords as significator and king of Swords, Other Kings or Queens might be rivals or friends, again look at the sister suit (swords and Cups together) and (Wands and Pentacles).

Blessed be

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