Reading for myself - comments anyone?

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Reading for myself - comments anyone?

Post by Cyprine » Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:18 pm

Hi everyone! Newbie here!  Let me introduce my experience with Tarot quickly.  I've always loved the tarot: the art & imagery, the flexibility of it to describe various situations in life so generally & succinctly all at once.  It is so versatile and portable that I am always in awe of what it can do.  I would love to be a collector and maybe one day (online/preferably IRL) operate a tarot museum of sorts.  Just let the different cards & people soak up each others' energies.  My current collection consists of only 8 decks.  :(

I never quite memorized the meaning of the cards so I am not great at reading.  Although everytime I do a reading for myself when in need of some direction or outlook, after slowly looking up the interpretations, I can say that 75% of the time they are spot on and that's good enough for me.

Did a 5 card quickie draw on my way to work (in the car...). That time in the morning when my mind snaps from sleepy-drowsy to alert & awake seems to be the best time for revelations and readings too apparently.  It was a casual "what's up for me in the next little while" type of spread.  I simply decided it would be 5 cards only, what each consecutive card would represent and drew the cards blind after shuffling the deck.  I wrote them down on my phone and looked up the meanings on the MB-Tarot site after I got to work.  Perhaps someone else here would like to comment:

BG on myself:
- mid-20's Scorpio
- halted a start of successful creative career path at beginning of 2007
- been a temp at a mindless but steady job for a year, company has offered many times to take me on full-time but I was always hesitant
- in a now steady but once tumultuous, long term relationship with an Aquarius whom I love deeply

Card 1 - Sum up current situation - 9 of Wands
Card 2 - What I want - Ace of Swords
Card 3 - What will be - Two of Swords
Card 4 - Getting there - High Priestess
Card 5 - Obstacles - Moon

All interpretations are welcome!

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Post by pirbid » Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:29 pm

:)  ...Mmm... interesting spread. I like the meanings you chose for the positions. I have put before me those 5 cards and the whole thing gives me a feeling of deception or fear of it. Let's see...

Currently, you seem to be always on the alert, as if fearing some treachery. Most of your energy is invested in this protective stance, so make sure it's worth it.

You would like to be able to see the truth clearly, so no one can mislead you, but so far you seem unable to tear the cloth from your eyes. Still protecting yourself, this time from something you don't seem ready to face.

The High Priestess counsels you to look inside for answers and calm down. Things will come to you when you are ready to accept them, but you need to relax a bit. The main problem seems to be your fear of being deceived by others, but bear in mind that no one is better at deceiving than our own mind.

Let down your guard a bit and see if the threats are real or imagined under tension.

Hope to have been of some aid. I am taking Gem's Tarot course here in MB and you can be my sounding board in this instance.

Nice to meet you  :smt006

By the way, reading in the car? How do you manage?  :smt017

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Post by chrisdee » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:23 pm

Quote:All interpretations are welcome!

Hi Cyprine

How I see it is you were inspired to do something different, probably because you couldn't wait for a larger pay packet, although may be know you are thinking you acted a little hastily

Card 1 - Sum up current situation - 9 of Wands...You've over come most problems but are disappointed probably feeling a little hurt or let down
Card 2 - What I want - Ace of Swords... i see this as you wanting a change to something more mentally challenging  
Card 3 - What will be - Two of Swords.. you will come to terms with your situation gaining peace of mind
Card 4 - Getting there - High Priestess... There's only one way to get there and that to use your intuition, listening to your inner voice
Card 5 - Obstacles - Moon... This is were you let your self down blowing things out of proportion
    By taking a more positive attitude telling your self you can and not doubting your abilities you can get your self back on track

Am i any were close

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own interpretation with full knowledge of own life

Post by Cyprine » Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:44 pm

The 9 of Wands coupled with the 2 of Swords in the spread reinforces the fact that I have indeed been closing myself off this past year, to protect the balance of "things" I have worked hard to achieve.  

In 2006, I had a very bad year.   It was great in terms of career but perhaps too much so that it was upsetting the balance of life at home with my significant other.  We talked through the problems that had built up over the year and agreed to try and make things work.  However, I made the decision on my own to stop pursuing the type of career I was after because it would inevitably pull us apart.  The first few months after our "agreement" was tough on us both.  I started my boring steady office job and committed to nurturing the relationship.  It was very difficult to find a balance but now we seem to have achieved it and I am happy.  Work, while boring, makes enough money and gives me enough free time to juggle the other aspects of life.  It is this balance that I try hard now to protect and I am fearful of upsetting it.  

I have decided finally, after a year here, that I will take on a permanent full-time position with the company and I just talked to my boss about it so it isn't quite finalized.  Here's where the Ace of Swords comes in.  Certainly, my tasks and challenges at work will change as they find ways to fully utilize me.  I may even take additional training course to gain more skills that will apply to the job.  That may get a little tough to balance my time again but I am the type to soldier through to achieve my goal and persevere.  This is what I envision for myself anyways and this decision will definitely set a clearer path for me.  

The 2 of Swords in the What Will Be position troubles me a little.  While it reinforces the 9 of Wands for my current situation, it also seems to indicate that in the end, I will still be at a stalemate with myself.  It makes me wonder if there is something in my situation or even in What I Want that is unclear, muddling my decisions.  As coupled with The Moon, it begs the question, am I deceiving myself in some way now?  Or perhaps I will continue to deceive myself, close myself off, refuse to see truth, etc.  

The High Priestess in the Getting There position seems almost cliche in this spread.  To get to What I want, or to What Will Be, I must follow my intuition and listen to my heart.  (Seems like listening to my heart is how I got to where I am is a good place to be now though so maybe that's not a complaint.) Or maybe I am confusing my intuition and my emotions with what's in my heart and THAT's the truth I need to see.

Then of course, The Moon being in the Obstacles position is purely redundant.  Things to avoid: being overcome by anxiety, deceiving myself, losing direction & purpose.

To conclude, the spread was a perfect snapshot and statement of now, what I hope and everythin related to it.  Did it shed new light or give me direction?  I would say no...but maybe that's too much to ask from the tarot.  Perhaps that was never its purpose.  Pirbid's interpretation of the High Priestess gives me some hope though.  Maybe I will find what I really want when I am truly ready, that is all.  

I am still a fan for it's ability to summarize though.  For some people, they can't even do that themselves and the tarot would be a wonderful self exploratory tool.  Thanks for your input!  You guys totally had it too and I am sure after reading this, you can see how all your comments totally apply!

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In the car...

Post by Cyprine » Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:48 pm

I have a mini Rider-Waite deck in a purple pouch that I've kept in my purse all the time for the past 5 years.  It's great!  When I get bored anywhere and I don't feel weird about whipping them out, I look at them.  Still never memorized them though.  The moment in the car, inspiration just struck and I just randomly picked out 5 cards without even looking, just felt for them with my hand.  So handy! :)

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Post by pirbid » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:13 pm

:) Thank you for being our sounding board  :)  I hope everything works out for the best. It must be hard to balance a vocational job and your love life and have to chose between them. Hope you get another chance at it in the future.

By the way, if you joined Gem's course in this board, you would see how we are learning to read without memorizing any card meanings. It is free and I think you would enjoy it, as we work each at our own pace and still have each other to compare notes and Gem to keep us in the right track. Sounds good? Check it out and see if you like it.

I also have the mini Rider, but I am not so good a driver as to do readings in the car  :smt118 . Anyway, take care and see you around the site  :smt002

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Post by jennifercrowe » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:33 am

I get mixed messages when I read myself.  Does any of you?

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Post by pirbid » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:00 am

Nope, just brutal honesty, which is why I hardly ever indulge in a reading for myself. It's just like a scolding from my mum  :smt012

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wow, we think alike...that was my other post

Post by Cyprine » Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:08 pm

jennifer, check my other thread on that topic... ... hp?t=43203

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Post by moonlady » Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:28 am

i just recently draw some of the cards similar to you. Here is my comment, the ace of sward referred to what u want? U can do it but you have to be careful of you thought. In theory the thought could be consisting of the negative and postive one. The negative one will led you to no where. However, u are able to get it for sure and the 9 of wands to me confirmed that u are almost there. Do not give up.

2 of swards, to me, i felt it was like a balancing act and sometimes you didn't accept it in harmony. In chinese literature there is an art of using two swards and the heart of it, you have to stop thinking and know with your heart (plus visualize the picture of harmony in yr head) It is an art that you have to learn to blend it in. Do not confuse yourself btw how u can have it and what do you truely want.

then comes to my fav. high priestess and the moon, these are the couple cards. if you are scopio, you should be able to tell this by now. What is your impressing about the moon? High priestess is the princess of the moon and i love both cards at least when it appears to me, i know that it is going to be positive. i just know it. So you have to ask yourself whether it is positive or negative one. If it is positive, it means only one thing, your circle is going to complete. The moon is romantic and seductive as well as high priestess, there might come to the time when u have to start exploring what you really want and of course there is some hidden factor in this. Once the truth comes out, it will set you free.

I have got the moon once, and back then i was in the very bad relationship.  i know that it is going to end and i have to clear thing out with him. there is of course a hidden factor that i didn't know but by that time, there is also a wisdom and a sense of relief.

Be careful for your cards, not to overthinking and sit back holding every thought and wondering. Do not believe whatever you have now that it is all. You are still young and there is a lot more to live. My suggestion, personally, it might be a good time for you to examine what is truely your passion.

Hope it is all for the best.

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update...and another 5 carder!

Post by Cyprine » Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:06 pm

Not too much has changed with my work, basically I had a meeting with my superiors, they are working with HR to change the terms of my employment and I am waiting to hear back on some kind of "offer".  In the mean time, I had need of the tarot again this morning (yes in the car again!) so here's the spread & background.

For the past few days there has been a lot of tension in the house.  I know partly it's due to me PMS-ing, but being aware of that I try very hard NOT to over-react.  That being said, in the past 5 days, I feel like I have been swallowing a lot of BS.  However, despite NOT blowing up, I think the other party involved thinks it is in their right to treat me in this way. For example, even after several hours when one situation has defused itself, any other small thing will be blamed on me whether I am directly or indirectly at fault, even when there were things they could've done to help the situation.  And always it is expressed in a way that is condescending and implies that I am stupid or useless.  Again, if you have read my other posts, you know I have a hard time not being biased when I need the cards for advice.  This morning, just before leaving the house for work, something happened again and I just cried half the way to work until I was stopped at a light and grabbed my cards.  

Here is my 5-card Short-Term spread:
1) Why are tensions so high? - 7 of Cups
2) What led up to this whole situation? - 8 of Wands
3) What can be expected in the next 2 weeks? - The Emperor
4) What can I do immediately to stomp out this ugly situation (if possible)? - Queen of Pentacles
5) What can I do in a longer term (2 weeks) to calm the waters? - Death

So have fun with this one guys!  I am not as frustrated anymore because I am distracted but any insight will be helpful once my day is done.  Thanks!

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Post by pirbid » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:23 pm

:) Ok, let me see what I can tell you about these...

7 Cups (I assume none are reversed). Tensions may be high due to some misunderstanding: it is obvious one or both of you are not seeing things as they really are, but through the filter of your own experience, expectations and, because this is a Cups card, probably through an emotional veil, too.

8 Wands What led up to this situation was some sudden news, actions, or anything unexpected. It could also be the end of something that had been going on for some time, specially if one of you was taken by surprise by the sudden ending.

The Emperor What you can expect in the next 2 weeks is a little bigotry, someone affirming his/her position in a rather tough headed way, with not much room for explanations or mature conversation on the subject. But it could also mean you will be able to ask for help and protection from a father figure.

Queen of Pentacles You can calm down and make contact with your own needs. Once you are sure what you want, you can defend your own interests without hurting anybody, in a gentle and caring way, standing up for yourself. You are mature enough to that and more.

Death In order to be free of these emotional upheavals, some deep changes are needed. You might have to end things the way they are right now and contemplate doing everything from a wholly different point of view. Are you ready to take up the challenge?

Great giving you my view on these "motorized" readings. Hope everything works out fine. I really liked the names you gave to the different positions in the spread: it makes reading so much simpler!

Hugs  :smt002

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my interpretation...

Post by Cyprine » Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:50 pm

Pirbid, I never read with reversed meanings since I can't remember ANY meanings to begin with!  Plus if I did that, then I have to remember which cards came up which way along with which cards I drew...that's too complicated and advanced for me.  LOL :)

7 of cups - lack of focus/organization, laziness & procrastination
8 of wands - putting plans into action, end/resolution in something, learning more
Emperor - structure, direction, order, exerting authority
Queen of Pentacles - caring, nurturing, encouraging, warm, soothing, loving, supportive, secure, generous, soft-touch, loyal, trustworthy, resourceful, allowing to just be
Death - end, transition, accepting changes, going through the unavoidable

I think the spread is quite positive since my questions were situation specific and the cards actually "answers" each other really well and really specifically.  The reason tensions were so high is that admittedly I have been lacking focus of late.  Some people might say I try to be overly organized at home (I still don't think I am nor do I live up to my standards) but nevertheless, I have been lazy and unmotivated (exercising has stopped for 2 weeks).  My energy levels were lower and I was more irritable.  

What lead up to the situation?  Well, it started on the weekend, we decided to go through with the plans to build an entertainment unit.  I would just be helping out, holding the wood, passing tools but we were disorganized and volatile with each other.  There was a lack of communication too and then there were minor flare-ups.  I kept my mouth shut but I was fuming.  We also rushed off on Sunday, without previous planning to join some friends on a one-day snowboarding trip.  That caused a bit of tension while we prepared to go.  Also, I learned in the past few days that my best friend's long-term relationship was ending and surely that weighed in my head somewhat causing me to react negatively to some things.  

The Emperor & Death cards both signify an end to the current situation within 2 weeks, as long as I accept that things like this are unavoidable at times.  Immediately and probably on a continual basis too, I should just try to embody the aspects the Queen of Pentacles represents: caring, understanding, nurturing, encouraging, secure, etc.  It makes sense to me that being that way would defuse all ugliness.  

And once again I am amazed by the Tarot!  On that note, I was just shuffling and feeling my Tarot of the Gnomes deck last night before bed and decided to draw a card for Valentines day.  You wouldn't believe what I got: Two of Cups.  Now isn't that nice?

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Update and a new reading!

Post by Cyprine » Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:49 pm has been 4 months since my post regarding my job situation.  Things have not gotten better.  I have yet to see any offer from my company, no I should say THE company.  When I ask my boss, he basically just says he is too busy trying to hire other contractors or temps to fill in the recent employee shuffle in our department.  2 essential personnel have suddenly been removed by HR or transferred to another department to seek permanent work.  In fact, because of the personnel shortage, I have been working extra hours, juggling the work of one and a half person without pay increase.  All this time, I was trying to be loyal and polite.  Don't tock the boat, I though, just waiting for the offer to come.  

The extra money from turning full time permanent would've helped a great deal.  If I did not really need the steady income right now I would have quit 2 months ago.  I have been saving to attend my sister's wedding coming up in 2 weeks, along with another friend getting married, a close friend visiting and several other unforseen circumstances that contributed to an additional outflow of money in the past several months.  Besides the extended hours at my "regular" job, I have even tried to take more hours at my part-time job where the money is never worth it and for the little I can work because of conflicting schedules, it is really not worth the effort.  

I did another reading in the car yesterday. It was not really out of desperation.  I figured I haven not touched them in a while because I have been so busy.  It is the same old 5 card spread I used before and briefly looking at the card meanings after, I am blown away once again and even a bit worried.

1) Sum it Up - Four of Cups
2) What I want - Five of Swords
3) Outcome - Ace of Swords (reversed)
4) Getting There - Three of Swords
5) Obstacle - The Star (reversed)

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Re: own interpretation with full knowledge of own life

Post by kristabella » Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:38 am

Cyprine wrote:The 9 of Wands coupled with the 2 of Swords in the spread reinforces the fact that I have indeed been closing myself off this past year, to protect the balance of "things" I have worked hard to achieve.  

In 2006, I had a very bad year.   It was great in terms of career but perhaps too much so that it was upsetting the balance of life at home with my significant other.  We talked through the problems that had built up over the year and agreed to try and make things work.  However, I made the decision on my own to stop pursuing the type of career I was after because it would inevitably pull us apart.  The first few months after our "agreement" was tough on us both.  I started my boring steady office job and committed to nurturing the relationship.  It was very difficult to find a balance but now we seem to have achieved it and I am happy.  Work, while boring, makes enough money and gives me enough free time to juggle the other aspects of life.  It is this balance that I try hard now to protect and I am fearful of upsetting it.  

I have decided finally, after a year here, that I will take on a permanent full-time position with the company and I just talked to my boss about it so it isn't quite finalized.  Here's where the Ace of Swords comes in.  Certainly, my tasks and challenges at work will change as they find ways to fully utilize me.  I may even take additional training course to gain more skills that will apply to the job.  That may get a little tough to balance my time again but I am the type to soldier through to achieve my goal and persevere.  This is what I envision for myself anyways and this decision will definitely set a clearer path for me.  

The 2 of Swords in the What Will Be position troubles me a little.  While it reinforces the 9 of Wands for my current situation, it also seems to indicate that in the end, I will still be at a stalemate with myself.  It makes me wonder if there is something in my situation or even in What I Want that is unclear, muddling my decisions.  As coupled with The Moon, it begs the question, am I deceiving myself in some way now?  Or perhaps I will continue to deceive myself, close myself off, refuse to see truth, etc.  

The High Priestess in the Getting There position seems almost cliche in this spread.  To get to What I want, or to What Will Be, I must follow my intuition and listen to my heart.  (Seems like listening to my heart is how I got to where I am is a good place to be now though so maybe that's not a complaint.) Or maybe I am confusing my intuition and my emotions with what's in my heart and THAT's the truth I need to see.

Then of course, The Moon being in the Obstacles position is purely redundant.  Things to avoid: being overcome by anxiety, deceiving myself, losing direction & purpose.

To conclude, the spread was a perfect snapshot and statement of now, what I hope and everythin related to it.  Did it shed new light or give me direction?  I would say no...but maybe that's too much to ask from the tarot.  Perhaps that was never its purpose.  Pirbid's interpretation of the High Priestess gives me some hope though.  Maybe I will find what I really want when I am truly ready, that is all.  

I am still a fan for it's ability to summarize though.  For some people, they can't even do that themselves and the tarot would be a wonderful self exploratory tool.  Thanks for your input!  You guys totally had it too and I am sure after reading this, you can see how all your comments totally apply!
I love it- your interpretations are directly out of my favorite tarot book!!  that author is so talented...she can make any beginner sound like a pro :)

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