Need help interpreting a recurring group of cards

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Need help interpreting a recurring group of cards

Post by farafina » Wed May 07, 2008 4:44 pm

I keep getting these same cards in all my spreads  about my emotional/relationship area:

Seven of Swords
Six of Swords

It keeps coming back, either two of them , one of them, or all three of them. No matter what spread I use.

In terms of the meaning how does the combination of these cards work?

Thanks a lot

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Post by cedars » Thu May 08, 2008 6:35 am

Dear Farafina

With the Judgement and the Six of Swords, I would say there is a rebirth of some sort in your relationship/affairs, like a cleansing act, leaving the past behind, being cleansed of past mistakes, past issues (sometimes crudely called 'baggage') and also coming out wiser and a lot stronger. So does the Six of Swords, in my opinion, is going to calmer shores, new horizons, leaving all the negative energies behind and a renwed hope for the future.

Assuming there was or currently still exists treachery and deceipt around you, Judgement will take care of it. Sometimes I view the Seven of Swords as deceipt and sometimes I see it as going it alone with what you can salvage; cutting your losses and fleeing.

Although there are two swords in your relationship issues, but I dont see it to be so bad, as Judgement will take care of you.

Hope this has shed some light on the interpretation of these cards, Farafina.

Be happy.

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Post by Gem » Thu May 08, 2008 10:27 am

I think meaning so differ from deck to deck. Lets take the Rider Waite for instance,

Judgement to me is all about making sure we are happy with our decisions, not being forced or coerced into making a decision because at some time we will have to stand up and explain our life and our decisions, and so we should make sure we are the ones making them and that we are happy with them.

Six of Swords, travel, being sent away, sadness and grief, but thats way too negative, much more likely when near Judgement to be turning your back on something and walking away or being being driven away, so make those decisions count. We are our future, Every step is made by what we do in the moment.

Seven of Swords, the thief card!?, not treachery for me but more fun, trying to take on too much and being caught out and having to drop something to be able to carry on and finish the task.

Two swords and one major, powerful issues here, Swords being linked to the element of Air and so the spoken word, our thoughts and processes, double edged swords cutting like a tongue speaking sharp words.

Have you put the whole deck back in order then re-shuffled and drawn to see if you still get them?

Another deck another meaning though....

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Post by farafina » Thu May 08, 2008 1:33 pm

Thanks Cedar, Thanks Gem. Both of your descriptions somehow hit a chord with me, but it is strange because as I was reading your posts, I also felt as if I was "refusing" to accept the meanings... As if I am scared to face this.

Yes, I have actually even done readings for other people in between my own readings and the cards keep coming back for me, no matter what my question is, as long as it's something to do with relationship/emotional issues.
I have reshuffled, and put the cards back in order and then cut them etc.... In readings I do for other people, they don't appear. In my own readings they are recurring.

I felt the cards were trying to emphasize something to me, like a higher lesson I need to learn before anything else. Judgment, 6 of swords and 7 of swords are just re-appearing nonstop. It went on like this for a couple of days. I took this to mean I had to stay away from readings until my mind is able to understand the message that those 3 cards want to give me.

The High Priestess has been appearing a lot too, intermittently. So I figured I definitely had to start reflecting on the combination of these 3 cards...

I am referring here to the Rider-Waite deck.

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Post by squeaky » Fri May 23, 2008 9:52 am

as I read it the judgement card and the seven radiate toward each other, i would take this to mean that you need to accept the reality of a past situation, perhaps you still have feelings for someone in the past, or have not yet faced the reality of a situation as it was, this could mean romanticizing or anger. denial of your part or role in the situation may be evident, to go on and have success in relationships we must own our part in any discord, challenge or breakdown.

the six shows that it is possible to see the destination if you use the experience of the past to ensure a better future, any mistakes we make should become tools of understanding so the future journey can be faced with confidence, it is a confidence that can only be gained through experience so the journey has involved a storm or two, but the promise for the future is a smoother ride, because we have gained knowledge, knowledge of ourselves, our partner and relationship dynamics.

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Post by farafina » Fri May 23, 2008 1:21 pm

Oooh this makes a lot of sense!

It is nice to re-read this post to weeks later. I am more serene now and able to reflect more on the meanings.

Cedars , I think you were right about the rekindled relationship thing.I like your positive and optimistic approach to the cards. :)

Gem: I used the Rider Waite, thanks a lot!

Squeaky: ABSOLUTELY. Could you explain more what you mean by
as I read it the judgement card and the seven radiate toward each other
I'm interested in learning more about card combinations because I feel it makes a huge difference in interpreting. I would love to understand more about what you said...  :smt002

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