Help me... I am still new to tarot... i can't interpret properly

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Help me... I am still new to tarot... i can't interpret properly

Post by vinnilaa » Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:58 am

Lately i entered a singing competition... i wanted to know whether I'll be selected as one of the finalist for the competition... I did a three card reading and

the card selected was 4 of pentacles, the hanged man and 8 of swords...
Please help me to interpret this.

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Post by kybunker » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:23 pm

It all might depend on which deck you are using,

With me, the cards are saying there is much to sacrifice if you were to go on to a final round.
If you were not to make it don't be disappointed, it's laying ground for the bigger event.

Your cards are all in the positive position, all pointing to a yes answer, but if you go in and read the cards it's more of a
"Are you sure" answer.

When I do a 3 card yes or no, I won't read the cards meanings unless it is a No answer/ Maybe answer.

Confusing! Thanks for the practice!

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Post by squeaky » Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:34 pm


you will always find when you are seeking a yes or no answer that your cards drawn will confuse you. each card in the tarot has a complex meaning.
when you are drawing for yourself you can also influence the cards as the drawn cards are attracted by your own wants. 3 cards for a yes or no hmmm

you might find the better question is where you will find your self in the near future with regard to that area of your life


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Post by vinnilaa » Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:08 am

Kybunker, i think your interpretation can be true, because i do have lots of sacrifices to make if i made to the final round. Anyway, I'll know the answer in 2 weeks time... i'll post the results.

Squeaky, i did a 3 card reading because i want to know waht are the circumstances is like. I did one card reading Yes/No answer. It says 'Maybe'. So, i did a 3 card reading to know what is the exact situation. Since, Kybunker also said that the cards are saying 'Are you sure'. I'm just waiting to see how are the results going to be...

I have another question... when i do readings for others... somehow i'll get it quite accurate... but when it comes to me i can't get it right... it always seems to be wrong... i don't know whether i am interpreting it wrongly or it's just i can't do the reading for me. have u guys ever experienced this.

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Post by kybunker » Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:55 pm

Hi Vinn
I can not read my own cards, I interpret to much into them,
I can do my husbands, But mine always seem to say the same thing,
My question is always about work, and when I'll finally want to start a career, I'd love to know exactly what I'll be doing in a year from now,
but my cards always say the same. I'm being the mother/housewife until my time hits.
But when It comes to people I don't know It's alot easier.

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Post by squeaky » Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:54 am

. i wanted to know whether I'll be selected as one of the finalist for the competition..

this is the question as you put it. it is really a yes or no question. when asking for clarity with the tarot or indeed a pendulum or other divining method the question is vital. a question that does not reflect what you actually want to know will give you a confused reading whether for yourself or another.

the 4 of pentacles indicates self value, if expressed in your outer world it can represent holding too tightly to what one has or fear of loss of what one has gained

the hanged man represents the release, happily giving one thing up for a greater gain

the 8 of swords is represented as honesty for the most part, seeing things as they really are, good or bad. being aware of your part in both your gains and your losses, without personal criticisms or excessive praise. in essence a card of acceptance.

warm regards

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