Hi could anyone help to understand this reading I had done? Please!!!

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Hi could anyone help to understand this reading I had done? Please!!!

Post by herbie75 » Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:11 pm

Hi all,
Could anyone please make sense of this for me?
Had an online reading and the pc crashed b4 I could finish reading the interpretation...lol

Present Situation: The Lovers
Present Expectation: 5 Wands
Unexpected Event: The Heirophant
Immediate Future: The Queen of Pentacles
Long Term Future: Ace of Pentacles

I had this reading done online and it kinda interested me 'cos it was a layout I am not familiar with, but well long story short...connection went before I could finish reading the interpretation, so I was wondering if anyone can shed some ligth on it I'd be really grateful.

Thanks, peace & Love, Herbie x

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Post by George » Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:11 pm

love life that is going to have some hard work and effort with a sticker or trouble with religion might be the issue that holds you back.  the queen is the person you are going to be dealing with and the ace that the beginning of something.

thats just to give you an ideal... the reading might look different if i had pulled the cards myself!

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A possible interpretation?

Post by singerofpeace » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:14 am

This is how I might interpret these cards, in this layout:

Present Situation: The Lovers.   I see the lovers as having less to do with love and more to do with the temptation to allow someone or something (an emotion, perhaps) to take control of your life.  This could certainly come in the form of a relationship, allowing the other person or the expectations of that relationship to dictate your actions, but it doesn't have to necessarily be romantic in nature.  Perhaps at this point, it seems easier (or just necessary) to allow your actions, thoughts or emotions to be determined by some other party, entity or whatnot.

Present Expectation: 5 Wands.  It seems that, according to this reading, the expectation is more conflict.  Perhaps a competition of sorts, or a struggle for dominance.... but I get the feeling that the fighting is not necessary, as everyone is actually fairly equal.  

Unexpected Event: The Heirophant.  This could represent a sudden surprising turn of maturity, overcoming the child-like conflicts of the 5 of Wands.  Perhaps you, or the others involved in the conflicts, will step back and consider the actual lack of need for the issues, and in a wise turn of events, put away the conflicts.

Immediate Future: The Queen of Pentacles.  I see this as clinging to the new sense of security and "wealth" (not necessarily just financial, but wealth in friendship, family, etc.) and building up those feeligns of safety around one's self.  This is, I believe, a positive start, but it is still somewhat limiting.  There is less of a feeling of freedom, due to the need to keep the feeling of security.

Long Term Future: Ace of Pentacles.  As opposed to the Queen, this is an opportunity for security AND freedom... finding a place/way of being that allows you to feel safe AND like you can explore multiple options, multiple paths.

It looks like things might be a little confusing and conflicting now, but things will begin to improve once all/some parties realize that there's no need to fight.  

I hope that helped at all... let me know, or let me know if any of that made no sense :P  Best of energy to you!

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Post by Em_7 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:12 pm

Hi Herbie,

Ok - just my interpretation but hopefull helps -  do let me know. Also, I am not familar with the layout but it's my take on the cards and intuition I feel when looking at this post.

You are focussing on a relationship and I get that it is a personal relationship - though the presence of penticles and wands does indicate work and money links. You see it as a challenge or there is a challenge involved. The cards are offering you advice because of the appearance of the heirophant I feel regarding a female of a capricorn, virgo or taurus star sign - are they the obstacle in the relationship you are thinking about, or the person the relationship is with? The relationship will be financially beneficial. I see it as a positive reading.

I am always looking for signs and wonder whether the fact you pc shut down was a sign to stop looking for answers on this subject?

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Post by herbie75 » Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:34 pm

Thanks so much all of you!!

So kind of you to take the time to read and reply to my post :smt003

A lot of what you all said makes sense of what I was feeling/ going through when I had this reading done.

I think also you were right  em_7  when you said the pc shutting down was prehaps a sign, as I have been driving myself batty for some time having multiple reading to determine why I was involved in a needless conflict!!

Things are so much better now...thanks again to you all!

Peace & love,

herbie x

P.S sorry I have not replied 'till now, I was unaware that anyone had even read this!...have been having some problems with this site and need to go get help  from the powers that be!!

ah well...toodleloo!

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