Ace of Wands

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Ace of Wands

Post by violetskies » Sun Sep 20, 2009 4:34 am

I have been reading cards for a few months.  I know the basic meanings of the cards but have been finding out that many times cards play off eachother and can have slightly different meanings in different situations.  Lately when I cut the deck or am shuffling the Ace of wands keeps popping up.  It will be on the bottom of the deck when I cut the deck.  It will fall out of the deck, and then it will be in the reading.  It keeps coming up in reference to a relationship that I have been working on building recently, but I'm unsure of how it fits.  

I understand the power of the Ace cards, and the fertility and energy of the wands.... but I don't understand it's place in a relationship reading.  Because I'm new at this I expected to see the ace of cups if anything.  Does anyone more experienced in doing readings  have any insight as to what the meaning the Ace of Wands would have in a relationship context?

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Post by sweetsunray » Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:56 am

Well, a relationship is not just about feelings of love. It needs 2 people trying to make it work practically/real (disks). It can involve 2 people hurting each other with words and or unfeeling actions (swords). And then there is also the desire, sexual, passionate factor (wands).

Cups say something on the heart and emotional loving (of a partner, of a job, etc).
Disks say something about the grounding, the materialisation of the subject
Swords about the mental state and fears in the subject
Wands say something about the passion, the desire and activity of the subject

When it comes to love and relationships the ace of wands is the most straightforward phallic symbol out there, and translated into "instant attraction" :)

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Post by saboinia » Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:11 pm

to me the ace of wands is the fertility card, it could mean a birth. a birth of a child or the birth of an idea. if there is something that you have been toying around with now would be a good time to do it.  it also means creative power, so if you were thinking about writing now would be ideal because your creative jucies are flowing. so basically put pen to paper write down your wishes, your goals, hopes and dreams. once you have that list you can weed out the ones you think are just crazy and take a look at the ones that are left over. make a plan of action of  the realistic goals and see them come true.

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Post by violetskies » Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:08 am

Saboinia, your description of wands was the understanding I had for the card.... for some reason I just wasn't able to see how this related in a relationship.  Sweetsunray I really like the explanation and breakdown of the pentacles/swords/cups/wands and how they pertain to the subject of the reading.  Your post was really helpful.  I'm really trying to move from just the memorized meanings of the cards to understanding how they relate to the subject.  I appreciate your help!  Thanks so much!

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Post by sweetsunray » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:28 am

You're welcome :-)

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Ace of Wands, 3 of Swords, Queen of Wands, and 5 of Wands...

Post by Lora1957 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:36 pm

Good Morning,

I just started reading cards.  I use a regular playing card deck..I have met a guy.  He lives in another state and it trying to move back to Florida.  We have had steady conversations, and a girl friend of mine asked him what he thought about me.  Yes, he is interested.  However, when I do a reading and ask the questions: Will we have a relationship, will he move here, I drew these cards:  Ace of wands, 3 of swords, Queen of Wands, and 5 of wands.  Can you help me interpet this....I thank you!

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Post by cedars » Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:48 pm

You have not asked an empowering question. You have simply asked a Yes or No question and the answer(s) for such a question can be given in many forms.

If you are looking to the Yes and the No answer to your question, my view at your cards would be as follows:

There is a lot of passion in this connection of yours with this guy, so much so that it is telling me it is more an infatuation than anything else.  The three of Swords is between the Ace and the Queen (I am assuming the queen is you or a passionate female). I also feel there is a lot of sexual energy here and once that has been given its due satisfaction, I don’t feel there will be much beyond that. Arguments and heartache are clearly indicated in the cards.

I hope you can make your own conclusion based on the above.

Best of  luck.

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8 of Wands, 10 of Wands, and King of Cups

Post by Lora1957 » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:20 pm

You were sure right about that one.  I have since and met a man that I like, however it always feels like I am looking for some reason not to stay with him.  Perhaps a gut feeling, or me just being to skeptical that he does not like me for me, perhaps it is what comes along with me.    We had a couple of dates, never heard from him for a while.  He called and wanted to go out again, and we have been together ever since.  We have had no sex, just a really great time together.  My husband of 25 years passed away 2 years ago, and I don't know if I am just scared to get into a relationship, and I should take a second look at this, or if there is something in my gut saying go slow there might be something you find out that you don't like?

My questions was, Does he have an true attraction to me, I drew the 8 of wands.

Next questions was, Can I trust him, I drew the 10 of wands.

Next questions was , where will this relationship go, I drew the King of cups.

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Post by cedars » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:41 pm

OK. First of all, I dont think you should shy away from new associations, friendship and even dates..... This is all part of living and you should have a go at them. Whatever your gut tells you about someone, listen to it, but I would not close the doors so quicly.

My questions was, Does he have an true attraction to me, I drew the 8 of wands.
With this card I feel that he is out there somewhere; if any attraction, it is being developed and is being developed fast and soon will reach its destination. There is something in the making (attraction or just making up his mind whether he is or not) and that is something soon to be revealed. Probably he wants thigs to accelerate faster than you would like. But I would wait and see until those wands which are in the air, come to their resting position.
Next questions was, Can I trust him, I drew the 10 of wands.
This is something that you will find out in your own time and at your own cost. When I say ''at your own cost'' please dont get me wrong; I do not mean it in a catastrophic manner. I mean, though, that it will take some personal effort, some hard work, patience and effort for you to reach to the conclusion that you can trust him. It may feel an uphill struggle, but you will get there in the end.

Next questions was , where will this relationship go, I drew the King of cups.
Oh, the King of Cups is a loving person; he has plenty of feelings to give and plenty of love to share. He may sometimes give more than he receives and for that he should not be taken for granted.  Is he a water sign this man? You surely are a water sign and between you there may be plenty of feelings and emotions flying around.

I hope all works out for you. Let us know how you get on.

Blessings to you.

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Post by Lora1957 » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:46 pm

I am a Scorpio, and he is a cancer.  And yes, he does want to move much faster than I.

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Post by cedars » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:48 pm

Well, then the King of Cups is him - Cancer!!

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The Five of Wands, Three of Penicals, and Knight of Cups

Post by Lora1957 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:48 pm

So far you have been better than perfect.  I backed out of the last one with Mike.  Just something about him I couldn't shake.  I have since met a man, out of no where, he asked a friend about me in this Bar and Grill.  He came up to me and introduced himself.  This is the funny part.  He is Greek, my husband that passed away 2 years ago was Greek.  He goes, and was married,  as I was,  in our church.  The one thing that bothers me is he is 45, and I am 53.  Not sure about the age thing, he said his last girl friend was my same age.  The questions I ask are.  Will he impact my life, I drew the 5 of Wands, Will there be a relationship, I drew the 3 of Penicals, and will is be lasting I drew the Jack of Cups.....

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Post by cedars » Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:07 pm

Outside the realms of a reading, Lora, there is nothing wrong, in my humble, personal opinion, between the age difference that you have mentioned. Is he happy to accept that gap? Does the age gap present any issues for him? If not, please dont make an issue out of it. I know what you are thinking...... what if he wanted a younger one after a few years? Sometimes logic is not always the only or the best answer.

I do not like doing IF style readings. But since you have chosen your own cards, I will do my best to follow my own intuition and give you my view.

Will he impact your life – Five of Wands.
Yes, he will, but are you willing to accept this impact on your life? I feel initially there will be differences of opinion, expressions and differences in opinion and the way you each see things. It will feel uncomfortable in the early stages, but arguments and airing of opinions are a vital part of getting to know someone else. Yes, perhaps the impact on your life will be such that you will both like to debate things – sometimes things not related to your union and sometimes about yourselves. Any such arguments and/or debates if put to the correct use, has the potential of delivering good dividends. It is all how we see these ‘impacts’ as you put it Lora.  Would you want to accept someone in your life and believe that there will be no impact whatsoever? Why then venture into it?

Will there be a relationship? 3 of Pentacles.
I feel there may be plans of co-habitation and building something together. Possible decorating your own place together and in this I feel you may have a stronger say and I also feel he may leave things to you. There is something about Greek men and that is they leave certain things to the woman and other things they put their foot on. If my feeling of a co-habitation heralds a relationship, then you take it as it comes :)

Will this be a lasting one? Jack of Cups. I assume this is the Page of Cups in the Rider Waite.
This is a very tricky question Lora and if I may be bold enough to say, that questions like this cannot be answered and you should not really be looking for such answers. Will any of us last the day we are living? Will any of us last until next week? Will this be a relationship that will survive the test of time? Who knows?  And, that is why the tarot has not given you a concrete answer, in my opinion.
The Page of Cups is a messenger; it is an inner borne feeling that promises love and romance. It is the young and potent energy of things to do with feelings, emotions and matters of the heart. It may not be in its full ripened stage yet, but it needs nurturing and looking after until it matures to become the real thing. It is an adult with the energies of a teenager, perhaps sometimes lost in his own emotional world...Perhaps in your experience as the more mature, you could nurture this young energy and bring about something lasting....?

I hope your own cards have given you some food for thought Lora.

I wish you all the best.
Cedars :)  :)

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Thank you Cedars

Post by Lora1957 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:37 pm

Good Morning Cedars,

Thank you for helping me with my cards.  I am learning how to apply the cards to my life and not take just the literal meaning.  I am getting better.  : Will he impact my life.  Was a question of perhaps, what impact would he have on my life?  A dear friend, occasionally see each other in Church, just hang out with each other, or something more significant....With the 5 Wands, I took it as more of a friendship, a person with which we will have a good sparing conversations.  Have dinner together if neither one of us has plans.  That said, He is intelligent, his profession is Fire/Rescue, and does fly for Life Flight.  Which is interesting.  Many years ago I was a Trauma Nurse.  We know a lot of the same people in that circle.  

Three of Penticals: Will there be a relationship.  I wanted to clarify my 5 Wands. I took from the 3 of Penticals as some sort of building, helping, perhaps even a nurturing.  My jaw dropped when you mentioned cohabitation.  Moreover, I immediately thought he might be helping me with a business.

Jack of Cups:  You know Cedars, I draw that card quite a bit.  He is young, he has a lot of ideas floating around, things he would like to do, however, has never had the money to have them come to fruition.   My husband opened Night Clubs 25 years ago, when Nick asked me what I did, and I told him, he said I go in there all the time, I probably bought your pool.  He has made comments in conversations such as “You are my business woman of the year.”  See, to me, that is not at all attractive, and makes me very guarded.  Almost like I want to keep him at arms length.    I think deep down, I was asking the 5 wands for clarification is it me, or my possessions he likes.  In text messages, I am already Angel, baby, honey, beautiful lady.  I don't say anything like that to him.  I feel that if someone is pushing/hurrying  something, they have something else in mind.  

I have also had dinner with, and invited this man, of all names John, to my home a couple times for Dinner.  He has visited me at work.  I will honestly say, I like him.  Dang if I didn't get the Jack of Cups with him.  A couple of things with him that might make me not become more interested in him, is he is so shy, and quite.  He appears nervous when were together.  He is so very different texting, outspoken, funny, witty, and makes me laugh.  But in person a different man.  I asked him, do I make you nervous, he said I make my self nervous.  He said I will work on that.  I told him, I like the man on the other end of my texts.  I introduced him to my daughter, and she has joined us for dinner a few times.  She likes him.  I asked Jennifer about him being nervous, she said, ya mom, I see how you could, you are a very strong woman.  Here is what I drew for John:  Is there an opportunity for a meaningful, loving relationship, I drew Ace of Wands,  What will our problems be, I drew Jack of Cups, How do we overcome them, I drew 7 of Pentacles.   The 7 of pentacles stumped me, and that Jack of Cups just keeps following me....Ace of Wands I wonder if it is fleeting.  I do, really like John.

Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave all the rest to God,


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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:59 pm

Thank you for your response, Lora.

We all intuit differently... what may have come through as nurtuirng for you, I felt it as a posible cohabitaiton. But, let us not get carried away.....
I think at our age we think too much instead of living life. And I think that is what's happening to you; you wonder why he is after you; could it be for this or that reason? If you dont feel comfortable about his intentions, then give it more time.... if not enough time.... give it more time... But try and also live life with him or otherwise.  The answers are not written anywhere, Lora, and I am sure you know that.

I do not see the Page of Cups the way you do, but tarot is all about what we feel and how we connect with the cards.  I am not going to go back and re-interpret the cards in the light of what you have just further elaborated about the two of you and please do not keep on picking card after card after card to get you answers.... That is so counter productive. Yes, you do come across as the stronger of the two and perhaps he should see your tender side too.... Tell him s'agapo kai se thelo sti' izoimou (I love you and want you in my life) :)

Just live life and let us know how you get on.

Lots of hugs and happiness to you and Yannis (John).


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