Relationship reading question

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Relationship reading question

Post by druggedoncolor » Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:14 am

So I've been doing readings for a guy I'm fancing right now. Since he has a bit of authority over me, I wanted to see if anything might happen. I've been doing repeats of the same question in readings because I have not gotten a clear understanding and I think I finally have an understanding but together I'm not so sure.

When working together, we're great, we're like minded, jokes with me, singles me out in discussions (in a good way), etc, which leads me to believe that there is something.

Now in past readings it's been interesting. I've gotten multiple aces (wands and pents mostly). Two of Swords and Two of Pents, two knights and pages in a reading and earlier this season the Hierophant kept falling out which I saw as a love triangle. But reading what the traditional meaning could mean (marriage) it got me thinking.

Tonight I did a reading for the same situation and the question was regarding to my love life and not especially specific to the person whom I was thinking of. I got:

1. Right now: Three of Pents
2. His feelings/him: Ace of Wands
3. Action: Two of Swords.
4. My feelings/me: Ace of Pents
5. Outcome: Justice
Clarification: The Devil

This is a very interesting spread I think.

I interpret the three of pents as a triangle materializing. A work triangle, one and one = me and him + relationship = the third pentacle, work related, etc. Work centered.

Ace of wands I've read to mean sexual desire... he could have so much emotion that it needs to be expressed in a sexual way? He wants a relationship but something is in his way? (I see a single wand also being sort of a wall too planted in front of him.)

Action: Two of swords, now, I've had a bad history of being teased when I was growing up regarding relationships which has forced me into a repression of emotions so I will not get hurt again, I've avoided (romantic) relationships all together but now I'm slowly starting to open up more and I think this card is telling me to do that with this person.  

My feelings: Ace of Pents... same thing as ace of wands but in a female view. Also a give, something of value, and ring shaped... date, engagement, etc.

Justice: I've been confused by this, I've gotten justice as an outcome before and I don't like the imagery of my deck regarding this situation as the literal image is a justice in court... however I've read that it is ruled by Libra with the symbol of balance meaning a good balance in a relationship? Also it could indicate marriage especially since the ace of pents are before it. I also found this from which I found interesting: The Justice card has a special relationship with the Aces of each suit. Be it the Ace of Pentacles, Swords, Cups or Wands, the presence of any Ace in a reading with the Justice card gives the decision you are about to make a special blessing — a little luck in your corner as you severe the path to the past and move forward on your journey.

now i don't get the devil's role in this  :smt004

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:33 am


You have now proven to the entire Tarot community, how a self-reading should not be done!

Your reading is biased to favor you and you read what you want to beleive. The Hierophant and Justice does not necessarily mean "marraige" Justice pertains legal matters as a face value.

Firstly, when you ask for advice on MB. You need to specify your spread, deck and whether you read only upright or upright and reversed!

As you asked a specific question, regarding your possible "love relationship" How did you word it? Cups normally point to relationships, but in this scenerio, with the specific question, you can interpret wands and pentacles as beneficial or obstacles. Knights are fast moving and tend to be  impulsive and at times not reliable, depends on which Knight you are looking at and the placement of the card.

You have practically interpret your cards and for us to give you clarity on certain issues is very difficult, because your conclusion is as "how you want it" Thus-biased.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in doing readings for yourself, but then you need to have the ability to "rise above" your emotional perspective, and read the cards as a reader to an unknown querant. This is not always so easy to do.

I also do readings for myself, but, do it tongue in cheek, and don't really trust these readings. I will record them and then look to see when the first influence or circumstance correspond, then I start looking for the rest to happen.

One thing which is really great, is that you posted your reading and gave another perspective to the cards. As we are always learning, every single bit of info is just soaked up and remembered.

We would also really enjoy your views and revere your participation in other topics we discuss, and perhaps becoming a reader in our community, how about that?

Thanx for your interesting posting and may you enjoy our forums.

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Post by cedars » Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:34 am

I think you are doing far too many readings for yourself on the same topic and are starting to see things the way you want  to see them. I am not interpreting your layout of cards above, but speaking in general ONLY.

Only one comment though: I think the Devil shows your obsession with regard to this situation.  Go easy, go with the flow... and stop designing your wedding dress so soon.

Others are more than welcome to give their interpretation of the above layout.

Happy New Year.

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Re: Relationship reading question

Post by pirbid » Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:30 pm

druggedoncolor wrote:
Now in past readings it's been interesting. I've gotten multiple aces (wands and pents mostly). Two of Swords and Two of Pents, two knights and pages in a reading and earlier this season the Hierophant kept falling out which I saw as a love triangle. But reading what the traditional meaning could mean (marriage) it got me thinking.

Tonight I did a reading for the same situation and the question was regarding to my love life and not especially specific to the person whom I was thinking of. I got:

1. Right now: Three of Pents
2. His feelings/him: Ace of Wands
3. Action: Two of Swords.
4. My feelings/me: Ace of Pents
5. Outcome: Justice
Clarification: The Devil

now i don't get the devil's role in this  :smt004
:smt107 Oh, jeez, I must say we are getting some curious questions as of late...
But first of all, Druggedoncolor, I need to ask you if your are of age where you live. I guess you know it is illegal to do readings for underage people and your age seems a bit borderline, since it is 18 in some places but 21 in others, so we could be incurring a fault, really. In this context, it's a good thing that you provided the reading and your meanings, so that we are just trying to clarify or expand your info a little.

Also, I am not sure my interpretation of your spread above is fit for all ears, so I will have to edit my first impressions a little bit  :smt083

Ok, then, here we go:
1. Your right now, the 3 of Pents, is your work environment, which must be what you have mostly in mind lately, or at least certain aspects of it.
2. Him and his feelings, the Ace of Wands, is, as you well surmised, pure lust, for lack of a milder expression (I had a naughtier one in mind, but I will refrain :smt003). I do not see the emotions anywhere. Wands represent action and energy. As PW said, Cups, the true emotional suit, are conspicuously missing.
3. Action: the 2 of Swords is anything but. To be more exact, I read it as emotional tension, blocked emotions and defensive attitude, which is as you describe your feelings up till now. But please, remember you got this card on the Action position. Would you say the Tarot is inviting you into action, or rather to maintain your defensive attitude in the present case? (I am not saying you must live like that forever, not at all, just not jump to conclusions too soon?).
4. Your feelings: Ace of Pents. Dear, once again, Cups are lacking where one would expect them to be. Aces are beginnings or seeds of new projects, but we are talking practical projects here, material, job related, economical, maybe even studying a new career or entering a new field. Since these are your feelings, maybe you value more material well being rather than falling head over heels (which I hope is certainly the case).
5. Outcome is Justice. Uh, oh, tricky one. It means you get what you deserve, a sort of karma thing, a fair decision, absolute sincerity (apart from all legal matters, of course). But one of my favorite meanings is to be able to affect the future thanks to a lesson you learn now. Isn't that interesting?
Clarification: the Devil. Funny how it is the clarification card that has you stumped. Maybe because it won't fit in with the rest of your interpretations. But it does, however. Not only relating to your apparent obsession with this matter, as Cedars very well pointed out. It also relates to materialism, as depicted in the Ace of Pents; temptation, as in the Ace of Wands; and a feeling of not being able to control the whole process, as hinted by the 2 of Swords.

Dear, I wholly agree with you: this is a very interesting spread and I am really glad you shared it. You also say you usually get plenty of aces, specially Wands and Pents. So plenty of action, interest and desire for new beginnings. The Hyerophant falling out I see as a warning, since its meaning is to heed some good advice from someone with a little moral authority. Of course, it could also point to ceremonies, but I think we are putting the cart before the horse here. 2 of Swords we know stands for your attitude, and 2 of Pents means juggling a precarious balance (in this case, probably between feelings and work interests). Now, Knights and Pages I would be wary of: in the best of cases they all depict immature young people, which is to be expected at your age but should be more worrying in a boss of yours, even if he isn't that much older. As PW says, knights are impulsive and hardly ever finish what they start so enthusiastically.

Well, dear, I have to run for work again. And I hope you run a little from this obsession of yours, at least till you start getting a few more Cups (2s and 3s, if possible) and a couple of kings.

As PW says, self readings are not to be trusted at all. See how you selected only those answers that fitted best into your marriage plans.

Best of luck, honey, please let us know how you get on. Hugs  :)
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Post by cedars » Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:35 pm

Well said, Pirbid :)

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Post by druggedoncolor » Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:43 pm

Payewacker wrote:Hi,

You have now proven to the entire Tarot community, how a self-reading should not be done!

Your reading is biased to favor you and you read what you want to beleive. The Hierophant and Justice does not necessarily mean "marraige" Justice pertains legal matters as a face value.

Firstly, when you ask for advice on MB. You need to specify your spread, deck and whether you read only upright or upright and reversed!

As you asked a specific question, regarding your possible "love relationship" How did you word it? Cups normally point to relationships, but in this scenerio, with the specific question, you can interpret wands and pentacles as beneficial or obstacles. Knights are fast moving and tend to be  impulsive and at times not reliable, depends on which Knight you are looking at and the placement of the card.

You have practically interpret your cards and for us to give you clarity on certain issues is very difficult, because your conclusion is as "how you want it" Thus-biased.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in doing readings for yourself, but then you need to have the ability to "rise above" your emotional perspective, and read the cards as a reader to an unknown querant. This is not always so easy to do.

I also do readings for myself, but, do it tongue in cheek, and don't really trust these readings. I will record them and then look to see when the first influence or circumstance correspond, then I start looking for the rest to happen.

One thing which is really great, is that you posted your reading and gave another perspective to the cards. As we are always learning, every single bit of info is just soaked up and remembered.

We would also really enjoy your views and revere your participation in other topics we discuss, and perhaps becoming a reader in our community, how about that?

Thanx for your interesting posting and may you enjoy our forums.

Blessed be
Well, after two years of starting with tarot I still consider myself a newbie so thanks for pointing this out. Ironically I didn't interpret them on how I'd like to see it more on how I SAW them working in the situation.. I guess its the same thing?

And I'm using the Vanessa Tarot.

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Post by druggedoncolor » Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:46 pm

cedars wrote:I think you are doing far too many readings for yourself on the same topic and are starting to see things the way you want  to see them. I am not interpreting your layout of cards above, but speaking in general ONLY.

Only one comment though: I think the Devil shows your obsession with regard to this situation.  Go easy, go with the flow... and stop designing your wedding dress so soon.

Others are more than welcome to give their interpretation of the above layout.

Happy New Year.
Yeah I agree.. as a beginner I don't know how many readings is appropriate per topic... and when they kept showing similar combinations took it as a hint..

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:55 am

Hi Girl,

Let's look at "how many times" How much is too many and how many are to much.

U can not do multiple readings on one subject frequently. Your first reading will reveal the circumstance and actions as it manifest!

In this regard then, you can attach a timeperiod to your reading. You can even design a spread of your own to indicate, what you could do in a x number of days to ensure success, in a certain matter.

Day 1--Motivation,
Day 2--Initialisation,
Day 3--First action,
Day 4--Possible reaction,
Day 5--Obstacle or beneficial influence.
Day 6--Advice for me, or action to be taken
Day 7--The possible conclusion.

So here you will now have a spread that is valid for the forthcoming week or seven days. Then to do another reading halfway through is folly, what you want to find, will be in the first reading, you just need to search for it, that's all. In this scenario, even drawing a "oracle" tarot card for the day, will not be beneficial either.

Normally, we consider readings to be valid for 3 or even up to six months. That is why, when I do readings, I record each one. I've got readings in my Book of Shadows as far as 4-5 years ago. This is a very important thing to do, as you can monitor your querant and get feedback, on your accuracy, and then also "time-periods".

Therefore, when you do a general reading, how long will it last or be active?

I agree with Pirbid and Cedars in everything they say, you need to take heed and truly wonder how your hormones are acting? The Devil can also see you being slightly "naughty" and chained to your "Wroom wroom" side, catch my drift?  

Blessed be.
Do as you want, Harm none!

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