I need a second opionion(I changed it and made it more clear)

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I need a second opionion(I changed it and made it more clear)

Post by Bella89 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:38 pm


I am in need of help, I promised a friend and another person who contacted me via my friend and asked me to do a reading, But I think I read the cards wrong, I kind of need a second opinion on these because I just can´t see the positve sides of these negative things that some cards represent. Is someone willing to give their opinion? I have only done this for almost 2 years, but I have been able to help people before so, I don´t know why it doesn´t come out as positive sides to me.

Reading one for XM:

The ones I don´t really understand are numbered from 1-X and I am using the Cosmic tarot deck, it is great for beginners like me. Those without numbers are the ones I understand

Negative sides of the relationship:
1.The chariot upside down(I thought this was one of the fate-cards?)

Being stuck, moving no-where, no victory
2.The hanged man upside down

No sacrifice, no new insight, cannot achieve or see what they want to do. Not willing to suffer the pain or not able to, there for no game.[/b]

Positive sides:
3.Seven pentacles upside down

Someone is impatient and rushing things, the sort who keeps blowing their chances, who creates something and the ruins it, does things badly.
king pentacles

A helpful man, proud and self-reliant, a respected man. Works hard to stay in charge, charming and funny even though he may come of as cold and allof. He will help and not ask for anything in return, will always provide the best for his family and stick by them. He cares about the ones he loves.

His personality:
the devil

Giving into impulses, cutting lose, going for the dream.  It is a very masculine card.

king sword

His loving, friendly but distant, a patient and careful man with high ideals. He can be kind, playful, loving and faithful, he treats his family fairly, he does however not put them first, his ideas comes first.

result of the relationship:

the world

Everything is coming together, successfully and at last, the querent will get what they´ve been working hard for, it stands for big ends, important ones.  A person who owns nothing because everything is theirs, no place is their home because every place is, it is all one, all complete.

4. 4 sword

The meditation card, the querent needs to get away, rest and recupeare. The card indicates that this person has been facing mental or emotional stress, arguments, misunderstandings or verbal abuse( I know she has) or that the person is in fact ill or injured. A healing retreat is needed, time to clear the head, heart and soul, or just fix the damaged body.

Reading for XL:

negative sides:

1. three cups

Celebrations, this represents two, happiness, togetherness.

5 wands

Conflicts and power struggles, leads to confusion and panic.


2. princess cups upside down

Someone who is hard to motivate, they are always sad and will take you down with them. Sad messages, word of break-ups, divorce, infidelity, alcholism and drugs, the romance or family is in trouble.

3. Justice upside down

The balance is gone, it can´t be achievde because the tools of justice are missing.

his personality

4.the empress upside down

Going farther than just not being able to grow, tear out what already is growing and living and then killing it. Uproot everything including this empress, someone wants to destreoy everything that was beautiful.

death upside down

Something has made it impossible to move on


the lovers upside down

To make the wrong decision for the wrong reasons, not using the head or intuition to communicate and the communcation between them is not happening. They are not soulmates but together for earthly reasons, not because they were meant to be.

4 cups upside down
Empty, can´t even imagen a better life because it is so boring
Last edited by Bella89 on Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by cedars » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:57 pm

You dont say what deck you are using.

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Post by cedars » Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:11 pm

Why dont you pick clarifier cards for those points that you are not sure of the message?

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Post by Payewacker » Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:01 pm

Hi Bella,

If ever Ive seen confusion, this may be it? If you want a second opinion on your reading then you have truly no confidance in giving a positive reading.

Taking cards at face value, is at times good, but also irrevocably bad news!

The readings you have posted, may have a lot more information, than what you may find if you "glance" over the cards.

The question raised by Cedars, Which deck? What spread, how the cards are placed? These are important, as it can give insights, you may not think of.

In having reversed cards, does not spell negative at all, but may have positive reflections. You need to consider the road you walk with your querant. Find commonalities in the cards and build a story which makes sense.

Blessed be.

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Post by cedars » Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:25 pm

Ok, sorry I see now you are using the Cosmic Deck..... never heard of it.

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Post by cedars » Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:52 pm

I am going to look at this without a clue as to what your questions were in the case of these two situations. Without a question, there can be few answers… so, my view is going to be based on the Rider Waite throwing in some of my intuition.

Negative sides of the relationship:
1.The chariot upside down (I thought this was one of the fate-cards?)

Being stuck, moving no-where, no victory
Or, in my view none wants to work at it, make an effort. The will to fight and find ways to sort troubles has been abandoned.
2.The hanged man upside down

No sacrifice, no new insight, cannot achieve or see what they want to do. Not willing to suffer the pain or not able to, there for no game.
 Same as above, isn’t it? But if you look at the Hanged Man reversed, he looks rather nonchalant and does not really care the way he is leaning against the trunk of a tree and his leg crossed over the other. No, he is not in any way or form assuming the role of a sacrifice or a victim.
Positive sides:
3.Seven pentacles upside down
Even in its upright state, I would not view this card neither negative nor positive. It is that waiting period to see the results of your hard work come to fruition. It may happen tomorrow or next year. Yes, there is work to look at, but it may not give returns. Yes, you may have invested a lot of money in the stock market, but you may not get any returns. This is in my opinion applicable EVEN in its upright position. Now, in the reversed position, I would say a forced wait-and-see situation if things will pick up.  Could it be that the guy does not give a  sh*t about waiting or that he might want to take matters into his own hands and the do away with the waiting? Could it be that the forlorn man on the Rider Waite deck, looking despairingly at the seven pentacles and not knowing when they will give dividends, is not the same man in its reversed position?
I rarely do reversals, but when they happen by some hook or crook, I pay attention to them. There are two schools of thought regarding reversed cards: the same meaning, but of a weaker energy than the upright one…… and others say the total opposite of the upright. I think you are looking at the extreme case of the total opposite.

Someone is impatient and rushing things, the sort who keeps blowing their chances, who creates something and the ruins it, does things badly
Yes, it could be that one of the two, and I get the feeling it is him rather than her, is impatient and is rushing to make things happen…….. Is that so bad? Is that such a bad quality? The feeling I am already getting about this man is that he is go-and-get kind of a person when it comes to matters of work and career. This is just an intuitive feeling and nothing to do with the cards. Could it be that the relationship has run out of steam from the ‘wait-and-see’ situation and needs an opposite frame of mind and action?

King pentacles

A helpful man, proud and self-reliant, a respected man. Works hard to stay in charge, charming and funny even though he may come of as cold and allof. He will help and not ask for anything in return, will always provide the best for his family and stick by them. He cares about the ones he loves.
His personality:
the devil

Giving into impulses, cutting lose, going for the dream.  It is a very masculine card.
This is coming to confirm my intuitive feeling about this person. He can also be a womaniser; he loves excesses in his physical and material pleasures. He can be prone to addictions and may be intoxicated with outside appearances……

King sword

His loving, friendly but distant, a patient and careful man with high ideals. He can be kind, playful, loving and faithful, he treats his family fairly, he does however not put them first, his ideas comes first.

Result of the relationship:
The world.

Everything is coming together, successfully and at last, the querent will get what they´ve been working hard for, it stands for big ends, important ones.  A person who owns nothing because everything is theirs, no place is their home because every place is, it is all one, all complete.

4. 4 sword

The meditation card, the querent needs to get away, rest and recuperate. The card indicates that this person has been facing mental or emotional stress, arguments, misunderstandings or verbal abuse( I know she has) or that the person is in fact ill or injured. A healing retreat is needed, time to clear the head, heart and soul, or just fix the damaged body.
I am not so sure about the combination of the World and the Four of Swords. Something doesn’t feel right to me about this relationship. I see the World here as the end of a cycle, the end of a journey which may not necessarily be “and they lived happily ever after” but it is an attainment and completion of one’s own understanding of oneself, hence the time for rest and reflection has shown up next to the World.

Reading for XL:

negative sides:
1. three cups

Celebrations, this represents two, happiness, togetherness.
Not necessarily so. It means also that there is too much partying going on; too much involvement in a social circles rather than looking at what is important right now. You cannot party all the time and ignore the problems … they just won’t go away.

5 wands

Conflicts and power struggles, leads to confusion and panic.
This could be as a result of the above. Jealousies.. Other people coming in the picture.

2. princess cups upside down

Someone who is hard to motivate, they are always sad and will take you down with them. Sad messages, word of break-ups, divorce, infidelity, alcholism and drugs, the romance or family is in trouble

If this relationship stands on grounds such as above, then this will be a positive outcome, don’t you think? I am assuming this to be the Knight of Cups of the Rider Waite. On the other hand, the ultra sentimentality and being emotionally enslaved to everything around you is not a healthy attitude in itself (upright); so perhaps we need to get a grip of our la, la, la land of ultimate romance and no logic and get in touch with certain facts and realities.

3. Justice upside down

The balance is gone, it can’t be achieved because the tools of justice are missing.

Is there a legal issue here that needs sorting? Is there a situation here where one has to be on the other side of the law in order to see sense? Just because things are not in balance, it does not mean both will suffer.  I ask again: was the question relating only to your friend or to both of them? Yes, in its upright position too Justice cannot necessarily mean always a good outcome. Sometimes we get what we deserve – cause and effect – and when justice is served we may not like it. In its reversed position I feel things may be reversing positively towards one of the parties… what could that be? You know these people best.

His personality

4.the empress upside down

Going farther than just not being able to grow, tear out what already is growing and living and then killing it. Uproot everything including this empress; someone wants to destroy everything that was beautiful.
He is not a nurturer, he does not go for the finer feelings, and he does not have a maternal and a giving nature. He’s got sex on his mind but sex for the sake of sex only.

Death upside down.

Something has made it impossible to move on.
He refuses change and denies that there is any need for change. Is this a stubborn guy or has he got deep-rooted issues from his past?

the lovers upside down

To make the wrong decision for the wrong reasons, not using the head or intuition to communicate and the communcation between them is not happening. They are not soulmates but together for earthly reasons, not because they were meant to be.

4 cups upside down
Empty, can´t even imagen a better life because it is so boring

Ok. This is my take. Make of it what you will. Having read the reading I feel you want to see all the positive things and outcomes for your friends. I feel you have been emotionally involved in this reading and in the process lost the thread. I suggest you do away with reversals and just do upright readings. You will still get the meanings out of the 78 cards. They will give you what you need to know. I see as though you have intentionally created reversals in the way you have shuffled the cards. You have had so many of them. HOWEVER, I concur that they have come for specific meanings and messages – I would never take that away from the cards’ messages. Just because I do not do reversals, I am not saying these have shown up in vain or for no reason.  I also believe that when I do get a reversed card, then I pause and take it very seriously for the message therein.
We each do it our way, and I am not saying one is wrong and one is right.

It would be good to have your view as well.

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Post by Bella89 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:14 pm

Wow, you gave me alot to think about and yes, I think I was a little bit to emotionally involved in this. It is after all a friend of mine, and I did fear that I would read the cards wrong because of it. The first reading was for a friend and the other for a person I never met but who my friend knew, I will take some time and think about the things you just told me, you gave me so much info. But I really apperiate the fact that you took a look at it, Many thanks to all of you.

And thanks for the tip, I think reversals are not for me since I have such a hard time reading them, however I do think they are kind of important sometimes, just like you. Thanks again

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Post by cedars » Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:25 pm

A piece of advice: Please do not read for a third or a fourth party; to a friend of a friend of a friend...

You can learn reversals; they are not a big deal. Just think of them as lesser energy of the upright one. Then you make a story, like Payewacker said, and see why or what they could be telling you.

If you dont wish to do reversals, that should be your personal choice not because someone said so. I do reversals, but I do not intentionally 'create' reversed cards just for the sake of it.

All the best to you in your tarot journey.


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Post by Bella89 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:30 pm

Well, the thing is that I have half the deck in reversals for yes/no questions and then the rest just as usual, I think it helps alot but I will think about what you said and I thank you for this help, I appreciate it.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:19 pm

Bella, how did you get on? It's a bit late for me to help you but I do hope you made the right decisions here, did you do the reading by email?

Cedars, the Cosmic Tarot is by Norbert Losche  its a beautiful hand drawn deck. The Majors closely follow the RW except 8 and 11 have switched like the Thoth and the minors take more from the Thoth than the RW. Its well worth a look  :)


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Post by cedars » Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:20 pm

Thanks Cassie, I will look into them :)

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Post by cas » Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:28 pm

Payewacker wrote:Hi Bella,

If ever Ive seen confusion, this may be it? If you want a second opinion on your reading then you have truly no confidance in giving a positive reading.

Taking cards at face value, is at times good, but also irrevocably bad news!

The readings you have posted, may have a lot more information, than what you may find if you "glance" over the cards.

The question raised by Cedars, Which deck? What spread, how the cards are placed? These are important, as it can give insights, you may not think of.

In having reversed cards, does not spell negative at all, but may have positive reflections. You need to consider the road you walk with your querant. Find commonalities in the cards and build a story which makes sense.

Blessed be.

._.  Sorry, the whole "YOU HAVE NO CONFIDENCE, BLAHH" was really rude in my opinion. :( If I were asking for help and someone just insulted me, I wouldn't want to listen to them at all. I'm not trying to start a hate fest, I just wanted to point out the way that came off to me. Bolded words are the connotative sentences/phrases I found supporting this.

And, I think cedars gave the best advice here, I believe some clarifying cards are in order.

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