My first Reading with the New Deck (need help w interpreting!)

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My first Reading with the New Deck (need help w interpreting!)

Post by renjer » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:18 pm

Hi, just received my new Legacy of the Divine deck. It looks really beautiful, the artwork is just amazing.

Well, to start us off, there is (or was) a girl I was interested in. I only had feelings for her once, but since that was a time to be concentrating on something else, I brushed it off. And ever since then, the feelings didn't come again.

Now one of my friends got to know her, and then suggested that I try my luck with her again since she's still single. As for me, I am much more worried about the consequences... would this obsession with this girl take over my life?

To add to this, I also have a "secret wish", but that also means leaving it all behind and journey off alone. Perhaps that's why while shuffling, I saw the "Hermit" card.

To answer this question, I turned to the new tarot deck, using the Horseshoe spread.

Question: What should I do about my relationship with (Girl's Name)?

I was quite surprised at the amount of reversed cards.

Past: 10 of Pentacles Rx
Present: Page of Swords Rx
Immediate Future: 6 of Cups
You in relation to this situation: 9 of Pentacles Rx
Other influences: 8 of Cups Rx
Obstacles: 3 of Cups Rx
Outcome: Justice


As I am only a beginner, I will try interpreting it, and hopefully someone else can help later.

  • I see myself refusing to move on (8 cups Rx), probably wanting to remain single forever.
  • I am probably daydreaming (6 Cups) about the best possible future the both of us will have.
  •  It might be in the past that I had some financial problems that made us unable to meet (10 pentacles Rx, but I don't see how this is relevant), or that I am worried about the girl being too materialistic (9 pentacles Rx) and would cause a drain on my finances.
  • I guess I feel insecure about this relationship (Page of Swords Rx) as I am worried about being pushed around by her. Most of the time I tend to keep the peace and just give in to others.
  • The obstacles (3 Cups Rx) might mean that perhaps excessive partying could cause problems in our relationship, though I don't see how that fits at all.
  • And finally, Justice as the Outcome tells me that its up to me to decide the whole thing. Probably need to keep the balance between my single life and relationship life or something
  • Looking at suits, there are 3 Cups, 1 Sword, 2 Pentacles, but there are no Wands present. Maybe it is not time for me to approach her yet.
Can someone pls give me some guidance if my interpretation is in the correct direction, or drastically off track?

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Post by cedars » Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:06 pm

All I would say is, do not do readings for yourself. Even the best readers will not make sense of their own readings...
My penny's worth.

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Post by renjer » Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:26 am

Thanks for replying. I usually like to do readings for myself in order to practice and familiarise with the cards. I don't really have many friends that I can practice on.

So er, generally, am I on the right track or not?

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Post by George » Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:07 pm

renjer wrote:Thanks for replying. I usually like to do readings for myself in order to practice and familiarise with the cards. I don't really have many friends that I can practice on.

So er, generally, am I on the right track or not?
you are right about practicing and familiarizing with your cards.   unlike Cedars i do think you can make sense of your own readings but i do agree that it is not the best ideal to do readings for yourself.  unless you can be very objective of your situation. the cards can be confusing and not make sense especially you being a beginner.
i don't know your deck; i don't know the horseshoe spread, so it is hard to say for sure what your cards are saying and their meanings.  i use the original Rider Waite deck and i could only give you meanings of those cards to give you an ideal if you are on the right track.  i learned the meaning of my cards by looking at them, getting a feel for them and what their pictures mean to me through intuition.  i found that the best way to learn them and not use a book meanings to tell what the cards mean.  
just to give you an ideal:
X of Pentacles in the past could show and knowing your question that you are coming from the ideal of a well to do family looking away from all those ideals and thoughts to talk to some one in the card.
Page of Swords in the present is you fighting for you own ideals and looking for an answer.
VI of Cups in the Future shows you trying to make or should make immediate peace with the IX of Pentacles, which is the "Situation" you are in now. What is the contact with old ideals and money all about when it comes to this girl you are talking about? Is there a class struggle?
VIII of Cups are the "Other Influences"  There are a lot of what appears to be empty cups that you are walking away from.  It is a night and the moon is looking down on you. What are you thinking? What are the private battles you are having? The cards wont answer those questions.
III of Cups are you "Obstacles" there appears to be a group of three with answers but they are you obstacles too.
XI Justice can be the only "Outcome" do you take up the battle with the sword or do you weigh and balance you options with this girl to give the outcome you want.  

you seem to read your cards in a different order then i read my cards for you.  like i said, i don't know the horseshoe spread so i would get different meanings and maybe different outcomes. i mostly read what i was feeling even though it was your spread and your cards really and not mine.  btw, i wouldn't listen or take to heart my reading just because of that, i didn't do the reading for you and it was your cards.  
i did this just to give you an ideal if you are on the right track or not. also to give you an ideal how the cards and decks can have different meanings
for those people who draw them.  no one can read a spread of cards but the person who laid them correctly.
i can say you seem to be on the right track and just keep up practicing and getting to know your deck.  that is very important to your education in the tarot.  but do and do try to do for friends and family too. you will learn so much from them.  trust your intuition when you do readings for them.  the real work of being objective is between what your know about them, what you think you know about them, then asking yourself what you don't know about them at all and giving them that reading.

i will do a reading for you if you like. i too am a beginner and this is one of the ways i practice.   just focus on the question you want to ask then we will go from there.  i don't need names, dates or birthdays or anything like that.

hope this all helps


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Post by otato » Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:08 pm

I disagree with the above statement too. I've been reading my own tarot spreads for years and I see nothing wrong with it. I wouldn't learn so much about the subject otherwise, as people tend to bring their preconceptions along with them when they're being read to, and that is entirely off-putting for me as an interpreter of Tarot.

If you -- the person living the life that's being symbolized by these cards -- if you yourself don't know what they mean to you, then why would someone else know any better?

Now -- that's not to say that it's bad to have other people read for you. Having someone else read for you can catch things that were beyond your perspective. It helps round out whatever may have escaped you. After all, that's why you're here asking =) It's about getting a second opinion.

Okay, that being said, I'll try to interpret this with what I have here. I'm not familiar with this deck, so I found this website ... Tarot.html -- which has a selection of cards, but not enough for me to interpret imagery exactly. However, since it seems loosely based on Rider Waite, I’ll use what I know from that deck to apply to your reading in general.

Before I get started - I don't interpret reversed cards as necessarily negative. I find them just to be extra challenging in regards to obstacles being discussed. I don't think the positive aspects of the card are necessarily omitted in this interpretation -- rather, they're just harder to reach due to the obstacles placed in the path.

The first card, the 10 of discs reversed, in relation to the past, may be discussing how you previously felt about the situation depicted in the card (being with the wife in front of the hearth with the dogs by your side and wealth in abundance – the white picket fence scenario depicted in Rider Waite). Perhaps it’s reversed because your perspective on this possibility is skewed. Maybe instead of seeing a future romantic/living situation that is comforting, here you see one that symbolizes your discomfort.
Since this is a material card, I’d say that this discomfort arises from the material plane. There may be some physically-apparent reason, tied to your relation to the material world, why you feel the way you do towards relationships in the long run.
Just because this card is in the placement that symbolizes your past doesn’t mean you aren’t still feeling this discomfort when it comes to the scenario of the 10 discs. In fact, since you yourself said that your reasons for not pursuing this girl in the first place was because you were trying to concentrate your efforts elsewhere, perhaps that is the material aspect I’m getting at – the reason you didn’t pursue her in the first place. For whatever reason, the choice you made in the past is being presented to you in the present. I can tell you know this by your own interpretation of this spread.

The second card, Page of Swords in reverse, in relation to the present… some people believe Court cards (Kings, Queens, Pages) symbolize actual people. If this signifies you, then it’s talking about a lack of mental clarity, and an inability to predict the unpredictable. Sword cards relate to mentalities – and the sword itself is a symbol of defense. Perhaps this is talking about you guarding against your own mental clarity – especially in regards to opening up to that certain someone – and perhaps your guarding has reached the point that it has become difficult for you to let your mental guard down. The challenging aspect of this card is that as the page is defending himself against being mentally distracted, he is creating a life that is stagnant.
You mention that you worry about being pushed by others – that could be what this card is addressing. Maybe instead of guarding fiercely against mental distractions, you should anticipate them as natural occurrences that should be dealt with accordingly as they arise. If you continue the defensive stance, it will be extremely tiresome for anyone to penetrate that shield you’ve put up.

Third card, six of cups, in relation to the immediate future. This card talks about nostalgia. Since it’s in the reversed position – and based off what you’ve discussed – I’d say that maybe you should give thought to the actual reasons why you’re considering pursuing this girl for the second time. How does she feel about it? Just because she’s single doesn’t mean she won’t remember you didn’t pursue her in the first place. Does this desire to pursue her again spring from something nostalgic that you feel you might have missed out on? Does it spring out from the pressure of your peers?
Have you seen her lately and really felt a connection worth pursuing?
Are you yourself putting pressure on pursuing this girl because you’re seeking the idealistic aspect of the six cups (life long happiness with your mate)? Or are you pursuing that scenario for the wrong reasons?
I can’t answer these questions for you, but perhaps that’s what this card is getting at – answering those questions to yourself, for yourself, so you can make sense of what’s being presented here.
This card in its reversal correlates to disappointments – maybe what is disappointing for you is that the ideal scenario of the six cups is not as immediate and attainable as you’d like it to be – or maybe you’re disappointed that you let an opportunity for life long companionship slip by. Regardless, don't be overconsumed with what's in the past -- and don't let past choices deter you from pursuing opportunities you feel you missed out on previously. In other words: Don't feel sorry for yourself =)

Fourth card, nine of discs in reverse, referring to you in relation to the situation. This card in its regular interpretation discusses the fruits that are born out of the pursuit of goals in a solitary manner. Given its general meaning, I’d say that you’re at a point in your life where you have reaped what you’ve sown – in terms of being focused on your personal endeavors. This goes back to when I said the original choice you made towards this girl – choosing your goals over a relationship -- is still clearly on your mind. That was just one of the sacrifices you’ve made in order to be able to get to the point you’re at now. Regardless of what you may have lost – the point is that you’ve gained, even if it’s painful looking back.
The challenging aspect of this card is not to become to become complacent and lazy just because you’re seeing the fruit of your efforts blossom more fully. You've come a long way -- but stay humble and keep up the hard work. Chicks dig that =) Also, if you really are considering the possibility of a future relationship, give thought to how you'll be able to manage a solitary pursuit of material goals while maintaining a loving and healthy relationship.
Communicate your feelings on this openly and honestly to all who are concerned – you mentioned pressure from your peers in regards to this situation, so give thought to how you feel – express it to your friends -- and find out how this girl feels about your pursuing her before making any sudden moves.

Other influences, fifth card, 8 cups reversed. You yourself said you interpreted this to mean that you’re debating on staying single forever – or just fleeing from the path that includes relationships. However, this card in reverse warns against fleeing from this path – as there IS something here that has potential for you. If you flee, you will miss out on these opportunities that love and relationships bring.
This card relates to suffocating oneself. The ideal aspect of this card depicts the eight cups, stacked neatly, and yet the man in the card is turning his back on the cups in search of something more promising. The reversal of this card warns against passing up opportunities. Perhaps this is not necessarily about the girl you mentioned in particular, but the cups may represent all romantic possibilities.
You said you saw the Hermit card when you were shuffling – and I think that relates very closely to what’s being said with the 8 cups here, as well as the 9 of discs. The Hermit card also represents Virgo and the Heart Chakra. It’s a bit of a contradiction, but what I interpret from all this is that the solitary path CAN lead us to become more loving and caring people. The challenging aspect is not to stray too far down the path – to the point of complete isolation. I don’t think you have to worry about this so much – as you’ve done this reading and you’re asking these questions. But it’s something to consider – how much you invest in yourself, versus how much you invest in other people.
If you are considering the possibility of a new relationship in your life, you’ll have to realize that the solitary path will no longer be traveled by just you. You’ll be bringing someone along, and you’ll be participating in give and take. Determine your capacity to do this – determine your capacity for unconditional love – before entering into any relationships.

Obstacles, 3 of cups in reverse. This relates to not wanting to deal with the idealistic aspect of this card – relationships tend to require too much effort on your part, as you see it. You’d rather just not bother. However, the idealistic aspect of this card depicts abundance and celebration. In its reversal, there is no cause to celebrate, as no effort is being made in this regard. You may be feeling sorry for yourself – which is a miss-step. You’d do well to take in all the facts – accept and own the choices you’ve made – and give thought to the choices you’d like to make from here on out, especially in regards to what’s depicted in the idealistic aspect of the cups 3. If this is a scenario you’d like to see yourself in – abundance and celebration with the best of company – then give plenty of thought as to how your thoughts, attitudes, and actions can facilitate the actualization of this card’s ideals from now on.

Outcome, Justice. This card represents Libra, symbolized by the scales, and it’s about balance. There are two opposing thought processes or habits (this could be physical or metaphysical).
Balance doesn’t mean that everything is equal. That’s stagnant. Balance means that both forces are pulling one another INTO balance, but balance is never permanent. It needs work, it needs pulling. Without the pulling, balance can’t exist. It’s like the see-saw, when your friend gets up and vacates, and you go slamming down on the ground.
I can’t say for sure what you’re balancing here. But you probably have a better idea than I do. I have a feeling this card is talking about something only you’d know about.
This card also relates to how one wields power. Do you consider yourself Just, in the sense of human Justice? This card could be about the balance you’re attempting to strike within yourself as well as outside yourself. Seeing as you said you’ve been a solitary person for quite some time, perhaps your discipline would benefit the outside world. Don’t keep too much of yourself just for yourself =) Otherwise how will everyone know how brilliant you can be?

I think I’ll leave it at that. I hope this was helpful, I’m not a professional by any means. I study Tarot in my personal time because I find it fascinating. I give lengthy readings because I hate being vague. I hope this helped clarify some things you maybe missed, and in the meantime the best of luck on your journey

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Post by cedars » Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:15 pm

Hello Otato and welcome to the Boards.
An intuitive interpretation to the cards from both George and yourself.
I wouldn't learn so much about the subject otherwise, as people tend to bring their preconceptions along with them when they're being read to, and that is entirely off-putting for me as an interpreter of Tarot.
I respect your point and opinion and you ability to detach yourself from your own self when doing self readings.  But as human beings, I believe we bring our own objective and bias opinions about our own reading. We get many beginners who come here doing the most complex spreads as self-reading and they get stuck.  Give that same spread and set of cards to four readers and you may get four different interpretations.
If you -- the person living the life that's being symbolized by these cards -- if you yourself don't know what they mean to you, then why would someone else know any better?
A bit harsh dont you think?
Doesn’t this contradict already what you (and George) have said about self readings? Perhaps not everyone has the ability and detachment to interpret or ‘see’ their cards from their own perspective, or out of their own perspective, as the case may be. This is where confusion comes in and perhaps not everyone is well-versed with the cards as  someone else is..

Moreover, the seeker, renjer, has now had two interpretations of his cards and I hope both have given him the clarity that he needed.

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Post by renjer » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:40 am

First of all, thanks everyone for the opinions. I still feel unsure about my readings now so I might be posting some more in the next couple of days on the other readings that I do.
otato wrote:If you -- the person living the life that's being symbolized by these cards -- if you yourself don't know what they mean to you, then why would someone else know any better?

Now -- that's not to say that it's bad to have other people read for you. Having someone else read for you can catch things that were beyond your perspective. It helps round out whatever may have escaped you. After all, that's why you're here asking =) It's about getting a second opinion.
Ah, that's because I'm only actually starting out. I'm still finding meanings via books and websites. And yes, I like to get 2nd/3rd etc opinions.

When I first came to know about the Tarot, I thought it was very similar to the Runes which I have already known for over 6 years now. Apparently, going from 24 stones (24 meanings) versus 78 cards (78 meanings) is quite a big step for me. I've always and often read my own Runes and they always came true, yet sometimes, with only 24 meanings, it's a little hard to encompass the bigger picture. So I would like to try the Tarot now.
otato wrote: Before I get started - I don't interpret reversed cards as necessarily negative. I find them just to be extra challenging in regards to obstacles being discussed. I don't think the positive aspects of the card are necessarily omitted in this interpretation -- rather, they're just harder to reach due to the obstacles placed in the path.
I tend to interpret reversed cards as either blocked, or being entirely opposite from the normal meaning. And as you know, I often look up their meanings from the internet/books as, to me, I don't think interpreting upright alone is going to give the best, all-round reading.  
otato wrote: The first card, the 10 of discs reversed, in relation to the past, may be discussing how you previously felt about the situation depicted in the card (being with the wife in front of the hearth with the dogs by your side and wealth in abundance – the white picket fence scenario depicted in Rider Waite). Perhaps it’s reversed because your perspective on this possibility is skewed. Maybe instead of seeing a future romantic/living situation that is comforting, here you see one that symbolizes your discomfort.

The second card, Page of Swords in reverse, in relation to the present… some people believe Court cards (Kings, Queens, Pages) symbolize actual people. If this signifies you, then it’s talking about a lack of mental clarity, and an inability to predict the unpredictable. Sword cards relate to mentalities – and the sword itself is a symbol of defense. Perhaps this is talking about you guarding against your own mental clarity – especially in regards to opening up to that certain someone – and perhaps your guarding has reached the point that it has become difficult for you to let your mental guard down. The challenging aspect of this card is that as the page is defending himself against being mentally distracted, he is creating a life that is stagnant.
You mention that you worry about being pushed by others – that could be what this card is addressing. Maybe instead of guarding fiercely against mental distractions, you should anticipate them as natural occurrences that should be dealt with accordingly as they arise. If you continue the defensive stance, it will be extremely tiresome for anyone to penetrate that shield you’ve put up.
Yes, I am very uncertain about starting a relationship. I have seen many fights among couples and breaking ups from my time in uni till the present day. After all, I'm always the "losing" party, as I never usually tend to put up a fight or defense. And yes, I am the Page of Swords here. I always avoid talking about relationships throughout my life and perhaps the shield has become too strong now.

Just as well mention it, I don't really know how to deal with unpredictable situations if one does come up. During my whole life I always keep my emotions in check by suppressing them. Unfortunately, if a fight does come up I usually walk away as this (I feel) is the best thing to do, however, I won't think the girl would appreciate it much.
otato wrote:Third card, six of cups, in relation to the immediate future. This card talks about nostalgia. Since it’s in the reversed position – and based off what you’ve discussed – I’d say that maybe you should give thought to the actual reasons why you’re considering pursuing this girl for the second time.
This card in its reversal correlates to disappointments – maybe what is disappointing for you is that the ideal scenario of the six cups is not as immediate and attainable as you’d like it to be – or maybe you’re disappointed that you let an opportunity for life long companionship slip by. Regardless, don't be overconsumed with what's in the past -- and don't let past choices deter you from pursuing opportunities you feel you missed out on previously. In other words: Don't feel sorry for yourself =)
Now that you've mentioned it, I have not yet started a relationship with this girl. She's one of the people in our music group and we have only ever played music together. Both of us did not really talk much yet. This whole reading is only to give me a general idea if I should actually start a relationship with her.

Perhaps this nostalgia mentioned by the 6 of Cups would be the nostalgia that I've often felt about my childhood, and how I wish to go back there again, and how life nowadays isn't as great as it is. This year hasn't really been very kind to me, though it was at least better than the last.
otato wrote:Other influences, fifth card, 8 cups reversed. You yourself said you interpreted this to mean that you’re debating on staying single forever – or just fleeing from the path that includes relationships. However, this card in reverse warns against fleeing from this path – as there IS something here that has potential for you. If you flee, you will miss out on these opportunities that love and relationships bring.
This card relates to suffocating oneself. The ideal aspect of this card depicts the eight cups, stacked neatly, and yet the man in the card is turning his back on the cups in search of something more promising. The reversal of this card warns against passing up opportunities. Perhaps this is not necessarily about the girl you mentioned in particular, but the cups may represent all romantic possibilities.
You said you saw the Hermit card when you were shuffling – and I think that relates very closely to what’s being said with the 8 cups here, as well as the 9 of discs. The Hermit card also represents Virgo and the Heart Chakra. It’s a bit of a contradiction, but what I interpret from all this is that the solitary path CAN lead us to become more loving and caring people. The challenging aspect is not to stray too far down the path – to the point of complete isolation. I don’t think you have to worry about this so much – as you’ve done this reading and you’re asking these questions. But it’s something to consider – how much you invest in yourself, versus how much you invest in other people.
If you are considering the possibility of a new relationship in your life, you’ll have to realize that the solitary path will no longer be traveled by just you. You’ll be bringing someone along, and you’ll be participating in give and take. Determine your capacity to do this – determine your capacity for unconditional love – before entering into any relationships.
This one is a very true statement. Even the runes have told me that I could actually be successful in starting a relationship with this girl due to our common interests. It's just that... final outcome rune which could mean "a worthless inheritance", of course, not literally. I also previously did this reading with another deck, and at that time, not using reversed cards yet. Another very strange outcome card appeared -- 4 of Coins. I took that to mean the "Miser" card. A very strange occurrance that the runes and tarot reading actually matched. That's why I came up with the interpretation that 'I'd be totally infatuated by her until I can't do anything else'. I really wasn't too happy that she'd just become another obsession which could possibly ruin my life.
otato wrote:Obstacles, 3 of cups in reverse. This relates to not wanting to deal with the idealistic aspect of this card – relationships tend to require too much effort on your part, as you see it. You’d rather just not bother. However, the idealistic aspect of this card depicts abundance and celebration. In its reversal, there is no cause to celebrate, as no effort is being made in this regard. You may be feeling sorry for yourself – which is a miss-step. You’d do well to take in all the facts – accept and own the choices you’ve made – and give thought to the choices you’d like to make from here on out, especially in regards to what’s depicted in the idealistic aspect of the cups 3. If this is a scenario you’d like to see yourself in – abundance and celebration with the best of company – then give plenty of thought as to how your thoughts, attitudes, and actions can facilitate the actualization of this card’s ideals from now on.
I'd be meeting her again this weekend, hopefully be able to actually start talking. Even my parents have asked me to find out if this girl is actually a good match for me.
otato wrote:Outcome, Justice. This card represents Libra, symbolized by the scales, and it’s about balance. There are two opposing thought processes or habits (this could be physical or metaphysical).
Balance doesn’t mean that everything is equal. That’s stagnant. Balance means that both forces are pulling one another INTO balance, but balance is never permanent. It needs work, it needs pulling. Without the pulling, balance can’t exist. It’s like the see-saw, when your friend gets up and vacates, and you go slamming down on the ground.
I can’t say for sure what you’re balancing here. But you probably have a better idea than I do. I have a feeling this card is talking about something only you’d know about.
This card also relates to how one wields power. Do you consider yourself Just, in the sense of human Justice? This card could be about the balance you’re attempting to strike within yourself as well as outside yourself. Seeing as you said you’ve been a solitary person for quite some time, perhaps your discipline would benefit the outside world. Don’t keep too much of yourself just for yourself =) Otherwise how will everyone know how brilliant you can be?
Perhaps the balance is referring to whether I am able to balance my own life versus having a relationship.
otato wrote:I think I’ll leave it at that. I hope this was helpful, I’m not a professional by any means. I study Tarot in my personal time because I find it fascinating. I give lengthy readings because I hate being vague. I hope this helped clarify some things you maybe missed, and in the meantime the best of luck on your journey
Actually I really enjoy lengthy readings (and responding to them :) ) I just wonder how you managed to come up with all this though. Did you study for long already? Currently I can only manage to put some logical thought into this (such as trying to discern elemental dignities and such), and not using much intuition yet.

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Post by otato » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:56 am

Yay, I'm glad I could help. =)

I've been studying Tarot for about ten years -- but I don't usually give readings to other people. So this is pretty new to me in that regard.

However -- I really find it a lot easier to do here, online, after people have already done their spreads and there's some context for me to go on. But yeah, it's nice to know I'm getting close in terms of describing my interpretations =)

One book that you might find very helpful in your study is Pictures from the Heart by Sandra A. Thompson. I just checked it on Amazon and for some reason it's God-awfully expensive... so maybe check I've had this book for a few years and it's very helpful -- it's a tarot dictionary, so everything's in there from Astrological aspects to Numerology to the actual symbols to the cards themselves. Very thorough

That's really my best advice to you in terms of learning the Tarot - try to find bargain books on the tarot -- do online research, you'd be surprised how much people have put on the internet for general access -- and yeah, keep doing your readings and getting second opinions when it's super important to you, but too vague for you to make sense of it.

Best of luck with letting your mental guard down =)

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:20 pm

Hi Otato.

I've been reading for some time already! I do read for myself, but tend to take it tongue in cheek. The reason being that as a reader we tend to be biased to a "better" interpritation. Or twisting the interpritation to suit our hopes, or what we want.

As with all readings I do, I keep it in a folder. Then long after, I will go back and see what it says and how circumstances or situations developed.

Interestingly, the cards was right, some I misinterprited, because, as you know few cards have a single interpretation, and perhaps because I wanted to see, a situation, which may have been bad, as good!

Blessed be.

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